"Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless with a capital R. Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless with a capital R. Don't hold your breath, I'm not loosing sleep over you. I'm Mr. Reckless, and You're Defenseless!"-Reckless by You Me At Six.

Chapter 1: Attacks, Adoption and Prophecies!

A 7 year old boy with sunshine blonde hair, tan skin and sparkling baby blue eyes was sitting in a training ground trying to recover from his little training session. On the ground behind him was a very large orange and blue jacket. In front of this boy is a wooden training dummy with several sharp metal stars sticking out of it. Beside this dummy was a wooden post with several metal daggers sticking in it. On the other side of the first dummy is another dummy, but unlike the first two, this dummy had a the blade of a sword sticking out of it. The boy recovering stood up and walked up to the third dummy removing the sword he smiled at the first gift he had received from the prettiest woman in the whole wide world, or at least to him the prettiest woman in the whole wide world. It was a standard katana, but the color of the blade was pitch black. He had gotten this weapon for his sixth birthday from her and since then he has been training with it. Hell he didn't go anywhere without it Smiling he put it in it's sheath and moved on to the rest of his weapons. He had just collected the last one when a snort he was very familiar with alerted him that he wasn't alone. Turning around he gained wide eyes spotting his sensei Mizuki along with a large group of people each holding weapons. Cursing the boy pulled out his sword ready to defend himself. Mizuki snorting again said "Stupid demon brat. That stupid ugly sword will not stop us from doing what needs to be done."

The boy snorting said "I always knew you were trouble Mizuki."

Mizuki snarling said "I'm not the one's who is trouble. You are, stupid demon."

He and his merry group of idiots then charged at the boy who without fear fought back. The boy of course lost, badly at that. Pretty soon he was pinned to the ground by a good number of the idiots who had helped Mizuki. Mizuki with the boy's own sword in his hand had a sick and twisted smirk on his face. Walking forward he said "Stupid demon, I'm gonna put you out of your misery with your own sword."

He then making a motion with his fingers watched as the boy's right arm was forced out. Mizuki then with no remorse swung down with the sword and with a single movement sliced the boy's arm clean off. The boy screamed in pure agony as his arm was removed. Mizuki laughing at the misery he was causing said "Next your stupid voice you lowly demon."

He then with a knowledge of the human anatomy that would make him a scary doctor sliced the boy's vocal chords out. He then proceeded with much more heinous acts that solidified his inhumane nature. By the time he was finished not only was the blade soaked with blood, but the ground was a bloody mess and the boy was barely even breathing. Mizuki laughing dropped the blade and said "That should do it boys. Let's get out of here before the stupid hokage arrives."

He and his group then vanished, leaving behind the seriously injured boy. The boy looking up at the sky wondered if he was going to die. He then closed his eyes missing the brilliant light show happening around him. This light show was really the arrival of a higher being. This being formed in seconds. This being had long flowing green hair that would make grass envious. Her face was flawless and angelic in every way. She had two eyes, that were a gorgeous orange. On her lips a thin layer of light blue lipstick could be seen, going perfectly with the blue eye liner she had around each eye. Her skin was dark ebony brown and shined with a supernatural gleam. She was dressed in a sleeveless black top, that was low cut revealing the heavenly valley her DDD-cup breast created. On her right hand several rings could be seen, each with a roman numeral on it. Her lower body was covered by a pair of jeans that hugged her heart shaped ass perfectly. On each foot a black fur lined boot could be seen. All in this woman could and most likely would make a saint sin, a gay man straight and a straight woman reconsider her sexual preference.

She looking down at the nearly dead boy bent over and lifted him up into her arms. This put to scale how large she was, as in her arms the boy looked like a little baby bird. She gently rocking him in her arms said "You poor little one."

She looking around wondered why none of the humans had come to help this poor little one. She then felt something stir inside of the boy she was holding. Looking down at him she instantly recognized what was stirring inside of the boy and scowled. She knew why this little one had been beaten so bad and why no one had come to his rescue. He was a jinchuriki, and people tended to unjustly hate them. She sighing used a power of hers to look into the boy's mind. She after being in his mind for two seconds started releasing enough killing intent to make a dragon shit it's pants in pure terror. Growling she said "These filthy ningen dare treat you so horribly when demons would treat you better, for something beyond your control."

Snorting she said "No more will you be treated worse than garbage. From this day forward you are my child, my priority and my focus."

She then creating a clone out of the very air handed it the boy for a few seconds. Lifting up her hands she started to write in the very air, signing legal documents and papers, along with transferring funds from various accounts. When she finished she said "There my adoption of one Naruto Uzu- scratch that Naruto Namikaze is official. He is now and forever my child, but not only through adoption as soon I will make him my son by blood."

She cutting her eyes to the clone who was glowing green as she slowly healed Naruto's wounds said "Mizuki and all those who have wronged my son shall rue the day, as his vengeance shall be swift and just."

She then taking her new son back from the clone said "Burn this training ground until there's nothing left, then salt the ground so that nothing may ever grow here."

The clone nodding asked "What about the sword?"

She looking at the blood coated sword said "Stab it into the ground when it's finished. Let it be the harbinger of his return and the nightmare of his enemies."

The clone smirking asked "You're going to make it impossible to move until the day he comes back aren't you."

