
Thank you to everyone who's been reading this story and/or my other stories. It really means a lot to me!

Ivy the Snivy: Oh, Pikachu and Piplup weren't like that, unfortunately. ;) Sorry! And no, so far, Pikachu and Snivy are just friends. As for the rest of Alice's Pokémon, well...that's a surprise! ;)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, or anything related to Pokémon. I only own Alice.

7 - Team Plasma's Proposition

"Hey, look at that!"

At Touko's sudden voice, Hilbert and I continue our run and join her at the top of the hill. With a smile on her face, and a jolly Tepig on her head, she points over to the small town below us.

"Isn't that Accumula Town?"

His cousin's question causes Hilbert to nod. "I think so. Professor Juniper did say it would be the next town we saw."

Touko's hand suddenly shoots out and wraps around Hilbert's wrist. "Then come on! We've waited long enough. Let's go!"

Oshawott gives a small yelp from his spot on Hilbert's shoulder as his Trainer is dragged away by the energetic, chocolate-haired girl. Pikachu and Snivy snicker at the pleading expression he throws at them.

A few moments later, Touko races into the silvery streets of Accumula Town, shaking with excitement. Hilbert and I follow her, though I'm a bit further ahead than Hilbert is. He rubs his wrist, quietly commenting about Touko's surprising strength.

"It's small," Touko tells us as we start to cross over a small stretch of grass, which will lead us into the town, "but doable. We'll be able to get some training in here, won't we, Tepig?" Her little fire pig (who's still on her head) snorts in response, snuggling deeper into her Trainer's hair.

"We could stop by the Battle Club," Hilbert suggests nonchalantly. "I think it's near the Pokémon Center."

Battle Club? "Unova has them, too?" I find myself asking him. "I didn't know that."

Touko raises her eyebrow at my words, and for a moment, I'm fearful she'll turn into a pink-clothed, lighter-haired, Tepig-owning version of Raven. But she merely shrugs and turns away, reaching up to pet Tepig.

"Of course Unova has them. Does Kanto? Or wherever you're from?"

"No, Kanto doesn't have many, but we do have some battle spots, where Trainers get together and train with each other. They're unofficial, of course."

She nods before resting her eyes on Snivy. The little Grass-type is curled up in the crook of my neck, her leafy tail draped over my shoulder.

"Have you ever seen Snivy in battle before? Or Pikachu?"

Her inquiry catches me off guard; it's a few heartbeats later when I reply. "Of course I have. ...Why do you ask?"

"Has she won any battles before?"


"I was just wonderin'," she says, reaching up to play with Tepig's floppy black ears. "It's surprising, since she's a Grass-type and all."

A fire begins to swirl at the pit of my stomach. "What do you mean?" My voice is sharp when I speak.

"It's no secret Grass-types have a lot of weaknesses. I mean, they're vulnerable to Fire-types, Bug-types, Ice-types, you name it. I'm impressed you've managed to win battles with her."

Hilbert jolts at his cousin's words. "Touko, cut it out!" His eyes meet mine, alight with panic. "She didn't mean that in a bad way, Alice! She's still new to the whole concept of being a Trainer!"

This earns him a fierce scowl, courtesy of his cousin. "So are you! And I'm just voicing my opinion!"

"It's okay." Both brown-haired heads swerve around at my surprisingly calm voice. My nails bury themselves into the soft skin of my palms so hard they begin to hurt. "It's fine to assume a Pokémon is weak, just because of their type." My voice is soaked with sarcasm—something I'm not used to doing.

It's Touko's turn to act defensive. "Hey, that's not what I meant! If you're able to win battles with her, then good for you! Grass-types are particularly hard to work with because of their many weaknesses. If you can work through them and still win some battles, it means you're pretty strong!"

I allow my fingers to unwind, but the hostility burning in my stomach still remains. "Whatever." My eyes dart to the ground as I step past Touko, and closer towards the town in the near distance.

