Take My Hand

Chapter 1 – A Partnership Arises

It was just an ordinary day at the bank. The line was long with people who either needed loans or who simply just wanted to withdraw their overdrawn account. And there I was, behind the counter taking every single one of their damn requests. I hated my job truthfully, but it paid the bills as well as put food on the table for myself.

I lived alone in an apartment not too far from here in the town of Gotham. It was a one bedroom and one bathroom style. The walls were white as was the carpet. Sometimes it made me feel as though I was in an asylum. No colors equaled no feelings, which was exactly how I liked it. There at least I could get some peace and quiet compared to the place I was working at.

"I swear a have more money in there, just let me take out a few more dollars beautiful," the old man said caressing my hand as I typed on the computer.

"Mr. Smith," I sighed, removing his hand from mine. "It says that you are no longer able to withdraw money, you are actually in debt."

"That's bullshit; I just put in a check a few weeks ago. This bank is corrupt! I demand all of my money back," he shouted making a scene.

His yelling just continued so I decided to close the window and put a "next counter please" sign on it. This did not make my boss to happy.

"Ruby! I demand to know what is going on this minute. You have been so short-tempered lately and it is costing us clients… blah blobity blah."

I zoned out of the conversation and turned my attention to the sudden slamming of doors at the front of the bank. And there he stood the one and only Clown Prince himself. His green hair was slicked back, his blue eyes filled with focus, and his white body peering out of his coat.

"Hello ladies and gentleman," he spoke. "I'm here to make you an offer, you either empty everything you have in your pockets or you die. Oh and to the people behind the counter, be ready because you are next."

My boss yanked me down under the counter and tried to hide, but I wouldn't have it. I stood up and locked my eyes with the villain. He smirked, knowing that I was not one to be so fearful of his act.

"Well, well, look what we have here boys. Looks like the red head has some fight in her," he said with a grin coming across his face.

"No not fight, just curiosity. You peak my interest Mr.?"

"J, call me Mr. J."

"Alright then Mr. J, would you like me to get the door for you? I also have the pass code to the vault in the back. There is enough money back there for all of you. Unless you wish to keep it for yourself," I reply feeling smug.

"Finally, someone with some intelligence. That would be most appreciated doll face." He said tapping his finger on the counter.

"What the fuck are you doing, Ruby?" If you let him in here he will kill us all," my boss replied.

"He said if we cooperate he won't do anything," I said, reaching for the switch to open the door that allowed access to the inside of the bank.

Joker walked inside and grinned from ear to ear, he didn't think that the bank heist would be this simple. Strutting along to where I stood as well as my boss, he stopped and turned his head sideways.

"Now doll, could you please escort me back to the vault with that pass code of yours?"

"Yes, I can sir."

"Sir? Hmm… I like that," he murmured.

Suddenly my boss stood up and challenged him. "I cannot allow you to do this! This is the city's funds that you are taking. This is the people's money," he said, trying to sound noble. He was met with a gunshot right to his chest, and he slowly descended to the floor. There was crying and cursing everywhere around the room.

"Sorry you had to see that doll, but I made a threat and I never break those."

"Doesn't matter to me, guy was an asshole anyway," I shrugged.

Joker laughed and gestured for us to continue onto the vault. I grabbed the lock code and led them back to where the money was kept. I could feel Joker's eyes gazing up and down my body as we walked. There was a sort of burning feeling within me, but I decided to ignore it as we headed on our way. When we reached it, Joker's men began grabbing all the cash inside while he stood beside me and watched.

"You don't seem too upset about me killing your boss too much."

"Like I said, the guy was an asshole. I was probably two minutes from getting fired anyway, but thankfully you strolled in. I probably am going to be out a job now because all of the city's funds are gone, but hey at least I don't have to deal with old men trying to get freaky with me anymore." I laughed.

Joker laughed as one of his men came up to him, "Vault is clean Mr. J."

"Good…good. Now let's head out boys," he said turning on his heel to walk out. "Oh, and before I forget," Joker takes me hand and plants a kiss on it. "Couldn't have done it without you and here is some cash for making it so simple," he said grabbing a stack of one-hundreds from his bag.

I smiled and waited for them to leave, before packing up my things to go home. "Well, looks like it time to go job hunting again," I thought.

I placed my bag down on the table beside the couch and began throwing out all of the stuff I didn't need any more. I then took a glance at today's paper, but sighed "that can wait till tomorrow, can't it?" Shrugging it off I headed towards the kitchen and I started searching for dinner. I checked the freezer first. I was in luck; I forgot that I had kept some Chicken Alfredo in there, that might have been overdue, but I smiled, it was my favorite and with the day I had it was well deserved. Cutting a vent in the top of the dish, I slowly placed it in the microwave for three minutes that felt like an eternity. Finally, it was done and I took it to the living room where a familiar figure was sitting on my couch. I stopped dead in my tracks and nearly dumped my dish onto the carpet.

