The frustrated girl's fist closed around the paper as she ripped it from the pad, scrunching it up with all the force she could muster before tossing it to the floor of the Impala where it joined several others. Eleven to be precise – each with the same simultaneous equations scrawled at the top. Each a failed attempt at solving it. Each just more fuel for the fire that burned red hot inside Allison Venator.

"I mean, the second you find out this Ruby chick is a demon you go for the Holy water, you don't chat!"

Ali could hear Dean scolding Sam from the driver's seat, but she wasn't paying either of them much attention. They'd been at it ever since Sam let on that he'd seen his blonde saviour again, not leaving out the details about her black eyes. Ali had other things on her mind. She wondered if maybe the strange man she hadn't told anyone about that kept showing up was also a demon. The thought made a cold feeling run down her spine, like ice was melting down her back, chilling her skin.

Sam and Dean's voices drowned out into background noise, that was, until the sound of a cell phone ringing filled the car. Ali instinctively reached for her own cell, but she didn't have an incoming call.

"It's not mine," Sam said as Ali leaned over the front bench, her eyes scanning the Impala for the source of the ringing.

"Me neither," Dean said next. "Check the glove compartment, it's Dad's." Sam frowned, shooting Dean a questioning look. "I keep it charged up in case any of his old contacts call," he explained.

Ali sighed, sitting back in her seat as Sam answered the call. She began copying out the equations once again to try and solve them, but the numbers and brackets just didn't make sense in her head. Monsters and demons, she could handle, but a bit of simple algebra could floor her.

Once Sam had hung up and the call was over, Ali's attention fell to the front seat. "Dad ever tell you he kept a container at a storage place?" Sam was asking Dean. The elder Winchester glanced across at his brother, the confusion on their faces matched equally. "Outside of Buffalo?" Dean shook his head.

"No way."

"Yeah," Sam assured his brother. "And someone just broke into it."

The storage container was dark, but the beam of light radiating from Ali's flashlight revealed that it was filled to the brim with every weapon or book she could think of to do with the supernatural, and then some.

"Oh wow, it's my first sawed-off. I made it myself." Sam and Ali continued to survey the container as Dean gushed over the gun. There was a lot of stuff still here, valuable stuff. From the boot tracks they left, the three had been able to determine that two people had broken into the storage unit. It was clear they knew exactly what they were looking for, but the question was, what was it?

"Ali." Sam's voice cut through the cold air. The girl in question glanced over her shoulder to see what he wanted. He caught her eyes briefly before nodding towards his flashlight. "Check this out." Ali followed the beam of light, her eyes narrowing at what she saw.

A large cardboard box sat on a shelf, a name scrawled across the front.


Ali moved closer, her fingers brushing across the black writing. She could feel Sam behind her, but she didn't hesitate the pull the box from the shelf and take a look inside. It was covered in years of dust, and it was clear that whatever was inside, John Winchester had kept his distance.

The teenager recognised most of it, the sight of the objects and trinkets propelling her back to her childhood. She remembered seeing a few of them on the mantlepiece in the home she shared with her family. She remembered seeing many in a room her father wouldn't let her enter very often.

"What is all this?" Sam asked as he leant over the box, his fingers curling around an object he didn't recognise before he pulled it out curiously.

"It's all from my house," Ali replied. "John must've saved this stuff after my parents died. Tyler and I had no idea any of it still existed." She wasn't bitter about it. The feeling that ran through her was warm, like John Winchester had given her back a piece of her life she didn't think she'd see again.

"Do you know what this is for?" Sam asked as he held the object out to her. Ali eyed the thin, golden key. It was incredibly ornate and intricate. The blonde girl remembered the day her father had shown it to her when he'd returned from a hunt in Europe.

"I think its call a Portunus Key," she replied, taking the key from Sam's palm and examining it closer. "There's only supposed to be like three in existence," she explained. "Apparently it can open any door."

"Can it?" Sam asked. Ali thought for a moment before shaking her head and handing it back it the younger Winchester.

"Think this one's lost its mojo," she replied, chuckling a little under her breath. "My dad caught Tyler trying to use it to open the liquor cabinet once." Sam smiled, placing the key back inside the box. They rummaged further into the box and they pulled out different supernatural objects, each with a unique story behind how Ali's family came across them.

