Thank you omniGamer101 for your help with edits!

Thank you Pineappleapproves for the picture of Arek and Micah!

Screams of dying men rent the air and torrential rain pelted the battlefield. The clashing armies of the invading Nilfgaardians and the Temerian/Redanian alliance had caught the Witcher, Arek of Malleore, and the twin sister sorceresses, Nalia and Niah, between them in the little hamlet of Grey Bog. It was nothing more than a trampled ruin now. The village was ground to kindling under the skirmishing feet of victors and losers alike. Flames licked through the air as shops, stalls and homes burned. War was never about kings,land and broken treaties, it was about the death and suffering of the impoverished people upon whose lives it was waged.

Mid-spell, Nalia was about to summon a portal to whisk them all to safety when a crossbow bolt skewered her throat. Niah screamed and caught her sister as the woman fell. The witcher tried to parry another sword blow from one of the Redanian patrol that had them pinned in the burned out shell of a peasant's hut and failed. Redanian steel smashed into his ribs, staving in his mailed jerkin as if it wasn't there. The pain nearly blinded him as he parried the swinging axe of another soldier.

"Niah, get us out …." he gasped.

"I'm trying, Arek!" She had just begun her incantation when a third soldier sank his axe into her skull, silencing her permanently.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Arek roared, distracted from the fight for a brief moment. He snarled at the advancing Redanians and became a whirling madman. He ignored every blow they landed as he decimated the patrol, killing them to the last man. Their gore covered him and mingled with his own blood, washing his body in crimson rivulets. Too late he heard the Nilfgardian creeping up behind him, slashing him from shoulder to hip with a falchion. The soldier thought himself clever until he received the Witcher's blade through his throat. Arek fell to his knees before the lifeless bodies of the two women. The world went black and he knew no more.