A/N: This is an idea I've had in my head for months but always left it on the back burner, until now. For continuity sake Gambler's Fallacy and Beast's Obsession happened late in the 16thseason and Forgiving Rollins happened after those. Nothing too major to think about, just needed to change the timeline for reasons :)

It had been a very hectic week for the SVU squad. Case after case came pouring in, all troublesome and each one more horrific than the last. Only by some miracle were they able to close most of them by Friday night. With some sense of accomplishment the the team gathered their belongings ready to have a, hopefully, restful weekend.

"Come on guys" Carisi's energetic voice broke out over the squad room. The young Italian detective stood over his desk and paused in his packing to speak to his colleagues "you know what we need to do... we need to have a few beers" he finished sending a grin to the three other SVU officers who were on their way out.

"It's been a long week Carisi" Amanda said as she swung her jacket over her shoulders "I think we should just head home"

"Awe come on, I know it's been a long week" Carisi responded in a pleading voice "that's why we need this, to unwind and be around each other when we're not facing the worst humanity has to offer"

Fin looked down at his watch and clicked his tongue "well, it's only six o'clock. Why the hell not" Carisi clapped his hand excitedly "but you're buying the first round" the elder detective added with a pointed finger. If he was going to do this why not try and get a free drink out if it, Fin thought to himself.

Carisi looked at Amanda "Okay fine, I can stay for a little while, just let me call my sitter" she answer his pleading look, with a sigh and a small grin she phoned her sitter to announce that she'd be an hour or two later than she had originally planned.

"Come on Lieu, it's just down to you now" Carisi said as he looked eagerly at his boss. Olivia sighed and nodded her head.

"But let's not over due it this time around guys, I wasn't too fond of sharing a cab with the lot of you last time just to ensure you all made it home" Olivia smirked as she recalled their last drinking trip where she ended up being the most sober person and had to practically babysit her own detectives. In her team's defense, they were celebrating Carisi passing the BAR exam and she did tell them to let loose; she just didn't expect them to take it that literally. "Remember I'm your boss, not your mother" she finished with a chuckle as they all headed out to one of the many bars in Manhattan.

Conversation was light and joyful as they made their way to the bar. They had made an agreement long ago to not talk shop when off duty. It was all they could due to remain sane. "You know what" Amanda said as they turned the corner on the block "I'm glad I came along, I think I need a moment to take a breather from being a cop and a single mom and just remember what it's like to be me"

Carisi nodded his head in agreement "Yeah I can get that, hey if you... " he paused and looked at Olivia as well "and Benson ever want to take a break just say the word and me and Fin can watch the little tykes while you two have a girls night or something"

"Hey" Fin interrupted "how did I get involved in this?"

"You two?" Olivia chuckled "don't get me wrong guys, you're great and all, but I don't think that would be a good idea. The kids would eat you guys up alive". To be honest the thought of a girls night with Amanda sounded interesting, the older woman didn't like how their relationship always seemed strained as compared with the guys.

"Awe come on now" Fin said in a mock indignant tone "I don't know about Jr here" he jutted his thumb at Carisi "but I could handle a three and one year old just find"

"Hey now, I come from a big family. I'm used to kids" Carisi defended himself as well. They had reached the entrance to the bar and he went to open the door for everyone.

"I've seen the way you treat my daughter" Amanda laughed "Jesse is only one and she already has you wrapped around her little finger" Carisi feigned objection, but he knew that she was right.

Benson entered the bar first, followed by Amanda, Fin and Carisi bringing up the rear "alright, a deal's a deal" the young Italian detective began "you guys find a table and I'll get the drinks" he finished as he left to retrieve their beverages.

Amanda took a step forward to find a table but instantly stopped. Her face fell, and her body language instantly became agitated. This change did not go unnoticed by her two older colleagues. "Manda?" Fin asked out of concern "you alright?"

"I...um..." Amanda stuttered out, never looking at them. Olivia followed her gaze and realized that she had made eye contact with a patron of the bar. A man in the back corner, he made a smirk towards the blonde and sent her a mock wave with two fingers. Amanda shook her head and turned towards the door "I... I need to go home" the blonde blurted out looking much paler than she had before "Jesse... Jesse has been sick... and, ya I just need to go" she stammered out. She didn't even wait for a response from her colleagues before rushing out the door.

"Amanda wait?" Olivia called after her and she and Fin followed her outside, concerned with the sudden change in behavior of their youngest detective.

