Hey guys, I lost my flow with this one, I had a great long multi chapter story planned but I fell out with it so I decided to wrap it up. There are some JavaJunkie one shots I'm working on at the moment that will hopefully be out at some point this week. Anyway, thanks to those of you who read this and liked it. I appreciate your input :)

Lorelai was beginning to get frustrated. Each day that passed was worse, no update on the divorce, no update on the date. Luke was nearly completely healed, he'd been to three physical therapy appointments and they had really worked wonders. He'd moved back into his apartment, much to both of their secret disappointment. He'd been back to work for three days. She'd gone back to work also, she'd gone sporadically throughout his recovery process but never stayed long, she would worry about him the whole time, Sookie would get fed up with her constantly worrying and send her home. Things were "back to normal", Lorelai hated it.

She felt lonely in her house now, she loved having someone home with her. Someone to talk to, someone to look after. She knew he hated being waited on and the embarrassment that came with her having to help Luke do everything. Now the house was silent and boring, just like it had been when Rory first left for college.

She got home from work earlier than she'd planned, Tom's work crew was loud and distracting, meaning a fruitless work day for her, so she bought all of her paperwork and orders home to go through without the noise. She sat at the kitchen table and sifted through everything, not really paying attention. Finally deciding not to wait around for him, she would make the first move. She grabbed her purse and took off toward the diner.

"Hey!" She said, almost angrily as she stepped up to the counter. He turned quickly at her voice and smiled, noticing the look on her face he frowned.

"Hey, what's going on?" He picked up the carafe and poured her mug of coffee.

"You tell me?" He looked at her in confusion and shook his head.

"Lorelai?" She jumped up from the stool and downed her coffee, she looked over at the curtain leading up to his apartment and looked back at Luke, quickly walked over to the curtain and disappearing behind it. Luke watched for a moment and called out to Ceasar.

"Lorelai, what's going on?" He asked, beginning to get frustrated. He watched her as she paced quickly in front of his kitchen table.

"I don't know! How's that divorce going?" She looked at his face, he was frowning. She softened a little and waited.

"Nicole won't sign the papers..." he said, trailing off. He waited for Lorelai to take it in, and he sighed. "She said she wanted to talk to me, she wants me to explain everything to her."

"What are you going to do?" She asked him, seeing the worry in his eyes.

"Well, I have to talk to her, but she's been busy these last few days...it's all on her terms, Lorelai. I want it all over, right now..." he stepped close to her and ran his fingers absentmindedly through her wavy locks. "I want to do it all right with you, Lorelai. I want to be with you, but I have to be divorced first, it's important. I can't go into this with baggage, do you understand?" He was looking into her eyes. All she wanted at that moment was to kiss him. She knew that he wasn't the type of man who would go into another relationship, knowing that his other one hadn't properly ended. He wasn't going to make her 'the other woman'.

"I get it. When are you going to talk to her?" Her voice was nearly a whisper, the feeling of his fingers in her hair and his eyes looking into hers was making her weak.

"I'm going to her place tonight, I have things to get from there anyway." He said, putting his hand back down at his sides.

"I'm tired of waiting." She said, grabbing his hand. She understood his need to get everything sorted with Nicole first, but his reluctance to be with her right now was stinging just a little. It was already over between him and Nicole, paperwork was just a formality. But, Luke wouldn't be Luke without his need to do things 'right'. Luke nodded at her confession.

"I am too. I'm sorry." He leaned in and kissed her lips so softly that she barely felt it. He pulled away but Lorelai pulled him back by his neck and kissed him more urgently. Weeks and weeks had passed since their kiss at the hospital and she desperately needed to feel that floating, tingling feeling again. He grasped her waist and pulled her against him, their passionate kiss was put to an end by Luke, as much as he wanted to continue, his conscience couldn't do it. "Lorelai." He whispered, his forehead resting against hers.

"I know. I just..."

"I know." He kissed her forehead and stepped away from her. "I promise you. We won't have to wait too much longer. I'll talk to her tonight, I'll tell her everything, she'll sign the papers and then I'm taking you on that date." He said with a smile. She smiled back sadly at him and walked toward the door. "Lorelai." He called before she stepped out. "I'll call you." She looked back at him and smiled, a real smile this time. He nodded and she left.

Luke took his time driving to Litchfield, he knew that now was his chance to lay everything on the table for Nicole. He never wanted to hurt her but she did her fair share of hurtful things too, she was always so condescending and took joy in making him feel stupid, like all of their problems were his fault. They were never in love. They pretended they were, it was convenient. He arrived at her house, he wasn't nervous, he was so ready for it all to end, he was anxious to start things with Lorelai and finally be happy. They exchanged pleasantries and took seats at the opposite ends of her table. The unsigned divorce papers sat in the middle of the table.

They talked for hours. He talked about how he felt about Lorelai, how long he felt that way. Nicole openly judged him about going into a relationship with her while he was so hung up on someone else, he acknowledged that it was horrible to treat her like that. They spoke about his inability to move in with her, and his constant trouble to make love to her. They spoke about her never having the time to spend with him, never wanting to do the things he liked, her always making him see her friends and never his. Her constantly complaining that he worked to much, when really she worked twice as much as he did. Nothing was held back, the night ended semi-tensely but she placed her signature on the dotted line, he gathered the small amount of things he had at her house and left.

