Chapter 4

Back in Tsukune's room, Koji was wallowing in a tar pit of misery that he couldn't seem to get out of. In the time Tsukune had been talking to his mother about the vampiric nature of her husband and son, the pointy-eared man had convinced himself of the worst scenario.

Akane was going to throw them both out; he would go on a rampage; Tsukune would probably join in; and then all hope for humanity would be lost forever…

Or something along those lines anyway.

The pointy-eared ancient (who didn't look a day over twenty-eight) could easily have listened in on the conversation the two most important people in his life were having, but was too engrossed in the horrifying situation that played out in his mind to pay attention. It was only when he heard his wife's light steps rushing up the stairs that he snapped out of his dismal imagining of the future and was brought back to the present. He could hear Tsukune following along behind her, at a slower pace.

He dared not face the door when it was spiritedly flung open by an Akane who was breathless with anticipation. He could not have known that the emotion dominant inside her at the moment was excitement, rather than fear or loathing.

Seeing the unrecognisable figure sitting at his son's desk with his head in his hands, just as his son had done so earlier that evening, Akane's heartbeat quickened in her chest.

"Koji," she breathed, and the man sighed and got out of the desk chair, standing to face her.

As she gazed upon the breath-taking features of her husband, she felt her knees go weak. Before her was a being that was so dangerously beautiful, that exuded power and strength, that gave off such a predatory air and yet…she could still see the man she had married: in the slightly bandy-legged gait of an amateur soccer player the calf-length cloak so accentuated; in the way he pulled at his ear when he was nervous, as he did now; and in the love for her she could see in his scarlet eyes, that seemed to make them that much more intense.

Unable to take it anymore, the woman rushed towards her husband who caught her in his arms instinctively, as he had done so every evening for the past sixteen years. She giggled melodiously when she took in the look of utter astonishment her husband wore and cupped an alabaster cheek in her soft palm.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she whispered.

"Well, I – uh," Koji was cut off by another girlish giggle coming from the little woman his arms curled around.

"Never mind, my love," her eyes were bright with tenderness for the adorable vampire in front of her, who suddenly didn't seem so intimidating to her anymore, "What is important is that I will always love you, regardless of what way, shape or form you may take. 'Til death do us part, right?"

Akane laughed again at the irony their wedding vows had taken on in light of new information, and Koji joined in. Tsukune snorted quietly at the door, enjoying seeing this side to his parents.

Akane looked up at her vampire husband innocently and batted her long eyelashes at him, "Will you do something for me, Koji?"

"Anything, beloved," he smiled down at her.

"Will you drink my blood?"

Koji jumped away from his wife as if he had been burned, while Tsukune spluttered in the doorway.

She WHAT?!

"Oh, come one, Koji," she pleaded, "I think it would be so beautifully intimate, wouldn't you do this for your wife?"

Well, she kind of hit the nail on the head there, both vampires thought at once.

Drinking from a loved one was an extremely intimate affair and if it was one's life mate, well, that could lead to – ahem, other things…

At this thought, Koji's cheeks flushed pink and Akane grinned triumphantly.

"See? I knew I was right!" she flung herself into her husband's arms again, who caught her gracefully, "Come one, Koji dearest. For your beloved?"

She pressed her chest against her husband's and let her lips part slightly as she ran a hand temptingly through his long, silver hair. The renowned Dracula blushed furiously and turned a shade that matched his irises.

Akane giggled again, but didn't pull away. She knew how to get what she wanted.

"Well, I- I suppose we could…" Koji trailed off and swallowed hard. He knew he wouldn't lose control, his love for his wife was too powerful for that, but still…who knew his sweet Akane could have such a seductive streak in her.

Tsukune was frozen to the wooden floor outside his room as he looked on with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Without another word, Koji gently brushed his wife's silky hair away from her neck, she trembled slightly at his touch, but not with fear. She inclined her head, accommodating her vampire husband as much as she could think of.

"Are you sure?" he asked her once again. She nodded breathlessly under his vermillion gaze before he lowered his head slowly to her throat.

He kissed the base of her neck, sucking gently to get the blood to flow to the surface and she moaned softly. He kissed along the length of her neck a few times, slowly, savouring her taste before reaching the spot he had marked out for himself again.