The air is still thick between the three of us as we make it into the little town. Silvery pavement rests beneath our feet, and a few houses and buildings tower over us. Stairs and bridges connect the houses together, with the stairways providing easy walkways to the roofs of some buildings, and allowing anyone to go up and enjoy the view. Signs to the Pokémon Center and various shops are placed along the sidewalks. Children play with their Pokémon, whether they're Patrat, Deerling, or Lillipup, while their parents look on lovingly.

My hands have shoved themselves into the pockets of my jacket. Touko and I have not shared a single word since our exchange outside the city. Hilbert and Oshawott have tried to speak with me, but I just brush them both off. I'm not interested in making peace with Touko so soon after she undermined Snivy's skill in battle.

She's the complete opposite of Dawn; at least she was sweet and understanding, albeit a bit energetic to deal with, even by my standards. But Touko is just...flat-out mean!

"She really doesn't mean it," Hilbert had said as we were approaching the city. "It's just her blunt honesty. She says whatever's on her mind without any restraint. She doesn't filter what she says, she just says it."

Pikachu's cheek rubs against my own, and a soft coo slips out of his mouth. Snivy flicks her leaf-like over my shoulder, eyeing me carefully with those slanted red orbs.

They know when I'm upset, Pikachu especially. I should know better than to hide my feelings around them.

Just as I pet them both on their heads, Touko's voice explodes behind me: "Hilbert, where are you going?!"

My head turns to the side just to see a blur of brown and blue run past me and down the street. Another blur, this one brown and pink, chases after him. Tepig clings onto Touko's ponytail for dear life as she chases her cousin.

"You'll get lost! Come back here!"

Instinct kicks me into gear, and it's not long before I start running after the two of them. Hilbert, who holds a terrified Oshawott under one arm and the strap of his shoulder bag on the other, races straight up to a light crowd of citizens near a small grassy hill.


At Hilbert's excited voice, a certain boy in the crowd turns his head to gaze behind him. His face breaks out into a grin when he sees the brown-haired boy.

"Hilbert." His voice is very calm, even when the three of us stop in front of him, panting like crazy.

Her face crimson from heaving and running, Touko collides her fist with Hilbert's arm. "Don't run off like that again, you idiot!"

The boy chuckles before turning around completely, and when he does, I'm able to get a better look at him. Dark blue eyes are nearly hidden behind pale silver, half-rimmed glasses, and a red shirt with two white vertical stripes on the side hug his upper body, while black jeans have made their home on his lower half. He wears a blue jacket and matching blue shoes, as well."

"It's good to see you again, Hilbert." A hand sweeps some black bangs out of his eyes. "And this must be the cousin you keep complaining about, right?" He nods to Touko, whose scarlet cheeks are puffed out in annoyance.

"With good reason," Hilbert mumbles, rubbing his sore arm. Oshawott crawls up his Trainer's shoulder and onto his head, where he settles himself directly on the top.

The black-haired boy's eyes catch mine, and then the sight of Pikachu and Snivy. But before he can open his mouth to question me, a booming voice comes from the hill in front of the crowd:

"Greetings, citizens of Accumula Town." The voice, albeit sounding a bit strange, is no doubt entrancing. The four of us turn back toward the hill, where a group of people have gathered.

Banners with large blue P's printed on them sway in the light breeze that caresses Accumula Town. Below them are handfuls of men and women cloaked in light gray robes, hoods, and boots. They stare into the crowd almost expressionlessly.

Perched in the center of the small hill is a man with long green hair, wearing a large orange and purple cloak with multiple gold patterns engraved on it.

He must be their leader.

"I am Ghetsis," the green-haired man speaks in a deep voice. "I am here representing Team Plasma. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about Pokémon liberation."

At this, the crowd erupts into uncertain murmurs and concerned voices. Hilbert and I look at each other, and Pikachu, Snivy, and Oshawott do the same.

Liberation? As in, setting free? Do they really want Pokémon to be set free?

"I'm sure most of you believed that we humans and Pokémon are partners that have come to live together because we want and need each other," Ghetsis continues. "However...are you certain that's the truth?"

