Goryeo Palace Execution Block

It was a somber place. A place that no one truly wants to be around, where judgement is issued. As a court lady has a noose tied around her neck, from a distance away, there are different people observing, or there are some that are a bit farther away waiting to hear the drum. Even the heavens seem to be in rage as the sun's heat seem to be at a high heating up all the surfaces, and getting everyone to experience the excruciating heat. It did not take long, a second for a court lady that poisoned another court lady to be executed.

But her death led to the start of healing of a decade old wound. As the mother whose child taken from her through poison, stared at the preparator behind a pillar and witnessed her execution. For Court Lady Oh, the pain inside her, the rage that she had buried inside her bosom after her child was murdered and she knew that those behind the death of that innocent soul could not be punished due to the power that they held. But today, at least one of them had been punished. Perhaps, now she would be able to visit the grave of her child, and tell her that she had been avenged.

In a distance, King Taejo stood. Perhaps he had been able to make amends now. To his unborn child that had died inside his love's womb. He had been able to fulfill a wish of his, a wish that he didn't even realized that he had. To actually being able to punish those who had hurt his lady and his children without fearing due to the power that the nobles held in his nation. And it was due to his son. Wang So. The child that should not help him, but was helping him even though he may not be aware. The child that understood him, when he is the child that had the most reasons to hate his parents. He knew that the nobles had not realized it, no how could they have. They wished to forget the existence of the 4th prince, but in that person that they had forgotten, he is the one, Wang Geon, is sure. He is the one that will be able to give this nation to the hands of its people, and take it away from the nobles who acted as the ruler of this land. When Taejo was the ruler. When the land should only have one ruler with his subjects helping him, rather than the subjects overpowering the ruler.


Wang Yo

He did not know how it had occurred but here he was. At a place that he thought that he will never step foot in, but here he was at Byul, at the residence of his younger brother, the brother whom he had humiliated for so long. And he had become a guest at this place. No, a resident. He had his own quarters here, and he did not know how but his belongings had been brought here and had been set in his quarters by the time, he had woken this morning.

His memories of past two days were not as clear, but after he had been drunk by his young sister-in-law, he had been brought back here. It was a set of confusing events, where he is not truly sure as to how he had agreed, but he knew it was all the doing of Hae Soo. That woman, that woman was an enchantress, otherwise how had that small slip of a young lady, an orphaned noble who had just married into the royal family, had been able to get the elite royal guards to follow her commands. The guards whom even his mother nor Yeon Hwa had failed to get them to do something. Even know, he could see those guards acting like servants. The guards were setting up tables and chairs in the courtyard. Some helping the maids to set up the tea service. It was a sight that he knew that no one will believe to have occurred but here it was in front of him. And all because, Lady Hae Soo had decided to have a tea party at the last minute, and had only informed the household that very morning. He had seen a guard running past towards the court, he could guess that it was for his father. He could not wrap his mind around what was happening, thus he had decided to not think. Just like he would not think about what he had discovered about his family. No, it was time yet.

"Uncle Yo?" At that informal address, he turns his head to where that voice came from. There it was that child that he had used to get information, but also the child that he had secretly grown attached to. He knew that it was only her that would be able to address him in such a familiar address, like they were commoners, but he would let her.

"Yes, what do you need?"

"Uncle Yo, you are strong, right?"


"Then can you help me?"

"What?" Just why would this child need his help. Seol had as many people wrapped around her finger, as her confusing mother had. He could truly see that they were related. Even her features that he could see through her mask, was like a copy of Hae Soo. Only thing that was stopping others from realizing her true parentage was that mask that was covering her face. A face with a mask was something to be avoided, and no one paid attention to it. He had never seen his niece's bare face, and he did not know why she had to wear that mask, but he was glad for its presence. Even though he truly wished that this child did not have to cover her face. A mask for a man, was something though horrifying, it did not affect their lives in a horrible way when compared to how a woman that was disfigured. A disfigured woman had no option expect to live a life of seclusion. And seeing his niece, in her, he could see the image of a young So overlapping her. He had not been able to help one child with a mask, Seol was his second chance. But once again, why would she need him?

