Hi guys! It's been awhile! Almost every review I've gotten for this story has asked for this outtake so here it is. I hope you like it. It's been awhile since I've written anything so go easy on me ;) This takes place a few months after Chapter 27.


"Merry Christmas, angel."

Cool breath in my ear makes me shiver, and a small smile comes across my face.


Edward's beautiful smile is the first thing I see when I open my eyes. Absentmindedly my fingers come up to trace along his full lips and he kisses them softly.

"What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

"It's 8, but I wanted to be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas. I have to go soon. Charlie's awake, but he's been waiting to wake you. It seems that you are a little scary when he wakes you up."

He smirks at me and I giggle.

"Hey a girl needs her beauty sleep." I scoff at him. "What time should we come over later." I ask effectively changing the subject.

"Whenever you want love. You wouldn't believe how excited Emmett and Alice are to have our first Christmas as a whole family."

"I'm kind of excited too." I tell him. It's been months since I bought Edward's present, and I've been dying to give it to him. I just hope he isn't upset because he's the reason I was in Port Angeles the night I was attacked.

Edward suddenly looks towards the door.

"Charlie's about to come in. I will see you in a couple hours, love."

He kisses my lips softly and he's gone when I open my eyes, leaving the curtains swaying in his wake.

"Bells" my dad calls as he knocks softly on the door.

"Come in."

"Hey" his smiling face pops into my room. "I didn't think you'd be awake yet. Are you ready for presents?"

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec." I tell him and he nods before going downstairs.

Peeling myself out of bed, I throw on some sweats and pull my hair into a messy bun before going downstairs.

Neither my dad or I is very good at decorating, so our house looks almost the same as it normally does. There is a tree in the corner that is covered in homemade ornaments, each made by me at different points in my life. There are two stockings hanging on the staircase, and a small wreath on the front door. I tried to hang some mistletoe in the doorway but my dad threw it in the trash grumbling about Edward and I kissing under his roof.

"Come on, B" Dad says from his chair.

He's wearing his standard sleep pants and t shirt but he has a Santa hat perched on his head.

"Alright dad, I'm here." I plop on the couch and pull a blanket over my legs. "You go first."

We have a system when it comes to Christmas. We each get each other a fun gag gift and then we cook a huge breakfast together. In past years we've spent the rest of Christmas day at a local homeless shelter volunteering with the rest of the Forks police department. This year dad and I volunteered on Christmas Eve instead. After breakfast today we're going over to the Cullen's to celebrate with them, and then I'll be spending the night there with Edward. Dad grumbled about that for a bit but he's gotten a little better about Edward and I being together since I'm an adult and we're engaged.

"Here you go dad. Enjoy" I hand him his gift with a smirk.

"This is great, Bells." He laughs as he pulls the paper off his new socks which have a words printed on the soles that say "If you can read this bring me a beer."

He slips the wool socks on his feet before handing me my present.

It's a giant box that I can barely get my arms around. What in the world could he have gotten me thetas this big? Once I tear all of the paper off, I find that the box is taped and I have to get a knife from the kitchen to cut it open. Inside the box is another, slightly smaller box which is also wrapped and taped. Four boxes later and I open the last shoebox sized one to finally find my present. It's a candle and when I turn it over to read the label, I bust out laughing. It says "My love is like a candle. Forget me and I'll burn your house down."

When I open it, it smells like a campfire and it makes me laugh harder.

"Thanks dad. I love it." I tell him and watch his eyes sparkle. "And trust me I won't forget." I wink at him and he grins.

"Come on B. You make the eggs and bacon, I'll make the french toast." He says and I follow him into the kitchen.

"I'll never get used to how big this house is." Dad grumbles as we pull into the Cullens' driveway.

"Well they have 7 people living there so it has to be big dad."

"Yeah I guess."

I sling my overnight bag over my shoulder and walk up to the house with him next to me. The bag really only contains my present for Edward. Any clothes or toiletries I would need are already here, but my dad doesn't know that.

"Bella! Charlie! Merry Christmas!" Esme greets us at the door pulling us both in for hugs.

"Merry Christmas, Esme" I tell her and giggle as I watch my dad's face turn red when she hugs him.

"Come in, come in." She says ushering us into the living room.

