It was Halloween day itself. Alexander was dressed up in the clothes that Theodosia had given him-the baggy jeans felt weird to him since all he ever wore was skinny jeans. The bowling shirt made him feel like Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men and the cap was just overkill. As was the stick on goatee. But he endured it because it was Halloween. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw John struggling with a blue tie.

"Want me to do that?" He offered.

"Yeah, thanks." John nodded. He looked at Alexander as the shorter man gracefully did his tie for him. It was in that moment, he was reminded of how much he missed their intimate moments and without thinking, his lips crashed into Alexander's. Alexander was shocked for a second, but quickly deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around John's body.

"Wait! No!" Alexander pulled away after around a minute of passionate kissing. "How could I do this?!" His Caribbean accent coming out thickly in his distress. "I don't want you! Not anymore. I'm with Eliza now, I-I can't-"

"I-it's my fault, Alex, I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have kissed you. It was wrong. And I'm sorry. If you don't tell Eliza, I won't tell her."

"Nobody needs to know." Alexander nodded.

"Yeah." John nodded. "By the way, you should consider growing a beard, man. It felt great when we were kissing."

"No more mentions of us kissing!" Alexander said, sounding very flustered. "William Van Ness is coming and we all know what a gossip he is."

"Lots of people are coming, Alex."

"As long as Jefferson isn't coming. He's the last person I want to know about the kiss-even more than Van Ness."

John sighed and grabbed a headband from his bed. "Then let's not tell anyone about it, Alex." He put the headband on his head. Alexander could see that they had fabric pointy ears on them. He was a cat, maybe?

"No. From now on, there's going to be no more mentioning that kiss. End of." Alexander said just as there was a knock on the front door.

As John went to answer the door, Alexander could see the fox tail clipped at the back of John's shorts. He was a fox.

"Alex! It's Marty McFly and Lucy Van Pelt!" John called out. "Aaron and Theodosia!"

Alexander left the bedroom to go and greet them.

Aaron's eyes widened. "Oh my god."

"Alexander, you look just like Lin-Manuel Miranda. I know you looked like him before but this... Is a new level of weird." Theodosia said.

"I warned that you'd be banned from Hamilween! You don't listen!" Alexander huffed. "My god. Just put the drinks down on my desk. I've cleared my work from it. And no more Lin-Manuel fucking Miranda!"

"Hey! Hope we're not too early-what the hell?" Angelica's jaw dropped when she saw Alexander from the doorway. She and Eliza stood in place, carrying trays of food.

"Come on, Angelica, move!" Peggy huffed and pushed past her sisters to see Lin-Manuel Miranda... Probably Alexander-standing, staring at them.

"Mr Miranda?" Peggy frowned.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton." Alexander gritted his teeth. "For god's sake."

Peggy and Eliza went to put the food trays they were carrying on John's desk.

"Hey! I brought the music!" Maria said in sing song as she also carried a food tray into John and Alexander's apartment. "Oh god, Lin-Manuel Miranda, I loved In the Heights and Mercy: An American Musical, I just listened to them last week, but I-"

"Fuck, do I have to spell it out?" Alexander spat out in frustration. "I'm not, nor will I ever be, Lin-Manuel Miranda! In Spanish; no soy Lin-Manuel Miranda! In French; je ne suis pas Lin-Manuel Miranda! In fucking... Welsh! Dydw i ddim Lin-Manuel Miranda!"

"Wow, Mr Miranda, I did not know you spoke Welsh." Lafayette chuckled.

Alexander let out a growl that crescendoed into a scream and lunged for the party food Eliza, Peggy and Maria had brought. He grabbed a handful of mini hot dogs and smashed them into a ball before throwing them in Lafayette's face.

"He's pretty salty about you comparing him to Lin-Ma-"

"Fuck off!" Alexander screamed in John's face.

"Okay. Hamilton is in a bad mood tonight. Just try not to rile him up." John said, wiping Alexander's spit from his face.

"Yep. Got it." Aaron nodded.

"I'll just put my laptop on your coffee table. Maria said, moving further into the room.

"Right. We're just going to have a happy Halloween." Alexander said, sounding exaggeratedly calm. "Someone get that food off my floor."

"Uh..." Lafayette bent down to pick it up.

"Thanks, Laf."

"Okay, Maria, just do whatever. I don't care. Set up your music." Alexander said. "Theodosia and Aaron, don't test my patience." He turned to John. "I am going to get a drink."

