Son Rise on South Island: Pt 3

A week went by since Eggman was crowned. Aleema and Sonia were in the palace talking with concern.

"This has gotten ridiculous." Sonia answered. "Eggman has been neglecting his duties. All he does is party all the time."

"I know that." Aleema replied to her.

"At this rate, South Island will be bankrupt in a month." Sonia answered. "We need to act."

"You need to wait." The former queen added.

"Wait!? We're on the brink of a total disaster and you're telling me to wait!?" Sonia asked.

"I'm sure that Sonic will come back."

"If Sonic cared that much about the throne, he would have done something by now." The blue blur's sister stated.

"Be patient, my daughter." Aleema pleaded. "He will come. He isn't one to give up that easily."

"Well, it better be something damn good." Sonia answered in frustration. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Then, a servant girl entered the room.

"Excuse me, there is an anonymous man who would like to see King Eggman." She said. "Someone representing Bob Beaky's Traveling Circus."

"Now, he's hired a circus!?" Sonia asked in shock.

"I'll get the king and tell him to come out." Aleema answered.

The court was gathered in the main hall and Eggman sat on the throne. He called in the group in to discuss the circus. Then, the three people came in. The leader looked like a heavily wrapped penguin in a thick green coat. There were two other mobians with him.

"And who are you?" Eggman asked.

"I am Bob Beaky." He answered. "And I am the owner of Bob Beaky's Traveling Circus."

"I've heard of W. T. Barker's Three-Ring Circus." Eggman said. "But I have never heard of this one before."

"This is our first time performing in South Island." The bird commented. "Now, hearing that you are the new king of this island. I couldn't help but want to help improve your transition to leadership."

"I don't need any help with ruling, thank you very much." Ivo Robotnik answered, dismissively. "Be gone with you."

"Now, wait a second." Bob answered, raising his hands. "We have very high quality entertainment and want to enter permanent employment."

"Why permanent employment?" Eggman asked, curiously. "Don't you make enough money traveling around?"

"We've been losing out to W. T. Barker's Circus and we could really use a new start in Mobian lands." The bird explained.

"Something's fishy about this bird." Sonia stated to her mother. "And it's not what he ate either."

"I noticed." Aleema commented back to her daughter. He looked and looked at the fox that was in his group. She saw that the fox had two tails. "What are you up to?"

"Listen, I am a very busy man." The doctor answered. "I have no time for these petty requests for stuff. I want you to leave."

"Sonic's working for me." Beaky blurted out. The nobles gasped in shock.

"What did you say?" Eggman asked, completely looking at him.

"You heard me. Sonic is working for me now." Bob answered, pointing his thumb towards his chest. "I thought that you would like to see your nemesis reduced to a total embarrassment."

"You think you can fool me. There is no way that Sonic would stoop that low." Eggman answered in disbelief. "Show me proof of this and I'll believe you." Then, the female assistant handed Bob the photo and he handed it to Eggman. The doctor looked at it and burst out laughing. "Oh God, this is rich. Not only have you got Sonic as a clown, but also his two companions as well." He paused to catch his breath. "I'll allow a show here. Even if just to see those three be nincompoops."

"Alrighty, then." Beaky answered. He turned to his male companion and he handed over the contract over to Bob Beaky. "Just sign here and we'll set up immediately." Eggman snatched the document from the bird and signed the document.

"No, I can't let you do this." Sonia stated, stepping out of the crowd and taking the document from the doctor.

"Hey, give that back." Eggman ordered. The party of three were getting nervous with Sonia's actions.

"I'm not going to let my brother be completely mocked." She shouted.

"Guards, seize her." The doctor ordered. The guards had surrounded Sonia and she threw the document. It landed at Aleema's feet and the guards managed to capture her. "Bring her to me." The guards brought Sonia over to Eggman. The former queen picked up the document. "I had been nice to you and been merciful because you were of the previous dynasty. But you have constantly been ridiculing my rule."

"How can I ever be loyal to a scumbug like you?" Sonia answered.

"I had just about had it with you." Robotnik declared, raising his voice. "If the robotisizer was still operating, I would have thrown you in. But since it's not, you'll be spending years in the dungeon." He pointed his fat finger at Sonia's face. "AND NEVER AGAIN WILL YOU…!"

Then, Aleema busted out laughing as she held the document.

"Mom, how could you?" Sonia asked.

"What's so funny?" Ivo demanded.

"They've showed Sonic was a clown." Aleema said, failing to keep a straight face. "But it might be that you are the actual clown, Lord Eggman."

"That's impossible." Robotnik demanded, angrily. "I am a genius with an IQ of 300. I designed all the machines that make the Eggman Empire possible. I am the one who had failed to do what my uncle Julian failed to do: Defeat Sonic the Hedgehog once and for all. How am I a clown?"

"From what you signed, you had given all South Island back to my son." Aleema commented.

