Hello darlings and Sweethearts! Curious brings you another chapter! Sorry they take so long to type up, but for some reason my DETERMINATION is like a broken light switch! It's there, then it's gone! So my writing times are scrambled like my Brother's brains! (Though I doubt he has one with all the stupid things he does...)

I don't own Undertale!

Enjoy Guys and Gals!


"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth..."


Frisk looked up confused. Where was Flowey? Then they saw their savior. It was a tall goat-like woman, wearing a beautiful, flowing, purple ball gown. On her arms were sparkling finger-less gloves that went up to her shoulders, the wrists being connected to the tips of her ballgown.

*She always did enjoy ballgowns. Chara said almost distantly in their head, and Frisk wondered why their aura seemed so sad now.

The monster seemed to think the aura was coming from Frisk, and somehow misinterpreted it as fear."Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the RUINS." She curtsied and walked toward them. "I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down." She grabbed Frisk's hands and gently tugged them up to their feet. Wow her fur was soft!

"You are the first human to come here in a long time." She seemed sad about this before cheering up a bit. "Come. I will guide you through the catacombs. This way!" She smiled.

Frisk followed her though the dark tunnel until she stopped they were now in a small room, made of a pretty purple stone, a path of red leaves accenting it. Toriel walked up the stairs and paused, waiting for them. They were about to follow when Chara suddenly yelled at them to stop.

'Ow! I can hear you, you don't need to yell!

* Whatever, just touch that star over there.

Frisk only then noticed the star in the middle of the room. They walked in front of it hesitantly. 'Why'

*Just do it!

Frisk reached their hand out and laid their fingertips on the yellow star. They looked up. The shadow of the Ruins loomed above, filling them with DETERMINATION. The effects were instant. They felt so warm and safe,like nothing could hurt them. When they let go, the feeling faded, but didn't vanish completely. "My child? Are you alright?" Toriel called, confused to why Frisk seemed to be staring at thin air.

They hurriedly ran up the stairs, and followed Toriel into another room. She excitedly turned around to face them once more, "The RUINS are full old puzzles. Ancient Fusions between door keys and magic. But they are easy to solve." She walked to a set of raised tiles in the floor, two of which where on a light line. She twirled over them while giggling, missing the ones on the line. Then she pulled a switch on the wall, causing the door the next room to open.

*Ya moving or what?

Chara's voice made Frisk realize they had been staring. But really? Could you blame them? Seriously. Who the hell thought that a humanoid goat in a ballgown underground could dance so beautifully?

*True, but you still gotta hurry. Don't want ta worry mo- I mean Toriel

'Don't think we're not going to talk about about that later." Frisk remarked. They clucked their tong at Chara's swearing. They followed Toriel and pulled switches until they reached a long dusty hallway. So dusty in fact, that they couldn't clearly see the end of it.

"Forgive me for this, my child." Frisk looked at her confused at what she was saying, but then Toriel took of in a run, and then they couldn't see her anymore. The air seemed to turn cold and tense, and the atmosphere was terrifying. 'What's going on?!'

*I don't know! Just run! Run damn it! Chara was just as scared as Frisk. Toriel hadn't left them alone like this when they were alive! What the hell changed?!

Frisk ran with all their might, away from the evil creature that always hid under beds and in closets, the same thing that sent shivers down your spine and made hairs stand up in the dark. And as they finally reached the end of the hall after what felt like forever Toriel stepped out from behind a pillar and hugged them.

"I am sorry I had to do that my child. But this was to test your independence." She said before pulling away. "I am going to have to leave you here, my child. But fear not, I will not be gone for long. And just in case, here is a cell phone."

She pulled the item out from nowhere -Chara telling Frisk there was a hidden pocket in the skirt of Toriel's dress- and handed it to them. Then she left once more.


*So, what are the options on this thing?