Morning brought no relief for Marinette. She couldn't stop thinking about what she had done, how she had screwed up and kissed Adrien. She had broken up with him and then kissed him, idiot that she was, and now he probably hated her even more, and was just too nice to even mention it.

She's going to have to apologise to him somehow, in a way that could only be construed as an apology between friends, nothing else. Something creative, and that required at least some effort and thought on her part. It couldn't be generic. They have too much history for that.

She continued to mull the problem over as she putters round the tiny flat, tidying as she goes and waiting for Alya to return. Alya is a messy person who seems to leave a mess wherever she goes, and so there is plenty for Marinette to distract herself with. It is the least she could do, as Alya refused to allow her to pay any rent, despite Marinette being able to afford it.

Alya texted her around 11 to let her know that she wouldn't be home until the next day. Marinette let out a fondly exasperated sigh as she read through Alya's profuse apologies. Alya's magazine internship was taking up so much of her best friend's time these days, along with both of them studying and Marinette's commissions and part time job. They barely have any time to spend together, or even just free time to themselves. It was so rare for Marinette to manage a whole day off.

The kitchen area was probably the tidiest space in the apartment, Marinette's parents having long ago impressed upon her the necessity of keeping the space clean. Alya, bless her, was not the sort of person who cooked often, choosing instead to spend her time working or devoting time to one of her numerous blogs, or Nino. So, when Marinette had needed a place to crash, and had moved in to find Alya living off take away and food that didn't need to be cooked, or food that could be microwaved, she had been slightly horrified. It had taken little persuading to get Alya to let her do the cooking for the household.

So here she was, getting ready to cook this week's meals for the two of them, since she had the time. It was more convenient than cooking every night, and this week coming was going to be even more hectic than normal for both of them. It was while she was in the middle of chopping vegetables when the perfect solution to her apology gift to Adrien problem presented itself. It didn't take long to finish dealing with the rest of the vegetables, and the work of a moment to gather everything she would need.

Adrien did not sleep well last night. He had found himself unable to calm his mind and distract himself enough to sleep properly, a problem only compounded by the absence of Marinette sleeping beside him. He had only fallen into a fitful sleep from sheer inability to keep his eyes open. This had the unfortunate consequence of him being barely able to drag himself out of bed the next morning. It was very lucky that today he had the day off.

Marinette has the day off as well, he knows. They had planned to spend today together, but breakups had a way of derailing plans. And so, he was left moping round the house without the motivation to do anything in particular, Plagg snoozing on a cushion in a corner.

The apartment was in that state where it's a little to messy to be called clean, and was skating the line between 'lived in' and 'too messy to be considered healthy'. It was more than a little pathetic, but Adrien figures he's allowed to be a little pathetic after his girlfriend of three years breaks up with him for reasons Adrien still doesn't fully understand.

And so he doesn't make much of an effort to properly tidy, instead shifting stuff around the apartment in a pretence of busyness. It's not terribly effective, and it leaves his mind free to dwell on things he probably shouldn't be dwelling on, like that kiss last night.

Adrien isn't ashamed to say he enjoyed that kiss, short as it was. Marinette's kisses are always special, and Adrien treasures every single one. He misses the casual intimacy they had, the easy affection and fierce intensity. Despite his admittedly lacklustre efforts, Adrien loses himself in dwelling on the past.

A knock on the door shakes him from his reverie. It's soft, but distinct, and Adrien, glad for the distraction, leaps up to open it. He swings the door open to reveal Marinette fidgeting nervously on the other side.


It had seemed like a great idea at the time, bringing Adrien his favourite biscuits as an apology gift and as an excuse to attempt an explanation as well. Only now, as she stood outside their- his apartment block with a container of biscuits, did it seem rather foolish to try and apologise, especially like this

Was it too presumptuous, too weird? She wasn't his girlfriend anymore, she wasn't even sure she counted as a friend. But the voice in her head that sounds like Tikki is encouraging her to push ahead. She has come this far, and so she takes a deep breath and steps up to knock on the door as bravely as she feels.

The door swings open after a few nervous moments, and Marinette is forced to confront Adrien, who is staring at her with his mouth parted slightly. Both stand frozen for several crystalline moments, taking in the sight of each other.

Adrien looks like shit.

His hair is everywhere, his shoulders slumped, and his eyes have a slightly glassy look, not quite focussing on her. His clothes are lightly askew and rumpled, his shirt the same as the one he wore yesterday. Marinette's guilt intensifies at his general state of unkemptness and exhaustion.

Before she can come up with any excuse to skedaddle, Adrien snaps more properly upright and takes a breath in. Before he can get a word out, Marinette thrusts her hands out with the container clutched between them.

"For you," she says, pushing the box into his loose fingers. She is about to turn tail and escape when Adrien clasps her wrist gently.

"M-mari, please, stay a little. I-I just…"

Despite her internal monologue now being tuned to constant silent screaming, Marinette nods slightly, and trails after Adrien into the apartment.