Thank you so much again for those who have read and reviewed the first two chapters of My Darling and A little ray of Light. Here is chapter three! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If you know it. I don't own it.

Emma was nervous as she pulled out her best dress from the suitcase. The soft cotton caressed her fingers as she laid it out in the bed. It was a light blue with buttons and a belted waist. Soft little white dots were scattered here and there. She pulled out her simple black pumps and laid them beside the dress. Her stockings weren't anything fancy just basic line down the back stockings. It wasn't as if they were silk like Elsa's were. Slipping them on she hooked them into her garters. Those weren't even fancy. Just simple satin garters that was apart of a set. Her bra and panties were also simple but she felt beautiful in them.

Emma slipped on her dress making sure there was not a single wrinkle. The shoes came next followed by her eyeliner and lipstick. She didn't have any makeup other than that. Her hair was done up and she looked at herself in the full body mirror. She took a deep breath and walked out of her tent. It was all so nerve wracking. This was her first date. Ever.

Jimmy was in his trailer getting ready. He had on a simple blue button down, dark charcoal grey vest, he best pants which were rolled up at the cuff and his black converse. He slipped his matching charcoal hat on his head and looked at himself. "How's this?" he asked to Paul who was sitting outside. He gave a little spin letting Paul see his whole self.

"Looks good mate. Emma's going to be all over you."

"You think so?" He asked nervously "I really like her Paul."

"I know, she's a nice girl." He said as he sipped some of his drink from his flask.

"She's amazing." Jimmy reached down and grabbed the picnic basket and the blanket. "Wish me luck." He said with a smile before walking off.

"Break a leg lad!" Paul smiled as he watched his friend walk towards where the Carousel and Ferris Wheel was. Jimmy found the perfect spot right in between the two. He laid out the blanket and began to set up the food. He heard footsteps and looked up. As he did he felt his breath leave his lungs. Emma stood there in a beautiful dress with her hair and makeup done. Those red lips...the most tempting of all. Jimmy stood up as she walked over to him. " look so beautiful." Emma blushed as red as her lipstick as Jimmy held out his hand at her. Happily she took a hold of his hand letting her fingers curl around his as he lead her to the blanket.

"Thank you Jimmy." She said as they both sat down on the blanket. She watched him pop open two bottles of soda pop, one for her and one for him. She smiled as she happily drank from the glass bottle. Her red lipstick leaving a print on the rim. Before them on the blanket were some sliced up apples, two sandwiches and a few other small food items. Emma felt rather flattered as she looked about. "You did all of this for me?" She asked softly as she looked at Jimmy.

"Yeah..." he said with a flushed smile. Their eyes met and Jimmy felt his heart fluttering like a hummingbird's wings. The two talked and talked about anything and everything. Jimmy even performed his act for her. Showing her his juggling skills while flirting. Emma giggled and blushed heavily at how suave the lobster boy could be. Eventually Emma had become snuggled against Jimmy's chest and her head nestled on his shoulder. Their hands were joined together and both were content to just sit there. "When did you start performing?"

"I was thirteen. The ring master needed a new aerialist. My being a contortionist helped. I was a paid performer a month later. What about you?"

"Not that long ago well, not as long as you have been. Were you nervous?"

"Terrified." Emma eyed the Carousel and got an idea. "You want to see something cool?" Jimmy gave a not as she got up and walked over. She grabbed onto a pole as it was moving and hoisted herself up. She wrapped her legs around the pole to hold herself up. Slowly she leaned back all the way until she was able to wrap her hands around the pole and press her forehead to it. Jimmy stared wide eyed in amazement. She straightened up and smiled as she heard clapping.

"Wow." He said with a smile as she came around again. Jimmy ran and jumped onto the carousel. Emma, still holding onto the pole, smiled as Jimmy's hands gripped her waist and hoisted her from the pole. As she was lowered to the floor her hands held onto his shoulders.

"Maybe I should use you in my act." She said with a bright but bashful smile.

"Yeah?" His crooked smile appeared as he looked down at her.

"Yes. You are strong." Her hands ran down his biceps. They were so close to one another.

"Strong huh?" Jimmy knelt down and wrapped her legs just under her bottom. He stood up straight as their eyes stayed locked together. "I'm very strong doll." He winked at her. Emma's hands touched Jimmy's face. Her thumb traced over his lips before she kissed his temple. A sigh escaped him as he hugged her close. It felt so good having her arms around him. Even after she had been put down their arms were still around one another. Emma did not want to let go. It felt so good to be held like this again.

She felt Jimmy's lips press against her forehead before he smiled against her skin. The kiss made her feel light and warm inside. Emma had never felt so happy since the tragedy at the circus. Jimmy was an amazing person. He was gentle and caring. His hands were strong but soft with her. His hand linked with hers as they started to sway together on that moving carousel. THe horses, lions, tigers and bears moved up and down around them.

Perhaps being brought here, was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Jimmy and Emma walked back into the main part of the camp hand in hand. The rest of the camp watched the two walking and were all smiles. Not many of their kind experienced the happiness of being with someone. THe two walked back into the main tent only to see Elsa standing there with a smile as the others were setting up for rehearsals. "Perhaps you should be in her act." Elsa said as she walked over to the two. "She will need a spotter. Besides people like couple acts."

"A couple?" Jimmy looked at Elsa with a heavy blush. They were a couple? HE was taken aback by the thought of it all. He had never thought he would be considered a couple with anyone. But...he looked down at Emma and she smiled at him. Her cheeks just as flushed as his.

"I could work. You being mostly her assistant. Turning the silks, helping her stretch, etc." Elsa continued on but Jimmy couldn't hear her anymore. All he could think about was Emma. Were they a couple now? The very thought made his heart race. Emma being his girl...His girl...he never thought he would have a girl. He couldn't stop the bashful goofy smile that formed on his face.

"Jimmy?" He heard Emma's voice and turned to face her. She was smiling up at him. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he turned and lead her out of the tent. "I had fun tonight Jimmy. Thank you."

"It was my pleasure." He smiled savoring the feeling of her hand in his. Finally they arrived at her tent. He sighed heavily for the night was over. He didn't want it to end. "Can I take you out again?" He asked softly with a deep blush on his cheeks.

"I'd like that" Emma got closer as she stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his cheek just at the corner of his mouth. "Goodnight Jimmy."

Jimmy raised her hand to his lips. He kissed her knuckles as though they were her lips. How he wished he were kissing her lips. "Goodnight Emma." Slowly she pulled her hand from his as she went inside. His smile didn't disappear as he walked back to his trailer. He kept walking feeling lighter than air. He started laughing happily "Woooooooo!" He cheered to the sky as he danced and skipped. "YES!" The whole camp could hear Jimmy for he was on cloud nine. He collapsed on his bed that night and sighed happily. He was beginning to feel like a normal guy.