Dearest Diary...

It's been a long time since I've sat down to write

But I guess I was feeling creative this night

I simply must jot down my thoughts of delight

Regarding my dear friend I gave quite a bite


Her name is Aradia, a rustblood you see

I invited her to spend some time with me

A few cups of tea and a story or two

And perhaps something more between us would ensue


Her smile was bright and so full of good cheer

I simply could not wait for her to be here

My patience rewarded, she entered my hive

With an aura that sent me into overdrive


Did she mean to seduce me? Truly I did not know

A lovely black dress, a cute little bow

Her hair cut down long, gracing over her shoulder

Fighting back desire, I resisted to hold her


My hive door was locked, I had her in my clutches

And to my surprise, she began the first touches

Her arms wrapped around me so tight and so snug

As she pulled me, tenderly, into a grand hug


I led her to the kitchen, her hand holding mine

To the room in which she and I would unwind

There were no dim candles, there was no cheap wine

Yet still I knew that she'd be mine in due time


Spent a long time together, she and I, this one night

As I kept dearest, greatest Aradia in sight

She noticed for sure as she stared right back at me

Betwixt us was rising lust, sensuality


We crept up the stairs to my bedroom quite cozy

And I noticed that still now, her cheeks were quite rosy

She entered before me, her eagerness rising

And, might I just say? She looked so appetizing


Clothing flew quickly, and tossed aside swiftly

Did she have a matesprit? She did not seem guilty

I brought her so close, fingers grazing her skin

For I knew I could awaken lust within


A sigh left her lips as I squeezed her breast

A wondrous sound that left me feeling blessed

Yet hungry for more, I'm quite insatiable

Believe me I knew, this rustblood was tamable


Our bodies had fallen atop my soft bed

"Touch me, keep going, please…" she had pled

I granted her wish and I touched her some more

When I nipped at her neck… Oh, how she swore


My fangs grazed her skin, so warm and inviting

A memory so lustful, it's hard to keep writing

It was a moment so pleasurable, so exciting

It was all so perfect. The mood, the lighting


I bit down so rough, drawing forth a meek squeak

And my fingers, to calm her, ran over her cheek

I drank free her blood, so red and so sweet

To be truly blunt, what else could compete?


If I wasn't careful I surely would drown

This is what I thought as my fingers moved down

Past my darling's breasts, her naval, her hips

"Oh fuck," she had whispered, curse leaving her lips


As I moved my hand down, her legs, they did spread

As she writhed and shook gently atop my grand bed

My fingers did tease, they did rub, they did prod

Which had left dear Aradia lustful and awed


I drank more from her neck, her sweet, precious red blood

The divine fluid oozing like miniature flood

And my fingers did pump inside her, to and fro

She loved every moment, as curling toes showed.


Faster, faster now, faster now still

I'd give her a climax or two, yes, I will

My tongue lapped her blood as I fingered her entrance

And upon me Aradia would build a dependence


All of a sudden she threw her head back

But I never did stop my euphoric attack

She shook and she cried out, she had reached her peak

All thanks to proficiency. Yes, my technique


It's not over yet though, of that I'm most certain

I've locked all the doors, I've closed all the curtains

I'm not finished just yet, Megido you see

We'll have fun, just you wait, just you and just me


I pulled my fingers from her wet and slick hole

Another orgasm: That is my goal

When I told her, she giggled, and said "Bring it on."

I'm the queen of her body, and she is my pawn


Without even asking, she flipped herself over

And wiggled her rump, giving it more exposure

I gave it a slap, watching firm flesh jiggle

"Be as rough as you want, I'm really not brittle!"


Good gracious Megido, you're so fun and hardy

You and I, dear girl, make up quite the party

I already planned to bring her here again

For a good fuck or two, every now and then


Nevertheless I got up right behind

And pressed my thick bulge up to entrance aligned

I slipped deep inside her, and I heard her moan:

"Oh god, you're so big! If only I'd known!"


"We'll make up for lost time, I promise, don't worry."

"Come by anytime, there is really no hurry."

She looked back and smiled, then bit her lip sternly

As she pushed herself forward, then pulled right back firmly


A moan left my lips as she started us up

And moved back and forth while we started to fuck

"Give it to me," she whispered, "And don't make me beg."

With that said and done, I'd caressed both her legs


Her rump was so plump and an excellent feature

But this is my room, and I am the teacher

I reached up and pulled on her curly black locks

While she moaned like a good girl, wearing knee socks


"That's it," I praised, "Back it up, right this instant."

While I thrust to and fro, my cock like a piston

I thrust back and forth, and I humped her fine booty

Oh, to please all my friends, now that is my duty


She moaned out with lust and she cried out so loudly

While I kept up my pumping, fucking her proudly

I took her from behind, ten minutes I thrust

Till she came once again, just like we discussed


I finished inside her, reaching an orgasm

And I say carefully without hint of sarcasm:

As I emptied myself and I filled up her nook

I knew in that moment that I was just hooked


Aradia breathed hard. She sighed. She panted

I knew that my fucking had left her enchanted

Her eyes did flutter, and soon they did close

From the climax and blood loss, she fell to a doze


How silly this girl, who I thought would last longer

Oh well, I supposed, I simply was stronger

When she would awaken, she and I'd have more fun

So goodnight, Aradia, my girl number one.