As gently as he could, he slipped his fangs into her neck and let her pure blood flow over his tongue. Akane moaned again, louder, but it was not a sound of pain. Rather, she moaned with pleasure.

Koji could not believe how delicious his wife was, he could physically taste the unending love she had for him and their son, the longing she felt every day when she was alone in their home, and something else…Koji bit deeper, to get a better idea of what else he had briefly tasted, and Akane's grip tightened around his shoulders.

When Koji realised what it was that he had tasted, he gently released Akane's throat and let his canines slip out of her. Before either of them had the chance to take a breath, Koji crushed his mouth against his wife's and they kissed each other hungrily.

Koji had tasted passion in his beloved. Raw, unadulterated desire for him.

And that's my cue…Tsukune thought as he shut the door to give his parents some privacy.

Actually, my cue became apparent long ago, but it was like watching something so weird that you couldn't look away.

The teen shuddered as he could still hear the sounds coming from behind his closed door loud and clear, and decided that it was high time he took a brisk walk.

The night air cool and welcome on his flustered skin, Tsukune ambled down the street he had grown up on. It always looked the same, but now so much was different.

His dad, Koji Aono…Vlad Dracula. Who would have thought it?

It does explain a lot though, he pondered to himself, why I adapted so easily to this new state of being. It turns out this was actually my true self!

Tsukune's thoughts took another track, considering his and his family's future now that Dracula, the true king of all vampires, had 'returned'. Although he wasn't one to desire power, the boy had to acknowledge the fact that it would be so wonderfully exciting to see the monster world's reaction to the return of the 'king'. He was sure his father would want to be reintroduced to the world that was his birth right.

And so, Tsukune made the decision then and there, he was going to bring his father back to Youkai Academy with him.

"How exciting!" Akane squealed like a schoolgirl as she saw the bus for Youkai Academy rounding the corner to where all three members of the Aono, or rather the Dracula, family waited, "I can't believe I'm going to visit the monster world!"

Tsukune huffed with irritation, he hadn't banked on his human mother coming along on the father-son road trip, but Koji had insisted.

The boy was merely worried for his mother's safety, but Koji reminded him with a wink and a dazzling grin just who her husband was.

Tsukune couldn't argue with that logic.

The bus driver, with his eyes that eerily resembled those of the Director's, gave Tsukune a knowing grin as the trio climbed into the yellow vehicle.

Tsukune's parents chattered happily as they snuggled into each other at the back of the bus for the journey, while their son was left to stare out of the window and contemplate just whether his invitation was a well thought out move at all.

Both of the Aono men wore dark contact lenses, for lack of a more effective human disguise, and all three of the Aono's wore entirely black outfits, an enthusiastic Akane's suggestion, of course.

Tsukune wore a high collared, long sleeved dress shirt, with black jeans and black sneakers, an outfit that bore a faint resemblance to his school uniform. Akane wore a black, figure fitting jumpsuit, something Tsukune suspected was not a typical item in a mother's wardrobe, over which she wore one of those fashionable, black trench coats she was so fond of. These garments, coupled with the high-heeled black boots Mrs Aono wore, gave off the impression of a runway model, rather than your average stay-at-home mom. It was Koji that really turned heads though. His strikingly handsome features and silver-hair were set off by a tailored, calf-length coat (that seemed to be the 'his' version of Akane's own jacket) under which Koji donned a low collared black silk dress shirt, fitted black trousers and his knee-high boots from the night before. For a look more fitting with the times he had regretfully decided against the stereotypical 'Dracula' cloak, even though he considered it to be more than appropriate considering he was Vlad Dracula.

When the bus emerged on the other side of the tunnel that led to Youkai Academy, it slowed to a stop and the door opened with a hiss.

Koji was the last to exit and, before he left, the bus driver addressed the older vampire, "Welcome back, your majesty."

And, with one last enigmatic grin, he closed the bus door and sped away. Koji was left pointing after him with an elegant finger, and his mouth opened wide in his bafflement.

"You're going to catch flies that way, darling," Akane giggled and pushed his chin up to close her husband's mouth, "Now, Tsukki, let's go and see your monster school!"

On the word 'monster', Tsukune's mother wiggled her fingers as if to accentuate the scariness of the whole idea, a scariness that she was clearly not affected by in the slightest.

The school building was bustling with activity as students rushed around to their afternoon lessons, lunch had just finished and it was time to return to the daily grind.