Sam spotted a small wooden box hidden at the bottom, symbols carefully carved in the side. He reached for it, but just when his fingers brushed the latch, Ali's caught his wrist, her eyes wide.

"Don't open that," she said calmly, though there was a hint of fear in her voice. Sam caught her eye.

"What's inside?" Ali clenched her jaw but released her grip on Sam's arm.

"Nothing good."

The pair heard footsteps behind them and placed the objects carefully back inside the box. Dean appeared behind them, his eyes scanning the contents of the box with equal curiosity. Ali stood, her eyes roaming the rest of the shelf for anything else she recognised. Next to where the box was placed was a drawer, her surname also scrawled across the front. Ali pulled on the handle, albeit a little too hard, and the drawer came crashing to the floor, spilling out its contents.

At least thirty almost identical blades clattered out of the drawer at Ali's feet. She stared at them in awe, instantly recognising them. She had one just like it. They were all ornate silver blades, each exactly the same apart from the initials and date carved into the bottom. Ali pulled her brother's blade from her boot and examined it next to one of the others. It was the same.

"Woah," she heard Dean say from behind her, his attention now on the silverware on the ground. "Are they what I think they are?" Ali didn't answer him as she dropped to her knees and began to examine each one meticulously. Sam stood beside Dean and was staring at the scene in as much shock as his elder brother.

"He must've got them from your house after your parents died," Sam mused. "Why would he keep them all?" Ali didn't reply as she continued to rifle through the silver.

"Here, look at this," she said, holding up one of the blades in the light. Sam took it, twisting the blade so he could read the engravings.

"E.V." he read.

"My father," Ali filled in. She held in in her hand a moment before placing it back in the drawer, along with the rest. Her eyes were tearing, but she pushed them away, forcing herself to keep it together. "Did you find out what they took?" she asked Dean as she stood to face the brothers. Dean sighed, shining his flashlight on an opposite shelf.

"I found this." A dozen or so wooden boxes stood on the shelf, each with similar symbols carved in the side just like the one Sam had discovered in the cardboard box.

"It's binding magic," Ali said as she surveyed the shelf. "They're curse boxes."

"Curse boxes? They're supposed to keep the evil mojo in right," Dean clarified. "Kinda like the Pandora deal?"

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "They're built to contain the power of the cursed object." Ali examined the shelf, spotting a patch where there was no dust.

"One box is missing," she pointed out. Dean sighed.

"Great," he replied sarcastically. "Well maybe they didn't open it." Ali ran a hand through her tangled mess of hair. It never did it any good when she tried to sleep in the backseat of the Impala.

"And what if they did?" she asked worriedly.

"We need to find them," Sam said urgently. Ali and Dean agreed and they turned from the shelf, ready to leave.

"Grab the box, Ali," Dean instructed. Ali shot him an incredulous look.

"You're letting me take stuff out of your dad's storage unit?" she asked. Dean shot her a small grin.

"It's got your name on it, right?"

Tracking down the pair of thieves wasn't too difficult. It wasn't long before Sam and Dean were bursting into the culprits' apartment. Ali waited outside the room as the Winchesters confronted them, guns loaded and ready.

"Alright, give us the box," Ali heard Dean say as she pressed her back to the wall, her eyes trained on the open door. "And please tell me that you didn't…"

"Oh they did." That was Sam. Ali rolled her eyes at the pair of thieves. Idiots. Whoever they were, they clearly didn't have much experience with the supernatural.

"You opened it?" Dean yelled incredulously before the room seemed to dissolve into chaos. Ali stayed outside like Dean had told her, listening to the shouts and crashes coming from within the room. She kept her position, her fingers curled around the weapon Bobby had given her until she heard a worried Dean yell "Sam!".

Ali burst through the door just in time to see a man she didn't recognize stumble back and fall over a couch, knocking himself out before the other was buried by a pile of falling books. Ali stared at the scene, a disbelieving look on her face as she looked between the bewildered Winchesters.

"What the hell just happened?" she asked, surveying the room, her eyes narrowing on an object in the younger Winchester's hand.

"Lucky break," Dean said, seeming just as confused at Ali. "Is that a rabbit's foot?" The elder Winchester scrutinized the thing in his brother's hand has he held it up.

