Episode Twenty Four: Carrie

"Here Lies Margret White"

Carrie stood at her mothers grave, with a blank expression on her face. It was over, Jitter-Bug was dead, and Chamberlain was safe. She didn't know where to go from here. Sue walked up to her new friend, not really wanting her to be alone right now. "Are you okay?." Sue asked playing with her new web shooters, she hadn't really tried them on before now. "Are you okay?." Carrie repeated with a shy smile. "Yeah, I'm better." Sue assured Carrie with the realest of smiles she could muster.

Carrie and Sue shared one final look before they abruptly parted ways. Carrie wanted to be left alone right now, and Sue understood the feeling. Walking away from that graveyard, Carrie plenty of time to just, think, think about all thats happened. She didn't know what to do know, life was about to go back to normal, well about as normal as a girl who sticks to walls can be.

With great power, comes great responsibility. Those words also rang through her head hundred times over, the world still needed saving, and unfortunately there weren't many who could do it. But maybe she could. Spider-Girl was who she was now, and there was no hiding from it, even with Jitter-Bug gone, there was still evil to be fought. And no matter what, Carrie White will always be there to stop it. Spider-Girl, will always be there to stop it.

"With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility, Remember That Care, Remember That."

The End

-Yes it is over, good triumphs over evil, Spider-Girl is born, a hero is born. And as for sequels, well there won't be one. But hey if you want to write a sequel thats fine by me. That's the cool thing about stories, when its over you can decide what happens to the characters later on in life. If only there was a website where you could write that stuff down and show it to other people that might like it OH WAIT. But seriously thanks for supporting the story, and I hope it all made as much sense as it did in my head.

Now, play Carrie out to Nickelback's Hero