Bella was unable to move from where she stood. she stared at the little house; it looked too small to hold four large boys and two large men. there was no reaction inside. No flutter at the edge of the curtain. No sound of voices or movements. it faced her vacantly

The rain started to drizzle. stringing here and there against her skin. Bella couldn't take her eyes of the house. Jacob would come back, he had too

The rain picked up and so did the wind. The drops were no longer falling from above they slanted at an angle from the west. she could smell the brine from the ocean. her hair whipped in her face. sticking to the wet place and tangling in her lashes. Bella waited

Finally the door opened and she take a step forward in relief

Billy rolled his chair into the door frame. she could see Sam behind him with a sad look on his face as he stared at her

"Charlie just called, Bella.. I told him you were on your way home" his eyes were full of pity

The pity made it final somehow, she didn't comment. Bella just turned robotically and climbed into her truck "I'm sorry" Bella heard Sam whisper before she shut her door. she left the windows open and the seats were slick and wet. it didn't matter. she was already soaked

'not so bad! not so bad!' her mind tried to comfort me. It was true. This wasn't as bad. This wasn't the end of the world, not again. This was just the end of what little peace there was left behind. That was all

'Not as bad!' she agreed, then added 'but bad enough'

she thought Jake had been healing the hole in her or at least plugging it up, keeping it from hurting her so much. she been wrong. He'd just been covering out his hole, so that she was now riddled though like Swiss cheese. she wondered why she didn't crumble into pieces

Bella walked inside the living room to see Charlie and an unfamiliar women who looked a little bit like her sitting on the sofa

"Dad.. who is this" Bella asked him as she sat down next to him

"Bells.. I don't know how to say this" Charlie trailed off as he stared at the women for her to help him out

"hello Isabella.. my name is Tonya Call" she introduced herself to her

"so your Embry's mum" she questioned her in a confuse voice

"yes sweetie.. I am Embry birth mum" Tonya informed her with a small smile "I'm also your mum and Embry is your twin brother"

Bella just stared at her in a shock look once the shock was over she jumped up and started pacing "I don't understand.. I grow up on my own and now I have a twin brother" she said to them

"Bells.. you'll always be my daughter" Charlie tried to reason with her as a tear slipped down his cheek so she sat down and hugged him

"why tell me now after all this years" Bella asked Tonus in a confuse voice

"I meet a man at a bar one night so it let to another then I went back to Makah reservation with my parents because I was still a young girl so about two months later I found out I was pregnant so I came back to tell him but I found out he was married and they had a baby boy.. they looked happy and I couldn't get in their way so I went back to my tribe.. I found I was having twins" Tonya trailed off in a sad voice as she looked down then looked up to face her "I couldn't cope so I gave you away.. Embry went to my sister cause she always wanted to be a mum.. and I gave you to Charlie and Renee cause they always tried to have a baby for a while but Renee just couldn't get pregnant and I knew you'll always be looked after by them"

"who is my dad" Bella asked her birth mum as she stood up from the sofa and started to shake

"his name is Nick Lahote" she told her which made Bella to start shaking real bad so she takes a deep breath and calms down

"you got to be kidding me" Bella angrier said to them "you're saying I got two brothers that are part of Sam's cult"

she stormed out of the house and ran into the woods for some reason she felt like she belongs there so Bella decide to go to her meadow where she and Edward used to go to and she always goes there to think alone. soon she reached it and sat down 'maybe I should talk to Embry and become friends with him without telling him that he got a twin sister' then she smelt a sticker and bleach hit her nose which made her to start shaking again

Bella stood up and saw Laurent standing at the other side of the meadow

"Laurent" she cried out

"Bella" he asked looking more astonished

"you remembered" she said to him "I didn't expect to see you here"

he strolled towards her, his expression bemused

"I thought you were in Alaska with Irina" she backed away from him because of the smell as she started to shake real bad now

"I was in Alaska" Laurent said as he stood a few steps away from her "I came here to do Victoria a favour"

"about what" Bella body started to blur

"about me killing you" he answered as he stood next to her now "ah.. look you are scared" as he saw her shaking

she saw him sniff the air "I don't believe it" he said as he jumped out me

she exploded and jumped on Laurent and ripped off his arm as other wolves joined in killing Laurent

Once he was killed

Bella looked at all the wolves but one got her attention as she stared at the wolf then she looked into the wolfs eyes and her world shifted all what matters was this black wolf