Snivy's tail swishes, knocking against my shoulder. Her red eyes are slanted even further.

"Have you ever thought...Pokémon are simply being subjected to selfish commands of Trainers? We speak of them as our partners, as our friends, but we push them around and force them to respond to our commands. ...Can anyone say with confidence there is no truth in what I'm saying?"

The crowd is dead silent. The only sound is a flock of Pidove flying overhead.

Is he right...? All this time, have I only been forcing Pikachu to battle for me? Am I the only one enjoying this adventure we've been on for five years? Is he even happy being my Pokémon?

But one look at Pikachu growling on my right shoulder evaporates all those thoughts. No. His eyes are always alight with happiness whenever we win a battle or earn a Gym badge. And we've been completely honest with each other, ever since we began our first journey in Kanto. If something was bothering him, he wouldn't be shy to admit it.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen," Ghetsis says, pacing back and forth on the hill in front of the "Team Plasma" members, "Pokémon are different from humans. They are living, breathing creatures who hold unknown potential. Humans have much to learn from these admirable beings. Tell me, what is our responsibility toward these wonderful beings called Pokémon?"

Touko's eyes meet Tepig's, who's still perched on her head, and Hilbert lifts Oshawott up and places him on his shoulder. Snivy and Pikachu jump off my shoulders and onto the ground, and the two of them stare at me with large brown and red eyes.

I could never give you guys up. You feel equal to me, right? You're not inferior. Not at all.

"That's right!" At Ghetsis's voice, my head snaps up. Anger boils in the pit of my stomach. "We must liberate the Pokémon! Then, and only then, will humans and Pokémon truly be equals. Citizens of Accumula Town, I leave you today imploring you to consider the true relationship between people and Pokémon...as well as the correct way to proceed. We sincerely appreciate your attention."

As Ghetsis bows his head to the crowd, two Team Plasma members take down the banners. The men and women in the gray uniforms circle around their leader and begin to walk away, down the hill and towards the exit of the city.

The silence Team Plasma has left us with is very disturbing. However, the citizens begin to break away from the crowd and murmur to each other about what Ghetsis said.

"They're out of their minds if they think we're gonna do what they say," Touko finally speaks up. She stretches out her left arm, allowing Tepig to climb down and perch herself on her wrist. "Right, Tepig?" The fire pig happily snorts in response, wagging her springy tail.

Meanwhile, Hilbert and Cheren exchange awkward glances. "I mean, Oshawott and Snivy would let us know if they were unhappy, right?"

"That seems to be the most accurate assumption," Cheren says. A hand slides down to his belt, where a Poké Ball rests. Interesting. He has a Snivy, too?

When I look down to speak with my own Pokémon, I find their backs are facing me, their eyes locked onto something down the street. Following their gazes, I spot a young man standing on the edge of the street, with ruffled green hair tied back in a long ponytail. He wears a black and white hat, a white shirt, light tan pants, and green sneakers. Curled around his arm is a Purrloin, who stares right back at Pikachu and Snivy with her slanted emerald hues.

The Trainer suddenly turns, and our eyes lock. I freeze under his blue-gray gaze.

He steals a glance at Pikachu and Snivy, and soon, he's walking over to us. My hands twitch in anticipation, and I prepare myself for an unfriendly confrontation.

Whenever the eyes of two Trainers meet, a battle is sure to ensue.

"Your Pikachu," the Trainer says in a quiet voice, stopping only a few yards away from us. "And your Snivy. I can hear their voices."

Said Electric-type and Grass-type look at each other before stepping cautiously over to the newcomer. He kneels down to their level and holds out a hand. The Purrloin on his shoulder smiles encouragingly.

Pikachu's the first to sniff the stranger's hand. When he does, he coos happily and rubs his face into the newcomer's palm. Snivy raises an eyebrow, not making a single move towards the mysterious Trainer. He gazes at her sadly.

"I understand," he says to her. "You're not quick to trust new people. It's not surprising, considering you were abandoned."

