Summary: Dotty. Released from Lompoc a few months prior Dom finally decides to pursue a relationship with Letty. However, when he tries to come on to her she rejects him because she does not want to be another one of conquests, she wants to be his reina, his queen. Dom has to figure out a way to get Letty to see that he is serious.

A.N: I do not own any of character or the song by Amor Eterno by Juan Gabriel. Review and let me know what you think. This was rolling around in my head and then today I turned on the TV and it was on a channel playing Fast and the Furious the first movie so I felt fate made me write this.

He watched her the whole day. Small glances here and there. They were hardly speaking these days but for eight hours at work every day she was in his line of vision and it helped keep him secure and grounded. There was something about the fiery tough as nails women that made Dom feel right in the world. Most of the day when he was not behind a wheel of a car he felt like he was spinning or hanging by a thread to his sanity.

Dom knew on some level that he always loved Letty. But when he got out of prison it was easier for him to go back to his party lifestyle then enter a serious relationship so he dated around rather than face the sexual tension he felt for her. Now when ignoring his feelings for her eventually lead to ignoring her which made the idea of relationship seem a distant fantasy. The distance in their friendship broke Letty's trust in him. As the distance between them only grew and they both tried to pretend that they did not care

Today was finally the day when Dom decided to step up and confront their tension. It was a Wednesday evening. A single mother had come in close to the end of the shift desperately needing new brake pads but working on the brakes would take a few hours and would cost overtime pay making it too expensive for her to afford. The mother needed the car to go to work and take her children to school. When she was going to drive home with three kids in the car with overused brake pads Letty stopped her only charging her the normal amount rather than the overtime she was going to put in.

It was moments like that when the soft side of Letty came out that he remembered the young girl that came around the block with no one to help her. After her mother died in a car accident when Letty was ten her father took to bottle he lost custody until Letty overworked aunt Tia Lisa, took her in. But Tia Lisa barely had time for Letty as she worked two jobs and raised two demanding teenagers but she did her best. So, when Letty took the time to work overtime to help a single mother afraid that she would get into a car accident with bad brakes it came as no surprise to him.

The clock on the wall showed it was twelve past five. Everyone else had called it quits for the day and Dom was heading out as well. The air in the garage was finally beginning to cool down after a hot busy day. The smell of sweat was over mask by a motor oil spill Jessie had caused today and paint fumes from two days ago when Letty had painted decals for a racer friend. The normally noisy garage filled with joke, laughter, and music was quiet as can be tonight. Dom could hear his own breath in the small office as he pondered whether he should try to have a conversation with Letty today but not wanting to be ignore by her once again he decided against it. Letty was finally starting on the minivan having took a moment to catch a bite to eat before starting.

"Lock up when you leave the keys are on my desk," Dom called out and Letty responded with a nod of her head.

Dom took one more look back admiring the Latina's body. She had taken off the top half of her coveralls tying them to her waist while on the top of her she wore a white sports bra that spotted with sweat marks while her hair was tied up in a bun. Her toned stomach glistened with beads of sweat he wanted to lick. Shaking his head at his thoughts he turned and left needing to keep his feelings in check or keep himself from being pummeled by her. She wanted very little to do with him these days and he missed her. He missed talking to her, joking, working over cars, sharing laughs, all of it.

It was almost ten and Dom was worried. Letty should have been home. He was up watching some movie on television with the guys but he kept flinching every time he saw car lights drive by the house. It was silly he knew what her engine sounded like a block away so he knew none of the lights were her but could not help but hope. Finally, the movie was over and Vince crashed in his basement room while Jesse and Leon want back to their shitty apartment. But Dom was getting nervous at how long Letty was out. She usually at least let Mia know when she was coming in late. She lived with Mia and him these days. Dom took his father old bedroom after his release, Mia took his old room, and Letty took Mia's room leaving only one guest room open which was supposed to be for Vince. However, with two girls using the upstairs bathroom Vince moved down to the basement bedroom instead.

He wondered for a moment if maybe Letty had a date. She dated on and off guys now and some surprisingly not a part of the racing scene but none of them were that serious. Thankfully, he mostly avoiding seeing her encounter with her lover boys since they were not apart of the scene. Finally, curious and worried, Dom got up and went to find her unable to stop himself.

He pulled up alongside her car in the parking lot. Using his spare keys, he opened the lock door off to the side. Spanish music played on the radio. Suddenly the song end and restarted. Clearly Letty had the song on the CD on repeat. He was going to announce himself when the music started and Letty stood in the middle of the clear work space with a broom in her hand. Her eyes were closed but face looked as if she was in pain and sad. Then the words came and Dom tried to keep up with his limited Spanish language skills. Letty alerted between using the broom as a microphone and as a dance partner. The Spanish beat and the slow dancing reminded him of the time when his parents would dance in the kitchen. His father put on some of his mother's favorite salsa music and take her into his arms.

Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos

Que lloran en silencio por tu amor

Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro

El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adios

Letty swayed to the Mexican bolero as she sang along and Dom stepped back into the shadows not wanting to be seen. He wanted to watch her unguarded. It had been so long since he seen her with her walls down. He missed it. He missed her. The song was in Spanish and he tried to remember all he could from his mother when he was younger. He tried piecing some of the words together understanding phrases like sadness of my eyes; crying in silence; suffering from a goodbye. Dom froze. Did Letty fall in love with someone who hurt her when he did not notice? Or maybe her pain was for him? Suddenly a tightness took over his stomach and an anger that he thought he had long controlled ran over him. Anger at himself for hurting her.

Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento

Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer

Prefiero estar dormida que despierta

De tanto y tanto que me duele que no estés

Letty spun towards him and her face was directly in his line of vision but her eyes were close shut as she sung the along with the words to the song. He tried to follow along with the words catching on to when she sang full of passion. I am always thinking of yesterday (the past) and how much how much it hurt that you are not here. She could more than carry a tune he thought as he allowed himself to be serenaded by her emotions in her voice. Then she muffled a cry that shocked him when she sang 'tanto y tano que me duele' that almost broke his heart. He took a step to get close but she turned and spun with the broom in a new direction and he took a step back.

Como quisiera, ay, que tú vivieras

Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca

Y estar mirándolos

Amor eterno, e inolvidable

Tarde o temprano estaré contigo

Para seguir amándonos

Then she bent out at the waist as she wailed out a heart reaching sound and sang/wept out 'corno quisiera, ay, que tu vivieras mama' (how I would have like if you would have lived, mama) before gathering herself together. She let the words of the song play out as she stopped singing but continued to sway to the sad song. Dom suddenly realized her pain, her suffering and he shared it. He thought of his father's death often but not as much as his mother. In this moment, with Letty he shared that loss of a mother. They were similar ages when they lost their mother suddenly past but the emptiness never left.

As the instruments played without words Dom stepped out into the middle of room. Reaching out to touch Letty's shoulder.

"Tell me what the words mean," he asked his voice thick with pain. "Please." He begged. Her hand came out and lightly touched his face. he reached up and wiped a single tear on her face. She smiled sadly at him. She stepped back and turned a bit embarrassed wanting to disappear. But when the words started again she spoke over them closing her eyes again as if the words touched her.

Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia

Desde ese día hasta hoy, no soy feliz

Y aunque tengo tranquila mi consciencia

Yo Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por ti

"I have suffered so much without you, in your absence. Since that day until now I am not happy and though my conscience is clear I know I could have done more for you." She translated and he stepped closer behind her running his hands over her shoulders. She turned to look at him. Dom surprised them both when he grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his neck. Swaying with her to the soft sad melody.

"Dom-"she started but he hushed her with a finger to his lips.

"Keep translating. I cannot comprehend what he is saying and dance with you at the same time," he said with a cheeky grin. Letty rolled her eyes and began to sway with him.

Oscura soledad estoy viviendo

La misma soledad de tu sepulcro mama

Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo

El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco

"Dark solitude that I am living, the same solitude of your sepulcro… umm grave. You are the love that I have. The saddest memory of Acapulco."

"Tell me about her Let," he demanded.

She raised an eyebrow at him clearly not wanting to. But then he spun her around making her laugh.

"She was la reina de la casa. My father lived for her. Treated her like a queen and me his princess. She was the good in our lives, a nurse. Life without here is only dark and empty," she tossed a bit angrier than Dom expected after all the past years. Then again he had never seen her so raw and exposed. Before he had a moment to respond the chorus of the song came back and Letty began to translate.

Como quisiera, ay, que tú vivieras

Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca

Y estar mirándolos

Amor eterno, e inolvidable

Tarde o temprano estaré contigo

Para seguir amándonos

"How much I liked for you to live. For your eyes to never close and to look into them. Eternal and unforgettable love. Sooner or later I will be with you so we can continue loving each other," she finishing the translation.

"That's pretty much the song. Mexican boleros can go on and on with the music and repeating the chorus and what not," she explained stopping her swaying.

Dom nodded and stopped moving. Taking her right hand that was on his neck he brought it down to his heart staring into her eyes. For the first time in the long time he saw clearly behind those defensive walls that she put up. Honestly, he probably would have saw past her defenses if he would have looked harder. Before his stint in prison they were close and shared plenty of secrets but since he was out he hid himself away in the business, the mortgage, the races and the girls. Taking her hand, he brought it to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand and her eyes narrowed at him.