"I think it is," Sam said as Ali rolled her eyes at the pair.

"Perfect," she muttered under her breath before turning to leave. "Let's get out of here."

The sun was hot. The teen watched its reflection as it glinted off the Impala's shiny surface. Sam was on the phone to Bobby, and Dean was doing what he usually did – make the most of the situation they found themselves in. Since Sam was seemingly the luckiest man alive at the time being, this meant Dean was buying all the scratch cards he could get his hands on.

"Ali." The blonde girl turned towards the sound of her name to see that Sam was handing the phone over to her. He smiled at her a little, and Ali returned it apprehensively.

"Bobby," she greeted as the mobile met her ear.

"Hey kiddo," came the familiar voice down the line. They hadn't spoken in a while, and Ali missed the man who had practically raised her.

"What's the situation?" she asked, focusing on the job they needed to do. "How do we help Sam?"

"I don't know just yet," Bobby replied. "But I can make some calls." There was a pause as Ali listened, knowing Bobby had more to say. "You doing alright?"

"I'm fine, Bobby," Ali said. It was only half a lie. The man sighed. "I should go, we've all got work to do."

"You're right about that," Bobby huffed, and although Ali could hear irritation in his voice at the extra work now facing him, she new he was concerned about Sam and wouldn't stop until he'd found a solution to their predicament. "Be careful kiddo," he warned. "And for God's sakes don't lose that damn rabbit's foot!" Ali hung up, turning towards a euphoric Dean.

"We're up fifteen grand!" Ali rolled her eyes and headed towards the diner, Sam following sullenly behind her. The younger Winchester clearly wasn't as happy as his brother about their situation. Dean caught up and slapped Sam's shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry," he told him. "Bobby will find a way to break it. Until then I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man. You can be Rain Man."

"Look, can we just lay low until Bobby calls back?" Sam asked, concerned for his own wellbeing. Dean agreed begrudgingly as they entered the diner. "Hi, table for three please," Sam asked the owner.

Suddenly an alarm went off and balloons and streamers seemed to fall from the ceiling.

"Congratulations!" the owner said, a large smile across her face. "You are the one millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!" Ali looked to Sam accusingly while his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"I think we've had enough good luck for one day," she huffed as she grabbed a menu and pushed past the chaos to find a table herself.

Ali's burger lay half eaten on her plate. She rarely had an appetite these days, and the Winchester bothers had stopped quizzing her about it. When she had food left on her plate (which she nearly always did) Dean would simply ask if she was finished before proceeding to scoff down her meal in addition to his own. Sometimes he wouldn't ask. He knew she wouldn't mind.

"Bobby's right," Sam said from behind this laptop. "This lore goes way back. Pure Hoodoo. You can't just cut one off any rabbit. It has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the thirteenth."

"How often do those come around?" Ali quipped.

"Can I freshen you up?" a new voice came as a waitress approached the table, her gaze fixed on Sam. Ali shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks," Sam replied as the waitress filled his coffee cup, so focussed on Sam that she spilt some.

"Oh!" she shrieked apologetically. "Let me mop that up."

"No, no don't worry," Sam flailed, wiping at his trousers with a napkin. "It's okay really, I got it."

"It's no trouble, really," she insisted as began cleaning up the coffee that had pooled on the table, her eyes darting to Sam flirtatiously. Ali scowled at her as she worked, taking another bite of her burger to hide her disapproving looks.

"Sorry about that," the waitress said as she finished, walking away and sending Sam a smile over her shoulder. The Winchesters watched her go, their eyes wide.

"Dude. If you were ever gonna get lucky…" Dean started, before being silenced by a hard kick from the girl across the table, accompanied by a harsh glare. Sam simply rolled his eye before taking a sip of his coffee, somehow managing to spill it again all over the table and himself. Ali watched, bewildered, as he jumped up, colliding with a waiter's tray and sending the food flying across the room.

"How was that good?" Dean asked, wondering why Sam's lucky streak had ended so abruptly. Sam patted down his jacket before stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"The rabbit's foot is gone!" he said, and Ali clenched her fists together. The inevitable had happened – but how? Ali turned to Dean and caught his eye, realisation hitting both of them at the same time.

The waitress.