To my surprise, Snivy doesn't seem startled by his words. But that doesn't mean I'm not. "Who are you? And how do you know that?"

Giving Pikachu one last pet on his head, he stands up and smiles softly. "She told me herself."

Suddenly, Cheren and Hilbert are at my sides, with Touko standing next to her cousin. "But Pokémon can't talk!" Cheren blurts out. "That's impossible!"

The mysterious Trainer is taken aback. "They can talk. ...Oh, you must not be able to hear them, then. That's a shame." He tips his hat and slightly bows his head. "My name is N. Pleased to meet you."

"I'm Alice," I tell him, as Pikachu and Snivy hop back onto my shoulders. "And you've already met Pikachu and Snivy."



"I'm Hilbert. It's nice to meet you, too. And this is Oshawott."


"My name's Touko. This is Tepig, my partner."


"And my name is Cheren," the black-haired boy finishes our introductions. "Hilbert and I were asked to complete the Pokédex, and we just left Nuvema Town a few days ago. My main goal is to become the Champion, though."

As he speaks of his mission, I can't help but realize he uses the word "goal," just like Raven did in our last meeting. Dreams are for dreamers, plain and simple. Goals are for people to take them seriously and achieve them for real.

My throat gets dry at the thought of her. I wonder how she's doing? Knowing her, I'm guessing she's already got three new badges to rub in my face the next time we cross paths.

N raises his eyebrow. "The Pokédex?" He swallows before quietly continuing, "I understand. You're going to confine countless numbers of Pokémon in Poké Balls, then, are you not?"

It's our turn to be startled by his words. He's starting to sound like those Team Plasma guys! Is he one of them?

"I'm a Trainer, too," he admits, staring at the ground, "but I don't trap them inside Poké Balls. They wander about freely at my side. I use them for battle, as well, but I can't help asking myself these questions... Are Pokémon really happy that way?"

His eyes suddenly shoot up and meet mine once more.

"It's Alice, right?" I nod. "Let me hear the voice of your Pokémon once again."

At his words, the Purrloin unwinds itself from his arm and leaps right in front of him. Its tail swishes, reminding me of Raven's own Purrloin.

My eyes dart from side to side, trying to decide who to choose. Pikachu's the obvious choice, what with our five-year-long bond and undeniable trust we have in each other. But Snivy could use the experience, and this battle could prove Touko was wrong about her earlier, when she said Snivy was a weak Pokémon.

Eventually, the urge to prove Touko wrong is stronger.

"Snivy, I choose you!"

The grass snake slides off my arm and directly in front of me, baring her teeth at Purrloin, who returns the gesture. Hilbert, Touko, and Cheren immediately back off to give us some space. Pikachu's reluctant to leave my side, though.

"It'll be okay, buddy," I reassure him, picking him up and placing him on the ground. "Go with Hilbert and Touko. You can cheer us on from the sidelines, okay?"

He shrugs, but eventually, he nods and bounds over to Hilbert. Oshawott smiles shyly as Pikachu waves to him.

Now that one of my Pokémon is safe and taken care of, it's time to worry about the other. I nod to Snivy, and she nods back. She's comfortable with any strategy I throw her way.

"It's refreshing to see you using Snivy," N says quietly, "considering her past hardships. She must have a lot of trust in you to battle alongside you."

I steal another glance at my Grass-type. Is that right? I mean, we've only known each other for about a week now. Does she already trust me enough to let me take charge with this battle?

"Snivy, start this off with Vine Whip!"

"Purrloin, use Scratch!"

Twin vines slide out of Snivy's neck and lunge for Purrloin. However, before they can smack at the purple catlike Pokémon, Purrloin's claws lengthen and swipe at them. Snivy grits her teeth as she recalls her vines, with Purrloin smirking victoriously.

"No way!" Touko gasps. "How is that even possible?!"

"Purrloin tend to be extra speedy," Hilbert tells her. "They can use that to their advantage when performing physical attacks like Scratch."