The original chuckling vanished in the same matter as she appeared. The clone laughing picked up the sword and didn't even bother cleaning the blood off of it. She throwing her head back burst into flames and spread like a wildfire burning everything her flames touched. This took down the trees, the grass, the dummies and even burned the stream running through the training ground. When everything was ash, she stopped her combustion and salted every square inch of the training ground. Once that was done she stabbed the sword into the ground and cast a curse on it so that the blood would forever remain fresh and would never be able to removed from the surface of the sword. She also placed another curse on it, stopping anyone from removing it. Turning she then carved what she knew would be a new prophecy into the ground. Laughing she knew that the toads would get this new prophecy first and would their pants. She then vanished just as several ninja arrived.

The ninja looking around wondered what the hell had happened here. One such ninja was a woman with long flowing purple hair, fair skin and black eyes. This woman is Yugao Uzuki and she had been on her way to her job, when she noticed the smoke. Looking around at what used to be training ground 13 she noticed several other ninja arriving along with the Hokage. She looking around stopped dead in her tracks. Why, because her eyes had landed on something that belonged to a certain orange wearing boy who had stolen her heart. Her black eyes instantly caught the red on the obsidian blade. Moving forward she could feel the color draining from her face as the red quickly distinguished itself as blood. She knew that the others had noticed said weapon also and were moving forward. She trembling turned to her superior Hatake Kakashi and asked "Sempai is that?"

Kakashi with a very horrified face said "It's his blood, as his scent along with several others is heavy in this training ground."

Sarutobi hearing this clenched his fist, knowing that Naruko always used training ground 13, as it was where he had taught the boy the basics of chakra. He with anger lacing his voice asked "Can you identify any of the scents Kakashi?"

Kakashi nodding said "Yes Hokage-sama. I can actually identify almost all of them."

Sarutobi turning to him asked "Which ones can you not identify?"

Kakashi said "The faintest scent, the one that seems to be the cause of the fire."

Yugao asked "What does it smell like?"

Kakashi said "It smells like a newborn baby, a new kunai, but it also smells like rotting fruit and gasoline."

Sarutobi putting this scent aside for later asked "What about Naruto?"

Kakashi shaking his head said "His scent ends at the sword and vanishes."

Yugao hearing this felt like her heart was going to stop. Sarutobi felt like he needed to stomp some people into graves. Kakashi knew he was personally going to hunt down the people responsible for this come hell or high water. Sarutobi nodding turned to some anbu and was about to tell them to move the sword when he finally noticed the words written in the ground. Narrowing his eyes he walked forward and looked at the words. They were "From the ashes of the forsaken, a monster shall rise. Wrapped in shadows, entombed within hatred, buried in misery. 13 was the ground he was murdered in. 12 facilitated said murder. 11 trees burned to ashes. 10 minutes he fought valiantly. 9 slashes he delivered to his attackers. 8 drops of blood fell from the leader. 7, normally a lucky number but not his. 7 his age. 7 years of being the martyr of an ungrateful village. 7 years of suffering the wrath of ignorant and power hungry ningen. 7 years of holding the strongest piece of the former strongest monster. 7 years of feeling worthless. 7 minutes wishing to kiss the prettiest woman in the whole world. 7 days wishing to gut a certain stuck up Uchiha. 7 hours of talking with the ramen waitress who has a crush on him. 7 years of spending time with his favorite old man, 7 years of basically being raised by a man he considers his grandfather. 7 years of being protected by someone who is his brother by all rights. 7 years of being the last Namikaze. No more as today he has been adopted by the primordial goddess Gamora Silverblood. He will be reborn and he will be mighty. Either peace or destruction shall be his legacy. Either stand with him and relish and stand against him and perish."

All of the ninja having read or listened to what the Hokage had just unknowingly read out loud stood stock still realizing just who the prophecy was talking about. Kakashi was the first to respond. His response was to start chuckling. All eyes moved to him, including Sarutobi. Yugao asked "Why are you chuckling sempai?"

Kakashi still chuckling said "The civilian council will need to learn of this and of course read it."

Yugao confused asked "So?"

Kakashi now laughing said "They treated the child of prophecy like shit."

It then clicked in everyone's mind. Sarutobi smirking said "For the first time in a very long time I'm looking forward to a council meeting."

Yugao sighing went to retrieve the sword she had given Naruto as a sign of their budding love, when Sarutobi said "Leave it Yugao. Obviously it's meant to be a symbol of some kind."

Yugao hearing this said "But Hokage-sama, it's all I have to remember him by."

Sarutobi sighing said "I know Yugao but look at it this way. You can come visit this place as much as you want, as I'm sure the civilians will mark this place as a sacred ground when they read this prophecy and learn what they have done."

Yugao was about to pout when something suddenly appeared in front of her. Blinking she found a small stuffed purple fox in front of her. Picking it up she blinked finding a letter to her. Reading it she smiled as apparently Gamora had realized that the sword was her only connection to Naruto so she had given her this fox. Nuzzling it she said "Never mind Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi nodding said "Alright then some of you stay here and guard this sight. It's an S-rank mission. The rest of you return to your duties."

Everyone nodding vanished. Kakashi sitting down by the sword decided he was going to be one of the people who guarded it. Yugao still nuzzling the fox was another.

Yeah this is only the first chapter of Naruto The Symbiotic Super Soldier. Next chapter and those after will be much more Naruto focused. Also if you can't tell this is gonna be a harem fic, with the only three confirmed so far being Kushina Uzumaki and you'll see why and how in later chapters, Yugao Uzuki, as you can tell from this chapter and I plan on giving her a severe power up later, and Sakura Haruno, because she's gonna start off like the normal Sakura but become a force of nature. If you haven't realized by now this is themightshevenom speaking to you. Review and let me know how you feel and flames will only cook my chocolate cream pies.