Okay so this one is for fans of Pecus, the Grimm side of Jaune from A Knight's New Fight and Dark Knight of Zero. In this one Jaune accepted Pecus much sooner and will access more of his Grimm talents. I hope you all enjoy this one. I do not own RWBY.

Chapter 1- Initiation

Jaune's POV

I survived experiments that should have killed me, torture, Alpha Grimm that wanted to tear me apart, and the hatred of 90% of a town filled with superstitious fools but never have I faced anything as deadly as this. This aerial monstrosity that brings nothing but suffering, if I wasn't sure he was dead I'd assume that bastard Watts created this thing. The monster rattles and my stomach rebels once more.

"Oh come on are you telling me this trip is going to kill you!? After all the crap we went through!" Que arrogant asshole, sad he's the only friend I have. "Shut it Pecus! You can cut off the sensations we feel when it suits you, I can't." Pecus scoffs at me and I focus back on not puking my guts out. A hologram pops out and a blonde woman announces we'll land soon. Thank Oum for that.

As soon as we land I make my way over to a trash can and deposit my lunch into it. After that I look at my new surroundings and take in the sights. So, this is Beacon? Gotta say I think I'll enjoy it here. Has to be better than the Wilds at least. An explosion reaches my ears and I turn to the scent of smoke.

"So think we should check it out?" Pecus hums for a few seconds before responding. "Couldn't hurt really, I think the teachers and a few of the older kids here are the only real threat on campus to us." He's probably right. Sure a few gems might be among the younger kids but I've got a lot of experience from six years of traveling.

Once we reach where the explosion was we find a crater with a young girl in a red cloak lying in it. She smells like that drunk that gave me the transcripts for Beacon. I walk over and offer her a hand.

"Hey Little Red need some help?" She looks up and takes my hand. She barely weighs anything because she goes in the air a little when I pull her up. "So how did you end up in a crater?" The girl blushes before burying her head in her cloak. I can see we share a fondness of hiding our faces, I have my hood up near twenty-four seven

"I sneezed." I feel one of my eyebrows go up and Pecus is laughing his ass off. I'm not even going to ask. "Whatever, my name's Jaune. Are you by any chance related to a guy named Qrow? Has a big-ass sword, drinks so much he's flammable." Ruby nods her head and her silver eyes are practically gleaming. "He's my uncle." So she's one of those nieces he mentioned.

"Any way my names Ruby Rose." Ruby Rose huh. "Appropriate given your scent, interesting mix you have. Gunpowder and Roses." The girl blushes before reaching for something on her back and bringing it out. It's a red box that unfolds into a scythe that has some form of gun built in judging by the sight attached to it.

"So I got this thing, built her myself." So, she clearly doesn't handle new people well, of course I'm one to talk. It's only the Drunk Bird's scent on her that's making me somewhat relaxed around her.

"Neat." I've never had or will need a weapon, I am one. I walk off and Ruby walks beside me. "So what happened to your arm?" My arm? Oh, right the bandages. My left arm is as black as a Grimm's fur/skin after I got cocky and the original got cut off. I managed to regrow it, painful and draining process that I didn't even know I could do, but now it would bring mobs down upon me so I wrap it and my fingers up in bandages. I could care less who knows about my Halfling status but I don't feel like dealing with mobs, or large groups finding out in general. Much easier to escape one person then a large group.

I move to snap at her but stop at seeing her face. Concern is the prevalent emotion with small hints of interest. Those silver eyes seem to just glow, yet at the same time a part of my mind, the primal side that neither Pecus or I control, screams at me to run. I normally listen to this part of me but I ignore it here.

"Nothing Little Red, just a fashion choice. By the way what is a little girl doing here anyway?" Ruby seems relieved but then pouts. "I'm not little. I'm fifteen and I drink milk." I can't help it; I just start laughing. I ruffle her hair and she smacks my hand away.

"Whatever you say Little Red. Come on I can smell a bunch of people this way. We better pick up the pace if we don't want to be late to orientation." No sooner have I said that then the world picks up speed, the scent of roses fills the air, and then it stops and we're in a large room. Ozpin is getting up on the stand, his appearance hasn't changed a bit in six years.

Ruby thanks me for my help and runs over to a busty blond. They're sisters? Probably half-siblings or adopted then. Ozpin then gives a speech about talent and knowledge and how we're all wasting out potential. Rather moving in an odd sort of way. Makes me want to improve myself.

"Hopefully we'll find a few interesting samples during our time here." I agree with Pecus, new samples of Grimm essence to infuse into my body are always welcome. From there I go and grab my backpack and duffle bag from the luggage area and head to the room they've put the prospective students for the night. I can understand working to break down gender barriers but stuffing at least eighty or so teens with nearly a one to one gender ratio seems stupid. This place already reeks of hormones.