"That bitch," Ali remarked, pushing Dean out of the booth and dragging Sam behind her.

Ali sat on the motel room bed, waiting for Sam and Dean to return. Usually she would've been annoyed to be stuck in the room on her own, but honestly, she was thankful for the alone time.

Her phone sat anxiously in her hand. She had two missed calls for Tim, and a bunch of messages she hadn't replied to in weeks. It was unfair on him. Tim wasn't a bad guy, but Ali couldn't face talking to him in that moment. She scrolled down to the last message she'd received, reading it over again.

I called in yesterday but you weren't in. Bobby said he wasn't sure when you'd be back in Sioux falls. Would be great to see you when you get home – T xx

Ali stared at the two kisses. He hadn't sent those before. It was no secret that Tim liked Ali, but this somehow felt like they'd moved to a new stage of their relationship before she'd realised they were in one. She sighed, realising that the young man's affections weren't going to go away if she just kept ignoring him. She typed a quick message, shutting off her phone in case he replied straight away.

I'll let you know when I'm back – A

The blonde girl got off the bed and walked to the window. It was already dark, but she could make out a row of cars in the parking lot, illuminated by the street lights. A motorbike was parked on the end, and Ali frowned. She thought she recognised it, but how could that be? Her blood ran cold at the thought of the hooded man spying on her while Sam and Dean were not around. She watched the bike closely through the window as she grabbed her phone, snapping an image of it for future reference. She'd only gotten a glimpse of it at the school, but she was now sure it was the same one.

He was here.

She grabbed the gun Bobby had given her, checked it was loaded, and snuck out of the door, her back pressed against the corridor walls.

Ali made it to the front of the motel quickly, looking out for the bike. This was her chance. Although she was terrified, she had to know who the man was who'd practically been stalking her for the past couple of months. She'd wait by the bike until he showed, and then she'd confront him. She stood from her crouched position behind a parked truck and dashed out across the lot, blinding headlights meeting her eyes as a car screeched to a halt. Ali gasped, shock more than anything knocking her off her feet and landing her on the damp tarmac. She recovered quickly, standing and brushing herself off.

"Ali?" The girl looked in the direction of her name, spotting Sam's head poking out of the impala windows. She sighed as Dean turned off the engine and they both got out.

"What the hell, Ali? You trying to get yourself killed?" Dean berated, his voice harsh and relieved at the same time.

"Sorry," she replied, looking around the parking lot frantically.

"Why're you out here anyways?" Dean asked, eyebrows raised.

"I uh…" Ali started, spotting an empty space where the motorbike once was. "It doesn't matter," she said quickly. Dean didn't seem satisfied with her answer. She changed the subject quickly. "Did you find out who that woman was?"

"'Name's Bela, according to Bobby," Dean told her. "Bela Talbot. Lives in Queens apparently. Should take me about two hours to get there?"

"You?" Ali asked with a raised brow. "Just you?"

"Yeah," Dean said, looking over his shoulder to where Sam was getting out of the car. He slammed the door, his jacket getting caught. As he tried to pull it free, it suddenly ripped, causing Sam to slip and fall to the ground. Dean shook his head. "Mr Bump needs a baby sitter." Ali couldn't help but agree.

"Did Bobby find a way to destroy the rabbit's foot?" she asked. Dean nodded.

"Wasn't easy, but he found a heavyweight cleansing ritual that should do the trick," he replied.

"Was he mad that Sam lost the foot?" Ali asked. Dean shot her a look.

"You know Bobby," he remarked. Ali chuckled dryly. "Right, we better get Sam inside safely before he loses his other shoe." The girl frowned, but didn't ask. Ali's mind was on other things.

"Hey!" Ali barked as Sam rocked back in his chair, the front legs lifting off the floor. "Do you want a broken neck?" Ali placed her hands firmly either side of Sam and pushed the chair back down, all four legs back on the floor. Sam shot her a sheepish look and Ali sighed, sitting back on the bed opposite him.

"Sorry, I'm just bored," he said. Ali leant forward again, her elbows resting on her knees as she picked at her fingers nervously. "You okay?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her thoughts encompassing her. Sam raised a questioning brow at her. She met his eyes, her bottom lip between her teeth. "Can I ask you something?"

