Suicide Squad: Take My Hand

Chapter 19 - The Devil that wore Yellow

Joker's POV

I come home to find that the house is dark, and no one seems to be around. Darla must have called it a night, and Ruby must have been upstairs. So I hung my jacket up and proceeded to climb the stairs towards our bedroom.

It had been a long day, Ace and I still couldn't figure out who had blown up the warehouse. We were actually lucky that nothing of value was in were a few keys lost of the one batch that we just got in, but nothing too serious. We'd soon begin reconstruction later this month, but now was not the time to be thinking about business.

With Ruby in her current state, I couldn't allow myself to be distracted by work. The little one would be here anytime soon and that took up most of my day. There wouldn't be one time where I didn't get a text or call from Ruby talking about how the baby was doing today. It was strange how I thought I was going to change her, but it seems as though she is changing me.

As I reached the bed, I sunk down slowly hoping not to disturb her. It was strange it seems as though she had gotten a lot more hairy since the pregnancy. When I went to put my arm around her, I received a lick on the cheek.

"You little shit. How many times have I told you not to lay on the bed?" I growled.

I turned on the bedside lamp and found Blue on the other side whining and smelling the pillows. "Off the bed," I commanded. Blue growled at me and whined at the space where Ruby slept. "Do you know where she is?" I asked him.

Blue got off the bed and began sniffing the room, and stood by the door. Nothing had caught him yet, but as soon as I opened the door, he bolted and headed towards the garage. Darla met us at the front door. "Mr. J, Ruby has not been home for hours. I would suggest taking the pooch with you on a hunt for her."

I growled at the thought of bringing this "pooch" coming along. I mean he was damn hyena, one of the most aggressive animals on the planet and here he is was eating treats and snuggling up to everyone like a damn poodle.

"Did Ruby say where she was going this afternoon at all?"

"I believe she went with her sister to go shopping this afternoon at the mall," Darla replied.

"Why didn't she mention it to me? She always tells me where she is going and with who."

"Perhaps, it had something to do with her leaving her phone here. She may have forgotten about it."

"I'll call Ace and see if he has heard anything from Rhee."

I pick up my cell and dial Ace's number. "Yeah, boss?" I skip the introduction and go right to the point, "Have you heard from Rhee at all today?" Ace sighed a little bit before answering, "Said she was going shopping with Ruby today, not much else. I haven't heard from her since eleven this morning."

"I'm heading your direction now, I haven't heard from Ruby either. Something tells me a new motherfucker is in town and wants my throne."

"Alright, boss. See ya in a few."

Ruby's POV

We were moving, that much was clear. Everything else, well there was a bag over my head with just a small hole so I could breath. I could hear Rhee next to me breathing hard and trying to squirm. "Ruby, what the fuck happened?"

"Something tells me we are in the back of a van heading to a location that we aren't supposed to know, most likely."

"Thank you captain fucking obvious. I know that much, but who the hell takes girls from a mall and gives them a drink to knock them out?" Rhee asked.

"I do!" The man in the front seat replies.

"Yup, dumbasses like him take girls like us for no particular reason."

"Precisely the opposite, my dear. You see, I trying to hurt someone who has become a little too comfy on his throne. And when I saw you, I just had to have you!"

"Then why take my sister too? If you just wanted me, you shouldn't have taken her too," I replied.

"Hmm, fair enough," he responded.

The van comes to a sudden stop, and the back doors open. Two men grab Rhee, and pull her from the back. "I didn't mean that you should just leave her out in the middle of nowhere you bastards!"

Rhee screams as they drag her out. "Aren't you a noisy little thing?" One man says as she pushes her onto the ground. I then hear the familiar sound of a gun's safety being taken off. "Don't kill her! Please, I beg you. I'll give you anything you want. Just don't kill her" I plead.

"Aww is the Joker's little bitch gonna cry for her sister? C'mon let's hear it!" He mocked.

"Please, she doesn't deserve this. I am the one you want, not her."

I hear the gun go back to into a holster, but something else catches my senses. "I won't kill her but I am going to leave a message for anyone who tries to find you before I want them to." He then takes off my bag so that I can see what he is going to do to her.

"This is so you know what will happen to you, if you try anything," he says as he takes his blade and starts cutting the letters "YD" into her leg. Rhee continues to scream louder and louder as the blade cuts deeper in her leg. When he is finished, she lies there, taking shallow breaths. She was in shock.

"YD? Who are you?" I yell.

"The Yellow Devil, my dear. C'mon boys, the night is still young and we need to get our guest here back to her new kingdom!" He laughed as he jumped back into the vehicle.

"Rhee!" I call out as they shut the back doors on me. I get close to the window and watch as her body continues to just lay there, motionless. I was scared, not for me, but for her. She couldn't just be left there. I hope wherever J is, he knows that something isn't right.


We have been driving for hours and there was still no sign of Ruby or her sister. Something kept telling me that somehow my warehouse getting burned down, and my girl getting taken all in the same twenty-four hour period was not just a coincidence. Someone was out there, and they were ready to play.

"Boss, hold up. Look!" Ace shouted as we near a body on the side of the rode.

I came to hard stop, and got out of the car along with Ace. I jawline hardened as I saw the lifeless body next to the road. It can't be, no it shouldn't be. I took a deep breath, and rolled the girl over to find that is was Rhee.

Ace took the bag off of her head and cradled her in his arms. "James?" Rhee called out weakly. "Yeah, yeah. I'm here," he said picking her up and placing her in the back of the car. "Wait, look at her leg!" I said lifting up the piece of material.

"YD? Who the fuck is that, boss?" Ace asked.

"I don't know, but they better not touch her. I'll kill all of those fuckers, and make sure they never come after us again."

"We need to get Rhee to a hospital, she is cold and that leg needs stitched up."

"No! We need to keep moving. Ruby is still out there and I need to find her," I argued with him.

Ace placed Rhee in the back and challenged him, "Look I get it, you want to go found Ruby and your kid, but you know what? We don't have shit to go off of! All we have is Rhee who knows what this guy looks like and where he could have taken Ruby. I'm not saying that she isn't important right now, but Rhee is our only lead to finding her, so we need to go back."

I threw the keys at Ace and began walking in the other direction, "Fine! You can drive there, but my ass is leaving right away to go find Ruby."