It was late when Luke arrived back in Stars Hollow. He stopped at the post box in front of the bank and slipped the large yellow envelope inside of it. He looked up at the sky and smiled, then looked around at the square to make sure no one was around. He looked at his watch and knew she'd still be awake. He took off on foot to her house, he hadn't realised that he ran the whole way to her house until he got to the steps of her porch, he was panting and his legs were sore, he knew he probably shouldn't have seeing as he'd just healed after them being broken. He shook his head and tried to catch his breath. He knocked.

"Hey. Are you okay?" She asked as she watched him trying to breath normally. He just looked up at her.

"Lorelai, are you...free to...morrow night?" He desperately asked between deep breaths.

This was it, in one hour Luke would be there to pick her up for their first date. She was excited, elated, nervous, anxious and those damn butterflies had been fluttering around in the belly since he finally asked her out last night. She had trouble sleeping and staying focused at work. She spend hours with Sookie gossiping about where they think he might take her. When she got home, she took a nice long bath, she spent time grooming and primping, making sure she looked and smelt her best.

She stared at her closet for close to half an hour before deciding to call Rory. She had spoken to Rory a few times over the last few weeks, not fully explaining the whole dating Luke situation but she figure it was about time she did. After a happy and giggly conversation with her daughter, she suddenly became aware of which dress she was going to wear. She remembered buying this dress months ago, before anything happened to Luke. She bought it and hung it up in her closet, not really having any event that this dress would work for, until now.

She slipped the little, body hugging, black dress on and stared at herself in the mirror, she gave herself a smirk. If this dress isn't heart attack inducing, she doesn't know what is. She glanced at the fuzzy alarm clock and hurried to finish her make-up. She wondered what Luke was wearing, he'd look handsome in anything he wore, she thought. She thought back to the conversation she and Sookie had in the kitchen of the Dragonfly.

"He's probably gonna take you to the batting cages, and then out for a beer...ooh, and then to the sports bar to watch the game."

She giggled at the thought and knew that Luke wouldn't do that, he's probably planned something really romantic. She smiled too herself, putting the cap back on her lipstick and taking one final look at herself. The doorbell rang just ten minutes later. The butterflies were there again and her heart began to race. She took a deep breath and opened the door. She gasped suddenly at the sight of him. His hair pushed back, face cleanly shaven, a dark navy blue dress shirt that made his lighter blue eyes stand out, black dress pants and point toe black leather shoes. Wow.

"Wow." She said, looking him up and down, her eyes finally landed in his face where he was trying to pick his jaw up of the ground.

"Wow is an understatement, Lorelai...you look..." he trailed off as she stepped out on to the porch and closed the door. "I mean...wow." She blushed and bit her lip.

"Thanks." She knew she was an attractive woman, but having Luke look at her like that made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, without a doubt. He was the perfect gentleman, he opened the car door for her, helped her in, he let her pick the music and conversation topics. She made sure not to be nosy and ask about his talk with Nicole, not that it mattered much now anyway, everything was said and done. There was no need to dwell.

As they drove, she realised they had been driving for a little while, they'd passed Hartford and drove a little longer. He pulled up to the marina.


"I thought I'd show you my boat." He said, looking at her nervously. Her face broke into a glorious smile, to his relief. They walked hand in hand down the docks and stopped in front of his boat. It was bigger than she thought it would be, her eyes shifted to the table, candles and champagne bucket set up on the deck of the boat.

"Oh my god, Luke." She said, grinning, slapping him playfully on his arm. He guided her over to board. He pulled her chair out for her and he disappeared inside the boat. He came out just moments later with two plates of food, setting one down in front of her and then his. He poured a flute of champagne for her and got a beer for himself.

"I hate champagne." He said when she lifted an eyebrow at him. She looked down at her plate and smiled.

"Did you make this?" She asked, watching him sit and open his beer. He nodded and tilted his beer toward her.

"Here's to you." He said happily.

"I'll drink to that." They toasted and sipped and smiled, she giggled at the smug look on his face as she tried to figure out what she was looking at on her plate. "What is it?"

"Right there you have, roasted almond and orange duck on a bed of wild saffron rice and stuffed jalapeƱos. They're not too spicy I hope, unless you like it like that." He cleared his throat and waited.

"I like it like that." She said simply, raising her eyebrows suggestively. "This looks amazing, Luke." She gave him an adoring smile, he couldn't help but stare at her as she tentatively took a bite of her meal. They ate mostly in silence, he loved all the faces and noises she made as she tried everything on her plate, he felt so satisfied that she enjoyed his cooking. After they ate, he brought her over to the long seat around the edge of his boat. He watched her silently as she looked out at the moonlit water, and up at the Stars. "It's so beautiful."

"Yes it is." He said softly, never taking his eyes from her. She turned to look at him, noticing his staring. She blushed and kissed his cheek, as she was pulling away his hand came up to brush against her cheek as he captured her lips and a searing kiss.

