Chapter 1: First lesson

Marinette groaned. »Seriously!« Alya laughed. »Yup. You lost Mari! Now you have to join me!« Marinette threw her head back and groaned again. »But I don't know how to dance hip hop Alya! How am I supposed to join you in the competition?« Alya smiled mischevously. »You're going to take lessons!« Marinette lifted an eyebrow. »When? How? I have a job Alya. Stuff to do.« Alya shook her head. »I know, but it's going to be only two hours a week. On Mondays and Wednesdays. C'mon Mari, you promised!« Marinette groaned again and covered her face with her hand. »Alright. But it better not get in the way of work and helping at the bakery!« Alya nodded enthusiastically. »Of course! Thank you so much Mari!« Alya jumped on her best friend and hugged her as Marinette giggled. »Okay, okay. Calm down Al.«

Later that day Marinette hummed as she watered her plants. Alya had helped her sign up for the hip hop lessons, before she left to get ready for her date with Nino. It was Sunday, so Marinette was going to have her first lesson tomorrow. She was a little bit nervous, but it helped her calm down that Alya had tought her a little hip hop before, so she wasn't completely in the blank when it came to dance. She sighed now and looked up at the sky. The sun was setting and the sky was glowing orange. She sat down on her little balcony, watching the sunset. She'd just gotten her new little apartment looking a bit like she wanted it to. Her sewing stuff crowded the table and there were posters on her bedroom walls, her kitchen was full of food and plates and such and the TV was playing another soap opera.

She'd just moved into the apartment a month ago. It had been time to move out of her parent's bakery when she turned twenty-three and now she was here. In her little apartment, on her little balcony. She was running an online botique and working part time in the Agreste fashion firm, for Gabriel Agreste, one of Paris' top designers. She helped in the bakery twice a week and got free pastries. Her life was perfect. Well, it would be. If Alya wouldn't stop trying to find her a date or set her up with someone. She'd been on at least five disaster dates and almost strangled Alya when she'd ''accidentally'' signed her up in a dating app. Yup, life was great. Now Marinette stood up and walked back into her apartment, shuting the balcony door and going to her bedroom to get ready for bed. Tomorrow was another day.

Marinette lifted her head sleepily as she fumbled with her phone to turn off her alarm. When she finally shut it off she collapsed back into bed groaning. »Just another day.« She muttered to herself. »Just another normal day.« She slowly got up and got ready for work.

When she arrived at work she was completely woken up by her cup of coffee and smiling as she pushed open the doors to the building she worked in. She greeted everyone kindly as she walked to her office. She soon sat down at her desk and turned on her computer to start a new design. Sitting back in her chair as it hummed to life. Her desk phone beeped and she clicked a button. »Mr Agreste would like you to check the summer collection and send feedback to me by Thursday, Miss Dupain – Cheng. I have sent you all you'll need via e-mail.« Marinette nodded to herself as she opened her mail. »Okay, thanks Natalie.« »Alright. Good luck.« The telephone buzzed before the line dissconected, leaving Marinette to her work.

It was already three o'clock as Marinette rushed home. She picked up a crossaint from the bakery before going to her apartment. When she got home she quickly ate, before changing her clothes. She sighed as she got into her small red car, calling Alya as she shut the door. The phone rang a few times before her best friend picked up.

»Hey, Mari. What's up?«

»I'm about to drive to my first hip hop lesson. Any encouraging words?«

Alya laughed. »You don't need encouragement! You're going to be the best in your class and whoop everyone's asses. Don't worry Mari, it'll be fine.«

Marinette sighed. »I hope you're right. Here goes nothing.«

»You'll be fine Marinette. Just go already. Bye.«

»Bye.« Marinette returned, before hanging up and starting the car.

Marinette finally parked, almost hitting a black car with a lime stripe. She got out of the car, slowly walking into the studio. She took a deep breath as she hanged up her bag in the changing room, taking out her water bottle and walking into the studio. There were already some girls there. Three of them seemed her age and two looked a bit younger. She set down her water on a chair and pulled her hair into a high ponytail. She looked around the studio. There were speakers and a small table with high legs in the corner, a few wires around it. The floor was wodden and the front wall was covered in mirrors. Just as she was admiring the mirrors someone walked in. Her eyes averted from the mirrors to look at the new person. Her eyes travelled down and over the golden locks and she was shocked to meet shinning green eyes boring into her blue ones. She blinked as he regarded her and looked away shyly. This wasn't happening, she thought, looking back at Adrien Agreste, who was still looking at her. He looked away from her as she glanced back at him and she let out a relieved sigh. She hadn't seen Adrien Agreste since middle school. Since the time when she'd had a crush on him.

Now a few other people walked into the room and sat down on the floor. Someone cleared their throat and Marinette looked up to see Adrien standing next to the table in the corner, looking over the class. That was when it hit her. »Hello class. It's nice to meet you all. My name's Adrien and I'm going to be your teacher.« Marinette was freaking out, just because, this was not happening. »Now if I won't be able to teach sometimes, you'll have a substitute. But don't worry I'll probably always be around to teach. Now you've all signed up already and I just need to check you're here. We'll be quick.« He started calling names, everyone was present. »Marinette Dupain-Cheng.« Marinette looked up and meet his green eyes. »Here.« She said. He looked away and called another name - Marinette sighed through her nose as she pulled herself together, thank god she hadn't stuttered. Adrien called the last name on the list before giving the class a camera worthy smile. »Now let's start. Find yourself a space on the floor.« Adrien plugged his phone in and a song started playing as the class started warm ups.

Soon they were already learning their first few steps and Marinette concentrated on the music. Class was over before she knew what was happening. Everybody grabbed their bottles and cleared out of the studio. Marinette grabbed her water and quickly drank, before moving to leave the clasroom. Closing her bottle as she walked she didn't even see him, before she crashed face first into his chest. She looked up. »I'm so sorry...« She was meet with his green eyes staring at her. »It's fine Marinette. No harm done. So you're Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the up-coming new designer under Agreste?« Marinette blinked. »I am?« Adrien laughed. »I didn't think it was you at first, until I read off your name. You know father can't stop bragging about you to other designers. He says you're really good.« Marinette smiled. »Well, that's reasuring.« Adrien nodded. »Well, I best get going. I'll see you on Wednesday Marinette.« He took a few steps away and she waved. »Bye.«

Marinette sighed as she drove home. This wasn't happening. Not again.

As she was driving she almost didn't notice the box in the middle of the road until it moved. She quickly hit the breaks. Checking for cars, she ran up to it and found a small ginger cat inside it. She quickly picked the box up and ran back to her car. She put the box on the car seat next to her and drove home.

She didn't notice the black spots on the cat until she got home.


This is my new dance fic AU for ML. I hope to hear some reviews on it. I know that much hasn't happened in the first chapter but I'm planning to heat things up between Adrien and Marinette in the future ;). There may be some OOC Adrien though.

I hope to read some reviews. Tell me if you like it, is there anything I could do better?

Dream on!
