Now it's time for my personal favorite sister (and character overall), Peggy~

(followed closely by eliza because she was a perfect cinnamon roll)

This chapter will have Peggy/Lafayette (as mentioned in the title)

I know I said it would just be Eliza, Angelica, and Peggy originally, but I'm thinking about having an extra chapter about one of the guys POV's? I'm leaning towards Hercules since he's gotten the least attention in this so far, but any other suggestions?

Also sorry for the delay (a really short one lmao), I had a short writer's block for a bit, but after reading Peggy/Lafayette I was able to regain my need to write :D

Also reviews are much appreciated c:


From the moment I stepped in, I knew this ball would be boring. It was just something I could tell- dancing around with men I could care less about? I'd rather be eating Eliza's homemade cookies and sitting lazily on a chair. But I couldn't really do that tonight, could I? Whatever, I'd just have to make something out of it.

Angelica and Eliza were talking with men, of course. Me? I was laying low so I didn't have to do a lot of that stuff, and it was kind of easy. No one really noticed me a whole lot, I was short and thin. I wasn't a sight for sore eyes nor did I have an irresistible personality, I was just weird, awkward, me. I was a Schuyler sister, but I was the one everyone forgot about. Almost everyone knew Angelica, many people knew about Eliza, but when people heard my name they forgot it almost instantly. Not that it was a bad thing, of course.

Angelica was the strong, independent one. Eliza was the sweet caring one that everyone liked. Me? I was "cute". That's it. Sometimes it annoyed me that no one saw more inside of me, but I was cool with it overall, it's one of those things you get used to, y'know? It's not like I could change it if I wanted to, I'm just Peggy Schuyler, the girl no one remembers.

I absolutely despised the dress I was wearing with all my heart. Sure, it was pretty and all, but never in my life had I encountered a dress more uncomfortable. My sisters had picked it out for me, like they did most of my dresses. "It's cute, like you. I knew it had to be yours the second I found it." Angelica had said. I loved Angelica and everything, but I wished she'd see me as more of a person instead of a doll.

Great, now I was getting a headache from how loud the damn band was. They were literally abusing my ears.

Jesus, was complaining all I ever did? Seriously though, I don't think I've thought one positive thing tonight. Classic me, I suppose.

I walked along the sides, looking in the direction of Angelica and a man she was talking with. Since I had nothing else to do with my life at the moment, I decided to eavesdrop. Eavesdropping was something I'd done since I was little, I knew many many secrets about us Schuylers.

I continued walking toward them until I was a hearing distance away- but I wanted to hear everything perfectly, so I hid behind a few people and fixed my hearing on Angelica and the man.

"You seem unsatisfied," the main told Angelica. Ooh, this should definitely be interesting.

"What?" Angelica asked.

"You're like me, I'm never satisfied."

"Is that right?"

"I have never been satisfied." Jesus, who was this man that Angelica was speaking with? Honestly though it seemed like the conversation was normal, but when I actually thought about it, this was the first time I'd heard anyone having a conversation about satisfaction.

"I'm afraid I can relate."

"The pains of expectations." I did not like this man one bit. Sure, I knew nothing about him whatsoever, but from the way he talked to the words he spoke, I did not like him. Angelica had always been the one who had never been quite satisfied with like- always looking for something more. And Angelica did not need this man feeding her flame- God so help me that they don't continue talking for long, or worse, spend the rest of their time at the ball with him.

Angelica laughed at what he said, and I sighed. Jesus, there was a clone of Angelica as a male, this would not end well.

"I suppose so." They liked each other. I was calling it now and during their wedding I would scream about how I called it first.

"Well, Miss Schuyler, it seems we have some things in common." Angelica actually liked a man. Next thing you know they're going to run away together and Eliza will get Angelica's huge room and I'll get Eliza's room, which wasn't as big as Angelica's, but bigger than mine.

"Do we, or did you go through my mind to know who I am in attempts to be charming?" Oh my god I had to get out of there before it turned into a full-on love story. I quietly walked away, and stopped for a second by the bar to close my eyes because of my damn headache. I was definitely, without a doubt, dying.

Suddenly, a man walked straight into me. I wanted to yell out, "What the hell, man?" But having to be a polite, perfect Schuyler sister I simply said. "I'm sorry, Sir!"

"No no, it is my fault, Manquer," the man responded in a very strange accent that I was 63% was French. "Mes excuses- I mean, my apologies."

"Ça va," I responded, using the little French I knew. Eliza had taught me a bit, but I lost interest in the language very quickly. But I had to admit I was interested, I had never met a man from France before.

"You speak French?" the man asked, his accent still very think.

"Not fluently," I admitted.

"Ah, what may your name be?"

