Hello all Teen Wolf fans! I cannot wait for season six to start and of course STYDIA! So to help me pass the agonizing one week wait for the premiere I decided to write a stydia future fic. Enjoy!

Chapter one

Early morning light gleamed through a sliver of open deep red curtains as the beginnings of the sun's rays stretched across two sleeping bodies. Just as the light reached their pillows the strawberry-blond woman was pulled gently from her slumber. Cracking her green eyes open Lydia felt a smile tugging at her lips as she was greeted by the sight of her husband next to her. His mouth was hanging open slightly while his breath released small snoring noises and his hair was sticking out at every angle possible in an untamed chaos. The woman sighed with content and reached over to run her slender fingers through her husband's dark-brown hair, noting a few grey strands beginning to appear along his temple. The light had reached his face bringing Lydia's sight to the pattern of moles scattered across the sleeping man's jawline. Stiles unconsciously leaned into Lydia's touch and her smile grew.

Lydia still couldn't believe this was her life. Since she was a young girl she always wanted to graduate from a good college, get a well paying job, marry the perfect man, have children, and just be happy. That was the plan. Then in high school her world turned into a horror movie with werewolves, a boyfriend that turned into a giant lizard, dark Druids, and so many other crazy things she never thought existed. Of course, Lydia also found out she was one of those unbelievable things…a banshee from legend. After all of that her goals become much different. They became about surviving and making sure her friends survived. Gone was the time she ever thought she could have a normal life, but again everything changed.

As senior year was coming to an end the pack came across a way to finally quiet Beacon Hills once more. A way to remove the Nemeton from their plane of existence and with it the supernatural beacon that drew dark creatures in. Though, to do it they needed someone or something that could communicate on different wavelengths. Someone whose power could transcend even the fabric of life and death. With Deaton's help Lydia was able to use her powers to do just that, and a normal life was once again possible.

Lydia was broken from her thoughts by the patter of little feet bounding toward their bedroom in a rush. Knowing exactly what was coming next she removed her hand from Stiles' hair, prompting a slight creasing of his forehead.

Lydia sat up just in time to see the small figure of pale skin freckled with moles, and long strawberry-blond hair zoom into the room and barrel onto the bed. "Mommy, Daddy! Get up! I haf-ta get ready for SCHOOL!"

Stiles jerk awake and flailing tumbled off the bed to the carpeted ground. Lydia began chuckling at her husband's expense. Shrill laughter quickly joined as Stiles popped his head up and raised an eyebrow. "You could have warned me, Lyds."

Lydia looked up as if in thought. "Now why didn't I think of that?"

"School! I can't wait, Daddy! Let's go! I want to go to school! HURRY!" The young strawberry blond chanted in excitement as she ran through every room on the bottom floor. Her hair flaring behind her like a cape in the wind.

"Ally you've been going to school for a whole month already. Shouldn't the novelty have worn off by now?" Stiles said tiredly from his seat at the kitchen table.

Lydia moved behind her husband and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "I don't think that will be happening any time soon." She whispered in Stiles' ear with a smile adoring her face.

Stiles sighed and dropped his head back against the chair, looking into Lydia's green eyes. "Whose idea was it to have a kid again? I feel like that was your fault."

"Uh ah, nope, no way! You are not putting this on me, Stilinski. That perfect little monster is all your doing." Lydia's voice practically sang with the joy she felt.

Stiles hummed and without warning pulled Lydia onto his lap. The banshee yelped in surprise but it quickly turned into laughter before being cutoff completely with Stiles lips gently connecting with hers.

"Daaaddy!" Allison whined from the threshold of the kitchen. The noise pulling Stiles and Lydia apart.

Stiles looked passed his wife encircled in his arms. "Alright baby girl, I'm coming. Make sure you have your backpack all set. Do you have your show and tell ready?"

Allison placed her hands on her hips in a spitting image of a young Lydia Martin. "I put Mr. Snuffles in my bag last night Daddy. Mommy helped me remember?!"

Lydia raised her perfectly manicured eyebrow at Stiles, trying not to laugh at his flabbergasted expression. Stiles looked from his daughter to Lydia accusingly. "This is your fault."

Lydia bit her lips before speaking. "What can I say? The women in my family have always been strong and sassy. That's what you love about me."

The dark-haired man had a look of pure love and admiration showing brightly through his warm eyes. "That and so much more."

Lydia hummed in approval and took both of Stiles' hands in hers, pulling her husband to his feet. "What time will you be done at the station?"

"In time to pick Allison up from school. We'll head over to Scott's for a bit, probably with ice cream in our bellies, before I drop her off with my dad." Stiles said as he checked his pockets, clearly looking for something.

