As promised hopefully third and last chapter is ready.
WARNING: This chapter's going to have descriptions of rape, whether it's detailed or not, is up to you. If you don't want to read this chapter than you don't have to. You can stop at chapter two.
The song is Not gonna die by Skillet.

Chapter three.
Confide in me brother.

They sat for hours in just silence. Scott not looking at anything but he was leaning into Derek's touch, it was more than the Alpha could hope for.

Derek himself was thinking about what the teen had said.

"I didn't resist."

He didn't know what his uncle had made Scott do. The only thing he was aware that he had been forced to do was; almost killing his friends at the school and helping Peter torment the insurance man on the bus. But there had clearly been more to it, something that Scott feared and was ashamed of. Feared that the Alpha would find out, maybe even disown him for it.

A sigh from his left side brought him back to the present. He pretended to have fallen asleep as Scott tried to move his arm around his shoulders.

"What are you doing," he asked with a raised eye brow and watched as Scott stopped moving and his entire body freeze.

"Nothing," the pup mumbled, still not looking Derek in the eye.

Derek sighed and pulled the teen back down on the floor, ignoring the others protests.

"I want you to talk to me, put your fears away, lay them on me, that's what pack is for Scott," he said.

Scott looked shocked as he looked up at Derek. "I'm pack?" he asked, his voice hesitation and scared, like he was afraid of the answer. The Alpha nodded.

"Yes, you have always been pack for me Scott; you have been since the night in the forest. Never doubt that you are just as much a part of my pack as Boyd, Erica and Isaac are."

Scott smiled but ducked his head when Derek's face turned serious.

"That's why I have to know what my uncle made you do. I want to help you. Please talk to me," he said.

A shiver went through the teen and Derek took him in an embrace, locking his arms around the shaking teen. "Come on Scott, talk to me."

Scott sighed before he got out of the embrace, turning his back to the Alpha, his shoulders slumped, his entire position was submissive, but it was also closed off. The young wolf reeked of shame.

"It was right after the school. He called me two days after. We met at a river I think. I didn't know what I was doing there; it was then that I smelled it. There were two men bound to a tree, a gag made sure that they couldn't scream." Scott broke off with a shiver.

"He stood in the shadows. The only thing I could see was his eyes, they were glowing red, so much power," he whimpered and curled into Derek's side, silently looking up at the Alpha for permission to take comfort in his scent and presence. Derek nodded and Scott almost attacked him. Nuzzled against his side, touching him, baring his throat for the higher ranked.

"He, he said that I had to watch him kill them. If I did well he said he would have a surprise for me, a reward for doing good, for pleasing him."

The pup shuddered and Derek pulled him closer. He didn't like where it was going and he had an ugly sense that when Scott was done, he would kill his uncle again.

He wasn't blind. He saw that every time Scott and Peter was in the same room, the teen covered just a little, making himself smaller, not meeting Peter's gaze. He got sick every time he saw his uncle look at Scott, desire and greed in his eyes. Peter was a sick man.

Go on," he said to Scott and clutched the teen closer to his body.

"When I tried to look away he growled at me, when I still didn't listen, he attacked me, held me by my neck with. . ." Scott swallowed and tried to calm his breathing.

"You're doing good Scott, just listen to my heart, let it ground you," Derek whispered. Scott looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"Please Alpha." The young wolf whispered and rocked back and forth. Derek sighed and let his teeth grow to fangs, gently lowering them and pressing against Scott's throat, the teen sighed like the simple gesture was relieving the pressure of the conversation.

Scott took a deep breath before he continued.

"He held me by my neck with one hand and the other . . . the other slashed and killed the two men. I don't think they were hunters. They were innocents," the pup whispered and looked at Derek.

"It covered me in blood. He looked at me like he had done something good. He said that I was his now . . . then he started licking me. . ." Scott broke down, tears staining his cheeks and wetted Derek's shirt. Scott lifted his head and looked up at the loft.

"And I couldn't resist," he whispered.