"Please dear, have a seat I only wish to talk to you," Joker smiled with his silver grill.

I remained calm, as my insides slowly started to turn and flip around. I did not feel like this at the bank, so why was I feeling it now? Is it because that this is my house and I actually give a shit about it, or am I just getting sick from the smell of the Chicken Alfredo that was still somehow in my hand after all of this time. "Fuck, I don't know. Just take a seat," my brain said.

"There that's better isn't it?" he replied.

I remained silent as I watched his every move hoping this wasn't going to be a huge conflict.

"Cat got your tongue?" He quipped.

"No…" I said uncertain of his intentions.

"I bet you are wondering why I'm, yes? Or how I found your address? Or even your name for that matter. Ms. Ruby."

I shivered as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Yes, these were some of the questions that needed some explaining.

"It doesn't matter dear, I just came to make you an offer," he paused before getting up and moving closer to me. "I don't understand you," he said taking my hand into his. "You didn't fear me at the bank. In fact you just let me waltz right in and take whatever I wanted. It's just truly fascinating, don't you think?"

"Honestly no, I would have done it for anyone really. Just as long I got alive, that is all that matters to me," I lied.

"Look I know when people lie, so let's not take that path, okay? People who lie to me end up like your deceased boss that is now rotting in that hell hole of a bank." He said, moving closer and closer into my personal space. "Now, about that offer. Oh yes, I want you to come work for me."

"What does this job entail exactly?" I asked generally intrigued.

"All of the most pleasurable things you could ever imagine. Money, drugs, guns, and maybe if you're lucky… sex." He said caressing my cheek.

"What is the pay?"

"Pay? There is no pay; you just get all of your expenses paid for is all."

"Sounds tempting to be honest, Mr. J."

"I thought you might say that. So will you join or will I have to find another partner?"

"I'm in," I said shaking his hand.

"Good, I expect to see at 9pm in the lobby tomorrow. He is my business card with the details."

"PM, sir?"

"Most of our business has to be done in the dark. It makes it easier to hide things from the public," he cackled exiting my apartment.

The next night, I arrived in all black clothing. I just wanted to make sure whatever we were going to do couldn't he trace back to the pale redhead who now travels with the Clown Prince of Gotham. God, that's a headliner, my mother would be so proud of me, if she even knew what I was doing. Probably better give her a call tomorrow before she gives me an earful of why I haven't called her. I could hear the nagging now. My thought was soon interrupted by the sound of shoes walking in formation. I turned to see Joker and his bodyguards walking towards me.

"See I told ya she would show up," he laughed.

"I still don't know what we are doing, but yeah, here I am," I sigh not knowing what I'm getting into.

"Now don't worry dear, we are going to have some fun tonight," he smiled sadistically. "Now, the van is out back and so is the Lamborghini. I want you guys to head out first and scope the joint. Make sure "he" isn't going to interrupt our plans."

All the men nodded and headed towards the back, I started to follow when all the sudden Joker grabbed me.

"Not so fast, you are riding with me doll." I smirked.

"Okay then, what do we do until you get a call from guys?"

"I was thinking we could get to know each a bit more," he said showing his sadistic smile again.

Everything inside me twisted again. What did he mean? Dammit, I was so sick of him toying with me already, but I decided to play the game with him. I suppose it couldn't hurt if I learned a bit more about him.

"Alright, let's play." I said giving the doe eyed look I gave everybody when I was intrigued.

"I'll go first," he replied. "What caused you to take a job as a teller?"

"I always considered it to be a simple job, plus it was around money, which is green. I tend to like green things," I flirted.

"Sounds like you and I have one thing in common. Let's continue and see where this goes. Your turn."

"Why did you decide to rob the particular bank you did?"

"To get to someone who believes he is untouchable. To make him suffer, I guess."

"Sounds serious… Who is he?"

"Well depending on how the night goes, you may meet him."

"Can't wait."

"My turn then? Alright let's see, do you have any family?" he asked with a sudden interest.

"Yeah, I do. Why?"

"It's a questions game my dear, that's why," he paused. "So, do you talk to them much or are you on your own?"

"I have a mom and a sister here. They mean a lot to me, if that is what you are asking. Dad isn't around much, he left after mom got sick a few times. I haven't seen him since."

"So your family means a lot to you obviously, would you consider them a weakness of yours?"

"I'm not going to answer that Mr. J, all you need to know is that yes, I do care for them deeply. What about you do you have any family?" I asked.

His face turned stiff as he began to answer the question, "No, I'm on my own now."

