On the way To Vermillion City the gang relaxing as Lance joined awhile ago with his friends while Ash was in water swimming and had few pokemon out which are Charmander Latios and Entei

" Ash do you know what are you doing." Pakura asked worried seeing him swimming

" I am fine Look It may look burning but it will stop in few minutes." Ash answered swimming while Latios decided to fly above his master Lord and a friend keeping an eye

" My Lord you need to listen To your girlfriend command, people are wanting you to use you." Latios said

" Latios do not worry Nobody gonna attack now if they do I have dragon power so stop worrying and if you want to by near me get in the water People are gonna ask why is their Latios in the air watching a boy." Ash rebuked at Latios

" As you wish My Lord but I suggest you don't take to long." Latios said as he joined Ash in water

" Relax now I will be done in fifteen minutes is that enough to least not worrying for awhile Latios." Ash asked while laying on his back in water

" Yes My Master." Latios said relaxing finally

fifteen minutes passed by as Ash got out and focused his dragon energy as he was exhausted

" Alright let get going now." Ash said making his body feel much better

" Ash why can't you use fire attack but can move after using dragon power." Brock asked

" Well my dragon power make my body feel normal but you know my body is like full of flame so it takes awhile to reignite And takes 15 to 20 minutes." Ash explained

" Why didn't you do it before." Archie asked

" I wanna make it that only few people know." Ash said answering Archie question unknown that the trio was near and almost heard that answer but saw he was wet

" Look. It the God of Flame and Dragon we can catch him and get a promotion he wet he can't use his flame." Jessie said

" I Don't think that A good idea Jessie He still has dragon power" James said pleading

" I don't care fire the electric net." Jessie said not caring tone

" But Jessie Boss said only on important pokemon." Meowth said

" He important if we capture him we take over the world."Jessie said taking the electric net and fired which surprised Ash electrocuting him and did not look good with water and was lifted in a air with trio ballons

" ASH." Pakura screamed gaining attention of everyone

"MASTER." Latios screamed ready to defend his Trainer as Entei and Charmander

Jessie: "Prepare for trouble

James: "You better make that double."

Jessie: "To protect the world from devastation."

James: "To unite all people within our nation."

Jessie: "To denounce the evils of truth and love."

James: "To extend our reach to the stars above."

Jessie: "Jessie."

James: "James."

Jessie: "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

James: "Surrender now or prepare to fight."

Meowth: "Meowth, that's right!"

" Team Rocket let him go." Cyrus said

" Make us now we leave with our goods." Meowth said happily thinking they have won

" Let him go." Pakura said jumping on Latios back and jumped on The trio battles

" You will have to take us from him." Jessie said

" Oh I will bitch." Pakura said making Jessie eye twitch

" Excuse me little girl I am more beautiful then you." Jessie said

" Nope your an old hag." Pakura said as she fought Jessie but Meowth did something surprise and scratch pakura making Jessie throw Pakura over but Latios quickly caught her and Ash saw this made him mad and did something he never did before in his life he snapped

" YOU WILL REGRET THAT." Ash said as he felt fire power returing fast

" So what you powerless you fire is out." Jessie said lauging

" We Shall SEE." Ash said as he made a big flames enough to free him and made dragon blade knife to cut down the Ballons

" Latias I need you." Ash said as he called Latias out from her ball and landed on her back As the trio landed they did not feel right

" UGGG THAT HURT." Meowth said

" Well its gonna be more. Pain" Ash spoke Coldly which made the trio frighten

" P-P-P-Please Don't h-h-h-hurt us." James asked fear

" Why Shouldn't I you hurt the one I love." Ash said as he started torture the trio and decided they will pay but something made him feel that Meowth And James didn't wanna do this

" James Meowth answer this honestly did you want to make me upset and catch me." Ash asked

Both say no except Jessie

" Alright Jessie you tried to abuse my power and tried to kill the one I love so I sentenced you death." Ash said making Jessie widen

" Please don't kill me." Jessie begged but was silenced as Ash killed her by his flame sword

" Well look like Ash has pity leave before thing get ugly." Lance added as Cyrus Maxie and Archie got ready for a fight

As James and Meowth left

" Pakura you alright." Ash said turing to see Pakura with Latios

" Yeah I am fine," Pakura replied as Ash put his arms around her and kissed her

" Let just teleport I am done doing this." Ash said as he held Pakura and focused his group as he teleport them away to Vermillion City

Next Day

Ash and his group wakes up and waked to the main center and was going to the gym until they see rushing officer

" Move Move they are attacking if your strong trainer help us other evacuate now." Police officer said as those who can fight went and the one can't leaving fast

" What going on." Cyrus asked

" Team Rocket with Team Flare and Plasma has attacked." Officer said which made Ash growl

" Cyrus Maxie Archie get the grunt here help them out have some fighting while some help other evacuate now." Ash ordered surprising the officer as he gasped it was the Aura god ( all the cops know about Ash)

" YES MY LORD." Cyrus Maxie and Archie said

" Saturn this is Cyrus My Lord has told me it war." Cyrus said as

" The grunts on are way sir." Saturn said

" Shelly This is Archie The war is started get the grunt we need to support our new master in battle." Archie said

" Yes sir we are nearby we are approaching your location." Shelly said

Maxie grunts are already here do to his order last night and after 2 minutes the grunts arrived and Ash explained his order

" You know what to do." Ash said

" YES SIR." Grunts said as Ash iginites his custome lightsaber

" Those who are skilled with sword are with me." Ash said as Most of the gang went to fight except Pakura and Brock cause Ash didn't want Pakura hurt or worse captured

" Hello Dragon Flame god we have been expecting you." Ghtesis said

" Try all you want but you cannot win." Ash said

" We shall see grunt attack." Giovanni said as Both said went into intensive fighting while for Ash he was justing cutting them easily

15 minutes passed by

Half the grunts died while few on Ash side died and all evil grunt surrender

" Surrender You cannot win." Ash said

" Fine I surrender." Ghtesis said shocking Giovanni only cause when Lysandere heard his and was dumb and tried taking on Ash but was cut

" Good choice Ghtesis I shall spare you." Ash said as he finished off Giovanni

" Thank you I see that I was dumb I think I can change will you allow me to restart my life my lord." Ghtesis asked

" I shall give you one chance." Ash said as Ghtesis bowed and left with the remaining guard to restart their life.