I set my stuff down and pull out a t-shirt and shorts to sleep in along with my sleeping bag. I then change in my sleeping bag and put everything away for the night while rolling my hoodie into a pillow. At this point a black-haired girl with a bow on her head has set up camp next to me and is reading a book by candlelight. She has a feline undertone to her scent. Cat Faunus of some kind, the bow probably hides her ears. I don't blame her for hiding it, given the attitude towards Faunus I've heard occurs in most of the main kingdoms, the towns in the Outskirts are better most of the time but it's not perfect.

"Hey you!" Oh, now what? Ruby's sister is coming towards me. However, she doesn't notice me and drags Ruby with her to the girl next to me. Going by the conversation cat-girl, whose name is Blake, helped Little Red when some girl named Weiss spilled Dust in the air and caused Little Red to sneeze and the subsequent explosion. Then the Weiss chick shows up and starts shouting at the girls to be quiet.

"For the love of Grimm get her to shut up, I'm begging here." I agree, my ears are ringing from Ice Queen's voice. I let out a growl to get their attention and glare at Weiss.

"Shut it! As far as I'm concerned A) you were at fault for the explosion, B) Little Red's age simply proves how skilled she is, and C) before you go and call someone a little girl grow a few inches yourself." Weiss stare at me in shock but Yang's eyes turn red and smoke starts coming out of her. Please don't make the sprinklers start up.

"You're the perv that smelled my sister!?" Ruby blushes and tries to call Yang off while the Monochrome girls stare at me with caution, I'm not dealing with this crap already. I give her a large grin showing off my sharpened canines. My pupils are slits now so these two factor lead most people to believe I'm a Faunus. I don't bother correcting them.

"I can't control my senses." I've played the I'm-a Faunus card before and I'll let her assume that's what I mean now. Yang's eyes roam over my face, taking in my teeth and eyes, before they go back to normal and she calms down while also looking ashamed.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize you were …" She trails off there and I simply nod at her and wave it off. Weiss however looks at me with even more distrust.

"Something you want to say Silver Spoon?" Weiss glares and then walks off. I say good night to the other three girls and then bury my head in my hoodie and sleep takes me.

"REN WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" For the love of Oum. I shoot into the air and cover my ears while gritting my teeth. I notice an orange haired girl shaking a boy in green around. Grabbing some clothes and toiletries I rush into the bathrooms and take a shower.

"Jaune if we have to face that kind of sensory barrage every day I will take control and make us leave." I grimace, I almost agree with him. "And what, have the White Fang after us again? Ever since we rejected them and gave the Bull Bastard a reason for an eyepatch they've been hunting us down. Plus you've felt it as well. The restlessness and increased numbers of Grimm. Something big is going to go down involving Grimm soon and I'm not going to be comfortable being in the Wilds when it does." Pecus grumbles his agreement. "Fine, but I wouldn't mind paying the Bull back for the arm he cost us."

Getting out of the shower and drying off I change into a copy of my clothes from yesterday after quickly switching my bandages out for dry ones. Black hoodie with left sleeve torn off, check. Jeans, check. Boxers and socks, check. Reinforced shoes, check.

With that done I go to brush my teeth when I notice that duo again. What is that girl doing in the boy's restroom? Never mind, the sinks are communal while the bathrooms are separate. Then I take a sniff and notice their scent, its completely mixed. I can't tell where the girl begins and the guy ends. I don't think I've ever met a couple so close.

I look into the mirror and check myself out to make sure I didn't miss a spot on my face. Two slitted blue eyes stare back at me, a blonde mop of hair with a black streak coming from the crown of my head down to above my right eye. "Nope same ugly mug as usual." I brush my teeth and head to the lockers. We could have some stuff sent to our lockers upon landing and I had a med-pack along with a few other things sent to mine. I notice Ice Queen is talking to a red head with a spear. She looks uncomfortable, with Ice Queen's fawning. I should interrupt, it gives me a chance to mess with Ice Queen at least.

"Hello there Ice Queen." Weiss's face turns red at that. "What do you want?" I send the red head a grin and hold out my hand. "I wanted to introduce myself to this girl, my name's Jaune. And you are?" Red shakes my hand but before she can answer Ice Queen speaks.

"How can you not know who she is? She's Pyrrha Nikos!" I tilt my head and stare at the red-head. "I lived in the wilds and outskirts for the past six years or so. I really don't bother keeping track of which kingdom's stepping on another's toes." Pyrrha seems pleased I don't know her, clearly someone doesn't like fame.

"Anyway see you girls around." I leave the two of them to whatever they're talking about and find my locker. I grab my supply belt from inside and loop it along with my other belt.