Observing her, he finally saw that Seol was fidgeting. In the time, he had known her, except for that first meeting where he had intimidated her, she had always been full of spirits. But right now, she was looking around as if she did not wish to be discovered or like she was been chased. What had caused her to be like this. Looking around, they were out in the open. They were literally in the view of servants, guards, maids and many others that were in the courtyard setting up for the tea party. He knew that the rest of the household was inside where the Chief Royal Doctor was attending to Lady Hae Soo. And he should be, it did not take him long to realize that she was in a delicate condition, and he had heard that she was having twins. But her body was still recovering. Even a male like him, with no interest in female affairs, knew that childbirth was dangerous. Especially to a young, physically weak women like Lady Hae Soo. Rather than his unborn nieces and nephews, for right now, he will look after his niece that was in front of him. Silently, taking her hand, he starts to guide her to his quarters, he knew that it was secluded, and it was further away from the lady's quarters where it was crowded. If Seol had came to him for help, then it would be him that would assist her.


She truly did not want to do this. She knew that everyone was busy. Her Eomoni was just getting better after being sick for so long, and she was working hard for her siblings. Her Appa was helping her Harabeoji, and also helping out the Grand General. Her uncles and aunts are always there for her, but her Uncle Eun and Aunt Deok were getting married and she knew that they were getting ready. After she had come back from the marketplace, she had seen the guards helping her Uncle Yo walk, she was afraid that he was also sick and she would not be able to see him, but last night, she had seen him, looking better, and having a conversation with her Appa. When she had seen him outside she could not help it. She went to him and asked him. Now here she was in her uncle's room, she was sitting on the bed, and her uncle was in front of her staring at her just waiting for her to speak.

"Yesterday, at the market, I helped these two boys when some men were pushing them against the wall. I did what Appa and Harabeoji said, I used a stick and hit them as hard as I can between their legs, then I helped them escape. But, I didn't know, the two boys are here at the palace, and when I went to where all the other kids are, because Omma said I had to, I met them again. The big boy, he is older than me, he saw me and he came and said thank you. He asked who I was but I didn't tell him. Omma and Appa said I don't have to tell anyone who I am unless I want to. But they were nice, and his brother, he was really really cute, Uncle Yo, so I decided to tell him, just my name, but when I opened my mouth, I got pushed. And, and…"

Now she couldn't say it. What happened was something she knew if her parents knew, if her grandfather found out, she knew that it would not be good. But she had to tell someone, and her Uncle Yo had always been peaceful, maybe he wouldn't overreact. So she took a deep breath and said it. "I got pushed into that boy, and we kissed. I mean not lip to lip, my mask was between us. Uncle, I mean I am just four summers, but.." No she couldn't continue about this. What was more important was what happened today. "Rather than that, I just ran back and didn't tell anyone, but when I went back today, these girls had some of the palace guards escort me to the side, and they were all around me. And there with the girls, there was that terrible Lady Kim and her servants as well, and then."

And once again, she could not continue, but she could show it. She slowly lifted her skirt, where she had seen red lines from when she ran through the forest to come back from to escape from the ones chasing after her. And she lifts her wrists, where she could see the letters written with lip stains, she couldn't read them but she knew it was bad. And the marks from where was scratches, and the marks from the stones that scraped her hand when she fell during her run. There she was done. When she finally look at her uncle's face, she saw the same thing that she sees in her Appa. Love for her, and some kind of silent strength that surrounds him. She knows that her Uncle will take care of it.

Wang Yo

Hearing what he heard was enough for his rage to build but that writing on his niece's body, that was enough. For the first time in his life, he felt his anger consume him and he completely let it.

"Whore" "Shameless" "Daughter of a beggar" "Bitch"

How dare. How dare some insignificant girl harm his niece. Bring harm to Wang Seol, the daughter of Wang So, 4th Prince of Goryeo and Lady Hae Soo, the adopted daughter of King Taejo. The niece of Wang Mu, Wang Yo, Wang Eun, Wang Beak Ah, Wang Jung, the princes of Goryeo. The granddaughter of Wang Geom, Taejo the King of Goryeo.

Looking at Seol, he did something that he wished he had done to his younger brother so long ago. He pulls her in a hug, and rub his hands down her back soothing her. And behind her hair, she could see the hint of bloodstains from wounds on her back.

He could faintly hear the sounds of guests arriving. The voices announcing the presence of his father, his brothers and half-brothers, even the Grand General. Good. This tea party had been a gift from the heavens. Those creatures will meet with the full force of his family. See if they would be able to escape. He knew, the moment any of them saw the wounds, all of them would be ready to shed blood. After all, all of them carried the blood of Tiger General Wang Geon in their blood, and that blood will awaken. And he would gladly become an animal along with his brother So. An animal capable of avenging this life in his arms. The first one to touch him through all of the poison that was surrounding him that he had been fed by Queen Yoo and her clan, and the nobles.