After the massage, Liv and Fitz came back to the room to find a romantic dinner waiting on their balcony complete with wine, flowers and strawberries. Plus they found two cover dishes with filet mignon, asparagus with a bolognese sauce and loaded mashed potatoes.

Liv smiled when she saw everything, "This is amazing. I don't know why I am surprised every time you spoil me."

Fitz pulled out his chair and patted his lap, "You spoil me too. I don't remember the last time I went shopping for myself and I mysteriously keep getting new clothes."

Liv sat down and laughed, "You do shop for yourself. Remember the shirts you bought that said, 'Mr. Olivia Grant' or 'Don't touch, I'm happily married' and of course my favorite, 'My wife told me not to talk to strangers.' You bought those."

Fitz laughed into her side as he pulled her tightly towards him, "I wear those when I go shoot ball with guys once every other month or when we go off for drinks at a pub. I don't need no woman thinking I am available."

She smiled as she pulled her plate towards her but Fitz spanked her tight, "What happened to being good. You know the rules. When you sit in my lap, I feed you."

She gave him a quick kiss, "Sorry, I will be good."

He nibbled on her bottom lip, "Mmm. You know I love me some you."

She nibbled on him back, "I can't get enough of you."

He pulled back and she pouted. He smiled, "Let me feed you so that you can have some energy for later."

She ate what he fed her and drunk her wine enjoying spending quality time with her husband. She had one nagging thought in her head, "I think we should have told Abby the complete truth."

He looked at her strangely, "We did."

Liv shook her head, "No, your version makes you out to be the bad guy."

"I was."

Liv agreed, "Yeah but I am not blameless either. You do remember what happened at the recital."

The following Saturday night, Allie and Liv had their ending recital performance and everyone came to see. Fitz gritted his teeth throughout Liv's performance. His only solace was that after this, she would be back in her regular class without a partner.

After the show, Fitz took Patrick and Tommy backstage to see Liv and Allie. He brought flowers and balloons as a congratulatory job well done gift. The first thing he saw was Liv standing near a corner while her partner was talking to her with Allie on her hip. Fitz's jealousy flared as he overheard the tail end of the conversation.

"…wondering if you would like to go out sometime?"

Allie squealed when she saw him, "Daddyyyyy!" Which caused Liv and Deacon's conversation to be interrupted.

Liv put her down and she ran into her daddy's arm trying not to knock Patty in the head.

Tommy walked over by his mother. He cupped his hand over his mouth to make his voice deeper, "Deac!"

Deacon smiled and gave him a high five, "Tom-Tom! My main man."

Fitz gave Allie her flowers. He walked up to Liv and gave her a kiss on the lips. It wasn't a simple kiss. Liv knew it was a claiming kiss which meant he heard Deacon ask her out.

As he pulled back, she saw the jealousy in his eyes. He turned to Deacon and introduced himself, "Fitzgerald Grant. Please to meet you."

Deacon's mouth opened in recognition, "Oh Grant! Right. You must be the ex and the kids' father? It's cool. I know a lot of divorced couples that are still close."

Fitz pulled his arm possessively around Liv. He had a frown on his face, "Ex? What do you mean? I am Olivia's husband and have been for the past 4 years. But my question for you is why are you asking my wife out on a date?"

Deacon raised his hand in surrender, "I just assumed she was a single mother because I've never seen you and she always has at least 2 kids with her at all times. Plus, she never wears her ring. Whenever I would call her, she had time to talk or she sounded upset. It was an honest mistake. My bad."

Fitz was fuming, "Well she is very much married and unavailable to you or any other man who has eyes for my wife."

Fitz grabbed Liv and the kids then headed to the car. They met their family and friends at a local restaurant. Fitz poured on the charm never taking his hands off Liv. By his tight grip and look in his eyes, she knew he was pissed.

After dinner, he drove them home and quietly put each kid to bed. She breastfed Patty while he finished giving the other two a bath. The only time they spoke was if he asked where something was.

