A/N: I have edited the pervious chapter as I believe it was apparently somewhat difficult for some to read with one block passage. I hope it is easier to read now. I'm sorry for the large amount of dialogue in these chapters; however, as I am attempting to create some background and plot to this story, I believe explanations in the form of dialogue are needed.

I cannot apologise enough for how I have neglected this story. It has been a very busy year since I last updated and I can readily admit that I lost almost all of my inspiration to complete any of my stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own this franchise or any rights associated with it.

Chapter 12

She settled her head back onto one of the down pillows with a contented sigh. She gazed towards Edward as a cue to continue with his story-telling while attempting not to let her eyes drift lower than his sculptured face. She could already feel an insatiable desire rising up within her, but she dearly wanted him to tell her more about his family before she jumped him. He smirked knowingly at her before arranging himself perfectly parallel to her; leaving mere inches between their bodies. Without further urging from her, he began speaking again.

"I will not be able to tell you the full story of how Esme and the others joined our family my love; at least not tonight. I know that you can feel it starting already and it will only become stronger. The claiming is not yet complete and the urge will continue to grow until we can no longer deny it. I will tell you as much as I can about Esme tonight.

I think the best place to start would be by telling you that Carlisle saved Esme from the clutches of death. At first, he thought that he had not gotten to her in time due to the extent of her injuries. Her heart beat was so laboured that he assumed that his venom would not be able to reach the vital organs before her heart stopped completely. We can only thank the deities that Carlisle was wrong and that after a prolonged six days she finally awakened as a vampire. As I am sure you are aware; the change rarely lasts more than several says. The more traumatic an individual's last moments are; the longer the transition seems to take.

It only took several months for their marriage and subsequent mating to occur. While I knew that finding your mate changed you, I had thought that due to her unpleasant history it would take her a while longer to accept him. I was never more grateful to be wrong than during the moment she accepted him as her husband for the rest of eternity. She was a newborn for many years, and her still fading grief over the events of her previous life made her bloodlust hard to control. Carlisle was patient and eventually Esme began to accept what had happened.

Her previous husband had been abusive and her family refused to believe her cries for help. It had started as mental abuse and gradually worked its way to physical and sexual. At the time it was commonplace in some marriages and legally, nothing could be done. Her parents; eager for an economically fortuitous match during the early stages of the great depression, had signed over her rights in a one sided marriage ceremony. She was sixteen years old at the time.

The longer it took her to become with child, the angrier he would become with her. During that time period, any problems with conceiving were unfortunately blamed solely on the woman. In her husband and family's eyes; she was the one that was failing in her wifely duties. The more damage she took from the abuse, the harder it was for her body to internally recover enough to hold and sustain a child. Eventually; at the age of twenty five, she was able to bring a child to term and delivered a beautiful baby boy that she fell in love with as soon as her eyes fell on him. Her happiness was short-lived, as within weeks her precious son's health began faltering. It was not medically confirmed in the hospital records, but he had undiagnosed issues with his brain that were sustained while still in utero. Her husband had continued his abuse and had harmed their child in the process. Esme was incapable of processing her grief in the weeks that followed his death, until one day she decided to take drastic measures…"

Bella stiffened against the pillows beneath her.

"Edward…what did she do?"

He stroked her face gently, his thumb brushing across her cheekbone while his eyes watched her sadly.

"She threw herself off of a cliff into a ravine…Carlisle was on his way back from hunting when he came across her. Even broken and mangled he recognised her. I could feel his agony from miles away."

She frowned at him in confusion.

"What do you mean he recognised her?"

"He met her for the first time during the summer before she was to be married. A misstep during one of her parent's socialite dinners landed her in Carlisle's emergency room with a broken arm. We had just moved into the area and it was only his first shift at this particular hospital. He felt the pull towards her immediately. My Isa; you have to understand, at that point in time we did not fully understand the intricacies of the mating bond. Carlisle was disgusted at himself for wanting her while she was still technically a child. He ignored his mate and sent her on her way to try and live her life while condemning himself to a life without her.

We remained in the area for a mere two months before citing family problems to the hospital administration and moving out of the town. The night of her jump, we had travelled through the area in a deliberate attempt to come across either her or one of her family members with the intent of gaining some insight into what her life had become in our absence. Carlisle wanted to assure himself that she was happy in her human life in the hopes that he could find some semblance of peace with the decision that he had made. We had decided to hunt first before coming into contact with any humans; just as a precaution.

While he tried to save her, I went searching for answers. I kept to the shadows as I read their thoughts and returned to him only once I had reined in my fury over what that monster had done to her. Carlisle remained by her side the entire time. It took many years for his guilt to fade away, for he blamed himself for the situation that her parents had placed her in. Esme's undying love for him is the only reason he finally let go of his pain and guilt."

They lay in silence as she struggled to come to terms with what he had just told her. Poor Esme, to have led such a miserable life…

"That's so sad Edward, for Esme to have gone through so much pain. I cannot even imagine how difficult that must have been for her."