"WHAT!?" The doctor roared and he turned to Bob Beaky. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME!"

"I can make a mockery of you anytime I want to." Bob Beaky said, grabbing the hood on his coat taking it off. "Your rule is done, Robuttnik." It was actually, Sonic himself, under the coat. The entire room was shocked at this. The other two took off their costumes revealing Tails and Amy Rose. "It's over, Eggman. Head over the crown."

"You'll have to take it from me." The doctor shouted. "ROBOTS, ATTACK!" But no robots came out. "ROBOTS, ATTACK!" But only Or-bot, Cu-bot, and Bunta-kun came out. "WHERE ARE MY ROBOTS?"

"You left all your robots at the Metropolis Zone." Cu-bot said.

"DAMMIT!" Eggman shouted.

"Perhaps a tactical retreat would be necessary." Or-bot suggested. Eggman growled as he grabbed the crown and threw it at Sonic smacking him in the face.

"You think this is over." The doctor stated, storming off out of the room. "I'll be back with my army of robots. And when I do, I'll make sure that your rule was just as short as my first one. I SWEAR IT!" He slammed the door behind him.

"Ow." Sonic said, rubbing his face. "Talk about a sore loser." The room was silent for a moment before it was flooded with cheers.

"I can't believe it. My brother is finally back." Sonia said to her mom.

"See, I told you that he would return." Aleema replied to her. The purple hedgehog looked up.

"Uh, you can let go of me now." Sonia said.

"Oh sorry." One of the guards replied, releasing the princess. Then, she looked at the guard. "Thanks." She paused for a moment. "Who are you exactly?"

"The name is Argus." The guard replied. "I'm the new captain of the guard."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you." Sonia replied. "Would you mind if I spent some time with you after the coronation?"

"I… uh… would be happy to." Argus answered. Meanwhile, a servant came up to the blue blur.

"Sonic. Are you going to take your place on the throne of South Island?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I got to do what I got to do." Sonic asked.

"Your majesty, what is your first order of business?" the guard asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sonic asked. "We will repair and rebuild South Island from the damage had taken from the recent events."

"As you wish." The servant said. "And what of Team Sonic?" Then, Sonic paused. Everyone was waiting to her on what he had to say about it. He took a short breath.

"I know that once I become the leader of South Island I would have to leave my own team." He answered. "There is another, however, who will be in my place. I have recognized the abilities and courage of that person. And time and again, he has shown the qualities of a great leader. Therefore my successor as leader of Team Sonic… will be Tails."

The twin-tailed fox was completely shocked that he was chosen to be the heir of the hero's group.

"I… I don't know what to say." Tails commented.

"You earned it, little buddy." Sonic answered. "And I don't see anyone more qualified to be as such."

"Thank you, Sonic. I… mean… your majesty. I mean…" The fox stated, trying to figure out what to say.

"Never mind the formalities." Sonic said to him.

"Well, what are we waiting for, my darling Sonic?" Amy asked. "Let's get on with it."

Then, the ceremony of coronation. The two hedgehogs had to kneel before the queen. Sonia had placed the king's crown on top of her brother's head.

"I'm glad to at least see one of us back on the throne again." Sonia said to him.

"Don't sweat it, sis." Sonic answered. Then, Aleema came over to Amy Rose. The former queen removed the tiara from her own head and placed it on Amy's head.

"Behold, the new rulers of South Island." Aleema announced. "King Sonic Hedgehog and Queen Amy Rose." The audience cheered. Sonic and Amy stood up to speak.

"I have experience many journeys during my time as a freedom fighter. I have fought hard to defend the freedoms of many on Mobius, both at home and abroad." The newly crowned Sonic stated. "Now that I am king, I vow to continue to live by the liberties in which the freedom fighters have fought, bled, and died for. I vow to continue the long traditions in which South Island has stood upon for many generations. I vow to you, people of South Island, that I shall be a just and noble ruler."

"And I vow as the new queen," Amy said. "That I shall to the same with my dearest Sonic by my side." Then, the crowd stood up. "Let us renew our dedication to what is just and true once again."

"Long live the king! Long Live the queen!" the crowd shouted. "Long live Sonic! Long Live Amy!"

Hey Readers,

This is B. J. Williams, writer of Sonic Extreme. I want to say 'thank you' for all whom have read this fanfic up to this point. For now, I and my co-writer will be taking a break from writing Sonic Extreme due to writer burn-out. So, we will be working on other projects. Nevertheless, season seven will come out sometime this year. When the games, Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces, come out; it will supply new content for us to work with.
The project we intend to work on next will be… My co-writer calls it "Team Spider", while I call it "Spiders of New York". But either way, it'll be a Spider-man fanfic. There is also talk about a Star Wars fanfiction as well. This one has yet to be named.
In any case, I hoped you enjoyed this work as much as we had fun writing it.