Once the kids were in bed, they went into the bedroom and Fitz locked the door. Liv went about her nightly ritual. Most people would be afraid in this situation but she knew her husband would never hurt her.

She was standing in front of the bathroom sink removing her makeup, "I told him that I was married. Every man there knew I was married."

He remembered the guy at practice mentioned that he heard that she as married but he was still upset, "Why the fuck didn't you wear your wedding ring? That was my mother's ring. I gave it to you because it showed how special you are to me."

She turned around to face him, "Which is the main reason why I took it off. The first time I danced with it, my fingers got sweaty and it fell off. I spent an hour looking for it. I know how special that ring is to you which is why I didn't want to lose it. I put it in my bag while I dance and I put it back on after I leave. I wasn't trying to hide the fact that I was married."

She turned back around to finish brushing her teeth.

Fitz took off his shirt and threw it in the hamper, "What's the deal with him calling you? Why did he even have your number?"

She walked out of the bathroom and he followed, "It started out with us exchanging numbers so we can find time to practice. He would call me and let me know when he had some free time. I would sometimes meet with him at the studio during the day so I could practice without the kids. You know that I am a perfectionist. I wanted everything to be right."

He stripped down to his boxers, "During those meetings and phone calls, your husband never came up?"

She sighed, "We never talked about anything personal. We weren't dating. It was strictly for dance."

He got frustrated, "Then how the fuck did he know you were upset?"

Liv shook her head, "He called last Friday to see if I wanted to practice before the preview show. I was upset because you had just walked like you couldn't get away from me and the kids fast enough. I was sitting there trying not to cry in front of the children when he called me. I was on the phone with him 2 minutes at the most."

Fitz was quiet because all of her actions were justified. He slowly started to realize that he never gave her any justification for his. He sat on the bed and turned his back to her. He hung his head and mumbled, "I was ashamed."

She walked around to face him on his side of the bed, "What?"

He looked up with tears in his eyes, "I pushed you away because I was ashamed."

She got on her knees and took his hands into hers, "What were you ashamed of?"

A few tears fell, "I am ashamed of this uncontrollable need to be with you and it sometimes clouds my judgment and feelings."

She kissed him hands, "Baby, what are you talking about? You're confusing me."

He looked towards the ceiling and took a deep breath, "Sometimes when we are at work, if I haven't seen you in a few hours, I have to stop whatever it is I am doing to find you. I have left in the middle of meetings just to lay eyes on you. You probably remember the countless meetings of yours I have interrupted for no reason at all. Once I see you then I feel like all is right in my world. I think I would go insane if you worked anywhere else. It would be hard for me to function. I even entertained the idea of putting a tracking device in your phone."

Liv pulled his head down to look him in the eye, "Please tell me you didn't."

He chuckled a little, "No I didn't. I came really close one day because I didn't know where you were. I guess it was one of those days you met for dancing cause you had on casual clothes the next time I saw you. I didn't think about then. I was just so glad you were back. I dragged you into my office and ate out for a good 30 minutes."

Liv looked starry eyed, "Yeah, I remember that day. You were hot and cold with me then. You wanted me then you would push me away."

He nodded, "Yeah, I was ashamed of my behavior. It's like you are my drug sometimes. You love the high while you are doing but then you feel guilty and ashamed afterwards for doing or even wanting it. But that wasn't the final straw."

"What was the final straw?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night and I reached for you but you weren't there. I found you in Tommy's bed sleeping with him. I got angry at Tommy for taking you from me." He started to cry harded, "The next day…I…Oh god."

She got up off the floor and crawled in his lap. She put his head on her shoulders and let him cry, "Nothing you say will make me think less of you."

He wrapped his arm around her waist, "I yelled at my 3 year old son and told him he needs to grow up and stop being a baby who needs his mommy."

She kissed his hair, "Why didn't you talk to me?"

He shook his head on her shoulder, "I didn't want you to look at me differently. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I just became so angry that I thought it was best for you and the kids if I just put some space between us. I was jealous because my kids were taking your attention from me. What kind of father thinks like that? I'm a big disappointment. Then I thought if you knew how I felt, you would probably leave me."

