The attic was completely silent for what felt like eternity until Prue spoke up. "Let's go downstairs," she held tight to Phoebe's hand but broke the circle on Piper's side for them to be able to walk down.

"It feels like we're going through the grieving process all over again," Phoebe spoke up. Prue nodded in agreement, "I know," she responded quietly.

Paige was sitting in the chair with her. All of their faces were red and splotchy.

"I think we should get out of here," Piper said. She pulled Penny to her feet. Prue looked confused, "we've been in the house for days, let's get out and get some fresh air, I have somewhere we can go," Piper grabbed her keys and everyone followed her out the door to the car.

They arrived at Baker beach; slowly they each climbed out of the jeep. Piper pulled several blankets they kept in the back and handed one to each of her sisters.

They made their way down the beach towards the water and sat huddled together; the wind was strong. Prue watched her sisters sitting quietly and it broke her heart to see them in such pain; though she felt it too, she tried not to show it.

"It's going to be ok guys, it may take some time," Prue spoke up. Everyone remained silent.

"Listen, I know this is hard, but we're together. Please don't forget that. Just a few day s ago we weren't together and it was the most heart wrenching thing we've ever been through. We're together and we will be ok," Prue lifted Paige's chin to look at her.

"A girl wise beyond her years once reassured me when our grandmother passed away that it would get better," Paige gave a half hearted smile. "You were right Paige, it got better. When we were down there in the underworld you said it and it did… This will get better too; it was a gift to have them with us." Prue looked at Phoebe next.

"And you… Pheebs, you're so strong. You don't even realize it. You were alone taking care of this little one and searching for us. I can't even imagine! You're so brave," Phoebe immediately had tears come to her eyes.

"And you my little one; you're young but you handle this life with such grace," Prue tapped Penny gently on the nose causing her to grin.

"And you, my sidekick since day one. You have always been the rock of this family whether you believe it or not. I am so thankful for you; all of you. I can't imagine life without all my crazy sisters," Prue pulled them in and smooched each sister on the face which caused a few groans of disgust.

"We're this way because of you," Paige spoke up. "Hands down the strongest person I've ever met, we admire you Prue," she finished. She grabbed Prue's hand. "Thank you sister; love you," Phoebe said grabbing her other hand.

The next few moments were filled with love you's and hugs.

The next morning Penny woke up, the sun was beaming brightly in her room. She squinted and realized she wasn't in her room; she was in Phoebe's. Déjà vu.

But this time Phoebe wasn't in the room with her and she immediately jumped up and ran the hall.

"Prue?" she called and cracked Prue's door to see her big sister sitting in bed reading with coffee in hand. "What's wrong?" Prue looked up at Penny; she sensed the tone of her voice.

"Nothing, I just got nervous when I woke up and Phoebe wasn't there," Penny opened the door all the way and joined Prue on the bed.

"It's ok P, she's downstairs with Piper," Prue answered setting her coffee on her nightstand. "Is Missy up?" Prue asked.

As if on cue Paige passed the doorway, "I'm up, going downstairs to get some coffee," Paige mumbled heading downstairs. Penny laughed; "that's about as normal as it gets huh?" Prue said smiling.

"Let's go downstairs with them," Penny asked.

Prue got up and stretched and before she could release; Penny's arms were wrapped around her waist and her head buried in her abdomen.

Prue looked down in surprise but then put her arms around her littlest sister.

They stood there for a moment before Prue spoke up, "Are you ok?" She asked. Penny looked up and smiled.

"Actually yes, for the first time in a long time, everything is ok," she let go and grabbed Prue's hand and they ascended down the stairs to join their family for breakfast.


** I hope you enjoyed. There will be a sequel story to this soon!