Lydia knew exactly what her husband was searching for and passed him his phone, which was sitting on top of the counter next to the coffeemaker. "Is John sure he doesn't mind taking Allison for the night?"

Stiles sighed, "Lyds, come on. It's our anniversary. Of course my dad doesn't mind watching her. He loves his little princess. Besides, I think he'll have help from Melissa anyways."

"Daaady! I'm gonna be late if we don't hurry!" Allison whined from the front doorway, bag in hand, and one foot already out the door.

Stiles stuck out his arm as an invitation. "Walk me to my jeep?" He asked Lydia with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Without hesitation Lydia hooked her arm through Stiles' while also reaching out to take their daughter's hand as the small family made their way out-the-door.

Lydia checked the time on her iPhone again and grumbled in annoyance. She was running late and if she didn't get home in the next twenty minutes she wouldn't have nearly enough time to get ready for the evening. After a moment the strawberry-blond realized that the last time she had heard from Stiles was hours ago when he was heading to pick Allison up from school. Hitting Stiles' contact information on her favorites list she brought the phone to her ear. The connection went to his voicemail after a minute, prompting Lydia to roll her eyes. 'Hi you've reached the phone of Stiles Stilinski. I'm most likely off saving the world from an evil supernatural creature…or I just couldn't reach the phone in time. Leave a message and I'll call you back at my earliest convenience.'

"Wow, you must be having a really good time at Scott's since you didn't text me to let me know you dropped Ally off at your dad's yet. I lost track of time and am just leaving work now. I've been distracted for some reason today…don't freak out or anything though. It could be a banshee thing or nothing. Just…call me okay? I'll be home soon if I don't hear from you before then. But I better get a call, Stilinski! Otherwise, you're not getting any tonight, if you know what I mean."

Lydia disconnected the call and stared at her phone, biting her lip as an uneasy feeling built stronger in her chest. Almost to her car the only noise around was the continuous clicking of her five-inch green heels and some birds chirping overhead.

"Mrs. Stilinski?" A sudden and timid voice sounded just behind the distracted woman.

Startled Lydia whipped around to the unknown woman that addressed her and asked with apprehension, "Yes?"

The woman had light caramel colored hair, black framed square glasses, and short button nose. She was taller than Lydia, but only just, and had a friendly smile brightening her face. "My name is Helen. I'm hoping you could help me with something. Could we talk for a moment?"

Lydia relaxed slightly at Helen's friendly demeanor. "I'm actually running late for a date night with my husband. Maybe I can direct you to someone else? What kind of help do you need?"

"I'm afraid Mrs. Stilinski," A man's deep voice spoke just behind Lydia's shoulder. "The help we need only you can provide."

The strawberry-blond jumped when the new voice entered the conversation. She turned to see a tall man with spiky black hair, well-dressed, gazing down at her with dark intimidating eyes. Lydia took a few steps away from the man who was now blocking the path to her car and squeezed her phone tightly. "I really don't care that you need my help. I'd like to leave. Now move out-of-my-way or I'll call the police." Lydia tried to hide the fear she was feeling but even she could hear it laced through her words.

The man frowned. "I'm sorry you feel that way. Perhaps this might change your mind?"

He held out a cell phone towards Lydia, but she backed away shaking her head. Not getting very far she accidentally bumped into Helen. Feeling immediately trapped Lydia swung a closed fist, aiming for Helen's head, but the deceptively frail-looking woman stopped the blow before it could even get close.

Squeezing Lydia's wrist tightly, the woman never lost her gentle tone of voice. "Please, Lydia. We wouldn't have done what we did if we weren't desperate."

She knew what they did. Deep down in her soul Lydia knew something was wrong. Knew what was on that phone, but she couldn't believe it. Everything was going so well in their lives. She knew, but felt her lips ask the question anyways. "What…what have you done?"

Helen took the phone from her colleague and held it in Lydia's line of sight. On the illuminated screen was exactly what the banshee feared. A picture of Stiles and their little girl Allison was displayed. Where they were being held she couldn't tell, but Lydia could see the terror in her daughter's tear-filled eyes, as well as the blood trailing down from behind her husband's ear.

Lydia couldn't pull her horrified gaze from the picture of her family. That is, until the man spoke again, bringing her furious watery green eyes to glare at him. "We need a banshee. No harm will come to them as long as you cooperate. You will not call anyone from your pack for help. You will not try to run from us. And you will do everything we ask without question. Do you understand?"

Lydia nodded numbly, not trusting the steadiness of her voice.

Helen rubbed her arms in a comforting manner that only made the banshee feel sick to her stomach. "That's good, Lydia. Now we're going to take you to see your family and our leader will explain everything you need to know. Give me your keys."