"Hey Jaune." I turn to see Ruby and Yang approaching me. "Hello there Little Red, Firecracker." Yang shoots me grin and laughs. "Firecracker, huh? I like it. So, can you tell my little sis about how she needs more friends." Personally, I could care less how many friends you have, quality over quantity and all that.

"I once heard a saying "Strangers are friends you just haven't met yet." Now that has so many things wrong on principle but I took this from it. Everyone has a possibility of being a friend. Make some friends but make sure they're loyal. And a girl like you should have no problems Little Red." I ruffle her hair and laugh at her pout.

"What's with the worry anyway?" Yang waves it off and gives her sister a pat on the head. "She's just worried about who her partner will be." Wait we have to have partners, I thought we just worked in random groups every once in a while.

"What happened to the whole "Don't care who knows" attitude." I keep myself from scowling outwardly. "We're in a school of Hunters, do you honestly think any large group of them will accept us. We'll need to change our strategy. Start thinking on who could be a good partner that won't try and kill us and can help cover for us." I was walking on autopilot while talking to Pecus and find myself on a platform facing a cliff. Wonder what happened while I was out of it.

"… the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner after that you shall track down and acquire a relic hidden in the forest." Well damn, now I have to track people down. "Alright I say we grab either Little Red or the Blake chick. Both seem like they'll at least wait a few seconds for an explanation before they start shooting." Hmm both have merits.

"Let's try and get Blake first, mutual secrets and all that. She keeps ours and we'll keep hers." Pecus agrees and then the sound of a spring catches my attention. They're launching us into the forest, I have never had to work on a landing strategy before, I usually just fly when necessary but here I might get shot at.

"Any questions?" I raise my hand and Ozpin nods at me. "Do we have to have a partner or a team?" Ozpin stares at me before nodding. "Yes, yes you do." Worth a shot. The platform under my feat launches me into the air and soon I begin to descend. Straightening myself out to increase speed I soon reach the canopy and unsheathe my unbandaged hands claws and grasp a tree. I spin around the tree and then jump to the ground. So glad I got one with no branches, that could have hurt otherwise.

Outdoors, my element. I take a deep breath and take in the scents, Blake's close by while Ruby is a bit farther away. I'll try Blake first and if she's taken I'll head to Ruby.

"GRROWL!" I look around and see some Beowolfs approach me. One Alpha, three that are halfway to that level, and two Omegas. B-O-R-I-N-G.

"I'll give you one chance to run away. I'd take it." I make my eyes change into their Grimm form and stare them down. The Alpha must be young or brash because he jumps at me. I grab him by the throat and snap his neck. As he dissolves I absorb his essence into me where Pecus will see if anything in his DNA will be worth splicing into us. The other Beowolfs make to run but I charge at them while growing a bone gauntlet around my right hand.

"Who said you can run!" I smash the skull of one in and throw its corpse at one of its comrades killing the second one from the bone spikes on its comrades back piercing it. A fist through the chest of the first one finishes it off. I look around and see the other two got away, oh well. No skin off my nose.

"ruff!" I look down and see a Beowolf pup (slightly smaller than Zwei) looking up at me. Huh, baby Grimm are pretty rare near the kingdoms. The pup looks up at me and then butts his head against my leg. I lean down and hold my fist near its face. It sniffs it before licking my hand. I can never bring myself to kill a baby Grimm, their instincts haven't set in yet and they're innocent. The fact they're adorable doesn't hurt them either.

"Cute little thing aren't you. Stay hidden for now okay." I pat the pup on its head and start walking towards where Blake's scent seems to be. I hear soft footsteps behind me and look back to see the Beopup following me.

"Shoo little guy." No reaction, the pup just keeps staring up at me with its tongue sticking out. I start walking off again only for it to keep following. I look to see it's nipping at my heel now. I pick it up by the scruff of its neck and bring it to eye level where it then licks my face. I wipe my face and sigh. Great a freshly formed one. Human negativity put together and popped out randomly where Grimm essence is high rather than coming out of one of those spawning pools deep in the wilderness or through regular reproduction. And the little guy has imprinted on me. There will be no shaking him now, he'll follow me to the ends of Remnant.

I sigh and put the little guy on the ground. "Come on… hmmm what to call you?" Let's see, what works for this guy? "How's Fenrir sound?" the pup barks with in a light tone so I suppose it will do. "Alright Fenrir lets go."

"HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! Father at seventeen, I'm dying right now." I ignore him as I follow the scent of fish, paper, and beeswax. Wait what's that bit mixed in there, it's familiar but I can't quite place it. Blood and …. Beef? That scent… but how can it be on Blake. Even if it's faint is still on her.

What connection to Adam Taurus do you have Kitty-Cat?

Hope you all like this. Thoughts? Ideas?