AN: Everyone knows I don't own Star Wars. Now that that's out of the way, welcome to my NaNoWriMo project. I'm going to use 101 writing prompts I found on DeviantArt and write Star Wars fic for all of them, averaging at least 500 words per prompt in order to reach 50,000 words by the end of the month. I'm going to be bashing these out at a rapid pace, so this should be fun.

Prompt 1 - Envy

Han stormed down the hallways of the Rebel Base, grinding his teeth. That image of the princess kissing the kid refused to leave his head. Okay, so she had kissed Luke, so what? It wasn't like she was dating him. It sure as hell wasn't like the kid actually had a chance with her, right?


He was too young for her. Well all right, they were technically the same age, but he was too immature for her. No matter how old they were, he still carried the air of a boy, while she carried the air of a woman.

Why were his hands shaking?

She had only kissed him to get under Han's skin, right? He had perfected the art of pushing her buttons and when her buttons were pushed, she had a way of reacting in an unpredictable manner.

That was one of the things about her that fascinated him.

But seriously, if it had been Wedge on the bed, she would have kissed him instead. She was out to make Han jealous and Luke just happened to be the nearest guy available, that was all. Hell, he should be pitying the poor kid who probably didn't understand that.

But still, the way he'd stretched out with that oh-so-satisfied look on his face . . .

Han breathed in and out through his teeth, almost snarling like an animal. For three years he had wondered what those lips would feel like against his.

Those full, pink lips.

The lips that could make either a smile or a frown sexy.

Whether she was talking calmly or yelling full of rage, those lips were always teasing him.

What did they taste like? Did she wear flavored lip gloss?

Suddenly he imagined Luke telling him that her lips tasted like mint, or berries, or a sweet wine, or . . .

Now Han's hands were clenching into fists. Why the hell did Luke get to those lips first? Whatever the kid felt for the princess was nothing more than a boyish crush – probably his first crush at that.

Hell, that was probably his first kiss.

Poor kid, his first kiss was just a feeble attempt at making another guy jealous. Maybe he'd figure it out one day – Han sure hoped he would. If this damn war ever ended, Luke would probably find a nice girl and they'd settle down and laugh when Luke told her about his first kiss.

That girl just wouldn't be Leia.

The kid did just have a crush, right?

Han's teeth were grinding so hard that they started to hurt. Okay, so Leia was just trying to make him jealous, but did the kiss have to be so damn sensual? Did she have to suck on his mouth in just the right way to make sure he wouldn't forget it?

That he would wish she were sucking on his mouth?

No, no, he wasn't taking the bait. If Leia wanted him to be jealous, he'd make sure she knew he wasn't jealous. He'd brag about it to the other Rebels that Leia was desperate enough to kiss any old guy just to make him jealous.

But wait, what if Luke started bragging about how the princess kissed him first?

Suddenly Han realized he had stopped walking and was now standing in the middle of the hallway with trembling hands.

Shit, how did that princess do this to him?

Well he'd get back at her.