"Then what would you consider to be a weakness?"

"Desire… whether it is romantic or not. Desire becomes surrender and surrender becomes power. It is then taken advantage of if given to the wrong person, which is why I choose to be alone." He replied with a cold look on his face. Then his phone rang. "You see anything?" he replied to his henchman. "Great, we will be there in a few. Keep watch and make sure you take out any security that may try to hold us back." Joker then hung up and turned towards me. "You ready to cause some trouble?"

"Well, if that is what the job entails then that is what I am going to do."

We arrive at a location a bit outside form Gotham. It was heavily fortified, but that didn't seem to stop the Joker too much. He caught up with one of his men while I stayed before looking around hoping that no one was watching or listening. Joker then stopped and ordered his men to head inside first, that way there would be fewer bullets hitting him. Seemed like a fair agreement to me. Soon, we heard sirens going off inside the building.

"Well looks like it is time to go inside, don't you think?"

"You're the man with the plan; I'm just here for moral support." I joked.

He smiled and replied, "You are also here to keep watch and let me know if you see any suspicious figures. Here take this phone; you'll need it now that you are a part of my team. Also, call me if you see something or if the cops get too close for you to handle. There should be a pistol in the trunk somewhere, see if you can put it to good use. I'll be back before you know it."

I pulled the pistol out of the trunk and watched the edge of the road for anything that would seem off, or if there were a bunch of angry cops coming after me. I was also began thinking how useful those gun courses, that my mother made me take, and how I also probably just going to be standing here waiting for Mr. J to come back. I began drifting off when all of the sudden a bat-like costume was staring right at me.

"You with the Joker, or are you a hostage?"

My mind snapped almost instantly and replied, "Hostage, please help me sir. He kidnapped me and tried to hurt me. I just want to go home and see my family." I said, shedding fake tears.

"It's okay, you're safe now. Just stay here. Local law enforcement is on their way. When you see them, run towards them. I'm going in after that psychotic clown." The dark figure replied as he turned to run into the building. As he was running towards the entrance I pulled out my phone and dialed Joker.

"What's going doll face?" he asked.

"Some guy dressed like a bat is coming inside. I managed to convince him I was a hostage, so you best move quickly. Also, law enforcement is on their way."

"Thanks for the warning; we will be out in a few. If those cops lay a hand on you, give 'em what for. You hear me? Now is the time you get to prove your worth to me."

I hung up and began scouting to see if there was any law enforcement around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw red and blue flashes. "Shit, now I actually have to do this." I took a deep breath and cooled my nerves, "You can do this, just protect yourself." Soon cops were flying in and taking their stances to shoot me. Joker's words then came to my mind, "Prove your worth." Well, I had no other jobs waiting for me, so might as well make the best of this one.

The cops took their first shots that just kept missing me, I heard some begin to reload as I stepped out and shot one just as he looked up at me. Blood splattered against the window, as the one next to him began to check his vital signs. I took advantage and shot him as well. Now, it was just shooting game on from here.

Joker's POV

We loaded up what we could carry and began heading for the doors. I really hope Ruby isn't dead. I was just starting to like her. Besides her obvious beauty she had a few assets that could be enhanced in order to make my life easier as well as hers. Hell, may even ask her to live with me if she does well enough. Enough of that, just as we were about to exit, Batsy stood in the door way.

"And I was afraid you'd miss the party, Batsy." I quipped.

"Joker, stop. I am only going to ask you once. Surrender and maybe I'll consider just putting you in jail this time."

"Still not happy, are you Bats? How about he just let this one go, huh? I freebie so to speak."

"No," he responded.

Just then I locked eyes with her, she looked concerned for my safety. With the pistol still in her hand, I nodded to communicate that she had to shoot him. She showed obedience and took aim with her pistol.

Ruby's POV

I lined up the shot and made sure not to kill him, that would be unfair to Joker who obliviously enjoyed the rivalry that they had. And just like that the bullet left the chamber and hit the Bat in the shoulder. He froze and turned to make eye contact with me. "Well fuck the hostage act from now on I guess." Batman then fell to the ground holding his shoulder. This gave time for the entire team to load up and head out of the base.

The cops didn't even try to come after us, they were too concerned with the town's hero and his bullet wound. Joker and I then returned back to his main office where he began to celebrate the victory of the day.

"We now have more toys to play with doll. More guns and ammo that should supply us for a while. And you did a good job today." I laughed filling the glasses with champagne.

"It is part of the job, I guess." I replied.

"I hate to admit it but you saved the entire heist with just one bullet. How am I ever to repay you for that?" he asked giving me a glass.

"I'll think of something." I smirk.

"Of that I have no doubt," he said raising his glass to toast with mine. "This is the start to a beautiful partnership."