She was questioning his attentions that much was clear.

"Just because I shed a tear doesn't mean I need a hero and I am def not jumping into your bed," she all but hissed at him. Obviously, she was angry over what she felt was Dom's callousness in using her grief to seduce her.

"Letty it's not like that," he said a bit hurt.

She narrowed her eyes at him not quite believing him but aware that she had hurt his feelings.

"Come here" he said walking over to the couches that were tattered and broken. "Tell me more about her."

Letty sat next to him not speaking for a few moments. She stared at her palms and Dom stared at her. She had put on the top half of her overalls since the garage was much cooler than before but left them unbutton showing a small amount of sports bra. Her hair had come down and she had already cleaned up since her hands were free of oil and grease. Well as free as they would be.

"She was working a double at the hospital and she fell asleep and slammed into incoming traffic. She went right into an 18-wheeler. She died on impact. My father has been basically killing himself slowly until he finally died," she said with a shrug that meant she was pretending recounting did not hurt her.

"Shit, wait... when did your father die?" He asked and feeling like a horrible friend not knowing about the loss of her father. Least he heard Letty's father was still downing bottles of Tequila every night.

"Two months ago," she said turning to look at him to gauge his reaction.

"When you went to visit family in Mexico? Why didn't you tell me?" he wanted to ask more but he did not. So, they were both alone in the world with no one to guide them or no one to call home. No parents.

"I didn't think you cared anymore." The accusation was clear in her words. Before his lockup Letty and him were close. They were becoming more than friends. They shared only a few kisses but meant more than just kisses. They were the building blocks of something more. Or so it seemed. But then Dom stopped seeking her company out for their long drives, or for meals, or for cuddles like he used to. He stopped asking questions about his life and she stopped asking about his after his noncommittal answers or the way he dodge the question.

"Letty I care. I care so much, mami," he said hoping the endearment would earn him some points since Letty was the one who helped him with Spanish love terms when he was a young teenager trying to impress girls. She only scoffed.

"Don't." She rolled her eyes and stood to go.

"Letty stop." He called out to her standing up as well. He touched her face and leaned in to kiss her but she dodged it.

"Dom we work together. We live together. You need to stop," she said bluntly. So much for that crush she had, he thought.

"I kno-" he began but she cut him off.

"I worked hard to get the respect I deserve on the streets and in this garage and if you think that I would give that up for a quick fuck with you than your head is farther up your ass than I thought," she hissed at him.

"Let it's not like that. I know that. I wouldn't step to you like this unless it was more that," he said.

She chuckled. "Yea sure. Also, fuck you for trying to take advantage of my grief," she said and began to walk got the door. Clearly pissed off. He chased after her.

"I wasn't I swear. I when I saw you like this.. the love you have your mother. You love deep and hard and it blew me away. Then doing the work on this van for that mom when you could have been doing other things. It reminded me how big your heart is. It reminded me how good you are Let and how much I love you and how much I want to be the person that you give all your heart to," he rushed out.

Letty stopped her hand over the doorknob. Dom thought his words swayed her and the beating in his chest slowed down as he calmed himself.

"Love isn't just a snap of your fingers. You told me you liked me before you went away. So, when did you grow to love me, huh? Was it sometime after the fifth girl you fuck or maybe the tenth, the thirteenth, number twenty? Because we have not spent any time together since you have been out so it must have been when you were fucking one of them, huh cause that you have done since your release. Yea Dom I am feeling the love. Listen, I am not falling for it again. Before you went to prison you acted like you loved me but it was probably some silly challenge cause you got bored with the skanks and now you are looking for that same challenge again. Not this time. I am older and wiser."

"I always love you. I just never let myself love you," he explained trying to reach out again but she slapped his hand down.

"Love isn't this." She said. "When I went to my father funeral I remember back to the good days before my mom died. He used to call her 'mi reina' which means my queen and he treated her like one. He catered to her and she to him. They would do the littlest things for each other and all the big things too. They lived for each other. That is love Dom."

"I would treat you like a queen" he said quickly afraid she would walk out and his chances would be ruined.

"Ha! In your world Dominic, there is room for one royalty. El rey de la calle no necesita una reina (1). He rules on his own" she said bitterly.

1- The King of the streets does not need a queen.

Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoyed it. Basically the rest of the story is going to be Dom trying to convince Letty of his feeling and understanding fully how he hurt her. It won't be too long of story unless reviewers give me ideas as to how Dom can show his love for Letty. I would love suggestions.