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken
This is how it feels when your dignity's stolen.

Derek didn't say anything; he just pressed his lips against Scott's head, comforting the teen. He knew he didn't want to hear the rest of the story, he already knew too much.

"Then he took me deeper into the forest. He pinned me against a tree. He ripped my shirt off," Scott broke off with ragged breathing, pressing closer to Derek.

All the Alpha could do was just stay, he silently looked up, whispering, "I'm gonna kill you Peter."

Scott breathed heavily and continued, "He tore off my pants after that, said that I was such a good pup, that I made him proud. He, he started licking the blood away. He started touching me everywhere."

Derek looked at him and cupped his face with his hands. "It's okay Scott, he can't touch you again. We will help you through this." He said.

As he hugged the young wolf close he looked up to see Isaac stand in the door opening, the pup looked at them with big eyes, "How much have you heard?" he asked.

"Everything," Isaac whispered.

Derek nodded, "Stay with Scott, I need to find my uncle, don't expect me back for a couple hours. Take care of him," he said as he pried Scott's arms around him loose, the teen whining and whimpering his displeasure at the action.

He stood up and walked past Isaac.

Isaac POV.

He watched as his Alpha walked past him, his scent angry and the growl that sounded promised wicket death to one Peter Hale.

He turned his eyes to Scott. The teen had moved to a corner in the room and he was hiding his face from the beta. The scent of shame was potent in the air around them.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Scott, you couldn't do anything." He said.

"I could have resisted," the other wolf answered, "I could have fought against him."

Isaac shook his head and moved over to sit beside Scott. "What Derek said is true Scott, you are pack, and we trust in each other, we draw strength from each other when we're weak, we confide in each other." He said with a sure voice, snaking his arm around Scott's shoulders, forcing the wolf to lean into his touch.

"He said I was good. The worst thing was that when it started I wasn't, I wasn't hard." Scott pressed his head into Isaac's shoulder, taking deep breath.

"But then he growled, said that I should enjoy it. My body enjoyed it, my mind hated it and the more I begged him to stop the harder and rougher he got." He looked up at Isaac with tears in his eyes, his eyes were red and puffy and his body shivering.

"He said it would happen again, next time he called me." His face scrunched up in disgust.

"How can you be near me?" Scott asked and rocked forward. The scent of blood assaulted his nose and he looked at Scott's arms to see the teen was scratching his arms wildly.

"Scott, stop it!" he said as he pinned Scott's arms beside him, and hugged the crying wolf closer to him. The others body was tense the entire time.

"It did happen again, I couldn't resist him, and he forced the command down out bond." Again Scott stopped but this time he allowed the comfort Isaac offered him.

A pained whine sounded from the doorway and he looked up to see Derek stand there. The man was covered in blood and dirt. When Isaac breathed in, he had no doubt that it was Peter's blood that Derek was covered in.

This is how it feels when you take your life back
This is how it feels when you finally fight back.

Derek POV.

He saw Isaac look up at him, Scott clutching close to him.

"I'll take it from here," he said as he stripped himself of the clothes he was wearing, taking some water and cleaning Peter's scent off him.

He nodded at Isaac when the beta walked past him and out to Boyd.

He sighed as he took on a new shirt and pants and made his way over to Scott. He sat down beside the teen, opening his arms in a silent invitation. Scott didn't move from his place in the corner and when the Alpha moved into his space the pup snarled at him, eyes glowing golden.

"Scott," was all he said as his own eyes was bleeding crimson.

The teen bowed his head in submission and crawled slowly into Derek's embrace, his movement still and deprived of all life. When Scott was in his arms, Derek sighed and locked his arms around the teen.

"What did you tell Isaac? He asked

"Nothing," Scott whispered.

It was a lie. Peter had been very willing to talk about what he did to Scott when he was the Alpha, of how much Scott enjoyed it, loved it and screamed for more. He had planned to show Peter his place, maybe torment his uncle a little but killing him hadn't been the intent, but he had lost his cool when Peter had started talking, he had ripped his uncle's head clean off and had walked away without regret for who found the man. Peter had paid for his doings.

