Nakatani-Kun Bothers Me

Mediation. An empty mind, yet aware of all the things around. Concentrate on nothing and let no stray thoughts enter your mind. Become aware of all sounds. Let them pass through. Breathe evenly. In and out. Yet… There are soft steps outside my room. Hesitation to knock. A slight shift of weight. A familiar presence. "Misao. Come in." I say, my eyes opening.

She slides the door open. "Tea time, Aoshi-sama!" she says cheerfully, setting the tray down on the low table in front of me.

"Thank you."

"How's the meditation going, Aoshi-sama?" Misao sits down by me, stretching her slim legs out. "Have you found the meaning of life now?" she seems to be only half joking.

I take a sip of tea. She always makes it exactly right. I don't know what she does different to anyone else, but her tea tastes the best. "…Unfortunately not." I say. Changing the subject, I ask something that has been bothering me for a while. "There was a bouquet of flowers with your name on them outside the door of the Aoiya."

Misao looks down. "Lemme guess. Red roses?"

"Yes." I say, trying to be nonchalant. "An admirer?"

Her cheeks flush a little. "Nakatani-kun!" she growls. "Some rich boy who I accidentally saved from being robbed. Sends me candy and flowers all the time now." She laughs a little. "My room's turning into a botanical garden!" she shrugs. "He's fun to be around, though. He reads a lot and tells all sorts of stories."

I take another sip of tea. This… Nakatani-kun bothers me. Since when does she call him with such familiarity? He's some rich boy, probably never done a day's work in his life. If he's serious, I may have to challenge him. But if he's rich he will be able to offer Misao a lot… If she is happy with him, there is nothing I can do. "Ah. I see." I say, trying not to sound too stiff and failing. I drink more tea and hope that Misao doesn't notice how tightly I'm gripping the cup. I might break it, so I set it down, folding my hands in my lap.

She smiles. "Don't worry, I turned him down when he proposed to me. You'll still have to deal with my annoying self rushing around the Aoiya and bringing you tea when you're trying to concentrate." Misao sounds a bit sad, underneath her cheerful smile.

He proposed?! But she turned him down… She got proposed to. This Nakatani. If I see him I'll tie him into a knot- This is pure jealousy. If he proves himself worthy, then who am I to stand in his way? I am no-one to lay any sort of claim to her. "Your tea is good." I say out loud, picking the cup up again and drinking. I try to stop what comes out of my mouth next, yet somehow, whether it be from annoyance or an overly relaxed attitude, I speak anyway. "…Make sure you know someone better than the back of your hand before you decide to marry them. Flowers, money and candy don't make a man." I stop, downing all the tea that was left and putting my cup down onto the tray next to the empty teapot.

Misao doesn't say anything for a while, then she picks up the tray. Just as she opens the shoji I can hear her laugh in a carefree way. "Sure, Aoshi-sama!" just as she closes it behind her, I can hear voice crack. "I hope you find the meaning soon…!"