A/N: Sorry about the choppiness. I'm an amateur.

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XV. If I did, I'd be trolling so hard right now...

"What did you say the science name was?" asked nine-year-old Noctis, looking up from his special notebook.

Young Ignis set his economics textbook on his lap. "The scientific name of that particular flower," he answered, "is Luna germinareta, which means 'moon bloom'. It is called that because it is nocturnal, and only blossoms on nights when the moon is full, or close to full. It is a species native to the area of Insomnia."

Noctis knit his brow. "And... how do you spell that?"

"Which part?"

"The whole thing."

Ignis eyed the young prince with sympathy. "Would you like me to write it down for you, Highness?"

"Yeah," Noctis replied, handing him the notebook and pen.


Luna sat on the palace's lawn, flipping through Prince Noctis' latest entries in their shared notebook. She smiled at a picture of him playing soccer with the king.

Who won? she wrote beside it.

Between the next pages, she found a pressed blue flower. It was unlike any she'd ever seen in Tenebrae. Beside it was a description of the blossom etched in fine handwriting that was certainly not the prince's.

And below that was a note that read:

Ignis wrote all that. He's smart. Anyway, I thought you might like this flower because it has your name.

Luna laughed softly as she jotted down her reply.


Fifteen-year-old Noctis leaned down to pick up the old notebook that lay open on the floor beneath his cluttered table. Flipping it over, he smoothed out the bent pages, and noticed something he hadn't before: a message in very small, delicate lettering at the bottom of the paper. It said:

The flower is lovely. I hope to see a live one someday!

Memories came rushing back into the prince's mind. He returned the notebook its place on his shelf, grabbed his jacket, and immediately set off for the royal garden.


Luna tore open the parcel that held the notebook, like she'd done so many times before. She stroked the cover gently before opening it. Inside was a picture of a hand holding beautiful blue flower. Along the top of the photo was Noctis' familiar lazy scrawl:

Promise I'll give you a real one next time I see you.

The princess bit back a smile and gazed at the hand in the photo for longer than most would consider normal.


Twenty-year-old Noctis sighed and stared at his reflection. He straightened his tie yet again, convinced that it was on wrong.

"No reason to be nervous," he whispered. "You've had years to prepare for this."

His words did little to calm him, however. He took a deep breath and brushed his fingers over the blue flower in his lapel, over his pounding heart.

It had been a long time coming. And they were almost there.

Thanks for reading!