Liv held him until his breathing calmed, she kissed his forehead, "Allie said when she grows up, she wants to be just like you. She loves how you speak to everyone in the office building no matter their status or station."

He smiled, "You do too."

She shrugged, "Yeah but I could also run buck naked during a snowstorm and Allie wouldn't notice or bat an eye. She mimics mostly everything you do or say. She walked passed Danny the security guard last week. She asked how his family was doing. He said they were doing good then she said cool beans."

Fitz burst out laughing because that is what he always says.

She slowly rubbed her back, "I don't know if you noticed but when we have to dress up for something, Tommy will only wear a tie if you are wearing the same color tie. Patty will walk all over this house looking for you if he has a boo-boo because you will act silly and sing the boo-boo song. Our kids love you and basically worship the ground you walk on. Trust me, the last thing you are to them is a disappointment."

He rubbed his hands all over her body, "And what am I to you?"

She whispered in his ear, "You are my king, my rock, and my foundation. There is no me without you. I love that you need me. I feel good knowing that I have that effect on you. You control everything inside of me and you pushing me away almost killed me inside. I need you to need me."

He gripped her tighter, "I'm so sorry baby. I will never treat you or the kids like that again. I would rather die than to try and distance myself from you."

"I know. I believe you. We will get through it as long as we are together."

He nodded, "From now on we are a team. You, me and the kids. Team Grant! We will always be there for each other and show as much support as possible. We will be better and stronger because we are together."

She smiled in his hair, "I like that. Team Grant!"

He trailed kissed up and down her neck, "Just so you know, I think this need for you will get worse before it gets better. I am trying my best to contain it but it's not working out. I need to be near you every second of every day. I think we may have to do some marriage counseling. Hopefully we can figure out a healthy way of dealing with it."

Enjoying his kisses, "Whatever you want baby. I just want you to talk to me. Be open and honest with me so I can know what's going on with you. The team starts with us. Always tell me your feelings."

He put his hand on her ass, "Right now I am still pissed that you let another man touch you and think that you were available. I hate that you gave him hope that you could possibly be his. What I really want to do is throw you across my knee and spank this ass for forgetting who you belong to."

She was so turned on by his words, "What would you do if I said I would like that very much."

He pulled his head back and looked her in the eyes, "Are you serious? You would let me do that."

She nodded and shrugged, "Yeah, I have been reading and studying the dynamics of BDSM relationship and I was hoping that we could explore it a little. It could be a way to alleviate stress for the both of us."

He raised his hand and stroked her cheek, "Okay, we can look into that. I would like to study first so that I can make sure you are safe. No outside people will be brought into this marriage so if that thought is in your head, you can cancel that shit. No one will see you cum but me."

She kissed his lips, "No one but you. It wasn't even a thought. I would never share you or my body with anyone else."

He nodded, "We can keep it in the bedroom except for times when we are alone and I want you to fully submit to me. I would never undermine you in front of others including our kids. Like always, if I ever do something to trigger a bad memory for you, please tell me and I will never do it again."

She smiled, "Okay."

"Anything else you want me to know?"

She spoke softly, "I love it when you are rough with me."

He whispered, "How rough?"

"Can't feel my legs in the morning' rough."

He ran his hands through her hair, "Good to know. Right now, you are going to take a shower then I am going to spank this beautiful ass until you forget everything but my name."


Liv looked at her plate and realized Fitz had fed her over half of her food. She was actually full. He tried to give her another bite but she shook her head.

He sipped some of his wine, "I think your part in everything was a simple misunderstanding. More good than bad came out of it. We learned that lack of communication contributed to majority of our problems. We are a better couple-mentally, physically and damn sure, sexually. When we are better, our kids are better. Team Grant!"

She leaned her body back into his, "It is a great team."

Fitz smirked, "I did notice how you gave Abby a vague description of our lunch dates at work."

She smiled trying to look innocent, "What? We spend our lunch time together because you are hungry."