She glowers at her cousin, her cheeks already inflated and red. "I was asking Cheren, not you!" Meanwhile, Cheren shifts uncomfortably next to Touko.

"Purrloin, my friend," N calls out, "use Growl!"

Purrloin smirks before digging all four paws into the pebbles and stones that make up the pavement below. It inhales deeply before baring its teeth and releasing a powerful growl.

At first, Snivy doesn't seem effected. But then, the muscles in her little arms and tail begin to relax. Panic sets into her eyes as she tries to regain the strength she had only seconds ago.

"Growl will easily lower an opponent's Attack power," Cheren sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Snivy won't be as strong as she was earlier in the battle."

That's what you think!

"We can do the same thing, right, girl?! Snivy, use Leer!"

Snivy bares her teeth and releases an intensified glare. Her eyes are shadowed with a red color, and the imprints lift off and collide into Purrloin's body. The violet catlike creature shakes its head, its whole body quivering.

"And now Purrloin's Defense has been lowered!"

We're pretty much even now, aren't we? "Leaf Tornado, let's go!"

Snivy twirls herself around, a gust of leaves and pebbles gathering at the tip of her leafy tail. With a battle cry, she slams the tornado into Purrloin, knocking it back and into the pavement below.

N grits his teeth. "Purrloin, come on! I know you can still get up!" It's only a matter of seconds when Purrloin springs to its feet, pawing at the pavement.

My nails bite into my palms once again. Snivy hasn't been hurt directly yet, though. She can still go on. Purrloin must be getting tired if it relies on its speed—

Wait! Its speed! I can use that!

"Purrloin, end this with Scratch!"

"Dodge it, Snivy!"

Snivy darts to the right as Purrloin lunges, causing the sleek Dark-type to smash into the ground. Snivy fails to bite back a smirk when she sees Purrloin shaking its head.

"Go for her again, Purrloin! Keep using Scratch!"

"Keep dodging, Snivy! Don't let it touch you!"

Snivy skillfully evades each of Purrloin's swipes, and it's not long before sweat begins to cling to the Dark-type's purple fur. Snivy's also getting tired, but she hasn't taken as much damage as Purrloin has.

"Leer once more!"

Snivy flips backwards to dodge another swipe, and when she lands on her back paws, she glares fiercely at Purrloin. Those shadowy red eyes lift off and slam into its form, causing it to tremble for a second time today.

"Finish this up with Vine Whip!"

Like a flash of lightning, Snivy's vines lash out and slap Purrloin continuously. The catlike creature cries out before falling onto the pavement, black swirls plastered on its face.

We won!

"You did it, Snivy! Nice job, girl!" The grass snake sends me a tired yet victorious smile from across the little makeshift field.

But my rush of victory is frozen when N walks over to his fallen Purrloin and cradles it close to him. At his touch, the Purrloin opens its eyes and smiles. N returns the gesture before turning to me and Snivy, who has joined me and now rests in my arms.

"I never expected a Pokémon to say the things your Snivy spoke during our battle," he says quietly. Not a trace of anger is in his voice nor on his face. "She certainly bears a feisty spirit." He suddenly frowns, a lock of sea green hair falling in between his eyes. "But it doesn't matter in the end. As long as Pokémon are confined to Poké Balls, they will never be perfect beings." He tears his eyes away from mine, and looks up at the sky. "Pokémon are my dear friends. And that is why I must change the world for them."

He gives me a soft smile, and Purrloin is able to climb up onto his shoulder again. It smirks and winks at Snivy, who raises her eyebrow in response.

"We'll meet again in the future, Alice. I can feel it."

My forehead creases at his words, but I shrug them off. "I guess we will. Thanks for the battle, N. Snivy is a bit stronger now, thanks to you. Aren't you, girl?" She nods and rubs her head against my chest.

N doesn't say anything; he merely nods and turns away, a sad smile etched on his face. He begins to walk down the street, leaving the four of us in a daze.