"What's for dessert?" She asked breathlessly. They continued they're passionate kiss, they stood, clutching each others bodies close as they moved down into the cabin of the boat. They stopped at the foot of the double bed, Luke's hands ran down her sides and grasped her butt, pressing her against his growing arousal. They both moaned into one another's mouths. Luke's hands began to roam her body again, he found the small tab to her zipper, pulling it down slowly. He pushed the skinny sleeves of her dress off her shoulders and skimmed it down her body, letting it fall the her ankles, she stepped out of it and kicked her shoes off in the process. He took in her body, clad now in only her matching black bra and panties. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his hammering heart.

Lorelai's fingers began to pop open the buttons of his shirt, letting it join her discarded dress on the floor. Luke lifted her slightly and lay her gently on the bed, following her down to hover over her, toeing off his shoes easily. They resumed their kiss, he couldn't help but let his hands venture over her soft body. Starting at her neck, trailing down between her breast, spreading his warm hand over her belly, skipping past her underwear and down her thigh, gathering her leg in his hand and pulling it up to hook over his hip. He pressed their pelvises together, hearing her moan breathily in his ear, sending a wave of arousal through his body.

"Luke..." came her impatient plead. He got to his knees and unclasped his belt, never taking his eyes off hers. He slipped from the bed and finished undressing, taking his boxers with his pants. He felt self conscious only for a moment, until he saw the look in her eyes, letting him know she was impressed. She bit her lip and lifted herself from the bed, crawling over to him. She kissed his stomach, feeling his muscles ripple against her lips, his quiet moans filling the cabin. She pulled herself up against him, kissing him as she reached back and unclipped her bra, flinging it to the floor. He crawled back on to the bed, gently pushing her with him until he resumed his position on top of her.

His tongue danced inside of her mouth as she ran her fingers through his hair, rolling her hips against hers. He trailed kisses down her body, stopping to lavish her breasts with hot, open mouth kisses. Paying special attention to her hardened nipples, bringing small gasps of pleasure from her lips. He continued his journey down her body, placing more hot, wet kisses on her belly and along the waistband of her panties. "Luke...please." She begged, her arousal now becoming unbearable. He looked up at her through his eyelashes, as he placed himself between her legs, he kissed her inner thigh. She bit her lip and her hands planted themselves on his head. He watched her watch him, it was the most erotic and beautiful thing he'd ever witnessed.

The smell of her arousal was intoxicating, all he could think about was how she would taste. He placed a light kiss to her panty covered sex, it was incredibly damn, a licked his lips and closed his eyes at the heavenly taste. He hooked his fingers into the elastic sides of her underwear and inched them down her long, slender legs, added them to the pile of their clothes on the floor.

He settled himself back between her legs, he wasted no time. He ran his tongue along her slit, she gasped at the contact. He sucked and licked at her clit until she was panting, her fingers buried tightly into his hair. He slipped one finger inside of her and felt her warm, wet walls clenching around his finger and his assault on her clit continued. His name softly fell from her lips over and over as her first climax built, he watched the muscles in her stomach spasm and her face contort gracefully as she came. Her moans like music to his ears.

"Oh my god." She repeated continuously as he kissed his way back up her body. Her fingernails scraping over his sides and back. She spread her legs further as he settled between them, positioning himself at her entrance.

He kissed her fully and hungrily, she loved that she could taste herself on his tongue as it glided in and out of her mouth. He hovered over her, his arms either side of her head, her legs wrapped around his waist, her nails digging ever so slightly into his sides as he slowly pushed inside of her. The both moaned at he sensation.

"Lorelai..." he said huskily.

"Mmm." Was her only resposne, her eyes glued to his. Her hips rolling against his as he thrust into her. He tried to keep the slow and sensual pace but the overwhelming feeling of being inside her, he muscled pulling him into her was getting the best of him. He hugged her to him and rolled them so she was perched on top of him. The perfect view, he thought. He took her in, the way her hair fell forward as she rode him, her breasts lightly bouncing, the sexy way her hips rolled against him. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer. He gripped her hips and helped her pick up the speed, pulling and pushing her, her loud moans and gasps egging him on. He watched as she slipped one of her hands down between them and began to rub her clit slowly at first but as the tension built inside of her, she began to rub furiously, matching the speed of her hips. "Luke! Oh my...Luke..." Her climax was heavy and intense, her body shook and he chest heaved, the noises coming from her was his trigger. "Lorelai!" He pumped his hips, grunting and spilling himself inside of her. She slumped her tired body on top of him, his fingers running lightly up and down her spine. He felt the goosebumps along her skin. He pulled the blankets up and over them. Holding her against him, afraid that if he let go she would disappear. He heard her giggle.

"What?" He asked in an exhausted whisper.

"We're really good at that." He smirked and squeezed her, turning to the side and letting her fall softly on to the bed. He gathered her in his arms and kissed her hair.

"We are aren't we." He sighed, he felt her eyes on him and he looked down into them. "I've wanted this for so long, Lorelai." She smiled at him, lifting her fingers and trailing along his lips. She kissed him softly and smiled again.

"Feeling's Mutual."