Just like ordered every single Lannister bannermen arrived in a fortnight to Casterly Rock, something that surprised Kevan, but not Dorna. She knew that most of them were loyal and those that were not were to afraid to defy the lion without certain assurances, which they didn't get, for now.

Lannisters, Crackehalls, Baneforts, Farmans and many others sat at one table with Kevan at the head and Dorna and her father at the sides. Any fear that Kevan had before was either nonexistent or well hidden. Around the table there was the usual chatter, but everyone for most part stayed quite, they knew why they were here. As wine was served Kevan asked for silence, which he got.

"My lords" he rose in his seat, "I would like to thank you all for coming and welcome you as my guests. Sadly I will have to cut your chatter short, you all know why you are here"

Whisper could be heard along the table, but they stopped as Kevan continued. "My brothers, my sister, nephews and Emmon Frey have been unlawfully executed on the order of king Aerys, what more lady Cersei has been imprisoned" Everybody knew this, but it had to be announced. People started whispering again, by their facial expressions Dorna could determine that many were angry, some didn't even seem to care and a few were glad, probably hopping that the death of Tywin would allow them more autonomy, they can only hope.

"Since lady Cersei is young and imprisoned I will represent her as acting regent" all eyes darted onto Kevan "They have killed my family, they have attacked my home, I will not let this offense pass. I ask of you my lords to raise your banners and help me take the fight to the Targaryens!" Only silence came from the lords as Kevans voice echoed thru the hall. Dorna became a little fearful, but on look at Kevan, at his stern, fixed gaze gave her confidence and not just to her.

Her bald father Harys was the first to rise, yelling 'For lady Cersei', followed quickly by the lord of Lannisport, a Lannister himself. The other lords, not wishing to be out shined by the her craven father leaped to support and soon Crackehalls, Pesters and many others cheered Kevan and Cerseis name, it seemed that the young lady rubbed of on them, or they just wanted to marry their heirs to her.

When the cheering and shouting toned down lord Farman was quick to protest "You are asking us to throw our lives at the full strength of the Iron Throne? Are you mad man?"

Some lords started muttering in agreement, they stopped quickly "Shall I question your loyalty lord Farman?"

"No ser, but if you are asking me to throw my life away I will not!" answered lord Farman.

"Then the rains will weep o'er your halls" Kevan fixed him with a stern, menacing gaze, silence again engulfed the hall. For a moment Dorna thought that lord Farman would faint from the fear that appeared across his face, luckily Kevan gave a smile to indicate that he was only joking, well half joking. The hall broke into laughter while lord Farman fumed, yet still scared enough not to protest again.

When the laughter toned down the martial lord Crackenhall asked what plans were in place for the upcoming campaign, to which Kevan answered by ordering the servants to bring him a map. As the men railed around her husbands chair to plan, even maester Creylen, Dorna, with pride in her chest, and the rest of the ladies exited the hall, war was always more of a men's game.


"You should not do this"

"I have to Cassana, Tywin was my friend, I will not let this injustice stand" he told his wife.

"So is Aerys" she told him sternly.

Steffon sighed "He died a long time ago, this creature is not the boy I meet in Kings Landing all those years ago" memory of young Aerys and Tywin flashed across his eyes.

"Then think of Robert and Stannis. What will they do without you? What will Aerys do to us if you fail?" a few tears appeared in her eyes, but there was no turning back now, the banners had been called.

Steffon kissed her on the forehead "I don't think that Aerys would dare harm another child now that he sees the consequence and if I do fall, the boys always have their mother"

"Will that be enough I wonder?" they embraced each other in a hug.

"I hope we don't find out" he thought.


As the last rays of light had disappeared, the lords of the Westerlands each retired to their respective chambers for a little free time before tomorrow, only Kevan stood over the table, glaring at the maps, thinking of every possible move he could make. Creylen, as always, stood closely to his side.

After a long period of silence Kevan glanced at Creylen "What do you think of our plans maester?"

"Sadly ser I am no man of war, strategy never really captured my interests. But from my limited understanding the plan looks sound"

Kevan again turned his focus on the table and sighed "Farman was right, the entire might of the Iron Throne will come crashing down on us. How can we survive?"

"Ser, do not lose your confidence now, now it's to late"

"I know that Creylen, if Tywin was here..."

"Ser" Creylen interrupted him, something that a maester shouldn't do "I notice that your brothers shadow still looms over your head, but I must tell you that I have always thought you more capable"

"Me?!" Kevan asked in a mock tone "Surely this is no time for jests maester?!" he laughed them, but a tear was in his eyes, of fury or sadness, Creylen could not tell, nor did it matter.

"While your brother was a fairly capable man he was always inflexible..."

"Spit it out Creylen or stop wasting my time!" Kevan yelled, fury and sadness.

"I am not wasting your time ser, I am consulting you. Now, tell me Kevan, would you kill children? If I gave you a dagger now and told you kill her..." Creylen pointed at a little girl, perhaps a soldiers daughter, who ran thru the hall, probably evading her parents, she didn't even notice the two men.

"Of course not"

"But what did Tywin do to the Reynes? To the little babes barely of their mothers breasts?"

Kevan just stayed silent.

"Did they fight the war? Did they humiliate Tytos? Your brother was a great and capable ruler, but a cold one. We must not forget his faults, they are just as important as his merits"

"You are right maester"

Creylen smiled "Thank you ser, I must warn you now, you must be cautious when dealing with lord Brax, the man has been a close friend to Roger Reyne and he bode a lot of ill will towards your brother and no doubt towards you"

"Yes, he was the first to agree with lord Farman and offered only cold words when we planed. Do you know of any other threat maester?"

"There are some unruly vassals, the most vocal being lord Farman, but they hold no significant power, it is with Brax that we should tread carefully"

"I will value your advice. Is there anything else maester?" Kevan had already turned to walk out when Creylen spoke again.

"Actually yes ser, I must request by your leave to travel to Sunspear"

"What for?"

"If we hope to survive this war we must seek allies. The Tyrells have declared for the king and our spies report that they are already amassing an army, the same can be said for the Tullys"

"And you are hoping that the friendship between the princess and Joanna would secure an alliance?"

Creylen nodded.

"I have thought about this, but why would she risks the lives of her people? I wouldn't"

"We must try" Creylen pleaded.

After a lot of thought Kevan final spoke out his approval.

"Go, if it might pursued them to help promise her the hand of my first child to one of hers"

"Of course ser"

"A boat shall wait for you at the dock come morning, good luck Creylen"

"You to ser"

Since his birth and well into his adulthood Kevan has been eclipsed by his brothers shadow, but now he is going to earn his spot in the sun in a war that will be the greatest victory or defeat for house Lannister.


A man in a blue coat approached another in a crimson one.

"Is everything arranged?" asked the man in blue.

"Yes, when shall you be hear?"

"In a month"

"Good, the gates shall be open for you" the man in crimson offered a goblet of wine to the other.

"Long live the king" he toasted.

"Long may he live"

And with the toast done the man in blue slipped in to the woodlands and out of sight.