My name is Imogen. I'm twenty four years old and I was sold to the First Order. I was only fourteen when my father sold me. I was the mechanic, and I was there when Kylo Ren first came to the First Order. I always knew there was something different about him.

I heard a loud bang and turned.

"What the hell are you doing over there!?"

I went over to the other side of the ship.

"You idiot!"

Kylo's POV

I heard the loud bang and walked down the hall to the hanger.

"You idiot!"

I saw a girl about my age yelling at a few of the mechanics.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

They all turned.

"I'm waiting."

"W-We just…"

The woman sighed.

"We were fixing the shields on the ship. This idiot here broke the compressor."

I drew my saber and her eyes widened. She immediately got in front of the worker.


"Stand aside."

"I should think not. You can't just kill someone because they made a mistake. A mistake I can very easily fix."

This never happened. No one ever talked back to me or stood up to me. If I was being honest, I was impressed. I held the saber to her chest.

"And if I kill you?"

She arched her brow.

"You'd lose your best mechanic."

She wasn't even remotely afraid of me.

"Now, are you going to shut-up and let me do my job? Or do you plan to threaten some more?"

Did she just tell me to shut-up?

I kind of liked this girl.

"What's your name?"

"Imogen Kenobi. Can I get back to work now?"

I smirked and put away the saber.

"Very well."

Due to the mask, no one knew I was smiling a bit. Which I was quite thankful for.

Imogen's POV

I smiled a bit as he walked away.

"You're either very brave or incredibly stupid to talk to Kylo Ren like that."

"I'm not afraid of him. No matter how powerful he is, he's still a man. Now get out of her. All you've done is give me problems. I won't be saving you next time."

They all left and I shook my head.

"Besides, he'd be doing me a favor if he killed me." I mumbled.

Another piece of the ship fell off.


Kylo's POV

A few days later, I heard that Imogen had been arrested. When I asked why, I was told she'd hit Hux with a wrench.

It's about time someone did it.

I rushed to the prison and found her. She didn't seem to be suffering. She was sleeping peacefully.

"You are a very strange girl." I said.

Her eyes flew open and she looked at me.

"And what would the great Kylo Ren be doing here?"

I looked at the guard.

"Release her."

He opened the gate and she looked at me curiously.

"You're letting me go? Why?"

"Because you're the only one who can work on my ship."

I almost missed the small smile on her face.

"And what about Hux?"

I looked at the guard again.

"Leave us."

The guard left and I looked at her.

Imogen's POV

My eyes widened as he started to take off his mask. I wasn't expecting to see what I did. He was an incredibly handsome man, around my age, with incredibly soft raven hair.

"Now what you were expecting?" He asked.

"Not at all. Why do you wear a mask?"

He didn't answer me.

"Fine. But why let me go after what I did to the 'general'?"

He looked around quickly.

"Because I've been waiting for someone to hit him. I'm just sorry I wasn't the one who did it."

I smiled and laughed a little. He actually smirked.

"Well, I should get back to work. Thanks for letting me go."

He gently took my arm as I tried to walk away.

"It's not often people speak their mind here. It's refreshing, and quite entertaining when you do it."

I smiled a bit.

"Good to know."

Kylo's POV

She was still awake and in the hanger. Everyone else was gone, she was all alone. I closed the door and turned off the lights.

"Oh very funny! Turn those damn lights back on!"

I smirked and took off my helmet. I heard a click and a small beam of light passed over me. I heard her pick up something and then something very hard hit my knee. I cried out and fell to the ground. She'd hit me with a wrench! She shined the light on me and gasped.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry I didn't know that was you!"

She ran over and I looked into her eyes.

"You have good aim I'll give you that."

She seemed confused.

"You're not going to lock me up?"

I stood up.


She arched her brow.

"Then are you going to let me get back to work?"

I smirked.


She opened her mouth to speak but I grabbed her. I pinned her roughly to the wall, her eyes going wide.

"What the hell are you-"

I kissed her to silence her.

Imogen's POV

It was a quick kiss, but full of heat and passion. I looked into his dark eyes.

"You didn't come here to ask about your ship."

He pressed his hard body against mine, breathing deeply. I continued to stare into his eyes as I moved my hands to his back. His gaze made me feel hot but I couldn't look away.

"Why did you come here, Ren?"

"I came for you."

His voice was low and I could hear his desire. I slowly smiled and moved my fingers through his soft hair.

"And what do you want from me?" I asked.

He grabbed my wrists and held them against the wall. This didn't stop me from moving my hips. He growled and I smiled playfully.

"I'm not a mind reader, Ren. If you want something from me…" I leaned towards his ear. "take it."

He shivered a bit and I smirked. I kissed his neck softly and lightly. I pulled his glove from his hand and kissed each of his fingers.

Kylo's POV

She was unbelievably sweet and loving. A warm feeling spread through my heart and I pressed my forehead against hers.

"I came for this. For this feeling you give me. For your warmth and compassion."