"Don't get too drunk." John warned. "I remember when you broke your arm."

"So do I, John. Everybody does." Alexander huffed.

Maria stepped away from her laptop and music began playing-Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon. "Yes, now this party's getting started." She smiled.

"Hey guys." Hercules greeted as he walked through the door. "I brought some beer." He frowned, sensing something was off. "Man, despite the song, you can cut the tension in here with a knife, what happened?"

"He who shall not be named happened." John replied.


"Lin-Manuel Miranda!" Alexander screeched. He rooted through his desk and grabbed a pen and a piece of scrap paper. He scribbled something down on the paper quickly. Then he got some tape and tore a piece off, sticking it to the paper. He stormed over to the door and haphazardly stuck the paper to the door.

"Anyone removes that, they're getting challenged to a duel." Alexander blinked emotionlessly.

The crude sign read:



"Any questions?" Alexander asked.

"No, I think you've been quite succinct." Angelica replied.

"Good." Alexander stormed off into his and John's bedroom.

"Wow. Something's bothering him." Hercules noted.

"Hercules, I may or may not have done something bad." John sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "To Alex."

"What did you do?" Hercules asked.

"I don't think I can really say-"

"I'm sure whatever it is, it cat be that bad, honestly-" Eliza began.

"Y'all are gonna kill me now, but I kissed Alex." John said.

Eliza's eyes widened. She wasn't sure what emotion she was feeling right now, but she didn't feel like being kind. "You what?!"

"About ten minutes ago." John continued.

"John, how could you do that?" Angelica stepped in. "You and Eliza are best friends! Alex is your ex, why would you want to-"

"It didn't just happen, he was doing my tie-"

"No excuses!" Angelica shouted.

"Hey! He kissed me back!" As soon as the words left his mouth, John knew he'd said something terrible.

And he was right. As soon as the song changed to Pat Benetar's Hit Me with Your Best Shot, chaos broke out among the friends with everyone shouting at each other, screaming, throwing food, lots of 'well what about my feelings' being tossed every which way. Alexander left the bedroom and from then on, it just seemed to get worse.

James Madison appeared in the doorway and his jaw dropped at the chaos within the small apartment.

"Guess they didn't need me to ruin their good time after all." Thomas Jefferson said. He was standing next to James and dressed like Lando Calrissian.

Everything went quiet and still and everyone turned to Thomas Jefferson. The eye of the hurricane. Even Alexander didn't know what to say. He went speechless. The music kept playing, however.

"Isn't anyone going to say anything?" Thomas asked.

Alexander approached Thomas. "Do I have to punch you in the face again? Can't you read the sign? It says 'no Thomas Jeffersons allowed."

"And I'm not Thomas Jefferson, I'm Lando Calrissian."

"Cosplay doesn't make you someone else."

"Pretty sure yours makes you Lin-Manuel Miranda." Thomas said casually.

Alexander lunged at Thomas and just like that, the hurricane of chaos began again between the friends. James tried to pull Alexander off Thomas, but ended up getting an elbow to the face. The shouting, fistfighting and food throwing carried on for a few more minutes until everyone had tired themselves out. The music kept playing throughout.

"Alexander." Eliza asked as she took her Anna cape from the couch.

"Yeah?" Alexander asked. His face was bloody and sore and so were his knuckles. He wasn't sure if it was even his own blood any more.

"Why did you kiss John?" She asked calmly.

"Because I love John." Alexander answered honestly

"Do you love me?" Eliza asked.

"As much as I love John."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah." Alexander said without hesitation. "I'm sure it is."

"Then we'll make this work somehow." Eliza pulled Alexander into a kiss.

"Um, am I late?" A voice asked from the doorway. Sally Hemings dressed as a bumblebee.

"Sally! You made it!" Hercules jumped to his feet. "No, you're uh... On time, actually."

"Hercules, is this your girlfriend?" Peggy stood up gleefully and picked up her plastic machete.

"She's not my girlfriend." Hercules blushed. "Alright, let's see if we can salvage this party somehow."

"Good idea, Hercules." Angelica adjusted her X-Men jumpsuit. "There's got to be some way we can fix this mess."

"We have a vacuum cleaner." John said.

"I can fix your torn costumes if you have a sewing kit." Hercules offered.

"We have a sewing kit." Alexander nodded. "I've never used it though."

"Alright, everyone else just try to be helpful. Get food off the walls and shit." John said.