"Its not a math question, is it?" Sam asked. Ali smiled.

"No," she replied softly. "It's about Ruby." Sam inhaled an anxious breath.

"What do you want to know?" he asked. Ali pondered her question, the words echoing around inside her head.

"Do you think…" she paused. "Do you think she's working alone?" Sam stared back at her and all Ali could picture was a dark looming figure on a motor bike, black eyes staring back at her. She shuddered.

"I think so, yeah," Sam replied. "Why?" Ali didn't have time to answer him. Something in the walls began making an awful clanking noise, before smoke started pouring out of the AC unit.

"Oh, come on," Sam said despairingly. Ali shot him an accusing look. "I didn't – I – I wasn't…" Ali sighed and the younger Winchester stood, making his way towards the AC unit.

"I wouldn't do that, Sam," Ali said, her gaze watching him as he got closer to the source of the smoke. Suddenly, it erupted in flames, and Sam jumped back. "Sam!" Ali yelled, grabbing a pillow and pushing him out of the way so she could put it out. Relieved when she saw that the fire was gone, Ali turned around, only to see bright orange flames coming from Sam's sleeve. "Sam, you're on fire!" she yelled at him. The younger Winchester started to panic as he tried to pat out the flames, before grabbing the drapes and pulling at them with all his strength. They ripped, and Sam used the fabric the put out the fire. Just when Ali thought they'd had a lucky escape, Sam stepped back, tripping on the charred pillow and smacking his head on the chair leg. He fell to the ground, out cold. Ali stared at him disbelievingly before her blood ran cold. She looked up, spotting two men staring at the scene through the window. Ali locked eyes with one of them, and he smiled at her evilly.

The men disappeared quickly and Ali knew they would be trying to find a way into the motel room. She grabbed her gun from the bedside table and ran to the door, franticly trying to lock it. All of a sudden, it flew open, crushing her hand behind it and causing her to drop the gun. The one of the men grabbed her, dragging her inside the room and throwing her on the bed. She was about to fight back when he raised his gun, causing her to still on the bed.

"Who the fuck are you?" she asked, glaring at him as the other heaved Sam into the chair and began binding him with duct tape.

"Name's Kubrick," he replied with the same smile she'd seen outside. "We came for Sam, but I see now we may be able to kill two birds with one stone." Ali frowned.

"How's that?" she asked.

"Don't play dumb, Miss Venator," Kubrick said. "We know exactly who you are." There was a groan, and Ali looked over the man's shoulder to see that Sam was coming to. "Now give me the knife."


"He's awake!" the other man said, interrupting Ali's questioning.

"Back with us, eh?" Kubrick said, slapping his mate on the shoulder. "Watch her, Creedy," he instructed, and the second man's gaze fell on Ali, his firearm now trained on her.

"Who are you," Sam said groggily. "What do you want?"

"I used to think your friend Gordon sent me," Kubrick replied. Ali groaned, thinking of the hunter she despised so much. "He asked me to track you down and put a bullet in your brain.

"Great," Sam deadpanned. "That sounds like him."

"But as it turns out, I'm on a mission from God." Ali frowned, and Kubrick backhanded Sam across the face.

"Hey!" Ali yelled, furious. Creedy grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back, gun pressed to her neck. She stilled in his grip. Kubrick hit Sam again, this time causing his noise to bleed. Ali breathed through gritted teeth, her eyes locking with Sam's for a painful second. He was trying to look reassuring, but it was obvious he was in pain.

"You were part of the demon plan to open the gate weren't you?" Kubrik said.

"We did everything we could to stop it," Sam replied.

"Liar! You were in on it," the grey-haired man said. "You know what their next move is, don't you?"

"I don't!" Sam pleaded. "You're wrong about all of this."

"Where are they gonna hit us next?" Kubrick asked, clearly not going to accept what Sam was trying to tell him. The younger Winchester sighed, shaking his head and remaining silent. Growing angry, Kubrick punched Sam again, and Ali could hear something crack. "Where?!"

"Stop!" she yelled, straining against Creedy's painful grasp. "He doesn't know anything." Both the captors ignored her.

"Gordon told me about you Sam," he said. "About your powers. You're some kinda weirdo psychic freak?"

"No," Sam breathed, spitting out a mouthful of blood. "Not anymore."