He kissed her neck, "But not for food. I wish I could live off eating your pussy. I would be a happy man. Although I don't object to you deep throating my cock during lunchtime either or during a conference call. You can do that anytime you'd like."

She rubbed his cock through his pants, "How about now?"

Fitz took her hand off his hard cock making her stand up, "Strip and get on the bed so I can fuck your face."

Liv did as instructed while Fitz stripped naked as well. She waited on her hands and knees on the bed. He stroked his cock as he walked towards the bed. He sat on the edge and she leaned across his lap to take his cock in her mouth.

He groaned as he felt the warmth of her mouth wrap around his cock, "Yeah, you are good cocksucker."

She nodded her head in response. She bobbed her head up and down taking him deeper.

He rubbed his hand down her back stopping at her bare ass that was sticking in the air. He gripped the right cheek and spanked her when she took him down her throat.

"You are not being a good girl."

He spanked her again on the left cheek making her moan.

His other hand grabbed her hair, "You are trying to make me cum, aren't you?"

He alternated spanking her right and left cheek. He played with her pussy between the hits and she got wetter and wetter with each stroke.

"Nobody plays in this pussy but me. If I catch another man near my pussy again, I will punish fuck this pussy all day. Do you hear me?"

She pulled her mouth off his cock to catch her breath, "Yes sir."

He grabbed her face and pulled her into a kiss. He force-fed his tongue down her throat. He never wanted her to forget who she belonged. The memory of her dance partner touching awoke the beast in him.

He pulled away and stood up, "Face the center of bed. Face down, ass up."

She turned sideways still on her knees. He stood behind her and rubbed his fingers all over her body.

He was heightened her arousal making her sensitive to his touch, "Who do you belong to?"

She moaned at his touches.

He spanked her harder than before, "I asked you a question. Who do you belong to, Mrs. Grant?"

She moaned very loudly, "You! I belong to you."

He dropped to his knees behind her, "This body is mine to do what I please. I am going to eat this pussy and you are going to enjoy it like a good slut because you like it when Big Daddy eats his pussy."

She screamed "yes!" as he attacked her pussy with his mouth. He spread her lips and latched on to her clit.

She gripped the bedspread holding on for dear life. She felt her orgasm building, "Can I cum, baby?"

He pushed two fingers inside of her, "Cum for me, Livvie. My Livvie can have whatever she wants."

She screamed his name as she came forcefully.

He latched on to her pussy again. He licked her essence as he fingerfucked her at the same time. He gave her permission to come a second time.

After she came down from her high, he rolled her over and put her toward the head of the bed. He pushed his cock into her making her gasp at the new sensation.

He started thrusting into her, "I love that I am the only person who gets to make you cum. I am the only one who gets to see you cum."

She pushed her hands in his hair, "Fuck me baby."

He raised her legs over her shoulder as he thrust got more forceful, "This what you want? You love the way I fuck you?"


He raised her hips and slapped her ass, "Good, cause nobody fucks you but me."

His words started triggering her orgasm. He rubbed her clit pushing her over the edge. Her pussy squeezed his cock causing him to spill his seed inside of her.

He fell on top of her and they both paused to catch their breath. After while, he went to the bathroom and returned with a washcloth to clean her up. When they both were cleaned, he returned to bed pulling her to his chest.

He laid there for minute stroking her hair getting lost in the moment. He kissed her forehead before he spoke softly, "I heard there is a nice boutique close to dad's house. We can go there before we pick the kids up."

Liv started laughing loudly, "I knew it! I knew you were going to do it."

He looked confused, "Do what?"

She chuckled, "Every single time after we play the slut role, you try to take me shopping or buy me something."

He groaned, "I can't help it. You are my queen, my wife and the mother of my children. You are not a slut."

She looked him in his eyes, "Society has taught you that that's a bad word. I am proud to say I am the biggest slut in the world but only with my husband. I can be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. I know you love and respect me. That's all that truly matters."

He smiled, "I do love you."

"I love you too." She gave him a kiss. "Now let's go to sleep because I am sure it's going to be a fun ride home with our crew."

He laughed, "Every ride is fun for Team Grant!"