Around half an hour later, most of the apartment was clean and most people's costumes were fixed, just about the time that people started showing up properly.

"John Jay!" Alexander walked over to the door. John Jay was standing there dressed as Batman.

"Alex, it was good to see you at the Black Lives Matter meeting on Thursday." John Jay said. "I hope that's makeup." He pointed to the dried blood on Alexander's face.

"Oh uh... I got into another fight with Jefferson." Alexander said with a shrug.

"Did you win?" John Jay asked.

"Probably. I don't remember most of it, actually. It's a blur." Alexander admitted.

Maria rushed over to her laptop to change the song from In the Heights. She didn't want more fighting. Instead, she put one on from Rent.

"Hey, John." John Laurens greeted.

"Hey, John." John Jay greeted back.

"Hey Johns." Hercules greeted.

"There's no food left, but there's still beer." Alexander said.

"What happened to the food?" John Jay asked.

"Mmm. You don't need to know." Alexander answered.

More and more people began to arrive-some in costume, some out of costume. Alexander wandered into his and Laurens' bathroom. Laurens followed him in.

"Alex, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, John." Alexander replied over the now-loud music. "I just need to clean this blood off me."

"Let me do it." John offered.

"I think you've done enough."

"John, Alex, open up, I know you're in here." Eliza opened the door.


"Alex. You said you loved John."

"I said I loved you too. You said we could make it work."

"Eliza, I'm sorry." John said sincerely.

"Don't be sorry, John." Eliza said. "Besides, William Van Ness is here. I know you got Martha Manning pregnant."

John's eyes widened in shock.

Alexander slowly turned to face John. "You what?! John, you're gay!"

"Yes, Alex, I am gay!" John shouted. "I ju-I didn't..."

"You had sex with a woman, John. And you didn't even use a condom!"

"I used a condom!" John shouted. "It broke! Besides, she got an abortion!"

"That's not the point!" Alexander shouted back.

"Guys! Stop fighting!" Eliza shouted over John and Alexander.

"I love you both equally and it's not fair on either of you. Eliza, I'm sorry."

"Alexander Hamilton, are you dumping me?" Eliza huffed. "Oh, Alex. No. I don't want that."

"What do you want, Elizabeth Schuyler?" Alexander asked.

"I was thinking maybe... We could try-"

"The three of us. Being in a relationship all together?" Alexander asked calmly.

Eliza simply gave a small nod.

"How would that work?" John asked. "Alexander spends three days at mine, three days at yours and alternating Sundays?"

"We'll figure it out as we go along." Alexander said. "If it's something you want to try, Eliza, I'm open to it."

"It'll be a bit weird given that you're my best friend but... I guess I'm open too, Eliza." John said. "How about we all go on a date on Wednesday?"

"Oh, I'm going on a date with my boyfriends!" Eliza hugged John and Alexander, who both hugged her back.

"I should clean this dried blood off me." Alexander reached for a facecloth and wet it with tap water.

"Yeah." John nodded.

"Come on, we should leave." Eliza said. "Let Alexander clean himself off."

John opened the bathroom door and he and Eliza slipped out and back into the bedroom. Unfortunately, John caught sight of Aaron and Theodosia making out on his bed.

"Fucks sake guys!" He screamed.

Eliza was howling with laughter as the pair scrambled to their feet and to recover their personal belongings.

"I'm gonna get William Van Ness to spread a bunch of gossip about you two!"

"Says the guy who got Martha Manning knocked up!" Aaron zipped up his fly.

"Does everyone know about that? Man, it was supposed to be personal!" John growled and opened the door back to the party.

The party was going... As well as expected. Fall Out Boy's Uma Thurman was playing loudly over the drunken controlled chaos. Jefferson was bragging to someone about... Something. Probably. It was Jefferson. He was always bragging about everything. James Madison was dancing in the kitchen with Peggy and Lafayette. Angelica and Maria were drunk, no question. John heard something about Black Lives Matter, so he figured John Jay was recruiting people into his club-that's why he came tonight. But perhaps most surprisingly, Hercules Mulligan and Sally Hemings were passionately making out in the back of the room, near the lamp.

Alexander crept out during the song change and stood next to John. "Surprising, huh?" He asked loudly over the music.

John leaned over to Alexander. "Very."

"Should we just enjoy the night?" Alexander asked.

"I'd enjoy it better if Thomas Jefferson wasn't here." John said.