"Liar!" Sam received another punch across the face and Ali screamed, tears pooling in her eyes and threatening to spill over. "No more lies! There's an army of demons out there pushing at a world already on the brink. We're on deck for the endgame here, right? So maybe, just maybe you can understand why we can't take chances." He raised his gun and pressed it to Sam's forehead.

"Sam!" Ali yelled.

"Whoa, okay…" Sam said, wide eyed. "Hold on a minute!"

"Hey, Kubrick, just…" Creedy started.

"No, you saw what happened, Creedy," Kubrick insisted. "Ask yourself, why are we here? Because you saw a picture on the web? Because we chose this motel instead of another? Luck like that doesn't just happen," he said. "It's God, Creedy. He led us here for one reason. To do His work. This is destiny."

"Nope, no destiny," said a voice. Ali turned to the door to see Dean standing there, gun cocked. Relief flooded over her. "Just a rabbit's foot."

"Put down the gun, son, or you're gonna be scraping brain off the wall," Kubrick said.

"Oh, this thing?" Dean asked, holding out his gun, a smug expression on his face. "Okay, but you see, there's something about me that you don't know." Ali frowned for a moment, before she understood what Dean meant. She shook her head a little, a similar smug expression forming on her lips.

"Yeah?" asked Kubrick disbelievingly. "What would that be?" Dean put his gun on the table, picking up a pen lying next to it.

"It's my lucky day," he said, tossing the pen straight into the barrel of Kubrick's gun. "Oh my God, did you see that shot?" Ali rolled her eyes, taking her opportunity to ram her elbow into a preoccupied Creedy's chin. He cowered over, releasing his grip, and Ali managed to knock the gun out of his hand.

The unarmed man then proceeded to lunge towards Dean, who dodged him effortlessly. Creedy ran straight into the wall, smacking his head and falling down unconscious. Kubrick, still looking bewildered at the pen sticking out of his gun, looked ready for murder, but Dean managed to knock him out with a TV remote aimed expertly between his eyes.

"I'm batman," Dean said, casting the blonde girl and brother smug looks. Ali rolled her eyes, brushing herself off, happy all the same.

"Yeah," Sam replied sarcastically. "You're batman."

Ali watched as Sam sprinkled the rest of the bone ash into the small fire they had created in order to destroy the rabbit's foot.

"That should do it," he said, as Dean dealt with the last of his scratch cards.

"All right," Dean said. "Say goodbye wascawy wabbit." Ali was happy they'd soon be rid of the curse. Just as he was about the through the foot into the fire, they all heard the sound of a gun being cocked behind them. Ali spun round, spotting the waitress who'd been flirting with Sam earlier – Bela Talbot.

"I think you'll find that belongs to me," she said in a strong British accent. "Put the foot down, honey." Ali scowled at her, her fists clenching under the long sleeves of her jacket.

"No," Dean said with more confidence that Ali had expected. "You're not going to shoot anybody. See I happen to be able to read people. Okay, you're a thief, fine, but you're not-." The gun went off, and Sam collapsed to his knees, groaning loudly. Ali gasped, kneeling down beside him and pushing her hand against the bullet wound in his shoulder.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cursed her. Ali could think of a lot more she wanted to call the woman in front of her.

"Back off tiger," she said with a smirk. "You've got the luck, Dean. You, I can't hit. But your brother? Him I can't miss."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dean asked. "You don't just go around shooting people like that!" Ali helped Sam to his feet. She could tell his body had received enough trauma that day. It was clear he just wanted to go to bed.

"Relax," Bela said. "It's just a shoulder hit. I can aim." Ali muttered a few curses under her breath. "Besides, who here hasn't shot a few people?" Bela's eyes roamed the trio, her gaze locking with Ali's for a few moments. "Put the rabbit's foot on the ground now." Dean sighed.

"All right, take it easy." He slowly bent down to put the rabbit's foot on the ground, before he suddenly flung it across to the woman, who caught it straight away.

"Damn!" she cursed, realising her mistake. She'd now be cursed just like Sam and Dean. The elder Winchester smiled in satisfaction.

"Now, what do you say we destroy that ugly-ass piece of dead thing?" Bela was clearly very irritated by the turn of events, but she knew there was no other way. She walked over to the fire and reluctantly dropped it in the burning embers.