"What's going on?" Carisi asked as he ran after them, noticing the commotion. He looked down the street and saw Amanda walking in haste away from them. Her head was down and she was clearly distracted "Amanda!" he yelled in concern as he sprinted after her "Amanda stop!" he tried again and just barely reached her and pulled her back before she walked unknowingly into traffic.

"Get off of me!" Amanda screamed as she pushed Carisi back "Let me go"

"Calm down, Amanda it's just me okay" he said as he released her and put his hands up in clear sight to let her know that he meant no harm. He took a slow step back, his eyes never leaving her "I would never hurt you Amanda, I swear" he finished as he realized that at that moment she seemed afraid of him.

"I'm..." Amanda said as she looked around, seemingly aware of her surroundings now "I'm sorry Carisi, I wasn't thinking" she finished, her breath still notably ragged

"Are you guys okay?" Olivia said as she and Fin finally caught up to the pair. She gave a concerned look towards Amanda and watched as the younger woman turned away avoiding her glance.

"What the hell was that Amanda" Fin yelled. He wasn't angry, but just confused. He had just watched his partner almost walk straight on into traffic.

"I wasn't looking, I just decided I needed to head home, I want to check on Jesse" Amanda tried to explain. Her heart was racing and she couldn't stand that they were all looking at her so intently.

"You were so gung-ho about this before? What changed?" Fin asked her, the concern evident in his voice.

"I can change my mind, can't I" Amanda bit back irritatedly. Her body felt like it was on fire despite the cool breeze sending chills down her colleagues spines. She really did want nothing else than to return home, she wasn't ready to face the man she had seen in the bar, and she sure as hell wasn't going to explain that to the others. She took a deep breath and exhaled from her nose, she needed to get control over herself before this turned into a panic attack "look, I'm sorry. I just remembered something and I need to take care of it. But first, I really just want to go home and check on Jesse"

Fin was about to interject again but Olivia cut him off "alright Rollins" she said as she nodded her head. She knew something was off, but decided against perusing it at that moment. This was not the time or place to interrogate her youngest detective, and Amanda didn't seem to be in the best mind set to handle that at the moment anyway, but she wasn't going to just drop it either. Benson understood that Fin would probably be mad at her for this, if anything Fin was extremely protective over his partner "but Carisi you take her home" the younger detective nodded his agreement.

"Wait, that's not necessary" Amanda protested "I am more than capable of getting home by myself". The blonde detective was anything but not proud and she didn't like to appear weak. It was bad enough that she had to freak out in front of her squad, she didn't want to be escorted home either. "It would be too much trouble, and I don't want to ruin ya'll's night" she added, knowing that it was all in vain.

"Manda, you nearly walked into traffic" Fin pointed out, never the one to beat around the bush, "I don't know what set you off but you're not heading home alone tonight. So it's either him or me"

"Fine Carisi, let's go" Amanda resigned herself. If she was going to have someone it might as well have been Sonny. At least with him, she cold distract him from questions with Jesse. Without much more of a good bye the pair left, but not before Olivia was able to grab Carisi and ask him to contact her when Amanda was home safe.

Fin and Olivia watched as their younger colleagues left, they remained silent for several moments until Fin spoke up "what the hell caused all this?" he asked confused "she was fine one moment and running away the next. What set her off?"

"I'm not entirely sure but I might have an idea" Olivia said as she turned and headed back towards the bar "come on"

"What'cha mean?" Fin asked as they walked

"When Amanda first acted strangely she was looking at a man in the bar, whatever just happened I bet he was the cause of it" she finished explaining as they entered the bar for the second time that night. The brunette detective scanned the interior for the man she had seen earlier without luck "damn he must have left when we were outside" she explained as she saw the empty booth he was once occupying.

"Who do you think this man was?" Fin questioned "and why would Manda be so concerned after seeing him"

Benson breathed out harshly "I don't know, and Amanda's too stubborn to tell us out of her own free will. I bet by Monday she will all but deny her behavior tonight" she complained. Olivia was frustrated, the look she saw on Amanda's face was undeniably fear, but she couldn't understand why she was so afraid. It was at moments like these the elder woman wished they had a better relationship, one where she could just head over to her apartment and talk. But no, they were lucky to even talk casually at work, and Olivia felt slightly to blame for that. Amanda reminded her too much of herself, a person she used to be when she had her old partner. A time in her life that was painful to think about now, and their relationship paid for it.

A/N: Who do you guys think the man is, and why did Amanda have such a strong reaction? Oh and just a heads up, if you're familiar with my past updating schedule I am sad to say that it will not be like that this story. I am back in school and time is not as easy to come by, but this story shouldn't be too long so it shouldn't be too much of a problem :) thanks for reading.