"Peggy," I introduced myself. "Peggy…" I wasn't sure if I wanted to say Schuyler, almost every man who approached me knowing I was a Schuyler only wanted to fill his pockets with cash- I wanted to be able to speak with someone like we were actually people, but I wasn't going to lie. After all, him knowing I was a Schuyler would be like a test in a way. "Schuyler."

"Marquis de Lafayette." The man bowed, and kissed the back of my hand the way that all men did, and I hated it when people did that. It wasn't his fault- it was what he should've done, but I couldn't help but not really like him. "My sincere apologies for before."

"It's nothing, really," I said. "How are you?" I was hoping to talk about something, I was extremely bored and there was no way I was going back to Angelica and the freak she was talking with.

"I am doing, eh, good," Lafayette responded. "And you?"

"Good-ish." I shrugged, getting bored.

"The band is very loud," Lafayette commented, sounding what I assumed French people sounded like when they were annoyed.

"Tell me about it," I sighed.

"Say, meet me back here in ten minutes or so? I must speak with my, eh, friends for a moment."

"Sure." I was interested, honestly. Great, now I have to find something entertaining for the next ten minutes. I don't think I'll survive, Eliza knows that I want everyone to be wearing navy blue at my funeral and that whoever doesn't must be killed, so I can die in peace.

But as I looked up, I saw that Eliza was talking with the man that Angelica was speaking with before. I couldn't help myself from thinking that either Eliza was totally stealing Angelica's man and some drama was 'bout to go down, or the man thought Eliza was hotter and left Angelica for her.

Before I knew it, Eliza and the man were on the dance floor. I saw Angelica watching them with those classic cliché sad eyes, and I knew one of the things I'd previously mentioned had totally happened. And being the great, caring, sympathetic sister I am, I had to pretend I knew nothing about it and talk about it with Angelica to remind her all about it.

"Angie!" I called, walking over to Angelica. "Angie, Eliza was talking with a man, and now they're dancing!"

"Well I'll be damned," I heard Angelica mutter. Now I was wondering if I had actually told Angelica about it and she didn't know before. In that case, my plan was a failure.

"Let's watch them and hold this over Eliza for the rest of her life." I snickered at my suggestion.

"You're a mischievous little one, aren't you?" On the outside I was giggling, on the inside I wanted Angelica to actually take me seriously for once.

"Maybe we should tell her that we'll tell Daddy that she was spending her time with the man unless she makes cookie," I suggested.

"You sneaky sneak fox!" I didn't want Angelica to feel weird about it, so I giggle along with her. What a life I had. "But no, we'll let Eliza get by this time, it's not everyday that you find a man you like spending your time with." Classic Angelica, the experienced advisor. I wanted to mutter "I thought Eliza was the romantic one", but I kept it to myself.

"Hm." I muttered, to fill in the silence. I still had five minutes to wait for Lafayette, but I had to get out of there. "Fine, I guess. Anyway, I have to go." I ran off, not waiting for Angelica to respond. I stopped beside the bar, where Lafayette and I were before. I didn't drink, obviously. I was just kind of hoping that no one would notice me so close to the bar.

"Peggy." I whipped around to see Lafayette. "You're early."

"So are you," I commented.

"Fair point, I was done sooner than I expected."

"What were you doing?"

"Sans importante," Lafayette told me, glancing a bit to his left.

"If you say so." I honestly wanted to start a conversation, I hated these awkward moments. "You were born in France, correct?"
"Yes, now I fight in the revolution. It's been une expérience intéressante, but I'm honored to serve the colonies."

"What's it like?"

"To fight in the war, to fight for the colonies? Is it frightening, have you ever wanted to turn around?"

"You're very curious." Lafayette had a warm smile. "I'd say that it is definitely frightening, and I've feared for myself many times on the battlefield, I'm lucky to be alive right now. But no, I've never wanted to turn back. I joined the war, and I will fight in it until there is either an outcome or my death." Lucky to be alive right now? That sounded like something Eliza would say. I knew that I was lucky to be alive and well, but I wasn't as grateful as I probably should be. It's hard, I've never been in a near-death situation, it's not that easy.

"You're brave," I replied, not being able to stop the admiration from shining through. "Sometimes I wish I could fight in the war, but I mean, according to everyone I'm a fair lady and shouldn't have to do anything the slightest bit similar to the fighting that occurs in wars. Which is true, I suppose, I know not of what happens, all I have is the desire to participate for my country."

"Well, I think you'd do just fine in the war with a little training, you seem to have the fighting spirit and determination. Those two qualities are very important, you're a special one, Peggy."