Tsukune, with his parents trailing behind him, looked around anxiously for Moka as the trio walked along the corridors causing students to stop in their tracks and gape at them as they did so.

The intercom along the corridors crackled to life as the Aono's walked past:

'Would Tsukune Aono and his guests please report to the Director's office at their earliest convenience.'

Tsukune groaned loudly and dragged a hand down his face. He had forgotten about the Director…somehow. Well, he had made it clear that he had wanted to meet Tsukune's parents, so why not now?

Koji, with one arm around his wife's waist, tapped Tsukune on the shoulder with his free hand, "Who is this Director guy, son?"

The female students who had been watching this magnificent creature with love struck expressions collectively fainted at the mention of a 'son'. It was clearly over for them or their chances with him.

"He's the headmaster," Tsukune sighed, "He is actually very keen to meet you guys."

"Oh?" Dracula looked at his wife, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Before we do that though, I…"

"Tsukune!" a familiar voice reached Tsukune's sharp ears and he immediately turned to find its pink-haired owner.

Moka was hurrying down the hallway towards him, her emerald eyes bright with joy. She began apologising before she even reached him, "Tsukune! I am so sorry for my behaviour a couple of days ago! I was just so – never mind, the fact is I should have never treated you like that, or asked you to keep such a secret! Could you ever forgive…" Moka's excited yaps dwindled to a squeak as she noticed the intimidating couple behind her boyfriend, "…me."

All three of the people around Tsukune looked at him questioningly and his cheeks flushed briefly.

"Okay, uh – guys," he addressed his parents, "This is Moka Akashiya, the one who 'awakened me."

Moka's cheeks turned so red they were almost maroon at Tsukune's words. She heard the voice of her Inner Self pipe up from the rosary, just who does he think he is?! That is so unbelievably personal! When I get out I'm gonna kick the little weakling's…

"Moka, these are my parents," Tsukune finished.

If both Moka's were present, both of their jaws would have been touching the floor, "Y-Your, parents?"

Moka took in the distinctive silver tresses of the imposing man behind Tsukune, the sheer power he seemed to exude although she couldn't feel his aura, and his poorly disguised brilliant red irises. She also saw though, funnily enough, the resemblance between the two men standing in front of her, especially with Tsukune in his full, vampiric glory.

"I-is he…" Moka couldn't finish her question.

To her surprise, it was Tsukune's father who answered her question, "You betcha."

His disdainful expression had fallen away and he gave her a boyish wink.

He extended his free hand, "Koji Aono, at your service little one. And this is my better half, Akane Aono."

The stunningly beautiful woman at Mr Aono's side extended her own, delicate hand and Moka shook them one after the other, both of Tsukune's parents beamed at her.

"You must be a very special girl to have 'awoken' my little boy," Mrs Aono winked at Moka, whose blush returned to her face.

"Speaking of which, did my son say your last name was Akashiya?" Moka nodded shyly as Tsukune's father addressed her.

"You wouldn't happen to be Issa's daughter by any chance?" Moka nodded wordlessly again, "Well I'll be. How is the little tyke doing?"

Moka squeaked in surprise, while Tsukune rubbed his temples. Moka's father was one of the oldest vampires still around, he was a dark lord for goodness' sake. And here was Tsukune's father referring to him as a 'little tyke'.

Tsukune saved her from having to answer, "Look Moka, I promise I'll explain everything in detail later, but for now I'll just give you the basics."

Moka could only stare at her boyfriend wide-eyed.

Tsukune continued undeterred, "As you can see, my father is a vampire," the poor, confused girl nodded, "Which means that your blood 'woke up' his blood in my system, and thus made my true form available to me."

"Your true form?" Moka repeated in a hoarse voice.

Tsukune nodded, "My father is also a very old vampire. And our bloodline is superior to that of all other vampires today."

Moka's mouth went dry. How could he be so calm, telling her all this?

Tsukune sighed at her expression, "You see, my father is actually…"

Koji interrupted him and leaned down so he could say in a low voice, "Dracula's the name, little one."

Tsukune's father is DRACULA?

The edges of Moka's vision began to grow fuzzy as she stared at her boyfriend incredulously. She felt the blackness of a faint come upon her, and the last coherent thought she had before she fell to the ground was: That means that Tsukune and his father are…the most powerful monsters to ever walk the earth…