"What a strange guy," Touko comments as she walks over to me. Pikachu leaps down from Hilbert's shoulder and onto my own, his bolt-shaped tail wagging like a Lillipup's.

Cheren shrugs, placing his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Eh, I wouldn't give him too much thought. It's obvious Pokémon and Trainers help each other out, especially in times of need. Why go through the trouble of separating them?"

Hilbert shifts his weight from one leg to the other, holding Oshawott close. "But still...what they said somewhat made sense..."

All four pairs of eyes meet the ground. I tighten my arms around Snivy as those words sink in. Liberation would've been perfect for Snivy, if she was abused by her old Trainer, but not all Pokémon are! Some are very happy with their Trainers.

But then again... I know Pikachu and Snivy are happy, and so are Oshawott, and Tepig, and even Piplup back in Sinnoh. But are all Pokémon truly happy with their Trainers?

"Well," Cheren's voice finally slices through the uneasy silence, "I'm heading to Striaton City to face the Gym Leader."

My head whips up at his words. "Striaton City?" Gym Leader?

"Yeah, it's the next town over," he informs me. "But I've gotta get moving if I want to be there by noon." He smiles at the brown-haired boy next to him. "I'll see you later, Hilbert."

He nods at his friend. "See you later."

Cheren nods to me and Touko before heading off down the same street N went down. Hilbert watches him leave, hugging Oshawott even tighter.

Suddenly, Tepig whines from her spot on Touko's head. "What's the matter, girl? You hungry?" She nods, her springy tail drooping. "Okay, okay. We'll get some lunch, okay?"

My own stomach begins to growl. I haven't really eaten anything since last night, when Snivy and Pikachu and I shared some berries before we went to sleep.

Touko points to the orange Pokémon Center in the distance. "I'm stopping in there for a bite to eat. Alice, you should come, too. I'm not gonna stand listening to that Wailord of a stomach all day. And you should heal up Snivy while you're at it, too."

I press a hand to my stomach defensively, but I can never turn down the offer of food. "Okay, then. Let's go!"

She starts running towards the Pokémon Center at full speed, leaving me and Hilbert in the dust. At this, her cousin shrieks and tries to catch up to her.

"You were the one who said no running off on your own, Touko!"


It's been a bit hectic these past few days. I left Virbank City with my rival, Raven, and Laura, one of Professor Juniper's assistants. Pikachu, Snivy, and I came to Nuvema Town. I finally have some Poké Balls and a Pokédex, and Snivy is officially my Pokémon now!

We also met these two Trainers: Hilbert Black and Touko White. Hilbert's a sweetheart, and he owns an Oshawott. It's a tiny blue and white sea otter Pokémon. Touko is...kind of a pain. She's "blatantly honest," as Hilbert likes to call it. She pretty much just says what's on her mind without thinking it through. She owns a Tepig. It's an orange pig that blows fire from its nose. And hers is the cutest thing!

Also, we ran into this organization called Team Plasma. It seems they're fixated on freeing Pokémon from their Trainers, and they claim they're not truly happy unless they're released. It doesn't really make sense, but I don't know.

I miss you every day, Dawn. I really wish you could come here and visit, but I know your Contests come first. The three of us wish you and Piplup the best!


"I don't know about you, Alice," Touko says to me through a mouthful of apples, "but when I first came to Nuvema Town to travel with Hilbert, I wasn't that impressed."

Both mine and Hilbert's faces flush red, but Touko continues talking:

"I mean, you only have, like, a few lakes and too many trees. How do you guys get tan in the summer? Don't you ever get sick of seeing so many forest Pokémon?"

The three of us are seated at a booth in the Pokémon Center's café, with Touko sitting across from me and Hilbert. A fully-healed Snivy now sits on the floor with Pikachu, Tepig, and Oshawott, and they all munch down on some special Pokémon food. Touko, Hilbert, and I ordered some apples and berries; you can never go wrong with healthy fruit when traveling on the road.

"Not every town can be as lush and exotic as Undella Town," Hilbert mumbles, shoving another berry into his mouth.