I scoffed. "Special? You must be thinking of Eliza or Angelica, I am not the least bit special. I am just an ordinary girl, having a rich father is the only thing that separates me from some other females."

"You underestimate yourself," Lafayette argued. "I've spoken with other women, and you're not like them. You've got a spirit, Peggy, a fiery one. You're special, at least to me."

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, I'm ordinary, my life already planned out for me. I will marry a man of wealth when I am of age, and then I will spend my days with that man. Whether I approve of it or not, that is what my life will be, no matter what I am now, it will not matter."

"Life is never easy, but though you must marry a man your father approves of, who is to say you will not like the man your father expects you to marry? Hope is not always just something that's there to get us feeling joyous only to bring us down, sometimes it's something that makes you joyous so you will be prepared for the truly joyous moment: when your hopes are not let down."

I chuckled. "You are certainly optimistic."

"You'd be surprised, I'm usually not," Lafayette responded, the same warming smile as before. "Would you like to go outside for a moment? I feel the need for fresh air."

"Of course."

I wasn't sure about outside, actually. I was almost certain the chill would be uncomfortable to me, especially while wearing this stupid uncomfortable dress that was very light and would allow me to freeze to death. But Lafayette wanted to, so I agreed. He made me feel like I wasn't the unimportant Schuyler sister- but the one who simply had no one to tell all of the things I'd done, or what I felt inside. I wasn't the Schuyler with no story, I was the Schuyler whose story was yet to be told.

But when I stepped outside, it wasn't cold. It was extremely strange, like weather had stopped itself for us. I inhaled and exhaled the fresh air, much better than the environment inside the ball. The best thing was the stars that were painted across the night sky, you didn't see stars often in New York, but tonight was as special night.

"It's beautiful out here," I spoke. The band's music was faint, but still audible. I closed my eyes as a soft breeze passed by, and I relaxed my arms.

"Very much." Lafayette's accent never failed him. The evening was (oddly) warm, so I sat on a bench conveniently placed a few yards away from where we were standing and relaxed against it.

"The stars are nice, I don't see those much," I murmured, gazing up at the stars. Who knew something so commonly used in romance novels could be so nice?

"I used to see them a lot."

"In France?"

"Yes, back in my town the night used to be filled with stars commonly."

"That sounds nice," I responded.

"It was." Lafayette exhaled. "I can still hear the band a bit."

"Same." I nodded. Even though they were farther from where we were previously (even if only by a yard or five) the music was still quite audible, and I could swear that the music was going to haunt me.

"Well." Lafayette stood up, and took her hand, lifting her up. "May I have this dance?" For once in my life, I blushed.

"Why of course."

The music was faint, but I was hearing my own music in my head as we danced. Music at a nice volume, mind the ball's music. I literally couldn't dance properly for the life of me, but the way Lafayette guided us made me feel like I actually could. Everything about the moment just felt…right. Like it was all set into place, like the universe was setting this up because it totally shipped Lafayette and I. You know what, universe? Me too.

Lafayette and I were sitting at a table, discussing whatever came to our minds. It was name to have someone who viewed me as more than as cute or a Schuyler sister. It was nice to have someone who saw me with my own mind, and my own possibilities. I knew that my future was set in stone, but I guess that meant that I should cherish the moments I had before I was of age to marry.

I walked into this ball thinking it was going to be awful, and for sometime, it was. But as it went on, I realized that things can change in little time. Did I actually learn a lesson? Probably not.

"Lafayette?" A voice interrupted our conversation, and I turned to see a familiar face. It was the man that ditched Angelica for Eliza because she was hotter.

"Who's Lafayette?" Speaking of which, there was Eliza.

"Eliza? What are you doing here?" My face was growing a bit red, I was slightly embarrassed to be seen with Lafayette by my sister.

"I just wanted to introduce you to Alexander." Alexander was his name? Hm.

"Alexander Hamilton." Alexander bowed. If Alexander was trying to drag me into his, Angelica, and Eliza's whole "which one is hotter" thing he had another thing coming.

"Peggy Schuyler." I curtseyed out of politeness. "Eliza," I said, pointing to Lafayette. "This is Laf- Marquis de Lafayette."

"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," Lafayette greeted her sister.

"He's from France," I added, in case Eliza was curious about the whole accent thing.

"Oh dear, it's getting late," Alexander murmured. I barely knew him whatsoever, but good riddance.

"I think I must leave too." I turned to see Lafayette looking at me. "I will hopefully write to you, my dear Peggy." I walked over and awkwardly hugged him- very awkwardly. But it was still a hug, and that was good enough. This wasn't a romance novel.

"Goodbye, Lafayette." As he walked off, I felt like rethinking the night, but that would be awfully boring, so I decided otherwise. Reminiscence was overrated.