She gently traced her finger down my jaw and neck. She pulled my vest over my head and opened my robes slightly. I closed my eyes as her fingers touched my skin.

"You're so cold." She whispered.

I heard her unzip something and then I felt her warm skin against me. I'd never felt anything like it. She pushed my robes from my shoulders, leaving my chest bare before her. She put her arms around me and I lifted her up. I set her on a workbench and she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me as close as she could.

"You haven't felt loved in so long. You've been so alone." She said softly.

I felt her warm lips on my shoulder and I sighed.

"You won't be alone tonight."

She leaned back and looked into my eyes. She had such beautiful eyes. I slowly reached up and traced her lips, they were so soft and smooth like silk. She kissed the palm of my hand and then leaned forward to kiss my lips. I wove my fingers into her hair and licked over her lips. She opened her mouth to me and I slid my tongue in. She put her arms around me and I picked her up once more. I laid her on my discarded robes and then laid down beside her. I'd never been with a woman before, and there had been offers. None of them were as beautiful as Imogen, none of them could've ever made me feel this way. I exposed her chest and gazed her breasts. I leaned down and kissed over the tops and when I looked back I found her eyes closed. I moved up and kissed her lips. She caressed my cheek and I curled my tongue around hers. She moaned softly as my chest rubbed against her breasts. She gently pushed on my chest and I leaned back.

"Lie down." She whispered.

I kept my eyes on hers as I laid on my back.

"Close your eyes."

I didn't want to, but I did as she told me. I felt hand slowly move down my chest. Her lips followed the same path her hand had gone.


She slid my pants down and I kicked off my boots.

"Hm. Open your eyes, Ren."

She straddled me and I opened my eyes, her pants and panties were gone. She pulled me up and I wrapped an arm around her, using the other to support myself. Her lips were only inches from mine. My pants were starting to get uncomfortable, and when she moved it made me groan. She was wet and hot, I knew I was the reason for it. This thought aroused me further.

Imogen's POV

His skin was so cold. I moved my hands down his strong arms, feeling his taught muscles. His warm breath hit my neck and I closed my eyes. He kissed down my neck, my skin burning where he kissed me. I'd never felt this way before. I'd never imagined that Kylo Ren could be this way. He was gentle and he touched me tenderly.

"Will you be mine?"

I was surprised by his sudden question. I looked into his eyes. They were filled with lust and desire. And deep inside I saw something else… I saw love.

"Will you be mine?" he repeated.

"Yes." I whispered.

He held me tighter and I closed my eyes as he kissed the side of my breast. I tilted my head back and moaned when his tongue swirled around my nipple.


He started to massage the other breast. I covered his hand with mine and rolled my hips. He moaned loudly and I bit my lip.

"Someone will hear us."

"I don't care." He said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed my lips. His rock hard erection was rubbing against me making me moan his name. He lifted me a bit and then positioned himself between my legs.

"Be slow, I don't want to hurt you." He breathed.

I smirked.


He chuckled and I slowly lowered myself onto his engorged cock. Since I was so wet it was easy for him to slide inside me. It did hurt because of how big he was. I stretched to accommodate him and he moaned as he filled me.

"Look at me." He said.

I looked into his eyes as he broke through my hymen. I cried out and grabbed his shoulders.

"I'm here. I'm here." He whispered.

He held me and kissed me softly as the pain slowly faded away.

"Let me know when you're ready."

I was still surprised by how considerate and sweet he was being. I took a deep breath and slowly moved my hips. I moaned at how good it felt. He put his hands on my hips and slid me up and down his shaft.

"Imogen! Oh god!"

He tugged on my hair and nipped my neck.


Kylo's POV

It was the first time she'd called me Kylo. I bit her neck and her nails dug into my shoulders. I licked over where I'd bitten and kissed her shoulder.

"Go faster!"

I laid her on her back and went faster. My name fell from her lips like a prayer. I leaned back and grabbed her hips as I slammed into her tight body. The next sound that left her was something between a gasp and a moan. She was getting tighter.

"Ooooh!" I moaned.

She pulled on me and I leaned down again. I kissed her hard, swallowing her moans of pleasure. Her tongue danced with mine and I felt her coming around my cock.

"Come in me Kylo! Come for me!"

I roared her name as I filled her with my release. Her chest was heaving and she had a smile on her face. As I started to pull out of her she stopped me.

"Wait. Just a little longer." She said.

I nodded and kissed her lips softly.

Imogen's POV

I'd never felt anything so wonderful in all my life. He was panting, his body glistened with sweat. I ran my fingers through his damp hair and he kissed my forehead. This time when he pulled out I didn't stop him. He laid beside me with his eyes closed. I sat up but he gently took my arm.

"Lie with me."

Yet another surprising request from Kylo Ren. I slowly laid back down and he pulled right to his chest. I smiled a bit and kissed his chest. I knew this was going to end sooner of later, so I didn't say anything. I just laid there with him and let him hold me.