Title: Ghost

Summary: Early in the morning, her ghost comes out to make breakfast. When midnight strikes, music fills the house. Nico barely catches the fleeting words from Maki.

Pairing: NicoMaki

"Do you have any final wishes, Maki?"

"Smile?" Her voice is raspy, quiet, and hopeful, no longer capable of singing as she is far too weak. Maki hears a dry laugh from Nico - there's a sad smile and a hint of melancholy to her tone to accompany it. "Anything for you."

It was inevitable, Nico knew. It happened, and she knows how bad she's taking it if the looks of pity from her family and how she barely talks anymore means something. She thinks she's going insane when she swears she can hear Maki roam around their house on a daily basis, like their old schedule. Early in the morning, Maki would run about their home while Nico was still asleep, trying to keep the small waffles at least somewhat edible. Nico stays in her bed crying when she realises how much she misses the smell of burnt breakfast.

Eventually, the frantic sounds of someone running would come to an end, and the house becomes silent once again, but not without a heavy atmosphere lingering.

There is a trail of freezing air, Nico thinks. It winds from their room to Maki's small music room, and to the living room. The recliner where she always joked about being Maki's seat is always cold when she's around. Though, her occasional guests say otherwise.

On the first night, Nico thought it was an audible hallucination. The sound of music resonated throughout the house. At first, it scared her, but now, she merely embraces it as it happens every time the clock hits twelve in the morning. It reminds her so much of Maki.

Nico doesn't actively seek out the source of all the strange noises because she knows that she's the only one that can feel and hear a presence. She's crazy - she knows it.

But one night, everything is too much for her. Nico trots down to the music room, her heart heavily beating. The cold breeze she became so familiar with is becoming more and more intense. It sends chills rolling down her spine, nipping at her skin. A gulp is stuck in her throat and Nico knows she was anticipating too much when all she sees is an empty piano bench.

She shouts in agony and frustration, abruptly cutting off and silencing the melody from the piano. "What was I expecting?" She says, barely above a whisper. Maki was dead long ago. Despite that, her guts churn when she catches a murmur. "I'm still here."

Title: Imagine

Summary: Eli knows she's only in her mind, but it doesn't stop her from believing.

Pairing: NozoEli

Eli feels the sweat drip down her face, her erratic heart, and the cold room. She's aware that her breathing is ragged and it comes out in uneven puffs of air. A hand touches her shoulder and Eli gasps. Her eyes shoot open, only to stare at an almost pitch black space. Tears prick at her eyes and her breath hitches when she hears Nozomi say her name.

"I'm here." Nozomi's voice cracks from sleep and the words are slurred together, yet Eli can still feel the comfort. She's not there, El vaguely thinks. Her therapist told her that, everyone has told her that.

Nozomi hugs Eli, wrapping her in a layer of warmth. Despite it, Eli still can't stop herself from whimpering and crying - the warmth feels so real and benevolent, it fills the emptiness in her heart.

"Do you feel better?" Enchanting green eyes look back at her even when the room is dark. The doctor told her not to forget her medicine, but forgetting makes her feel better because... "Yeah, now that you're back." Eli smiles and she wishes that Nozomi can be seen by everyone else.

A/N: Hey guys, back after a year or something. Sorry for possible OOC. Note to anyone that is following me, I probably won't be continuing A Trip to Europe. Feel free to comment and I dunno, maybe send me some prompts :3.