"Time has a way of healing even the deepest of wounds. Now I believe that that is enough for tonight. It is time to focus on us Isabella."

She paused before nodding at him and letting her hand drift up towards his face. She wanted to try and take her time, to distance them both from the melancholic atmosphere that had settled over the room as Edward had narrated Esme's story. Slowly she traced her fingers across his marble skin, guiding them over his forehead before letting them fall down, softly skimming his nose and jawbone before resting the palm of her hand against his cheek. She paused, allowing her eyes to drink in the sight of her mate. A mate that was to be hers for the rest of eternity. She smiled at him before bringing her face close enough to press her lips against his. She could feel his hand brushing its way up the curves of her body before it embedded itself in her hair. Deciding to up the ante on him before he would be able to retaliate, Bella grinned wickedly for a moment before throwing her leg over his hip and using her thigh to bring their bodies flush against one another. Edward groaned, his one hand fisting in her hair while the other grabbed her hipbone, effortlessly hoisting her onto his lap as he rolled onto his back.

Oh…this position was new.

Bracing her hands against his chest, she experimentally shifted her hips forward in a gentle rocking motion. She gasped in pleasure as the movement brought her clit into contact with the bulge of his erection. Edward's growl ricocheted around her as his patience snapped, his eyes turning black as his lust won the battle over his control. Pieces of clothing flew across her field of vision as Edward sought to remove their clothes. Her plan of taking it slow went up in smoke, her sub-conscious dousing the fire with gasoline. He dragged her body upwards, preventing her from sitting on his cock like she had planned to do. Her moan of discontent quickly turned into one of pleasure as he forcefully sat her on his face, his nose nudging her clit as his tongue slipped into her. She braced herself against the iron headboard as she fought to keep herself upright, never tearing her gaze away from her mates'. His growls of satisfaction and pleasure had her flying higher; the vibrations drawing out each orgasm as it began. Everything but her Edward ceased to exist as he forced orgasm after orgasm out of her spasming body. Time meant nothing as her very existence shattered repeatedly in a seemingly never-ending loop. She never wanted him to stop.

She knew rationally that her body should have given up by this point. It should have been shutting down to regulate the levels of oxytocin swirling rapidly through her bloodstream, not aching for her to continue supplying it with pleasure. This insatiable urge to be claimed by Edward; to be filled again and again, could only be due to the bond. Her voice had already given up, hoarse after what had to have been hours of crying out in pleasure.

Finally content as to the state of her mindless arousal, Edward shifted her boneless mass away from his drenched lips, smirking ferally at her as he did so. The deadly muscles defining his forearms rippled as his arms brought her back down onto his lap. She could feel him straining beneath her ass, waiting to impale her as soon as she moved her thighs. For the first time in hours; Isabella drew her eyes away from his, her gaze flickering down to his lap. Deliberating for only a second, she slowly sat up before thrusting herself down on him; taking him to the root in one move. Her muscles clenched around him immediately, her overstimulated nerves throwing her into another screaming orgasm. Edward snarled beneath her as her pussy convulsed around his cock and her thighs trembled in his hands. Dazed; she watched as he continued to thrust, her pink folds stretching impossibly around him as her body let him impale her, her moans of pleasure and the sounds of their mating creating a symphony of noise.

"Look at that pretty pussy stretching around me little girl. Such a good girl, accepting your mates cock into your body so perfectly."

It was hopelessly erotic being able to watch her pussy take his entire length, her deliberate clenching being rewarded with rumbling growls that only served to make her gush and clench more. His cock glistened with her juices each time he withdrew and she momentarily pondered what it would look like if she had to squirt all over him again.

Bella continued to ride him, her pace gradually beginning to slow down as her thighs began protesting her momentum. They could both feel her energy levels dropping, her heart faltering as it struggled to pump enough blood around her body to counteract the substantial volume of hormones her glands were producing. They had been going for hours, and her human physique had reached its limit. Edward sat up, his arms snaking around her torso to hold her against his chest as his hands took over from her, rapidly lifting her up and down over his cock. Startled; her eyes flew to meet his once more. In this position he felt bigger and deeper somehow, even though she had not thought that possible. Each thrust hit her cervix, his aim perfect as he rammed straight against it; an action that should have caused her pain only bringing her closer and closer to the precipice. She grabbed onto his back as she began to babble, her thoughts scrambled together as her brain overdosed on oxytocin.

"Mate. My mate! So good, don't stop. Mate! Stay inside. Stay inside."

She was so very close, she just needed him to fall over the edge with her. She raked her nails down his back in frustration, her teeth attempting to sink into the skin of his neck; both acts earning her a brutal pinch to the clit that sent her bolting into euphoria. Her head pitched backwards as she screamed out his name, his animalistic roar following close behind as her pussy clenched like a vice around him as she squirted. His come coated her cervix in thick ropes, her walls milking him as her orgasm stretched on.

Her body went slack against his as her surroundings faded to black…