Disclaimer: Disney owns Star Wars, not me. All the characters and places (except for my OC Analise) belong to them.

"aaaa"-talking out loud."aaaa" (bold and italics)-talking through a holo or com. 'aaaaa'-inner thoughts. aaaaa-talking through a Bond. "aaaa" (bold)-another language.

AN: Here it is! This is First Fight, my rewrite of the 2008 Clone Wars movie:) Thank you for all the reviews on The Hunt.

The Clone Wars have started!



War always seemed like a wonderful thing when it was first declared.

It created jobs and credits seemed to be flowing better than ever before. Factories and businesses devoted to the creation of weapons and supplies and vehicles needed for war were hiring beings by the dozens. Those beings in turn took their credits and burned them on food and clothing and dozens of little items that would add a sense of luxury to their lives.

It sparked a burst of patriotism from the public. The public would stand together, shouting support for the Republic. They would wave flags and cheer at parades where the stars were always the bold and brave clone troopers in their shinning white armor. The brightly painted colors the only thing to tell apart the different ranks or battalions.

Clone troopers alone would not win the war. On many planets there were drives for young and able citizens to join their planetary military forces to aid the Grand Army of the Republic. After all the GAR was only on loan from the Jedi.

The ranks of military forces on the planets of the Republic swelled as male and female, on fire by the spirit of war and devotion to the Republic signed up by the thousands. They thought of the glory, the fame, the names they would create for themselves.

To those who called planets within the Inner Rim home, war changed their lives very little. Those little changes were all for the good as their pockets became lined with extra credits they might not have had before.

War became the glue that would seemingly hold the Galactic Republic, a collection of planets held together by fragile treaties and shaky truces, together. Maybe war would it even make it stronger and force all those politicians to start working together...And not just for show.


Beyond the Inner Rim, war was not so welcomed or openly cheered.

Yes the factories there churned out implements of war day and night employing millions and proving credits to those who didn't always have them before; but credits were nothing when the war quickly stole away any chance of using them.

The planets of the Outer Rim found themselves in the middle of an ever-shifting wave of war zones. One day a planet might be peaceful, its citizens seeing the war as some distant event on another planet too far away to even think about and the next it would be knocking on their door. Droids would descend and crush any that stood in the way of the Separatist Army.

Hot on the heels of the droids would be the GAR. The two would meet, fighting hot and fierce. Droids were easy to make. Somewhat costly, but easy to make and there was no need for prolonged down time. They were just metal and circuits after all.

War was not some glittering blessing to the citizens who called the Outer Rim home and even those planets on the Mid Rim could feel the slow moving war moving closer and closer to them.


Still, the more powerful citizens of the Outer Rim viewed the war as little more than a annoying blip on their day-to-day life. It meant that they had to find new routes through which to move their ill-gotten gains as very few of them were involved in any activities that could be considered free and legal.

It did allow them a little more freedom though. Those defenders of peace and justice, the Jedi were forced to shift their focus as they stepped into military roles. Suddenly the Jedi were no mere Knights or Masters or Padawans. They were Generals and Commanders. No longer were they breaking up planetary disputes or bringing down illegal slavery rings or spice factories. They were now charging down battle fields, an army rushing behind them.

Still...Not even the highest of all crime lords could remain untouched during a war. With the Jedi focused on a war, they could not save the innocents...Or near innocents.

This was the lesson Jabba the Hutt learned the hard way.

He learned it the day his beloved son Rotta was stolen away.


It was wrong, Qui-Gon Jinn thought for any being to look happy, almost gleeful at the news that was being relayed to them. Yet Sheev Palpatine, Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was positively overjoyed as the large, flickering blue holo of Jabba the Hutt bellowed out in Huttese his request...More of a demand.

The so-called Grey Jedi Master, Senior Council Member calmly folded his arms within his robes as Jabba's protocol droid offered a clipped translation. "The powerful Jabba says that in gratitude for the safe return of his son, he will allow the Republic to move safely through Hutt space." One eyebrow raised and a look was exchanged with Jedi Master Mace Windu. A generous offer indeed. The Hutts would have no issue ordering their cronies to attack Republic military ships as they moved through the vast amount of space that the Hutts controlled should the move strike them. One word from Jabba though and that threat of attack would end.

The holo flicked before fading away and voices rose to venture opinions. Palpatine rose from his seat, a smile stretching across his face and threatening to break it. "As tragic as the kidnapping of Jabba's son is, this is an opportunity we cannot ignore. Finding Rotta means safety for our ships."

"True that may be. Stretched thin our forces they are."

"Master Yoda is right." Mace stepped forward. "The Separatist forces are spreading fast across the Outer Rim and even now are moving towards the Mid Rim. The GAR and the Jedi are being spread thin with single battle."

"We cannot let this get away from us." Gone was Palptine's smiling face. In his place was a cold man, angry that some Jedi was stepping on his toes and ruining his good day. "You forget Master Jedi that while the Jedi Order may hold the GAR in the palm of their hands, I still hold the power of diplomacy...And I rule this not a matter of war that needs soldiers, but a matter of diplomacy. Therefore I want you to send as many Jedi as you can to find Rotta, return him to Jabba, and discuss terms for the safety of our ships."

Mace's fists clenched tight. Qui-Gon recognized the signs of as control on a tightly reigned temper began to fray and snap. Cool and calm he stepped in front of Mace and bowed to the Chancellor through in truth it made his stomach roll. The man in front of him was starting to stink of darkness and yet there was nothing they could do about it...Just yet.

"We understand the urgency Chancellor, but we are unable to send the number of Jedi you are requesting. There are three, however that are close to take this mission."

"Talking of Obi-Wan and the twins you are."

"Yes Master. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Analise have retaken the planet Christophsis."

"Good! Contact them immediately." The Chancellor turned then paused. "I am amazed at how well Knight Analise is doing considering her fragile health."


"I wish we could do away with that man now!" Qui-Gon's boots made dull thumps on the floor in Bail's office as he paced back and forth within Senator Bail Organa's office. The Senator from Alderaan sighed and leaned on his desk.

"I am no Jedi Qui-Gon, but even I know you cannot go after Palpatine now without any proof. The Order would only suffer for it."

"Corrent Senator Organa is. Focused on this kidnapping we must be."

"Even if it is a trick, Palpatine is right." Mace hated to admit it and his face showed it. "We need Jabba's protection to move safely through Hutt space. We've been lucky so far, but we all know the Hutts. Their mood can so easily change. They enjoy our attention being off of them for now, but that might soon change."

"Agreed. A messenger I will send to Obi-Wan and the twins."