"Come on Scott. Trust in me."

The pup looked up at him, "You already know, don't you," he asked.

At the Alpha's nod, Scott whined and tried to move away from Derek. The scent of fear and shame was assaulting Derek's senses. He quickly grabbed Scott's arm and locked his hand tight around the other's arm, keeping him in place, stopping all progress.

"Yes I know Scott, and don't you believe for a second that it will make me think of you as anything else than pack. What my uncle did to you was wrong and he has paid the price for it. You shouldn't have to live like that."

He looked at Scott, sighing and continuing "You should have gone to me, even if you being a part of my pack was all just a trick, I could have helped you. I should have seen what he did to you."

'I should have done more' he thought.

"You couldn't have seen it," the teen hiccupped. Scott was still standing with his back to the Alpha, his head bowed and his shoulders slumped.

Something about the way Scott said it, the way he talked about it, made Derek ask a question he really didn't want to ask.

"Did he ever stop?" he made his voice soft and gentle.

At that Scott turned around to look at him, horror in his face as he looked at the Alpha.

"No," Scott whispered. He said it so low that Derek only just heard it.

Anger boiled up in the Alpha. A pack mate had been abused and used against his will, and he hadn't seen it. Sure, there had been the looks that Peter would give Scott, but Derek hadn't paid attention to it, he thought that it was because Peter still wanted Scott to be his.

Scott had looked at him; the pup's eyes had gotten even wider as he watched the Alpha lose control.

Derek tried to take deep breath, now wasn't a good time to lose it on. He slowly forced his wolf back; right now Scott was his priority. He opened his eyes despite he knew that they were still glowing crimson and he settled them on Scott while reaching forward with his hand, holding it out like a lifeline for the teen wolf to take.

He heard Scott's breath hitch and could feel his eyes on his face.

"When did he stop?" he asked and moved up close to the pup, feeling him relax just a little at the close presence of his Alpha.

He laid his hand on the young wolf's shoulder, feeling the tense muscles beneath the skin. The touch made Scott look up at him, his face closed off from the world.

"Right after you threw Isaac out, he stopped when Isaac came."

In that moment Derek had never been so happy that he had thrown Isaac out of his home. But that was in the past, his uncle was dead, torn the so many pieces that he would never be able to return and if he did. Derek would just kill him again; he would enjoy it even more.

"I know you don't want to speak about it Scott, trust me I really do, but keeping things like this to yourself will only make things worse, not better. I'm here for you, we all are. Just talk to me, please," he pleaded with the younger wolf, knowing that there would only be so much pressure Scott could take before he would break.

"There was one time right after we defeated Gerard. He came to my house, my mother wasn't home, and not that it would have mattered to him." Scott took a deep breath and continued.

First I just thought he would talk to me, try to get me to submit. We talked like normal people would talk; friendly and no fighting." The teen hid his head in his Alpha's shoulder again, his voice muffled.

"Then he started touching me, he wouldn't stop and I was still tired after the fight. He pinned me on my bed, scratched me so I couldn't turn. He just, he just kept going and I couldn't do anything, he ju. . ."

Scott broke off with a sob and his entire body shock. Derek just held the crying wolf, promising to talk with the rest of the pack, but for now he was content in just holding the young wolf close.

Scott hugged his Alpha with all his might, nuzzling his head against Derek's neck as to scent mark him and get the Alpha's scent on himself.

"Didn't get enough earlier?" he joked but there was no heat in the words because Derek was scenting Scott too, relieved to finally have the teen in his pack. Now it was time to repair the damage his uncle had done.

Well. Coming from one that read so much smut that it's almost disgusting, I have never written it before. I know this isn't smut, it's rape, but I decided to give the story a 'little' kick.
Review and let me know how I did.
There will be a sequel if people want it. It will be written after this chap is posted and will deal with the aftermath of Peter's abuse of Scott. It will be named Aftermath.