I know I haven't been updating but my school work will slow down this weekend so I'll be updating after saturday. This story will have 365 chapters. The countdown starts next chapter. Everything is straight from the manga almost like a season 2 of maid sama :)

-Prologue: The engagement-

Three weeks since Misaki had been to England which meant three weeks since she'd seen her boyfriend Takumi Usui. Since being a diplomat she has been travelling a lot to do her job. Takumi on the other hand, lived in England as the doctor for his grandfather. He said it wasn't permanent as he would go back to Japan in the future to work in a Hospital there.

They'd been together for ten years since high school as they are now twenty seven. When they were departing Takumi did made a promise to marry her in the future. Misaki was okay with not being his wife as they are not married. That was just a promise in the past. She was happy as his girlfriend.

The taxi came to a halt at the apartment building where Takumi resided. She paid the driver and got out the taxi while the driver got her luggages. She only had two days to spend with Takumi before she had to fly back out for work again. It was sad, especially to Takumi as he rarely saw her but they'd grown accustomed to it.

She took her bags and proceeded up the grand building. Misaki waved to the door man who came to know her as a friend.

"Goodbye Charles," She said in perfect english thanks to her boyfriend who taught her.

She stood in front of the elevators getting excited by the second to see Takumi. The doors opened with a ding. She stepped inside and pressed the button for the fifth floor. Any minute now and she'll see her alien.

The elevator didn't take long as she reached the designated floor in no time. Misaki hurried down the hallway then stopped in front a familiar door. She searched for the key in her bag then inserted it in and pushed open the door.

"Takumi!" She called to her boyfriend. Misaki rested her bags on the floor. There was no answer. He said he would be home. And why was the room dark? "Takumi?"

She couldn't find a light switch but she did notice light coming near the living room. Misaki carefully followed the light wondering what Takumi was up to. She noticed as it got closer there were flower petals and candles. Once she finally reached the living room Takumi was standing in the middle of the room with roses in his hand and a large grin on his face.

The background didn't go unnoticed. He got a bigger version of the photo he took with Misaki in her maid costume and made it even bigger. It now stood behind him taking up a lot of space.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

Takumi walked over to her placing the flowers in her hands. He kissed her cheek afterwards. "This is for being a great girlfriend," He said while Misaki blushed. He reached down to kiss her neck. "This is for being a great lover," He then got down on one knee. He held her hand up and kissed it. "This is to ask you to be my wife."

He took out a black box from his pocket to show a diamond ring. Misaki was in awe and lost for words. She wasn't expecting this.

"Misa, will you marry me?"

This pervert knew he didn't even had to ask.

"Yes," Misaki agreed.

Takumi placed the ring on her finger and happily stood up to kiss her. "We are officially getting married."

Misaki couldn't explain it but the thought of them being really engaged made her feel really excited. A new chapter was starting.

"I can't wait," Misaki said.

"I can't wait to keep you up at nigh-"


Takumi smiled. That's his very own Misa and soon to be Misaki Usui.