The first thing Stiles Stilinski became aware of as he slowly climbed himself out of unconsciousness was just how cold he felt. Next came the agonizing pounding assaulting his head. The pain so great it almost overpowered the aching in his shoulders. Having been the recipient of a few concussions in his life Stiles knew immediately that was to blame for the pain spiking through his head now. Vaguely the thought crossed his mind of how he would now have to spend his anniversary night in the hospital and that Lydia was going to kill him.

Thinking of his wife brought the dark-haired man's thoughts to his daughter who was with him when they were attacked. The injured man racked his brain for the last thing he remembered. He remembered telling Allison to run, but then everything turns black. Fearing for his daughter's safety Stiles snapped his eyes open, regretting the action immediately as the light from the room sent a wave of agony shooting through his skull.

Hoping to dull the aching pain, Stiles tried to bring his hands to his temple only to have the action halted by metal restraints encircling his wrists behind his back. Groaning, he opened his eyes once more; this time slower. His vision was slightly blurry, but Stiles was still able to make out the small room he was in, as well as the tiny mound curled up next to him on the hard bed.

Clearing his throat Stiles called out to his daughter in a scratchy voice. "Ally, baby girl. Are you alright?"

The small pale girl shot up suddenly and looked at her dad with wide tear-filled eyes. "Daddy! I…I cou-couldn't wa-waake you up!" The young child cried hysterically and lunged at Stiles, clinging tightly around his neck.

Stiles swallowed the burning of his own tears before resting his head atop his trembling daughter's. "Shh, it's okay; I'm fine. You know how hard it is for Mommy to wake Daddy up sometimes. Everything's going to be okay."

Allison pulled back enough to look Stiles in the eyes. "But you have an owie on your head."

Stiles smiled. "It doesn't even hurt. Don't you worry about that. Are you hurt anywhere, baby girl?"

Tears still sliding slowly down her mole freckled face Allison shook her head. "No." Sniffling the little girl began crying a little harder and buried her face into Stiles' aching shoulder. "I want Mommy."

Stiles closed his whiskey-colored eyes with his daughter's plea, and released a shaky breath. "I know, Ally. But do you know what?" After feeling his daughter shake her head against his shoulder the injured man continued. "Mommy is going to be looking for us…she probably already is. Then she'll tell Grandpa and Uncle Scott and they'll come find us."

"Because of Uncle Scott's super nose?" Allison asked, having finally calmed down and stopped crying.

Stiles huffed a laugh. "Exactly because of Uncle Scott's super nose. We just have to wait for a little bit longer. I promise nothing will happen to you."

"Okay, Daddy." Allison said crawling into her father's lap, resting her head against his chest, and holding tightly to the fabric of his black t-shirt.

"That's my girl." Stiles' whispered as he leaned against the wall behind him, being careful to not put too much pressure on his bound wrists.

Not long after, the only door to the small room opened and a tall man dressed in a navy blue button-down and black pants walked in. Stiles sat up straighter and quickly prompted Allison to move behind him, telling her to stay there no matter what happened.

"Don't worry, Mr. Stilinski. If we wanted to hurt your daughter we would have done so already." The man calmly stated as he pulled up a chair and sat down in-front of Stiles and Allison, leaning back to get comfortable.

Flexing his bound hands nervously the dark-haired man glared in a way he hoped was intimidating. "Who are you? Why have you brought us here?!"

"All in time. I only came in here to offer you a deal."

Stiles looked at the black-haired man with apprehension. "What is it?"

The man looked at Allison for a moment, making Stiles' heart stutter. "I'm sure you would like to be able to comfort your daughter. I would like to not have to restrain a child so our desires are aligned at the moment."

"I'm not sure I'd go that far."

Smiling at Stiles' comment the man continued. "I propose a mutual…understanding if you will."

Unexpectedly, he leaned closer to Stiles, his jaw-length black hair falling forward from where it was tucked behind his ears, framing his face. "If I were to move the handcuffs to your front you would be able to keep your daughter calm. However, you will not use that added mobility to try to escape in any way or I will not only return the cuffs behind you, but I will repeat the process with your lovely child."

Allison's grip on Stiles' shoulders increased sharply and she ducked her head behind his back.

The action seemed to amuse the man, making him chuckle lightly. "Do we have an understanding?"

The last thing Stiles wanted to do was cooperate for this man, but he had to think of his daughter. So clenching his teeth and taking a steadying breath he answered. "Yes. We have an understanding."

His captor's deep blue eyes sparked with glee. "Excellent."

End of chapter one! Thank you so much for reading! Please review to let me know what you thought of the beginning of this story and if you would like me to continue. Also remember to click on the follow and/or favorite button to make sure you never miss an update! Until next time...