"May I ask, your highness-"


"But you haven't even heard what I was going to say" spoke Hans dumbfunded at her words.

"No. And I don't need to." Said Merida as she poked into the prince's chest. "If you think you can woo me like those wee lambs in the north, you are mistaken, lad."

"I wasn't going to woo you."

"No? your reputation tells me other stories."

"So I have a reputation then?" Hans' mouth split into a grin. "Do enlighten me, Merida."

The scottish girl was now the one who was completely left speechless. "You clearly have a death wish, I see. Either that, or you're stupid enough to think we are on a more intimate level."

"Are we?" lowered Hans his voice.

"What? Off course not!"

"You said it, not me." Shrugged Hans carelessly as he backed down again.

Merida gritted her teeth. "Look lad, one more attempt to woo me and you'll notice how I never miss my target."

"I already told you… I wasn't wooing you." smirked Hans. The prince leaned in towards Merida's ear. "I don't need to anymore..."