"Undella Town?" I raise my eyebrow at her. "Where is that?"

"Almost halfway across the region," she answers, shrugging. "It's got beautiful beaches, access to the oceans, and adorable vacation homes! It's practically a city in the summer; so many people come to visit! Plus, we have Pokémon you can't find anywhere else in the Unova region. We even have Wailord!"

Well, that explains that Wailord reference she made earlier.

"So, where are you from, Alice?" Hilbert says, taking a sip from his water bottle. "I know you're from Kanto, but what town?"

"Pallet Town. It's kinda like Nuvema Town, but the houses are really spread out. We also have a smaller population than Nuvema Town."

Hilbert leans back in his seat. "I've heard of Pallet Town, but not a whole lot. Isn't that where the famous Professor Oak lives?"

At this, Touko's face is suddenly in my own. "Really?! Do you know the professor?! That's so cool! He gives out Starter Pokémon, right? Like Professor Juniper does! Are they still Grass-types, Fire-types, and Water-types? Or do they give out different types?"

Hilbert slaps a hand over his mouth as I press my back into the cushion of the booth. "Y-yeah, I know him. He gives out Starter Pokémon to new Trainers. There's Bulbasaur, the Grass-type, Charmander, the Fire-type, and Squirtle, the Water-type. I actually got Pikachu from Professor Oak."

At this, both Touko and Hilbert eye me wearily. "Why? Does he give out Electric-types for Starter Pokémon? Professor Juniper doesn't do that in Unova."

"It's a long story," I tell them, feeling my face heat up. "I actually ended up sleeping in, and I missed out on getting a Starter Pokémon. He gave me Pikachu instead—he was the only one Professor Oak had left."

"Interesting," Hilbert says as Touko sits back in her seat. "So, I take it you're a fan of Professor Oak, huh, Touko?"

"You could say that," she says proudly. "I have a whole bookshelf dedicated to his works. It's a little taste of life outside the Unova region. Besides, Undella Town does have some Kanto Water-types in the ocean, so it's kinda hard not to read into them and their region of origin."

She suddenly looks up at the clock on the wall above.

"It's almost noon. We should head out. Striaton City's a few hours away, but it's best if we get a head start. Besides, we can't let Cheren beat us to the Gym, right, Hilbert?"

This makes me frown. "Wait, you two are going for Gym badges, too?"

"Of course!" Touko says, smiling. "Aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am. And I already have one."

Both pairs of brown eyes are as wide as Poké Balls when I say that. "Wh-what?! From where?! Did you already beat the Striaton City Gym?!"

"No, I defeated Roxie's Gym in Virbank City." I peel back the fold of my white jacket, revealing the shiny badge of poison bubbles. "I arrived in Virbank City when I first came here from Kanto."

The two cousins inch closer to inspect the piece of metal pinned to the fabric. "Amazing! She has two Pokémon, right? So, was your battle a two-on-two?"

"Yeah, that's right?"

"And you used Snivy?" Touko questions.

"Yup. At first, we lost to her, but we challenged her again and won. Snivy was able to defend herself." I make sure those last few words are extra sharp when I voice them.

Touko winces and casts her eyes downward. "Oh, I see..."

Hilbert, obviously sensing the tension, pats his hands on the table before standing up. "We should get going. Anyway, good job on your first Gym victory, Alice. Now, come on! Let's go."

As he scoops up Oshawott and places him in his arms, Touko raises an eyebrow. "Wait, hold up. Are we...traveling as a group, then?"

The though is like a lightning bolt to my brain. I'd never given any thought to traveling with these two. I mean, I just met them earlier today! Am I really willing to travel throughout an unknown region with them? Are they really worthy of my trust?

"I guess so, if that's okay with you," Hilbert says, nodding to me.

Touko shrugs her shoulders. "It kinda makes sense, considering we're on the same journey with the same mission. What do you say, Alice?"

One glance at Pikachu and Snivy chatting happily with Tepig and Oshawott are all I need to confirm my answer:

"I'm in."