"Thanks very much," she said sarcastically. "I'm out one and a half million, and on the bad side of a very powerful, fairly psychotic buyer." Ali scoffed, looking towards the woman.

"We really don't care about that, right Sam?" she said, slapping his good shoulder.

"Nope," he said, still clutching the wound. "Not even a little." Bela leaned against a stone, her angry eyes still staring at the flames.

"Maybe next time I'll hang you out to dry," she remarked.

"Oh, don't go away angry," Dean quipped. "Just go away." Bela smirked, pushing away from the stone and wondering off back to her car.

"Have a nice night."

Sam sat on the edge of the bathtub, shirt off, wound exposed. Ali had already carefully fished the bullet out and was now doing the final stitches. Dean was already in bed, the days events knocking him out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"How does it feel?" she asked, eyes focused on her task. Sam's eyes were fixed on hers. Truth be told, the wound didn't hurt much anymore. Nothing seemed to be too bad when Ali was around.

"Just stings a little," he replied as she snipped the thread. He drew in a short breath as she poured some more liquor on it to disinfect it as best she could. "Thanks." Ali smiled at him, her eyes meeting his for a moment. She suddenly became extremely aware that he was shirtless and quickly turned before he could spot the flush of red that was creeping down her cheeks.

"Here," she said as grabbed a fresh shirt from the side and handed it to him. "Good as new." The blonde girl turned to leave as Sam pulled the shirt over his head, but he caught her hand before she made it to the door.

"Hey," he said softly, and she turned around to face him, eyes questioning. Sam swallowed, quickly dropping her hand. "I just wanted to talk about what you said earlier," he clarified. "About Ruby working alone?"

"Oh," Ali replied, recalling their earlier brief conversation. "It was nothing, really."

"Ali," Sam said seriously. "If something's wrong, you've gotta tell me." The blonde girl sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Okay," she said finally. "But you have to promise not to tell anybody. Not Dean, not Bobby…"

"I don't think I can promise that," Sam said worriedly.

"You have to," she replied. Sam said nothing for a while, before reluctantly nodding his head.

"What's going on?" Ali took a breath.

"I think someone's following me," she said. Sam's eyes widened and Ali could see a million new questions in them. "I don't know who they are, and I don't know what they want."

"Do you think they're a demon?" Sam asked, trying to find a link between this man and Ruby.

"I'm not sure," she said. "But I think he was here earlier. I saw his motorbike outside the motel."

"He was here?!" Sam asked, and Ali hushed him, not wanting to wake Dean. "Where else have you seen him."

"At the school," she admitted. "And at the roadhouse. I got jumped by a couple of hunters by my car and he sort of saved me."

"What?" Worry and anger flashed past Sam's eyes. "You were attacked by hunters at the roadhouse?" Ali nodded. "Do you know who they were?"

"Ellen knew one of them," she said. Sam looked like he wanted to ask more questions, but Ali silenced him. "It was months ago and its not important," she insisted. "But this guy keeps showing up. I need to know who he is." Sam sighed.

"Am I the only one you've told about this?" he asked. Ali nodded.

"Please keep it that way," she bagged him. Sam didn't seem to think it was a good idea. "Please Sam, you promised."

"Okay," he replied. "Okay, I won't tell. But you have to tell me if he shows up again." Ali nodded, grateful to the younger Winchester.

"Thanks Sam," she said. He nodded with a small smile. Ali turned towards the bathroom door, looking over her shoulder before she left. "Goodnight." Sam watched her go, all she'd told him swirling around his brain.

"Goodnight, Ali."

AN: Hello! It's been a super long time but I've finally updated. Hope you liked this chapter! I started writing this chapter nearly a year ago and then just got so busy and I must admit, pretty unmotivated to write this. I've moved, started a new university course and had quite a bit of life drama :/ BUTTTT I'm hoping to pick this story up again properly. I may not have updated this story in a very long time, but that doesn't mean I haven't been planning and coming up with ideas for future chapters.

As long as you guys want to keep reading, I'll keep writing! (And even if you want to stop reading, I'll probably keep writing anyway :)

Also, anyone who watches The Originals - what did you think of the season finale? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Anyways, let me know what you thought - much love x