I don't own Criminal minds

"What are you three staring at?" Spencer asked seeing the three women looking up toward Aaron's office.

"Hotch's brother." Garcia whispered "He's yummy."

"Sean's here." Spencer wrinkled his nose in distaste."

"you don't like little hotchner?" Elle asked.

"I have nothing against the man." Reid said

"Sure." Elle rolled her eyes. Just then the two hotchner men came out of the office shouting at each other.

"Ah now I see it." Jj said.

"See what?"

"The resemblance."

"Maybe you can talk some sense into him he always listens to you." Sean Spat at Spencer as he went past." Spencer jumped upon hearing the door of Aaron's office slam shut.

"We do have a case." Jj pointed out.

"Give me five minutes. We'll meet you in the conference room."

"Seriously what is with the two of them?" Elle shook her head as Spencer walked up the stairs and into Hotch's office.

"We don't ask questions." JJ said. "Okay lets get up there."

Spencer didn't even bother to knock he just went into the office and closed the door behind him. "Okay Aaron what happened." He leaned against the door and watched his best friend.

"He isn't going to law school."

"Okay… and."

"And he's going to become a chef."

"Is there something wrong with being a chef?"

"It's wasting his potential." Aaron shouted putting his hands on his desk and glaring at Spencer.

"Hey don't get pissed off at me." Spencer shouted back. "Just because you think Sean should do one thing doesn't mean that's what's right for him. Sean is an adult who is following his own path now we have a case so lets get going." With that Spencer turned and let himself out of the office.

Aaron stood there stunned. "Spencer never yelled." He sighed wiped his hands down his face and then followed Spencer out of the office and into the conference room where JJ briefed them on their latest case.

A case that lead them into some wild territory. A case that maybe made Aaron see the error of his ways.

He sat next to Spencer on the plane ride home and leaned close. "You were right."

"I already knew that but what was I right about this time? Spencer snorted.

"Sean." Aaron sighed leaning back against the seat. "I have to let him live his own life not the life I want for him. I'm going to go and talk to him when we land.

"You're a good big brother." Spencer assured him knowing that was what was going through Aaron's head that he'd failed Sean as a big brother.

"I hope you're right." Aaron swallowed. They separated when they got to the tarmac. Aaron to the local diner that Sean worked at and Spencer to his apartment. Spencer's thought with Aaron as Aaron wrestled the demons of brotherhood.

A/N super short chapter but hey that's where it took me