"Whoa" Charlie whispers stunned.

I want to laugh because that is exactly what my reaction was when I first saw the Cullens' house decorated for Christmas.

"I know, Charlie. Alice tends to go a little overboard." Carlisle says as he comes over to shake hands with dad and drop a kiss to my forehead.

"You can say that again." Dad grunts beside me.

The house truly does look like a winter wonderland. There is garland strung up and down the staircase and along all of the doorways. The tree looks about 10 feet tall and is covered in what looks like hundreds of delicate, sparkling ornaments. There are giant, ornate stockings along the fireplace and mistletoe in every doorway.

"Come on in you two. Make yourselves comfortable. There are snacks in the kitchen if you're hungry. We just finished lunch but I'm sure I could whip something up for you if you're hungry." Esme says winking at me when my dad isn't looking.

"We're fine, Esme. Thanks." I tell her. I'm still stuffed from breakfast.

I'm about to sit down on the sofa when Edward comes down the stairs looking like a male model in dark jeans and a cream colored sweater. He immediately comes over and takes my hand, pulling it to his lips and kissing it gently.

"Merry Christmas, love." He whispers to me.

"Hello Charlie. Merry Christmas." Edward says shaking his hand.

"Merry Christmas to you too Edward. I hope you're not going to give my hand the same treatment as my daughter's."

Edward laughs and drops his hand.

"No sir, I'm not." He says chuckling.

"Well that's good" Dad grunts as Edward pulls me next to him on the loveseat.

"Would anyone like some eggnog?" Carlisle asks coming out of the kitchen smirking and carrying a tray with drinks on it.

My dad grunts a thank you as he takes one of the mugs and takes a big gulp.

"Well that was relatively painless." Edward says as we walk into his room.

"Yeah I guess. Although I think I could have lived without seeing my dad get tipsy on eggnog and play guitar hero with Emmett."

"At least he had fun" Edward says through his laughter.


Suddenly Edward pulls me into his arms and melts his lips against mine.

"Why don't you get ready for bed, love, and then I can give you your present." He grins against my lips.

His scent is intoxicating as I nod and plant a kiss on his jaw.

Grabbing a t shirt out of Edward's dresser, I go into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

When I come back into the bedroom dressed in just Edward's t shirt, he's sitting on the bed practically bouncing with excitement. I grab his present out of my bag and climb on the bed sitting beside him.

"Do you want to go first?" I ask him.

"Nope." He says putting a small box in my lap and gesturing for me to open it.

I tear off the paper and open the box to find a beautiful silver necklace with a crystal heart dangling from it.

"Edward it's beautiful." I tell him as he reaches for the necklace and fastens it around my neck.

"The charm belonged to my mother, and I thought it was fitting. You've had my heart since that first day in the high school parking lot."

"It's gorgeous, I love it." I tell him kissing him sweetly and licking my lips when I pull away.

"Here" I say placing his present carefully in his lap.

He grins at me before carefully tearing into the paper. His jaw drops open and moisture fills his eyes when he see the antique book in his hands.

"Bella" he whispers. "This is too much. How did you…" He trails off as he carefully and reverently opens the book to explore the pages.

"I knew when I saw how much you loved it that I had to buy it for you. Reading this book with your mother is such a special memory and I wanted you to have a tangible reminder."

"But when did you…" It only takes a second before his eyes snap up to mine. "This is why you were outside the bookstore that night isn't it?"

I bite my lip avoiding his gaze as I nod.

"Bella…you almost died so you could buy this for me?" He asks incredulously.

"Edward it wouldn't have mattered if I were there to buy this book for you or if I was there to buy something for me. What happened still would have happened, but it's over now. I'm okay and I get to give you this gift. Please don't be upset or angry with me. I would gladly do it again if it meant you could have this reminder of your mother and your childhood."

Setting the book down gently, he pulls me into his lap.

"I'm not upset with you angel. Thank you. This is the best gift I've ever gotten."

"Really?" I ask looking up into his face.

"Really" he smiles and kisses me softly. "But you're never going to Port Angeles alone ever again."

Well there you have it. What did you think? Could you feel how uncomfortable Charlie was? It's probably a good thing he had all that eggnog. I hoped you liked it. Let me know in a review. Thanks for reading!