It wasn't her blonde hair that hooked me on the first day, it wasn't her beautiful face, or even her amazing smile. It was her eyes.. Her ocean blue eyes that could see right through you.

The eyes that made me want to drop to my knees and promise her anything. The only thing keeping me from doing that is the stupid boy named Finn Collins. Clarke's boyfriend.

I never understood why she was dating him?

She would tell me he was sweet, but he had hurt her many times. All of those times she had run to me and sobbed into my arms telling me that she still loved him, no matter how many times he would hurt her. I would be there picking up the broken pieces of the girl I loved.

I sighed as I turned around and walked down to my history class. "Hey Lexa" Octavia said, we've been friends since Clarke decided to add me into their little group in public school.

"You okay?" she asked "Is it about Clarke?" she added.

Of course she knew, both her and Raven knew how I felt and knew that every time Clarke would let Finn join us I would find anyway to run away from both of them and cry it off somewhere. "It'll get better" she said as we entered our class.

Halfway through class i felt my phone vibrate, i quickly checked it to see that Clarke messaged me. I opened my phone and felt my heart stop.

Clarke - Love you 3

I stared at the text before another one popped up.

Clarke - Sorry Lex, meant for Finn.. How's class?

I looked at Octavia, eyes filled with tears before standing up and running out of the room, turning to run down the hall only to run into Clarke herself.

"Lexa?" she said as I shook my head "What's wrong?" she asked trying to reach out and hug me.

"No, just don't" I cried before running off down the hall and out the front doors of the school.

Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've posted anything.. Sorry for that I've been dealing with depression lately and I was even debating on posting this, but I'm glad I did. Will be posting on my other stories soon. And as always, thank you for reading! ~Kay