Sup guys, Lighting Wolf back for another story, this one about Star Wars. Enjoy the 700-word chapter. I don't own Star Wars, Disney and Lucas Films do.

Nal Hutta 4 BBY

"Fall back, we are sustaining heavy losses!" A Stormtrooper said before he was blasted to the ground as another squad of Stormtroopers tried to push forward only to be ripped apart. The Empire had set up a small outpost on the Swamp world to serve as a bigger base for future armies.

They hadn't expected to be ambushed and shot down as soon as the base was set up.

4 more remaining Stormtroopers and an Imperial Officer took cover.

"Who is attacking us!?" The officer said as 2 of the Stormtroopers opened fire into the trees only to be gunned down easily.

"No, sir, we haven't found the-…." He was cut off as he was shot through the chest before an explosion through the officer to the ground. The officer looked up to see armored figures moving through the muck, each had grey and blue armor covering them while the leader which had red and blue armor with a small cape, a jetpack, two Vibroblades, and 2 Westar- 35 blaster pistols.

"Blasted Mandalorians?!" The officer cried out as the leader Mandalorian shot him in the heart before turning to his 6 soldiers all of which head a jet pack, and held blaster rifles in their hands.

"Take the ammo, food and explosives, destroy the rest, I have other business to attend to." The Mandalorian soldiers nodded and began to move into the remains of the base as the leader looked at his comlink built into his gauntlet.

"Bevin to Starblade, we have secured the base, I want more Death Watch soldiers down here, I'm headed to Lothal." Bevin heard a groan on the other end before he was answered.

"Bevin, just because we heard another Mandalorian is close doesn't mean we have to go chase them." Bevin sighed before he answered as he wirelessly sent a signal to his fighter.

"Sis, I am the leader of Death Watch since dad died, I am going and I am going alone, Bevin out." Bevin's ship, a Mandalorian Fang Fighter flew down as Bevin flew into his ship, the Victorious as the heavily modified fighter rocketed into space before Bevin checked the ship.

"Shields, check, weapons are fully charged, navicomputer is working fine, autopilot is synced, ok, I am going." The Death Watch leader triggered the hyperdrive as the fighter jumped.

(Lothal, 2 days later)

Bevin flew the Victorious into the atmosphere of the planet, noting the destroyers in orbit as the Fang Fighter flew over the capital city. Bevin set the fighter to autopilot before opening the cockpit and using his jetpack to dive towards the ground.

Erza was surprised to see the man with the blasters or the Lasat, he was even more surprised when an armored figure landed on the rooftops, He quickly took the speeder bike and ran for it as the armored figure took note of the bike and activated his jetpack before flying over the speeder bike.

"Pretty gutsy to jump without a jetpack, kid." Erza looked behind himself at a Mandalorian with paint splattered armor, Erza went to shake her before she did the job herself with a blaster bolt the disconnected the crate.

"If the big guy catches you, he'll end you, good luck!" Erza watched as she fell back before looking up at the other Mandalorian.

"Ok, mission accomplished, not bad for a Mandalorian." Sabine laughed before she heard the signs of a jetpack.

"Not bad, lady." Sabine looked up to see an armored figure fly into her and knock her down the hill as she groaned.

"What the hell?" Sabine asked as she got to her feet as she looked up to see the armored figure land, she gasped.

"Death Watch? What is Death Watch doing here?" She went to draw one of her Westar-35s before Bevin drew his and pointed it at her head.

"I wouldn't do that, lady, I'm a faster shot then you." Bevin looked up in time to lock eyes with the speeder bike pilot before turning back to Sabine.

"Now then… Who are you and why are you wearing that armor?"

Author notes

Ok, just to make things clear, yes, Bevin is the son of Pre Visla, leader of Death Watch from the clone wars, no he isn't older then Sabine, he's 15. I will be posting 2 or so chapters a week but they will be 700 words or so for now until I can find time for bigger chapters, let me know what you think or want to happen with the reviews. Until Tuesday, Lighting Wolf out!