"So would I." Alexander pulled his baggy jeans up, not so silently cursing them and walked over to Jefferson, who was talking to who Alexander recognised as Nathaniel Pendleton and Dolley Payne.

"Hey Jefferson!" Alexander shouted.

"What do you want, li'l Hamilton?" Jefferson asked.

"I want you to leave." Alexander said.

"Well I don't want to leave." Jefferson replied.

"You're in my apartment."


"You're in my apartment." Alexander said louder. "Get out."

"I'm not leaving."

"Fine, don't leave then. I'm calling the police."

"Ha. Good luck. You'll get arrested for underage drinking on your property. Then you'll get expelled."

"That's your goal isn't it?"

"Ha, now he gets it! Too autistic to see it before, right?" Jefferson snorted.

"So what if I am?" Alexander folded his arms.

"Oh you're admitting it?!" Jefferson laughed. "Ah I can't believe this."

"Believe it." John said. Before Jefferson could turn around to John, John's fist collided with Jefferson's cheek.

Almost immediately after, Dolley patted John on the back before she ran off to find someone to tell.

Nathaniel chuckled disbelievingly. "Holy crap, John Laurens. That was amazing."

The music stopped and the lights turned on. Standing in the doorway was George Washington.

"Alright everyone! Out!" Washington commanded. "I said out!"

The students all poured out of Alexander and John's apartment, sheepishly passing Washington as they left.

"You're in for it now, Laurens." Jefferson sneered as he left.

"I doubt it, Jefferson." John muttered.

Soon, all that was left were Alexander, John and their friends. Washington had asked that they stay.

"So. Why didn't you go down to the college's party?" Washington asked sternly.

"Uh. No offense, Sir, it's just not fun." Alexander said.

"So you and Mister Laurens decided to host your own." Washington nodded. "Along with the three Miss Schuylers, Miss Lewis, Miss Bartow, Mister Burr, Mister Mulligan, Mister Madison and Mx Lafayette."

"Um. Yes." Alexander nodded.

"You know you're on probation, don't you, Son?"

"Don't call me 'son'." Alexander said.

"I stuck up for you after that stupid fight you got into with Mister Jefferson, Alexander, what were you thinking, Son?"

"I was thinking I'm not your son." Alexander snapped.

"Watch your mouth." Washington warned. "As for you, Mister Laurens, what do you have to say for yourself? How did you even get hold of beer? You're both nineteen!"

"It was a BYOB party, Sir." John said.

"The party got out of hand, Sir, we weren't expecting so many people to come, like it was supposed to by just us, but-" Aaron began.

"Oh, then what's this?" Washington held up a flyer for the party.

"I have no idea what that is, Sir." Alexander lied calmly.

"I'll try to cover this up from Dean King, but you can't do anything like this again, Son."

"Call me 'son' one more time-!" Alexander stopped suddenly. Everyone looked shocked at Alexander's sudden outburst.

"Alexander..." Washington shook his head.


"Keep your head down." Washington's concerned parental demeanour vanished. "All of you." He walked out of the door without saying another word.

HappyHamilween changed username to ahammyham

ahammyham: At least we aren't in trouble

elizaluvspuppies: and I got a new boyfriend.

nooonotglenn changed username to theomissesglenn

theomissesglenn: and I made a few new friends

disneydemigod: And I got a date with Sally Hemings on Saturday.

ActualAngel: Whoop whoop! Way to go Hercules!

trtlfckr666: Too bad William Van Ness is gonna gossip about this.

Jmadison: no me diga

ahammyham left Hamilsquad

A/N: How 'bout them Cubs? Who's have thought?! Congrats, guys! You deserve to win the World Series, enjoy your win!

So this took a different direction than I was expecting. But I'm happy with it.

Historical fact time, Alexander Hamilton-in a letter to John Laurens-practically invited him to have a three way with his wife Eliza with words to the effect of "I might invite you to bear witness to the final consummation'.

John Laurens did have sex with and knock up Martha Manning. They married because John Laurens wanted to preserve her honor and the honor of the unborn baby-Frances Laurens, whom he never met. Alexander Hamilton found out about Martha and the baby in a letter.

William Van Ness was not a gossip, that's dramatic licensing.

And I hope you enjoyed this weird little journey! I'm writing a sequel based on Bonfire Night. It will be a one-shot centered around John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton, Eliza Schuyler and Aaron Burr dealing with events initiated by Dean George King. There will be fireworks, bonfires, candy apples, the freezing cold and a blackout, so stay tuned for that.