Alright, my other Rock and Sawyer series is currently on hold for a moment. Work has been taking up a lot of extra time along with trying to put it all together so that it flows, but the next one will likely be the last one. It will be a longer story and a oneshot but it will be the last. I may or may not put them all together just to make it easier for folks to read, what do you think?

Rock couldn't believe someone could have as much bad luck as he did as he ran through the heavy mists, scrambling over a wooden barricade that had blocked his path leading to the insane asylum ahead of him.

Behind him, he could hear the roar of the chainsaw in the distance, whoever the killer was chasing they would not be lasting for much longer. He had finally lost its attention after skidding under a low lying beam and through some ruined buildings, cutting its line of sight to him.

He had no idea how he had arrived in the vast sealed-off area but he had seen other people get attacked through the mist by someone with a chainsaw, only to be dragged away. Of course, the numerous blood stained hooks scattered around only served to increase his need for survival.

Hearing a woman scream in the distance he froze and looked around, he cursed the dense mist as the last time he had dropped his guard he had missed having his head taken off by an inch. He noted mentally that there were a number of generators he had seen, he had no idea what purpose they served but he did not exactly have the time to spare to figure it out.

He finally reached the asylum and slowed his pace, broken glass and rubble littered the floor and if the killer happened to be nearby then it would not be difficult to attract its attention.

"This is a nightmare…" he mumbled as he saw a generator with half the pistons working, deciding to try his luck he decided to try and get it working and see if it would help find a way to get him out of this place.

Tightening the spark plugs and making sure all the fuel lines were connected and checking to see if anything else was loose he finally heard the whole generator start working. However, the sound was almost deafening when it started and he made the choice not to stay nearby just in case the killer homed in on him.

Vaulting out of the ground floor window nearby he was thankful not to cut himself on anything but decided to head for a red light which pieced the mist, hoping that it was his way out. However halfway he had to creep around the remains of a ruined building and heard something that stopped him his tracks, a giggle. A woman giggling. Quickly looking around he heard it nearby but could not tell where exactly it was coming from.

He could feel his heartbeat quicken, to a point where it felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. Ducking down into some long grass he held his breath and waited, but the sound of a chainsaw revving up made him fight every urge to take off running again.

The sound of the chainsaw was extremely close, to a point that the sound was making his ears ring. 'Sounds like it's on the other side of this wall.' part of him wanted to look but knew it would be the end of him, "I know you're here…" a raspy sounding woman's voice called out, "I can smell your fear." he could hear her walking around, heavy boots crunching the rubble under her feet.

Before he could try and slip away, a slender yet strong arm grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him over the low wall with a startled cry. He found himself dumped at the feet of a short woman with a mop of dark messy hair and cold sunken eyes, but it was the playful smirk that scared him.

"Please don't kill me." was the first thing that left his mouth as he tried to scramble away only to get pinned down by her boot pushing him down to the floor, "Where would the fun be in that…?" she asked cocking her head to the side, exposing a ragged scar across her throat, "Would you like to have fun?" she asked holding her chainsaw up.

Before he could give any sort of answer the last thing he saw was her boot.

Coming too he felt his head, pounding like a jackhammer, but he saw he was in some sort of room. In the centre of the room was a thick wooden post with four large hooks hanging off it. Two red closets were nearby as he heard a pair of boots coming down a nearby staircase.

Deciding that he had no way out he ducked into one of the closets and prayed to whoever would listen that she would not look. The woman hummed to herself as she carried a struggling man on her shoulder with very little effort as she carried her chainsaw in her other hand.

Walking over to the hooks she impaled the man on the hook and smiled warmly as she watched him struggle as some strange insect-like entirely wrapped itself around the post, its large spear like arms positioning themselves around him. Only as he struggled to hold one arm at bay did he loose his grip and he watched as the man was impaled multiple times and pulled up into the sky.

Rock was terrified. He had just watched his own demise if he could not get out of here. But it was when the woman turned to face him in the closet did he feel all hope drain from his soul.

"There's no escape…but you can still live…" she said slowly walking towards him, "I've always wanted a pet." she chuckled as she opened the door, "How can there be no escape?", "You remember a campfire?" she asked and Rock nodded slowly, "That is your safe place…and its where you go when you escape, only to end up back in one of the many realms where killers stalk.".

After what he had just witnessed Rock could not find the words to argue with her. "Why me?" he asked only for her to shrug, "No one knows how they end up here. But if you don't want to die…then be my pet.", "What if I say no?" he asked hoping that he would not meet an early end, "I'll let you leave. But you'll just end up in another realm with a killer that isn't as friendly as I am." Rock could have said something about her being friendly as he had just watched her impale someone on a hook.

"But why choose me, though?" he asked still not believing his eyes as the killer gently took his chin in her hand and kissed him firmly, "You're cute. Now are you going to be a good little pet and stay with me?" slowly Rock nodded knowing that he would be better off with this woman rather than getting impaled on a hook and killed. "Good…I would be sad if you had wanted to leave." she said gently leading him back upstairs, "My name is Sawyer.".

Rock slowly became Sawyers partner in her realm, his mind and soul darkening, soon he helped Sawyer capture her victims but sometimes he helped them escape. It all depended on his mood. Whatever entity was holding them there did not seem to mind Sawyer having her helper, if anything it seemed to be more willing to keep them together.

Rock looked up from the next story she had written, while it was certainly different and less…sexual, he still wondered if there was more to her writing then met the eye. "Sawyer…is there something you want to tell me?", "What do you mean?" sighing he set down his coffee, "Well the stories you keep giving me seem to involve you owning me someway or another. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't put me in a collar in this one.", "But was it good?" she asked eager to hear his opinion.

"It's certainly different, its good for sure, the whole supernatural element defiantly makes it stand out." Rock said and honestly thought Sawyer was starting to glow, "I'm so happy!" quickly pulling something out of her pocket she placed it on the table, "Do you want to try the collar I got you?".

Well its something a little shorter than the last one but still, Dead by Daylight is a fun game to watch. If you have not watched it then watch it. I'm not sure if I can mention their names one here but I can say H20, seriously fun to watch and I think it would be the perfect game for Sawyer to appear in.