Hey guys,
so this is some ... well what is this actually ...? Okay let's say short story. Probably about two chaps long (so no, it doesn't end after that!) But the most important thing is, (like you already could read in the summary) it's some kind of sequel based on "weird feeling" ... means you first have to read "weird feeling" before this one, otherwise it won't make any sense.

I know I had promised you this since a while now and I know I'm pretty behind with my other stories as well (I just can't find time for it right now ... so stressful over here) So let me tell you this beforehand: Chap 2 will take its time, too ... I just didn't want to make you wait even longer from this one and uploaded the first chap now before even starting with the second chap*nervous laughter*

Author Note:
The song I'm using in here is by "He is we" and it's called "kiss it all better"

Warning: contains posttraumatic diseases and fears of death

BUT: (And even when this can be seen as some kind of spoiler now)
I'm not the one for character deaths! I never was, and NEVER will be! (Just always keep that in mind while reading :))

Thanks for reading this first *hug*
Now enjoy the first chap :D!

It felt like time had come to a halt, while Dean was standing in the middle of the shopping mall, unable to move. There he was again … that man, totally in black and with the gun in his hand, pointing it directly at the lunatic.
Dean was standing completely alone … why was he alone? Where did everybody go?
Dead silence arose, when the blonde's breath broke until it stopped completely for a few seconds. It was so quiet that Dean could hear the clicking noise, coming from the secured weapon, when the man released the safety catch of his gun.
Suddenly everything went real quick. The trigger was pulled and Dean anxiously squinted his eyes, hearing how the gun went off. A deafening noise cut through the silence, caused by the bullet, leaving the barrel with an immense speed, while the blonde – who was still unable to move a muscle - was holding his breath, awaiting the merciless projectile to hit his body painfully. But it never came.
Once more Dean was surrounded by silence and his breath was back, shallowly and much quicker than before, when the lunatic hesitantly opened his eyes.

He sees a smoking gun
and the coward he ran

For a moment time seemed to be frozen again. Wide-eyed Dean stared at his boyfriend, who had jumped in front of him, catching the bullet instead of the younger man.
"R-Ro …", Dean gasped in shock, watching the Samoan going down with an agonized whimper.
Suddenly they were completely alone. The mall in front of Dean's eyes changed into the small store room, which the lunatic had fled into a month ago. But the blonde seemed to not even notice it, only having eyes for his bleeding boyfriend on the floor.

And in his arms is the bleeding
love of his life

"Ro! O-Oh my God R-Ro!" Dean half ran, half stumbled over to the Samoan, falling on his knees beside him, "P-Please …" Tears were streaming over the younger man's face, when he rolled him on his back.
"Argh!", Roman gasped, ripping his eyes open in pain, while he was covering his bloody chest with one hand. "Hah … hah …", he panted heavily, when every next breath he was taking became more painful and labored, while the horrified Samoan was looking at his other bloody hand.
Everywhere was blood, turning Roman's white shirt dark red, while more of it was leaking through the tall man's trembling fingers.
"O-Oh God …", Dean cried unable to hold the stream of tears back, while he tried to amplify the pressure on his boyfriend's bullet wound.

And he cries
kiss it all better
I'm not ready
to go

"Argh … i-it … h-hurts …", Roman groaned, his voice not more than a whisper, while he was staring up to his sobbing boyfriend, " … s-so … b-bad …" His words were soaked with agony, causing the tall man's chocked voice to tremble.
"P-Please …" Was all that left Dean's lips, while he was looking down on his dying boyfriend through the blur of tears. "W-Why … w-why …?" The lunatic cried loudly, taking the Samoan's shivering hand in his, while his tears were mixing with Roman's blood, which kept on running out of the deadly wound.

It's not your fault love
you didn't know
you didn't know

"P-Ple-ase R-Ro … d-don't … do-n't d-do t-this t-to … m-me …", Dean begged and leant his forehead against Roman's, while more tears were making their way over the blonde's cheeks, giving Dean the feeling of choking, "I-I … I n-n-need … y-you …"

His hands are so cold
and he kisses his face
and says 'Everything will be alright'

Dean had pulled his boyfriend's head onto his lap, keeping it save on his thighs, while the lunatic's hand was covering Roman's, trying to stop the bleeding beneath.
"P-Plea-se R-Ro …", the blonde sobbed. Cold, his boyfriend's hands were ice cold, when Dean leaned over the Samoan's face once more, kissing it desperately, " … d-don't … l-leave m-me …"
Roman had closed his eyes, while his breathing became more shallow with every minute that past.
"P-Please …", the younger man cried. "E-Everyt-thing … w-will b-e … a-alright …", he breathed against his boyfriend's pale, diaphoretic skin, even when Dean knew – deep inside him - that it wouldn't. Roman had lost a lot of blood, too much. Drops of cold sweat were sparkling on the tall man's forehead, showing Dean that his boyfriend already had fallen into a psychically shock.

And he cries
kiss it all better
I'm not ready
to go

It's not your fault love
you didn't know
you didn't know

"D-D'n … h-ha-h ..", Roman coughed. Blood was coming out of his mouth, running out of the corners of his mouth. "A-Ar-gh … h-hur-ts … s-so … b-b- … h-hah …" the Samoan gasped, while he was grabbing his boyfriend's shirt with all his remained strength, turning onto his side to avoid himself from chocking. Tears were running out of the corner of his eyes, getting soaked up by the lunatic's shirt, while Roman was pulling himself even closer.
"W-Why …", the blonde cried, burying his face deeply inside the tall man's black hair, "P-Plea-se … R-Ro … w-why … wh-y d-did y-you … d-do t-that …?" More tears were streaming over Dean's cheeks, knowing his boyfriend was dying inside his arms and there was nothing he could do about it.
"B- … 'c-cau-se …", the Samoan whispered almost inaudible, " …'c-caus-e … I l-lo-ve … y-you D-D'n …"

He cries
stay with me …
Stay with me

"N-No R-Ro …!", Dean screamed in despair, breaking down on top of his boyfriend's lifeless body. "P-Plea-se … I-I l-love y-you …", he cried loudly and threw himself tighter against Roman's chest, knowing that the Samoan could no longer hear him, because his pierced heart had stopped beating.

He couldn't bring him back with a bullet to his heart …
He holds on to a memory

All it is, is a memory …
And he cries
Stay with me until I fall asleep
Stay with me …

Thank you so much for reading! *heart*

What do you think will happen next?
I see you in the reviews ;)!