Kim sat at the bar in shock. Did I hear him right? He said he would see me upstairs Monday?

Kim was pulled out of her head when Kevin and Jay approached her and Kevin asked, "What's that face for?"

"It looks like one day came sooner than you or me thought." Kim told him. "Voight just offered me the position in Intelligence."

"That a girl!" Kevin yelled giving her a big hug.

"Otis can we get a round of celebratory shots over here." Jay said before going to give Kim a hug as well. Kim was thrilled they were all so happy she would be joining them.

The three of them took their shots just as Antonio approached them.

"I thought all shots were to be done with me. " He joked.

"Don't worry, man. We will do plenty more. We just had something new to celebrate." Kevin said.

"What?" Antonio asked.

"Well Voight didn't wait for you desk to get cold before he asked Burgess here fill it." Jay joked before he signaled to Otis for another round.

"That's great!" Antonio said giving Kim a hug. Before pulling away fully he added. "There isn't a better person for the position. You deserve this."

"Thank you, Antonio." Kim said.

"I knew early on you would be a rockstar and now you get to prove it." Antonio told her just as the shots were arriving and Adam approached the group.

"Are you guys doing shots without me?" Adam asked as the group made room for him to join.

"Was there a memo that would could only do shots as a team that I missed or something?" Jay asked jokingly.

"We were just celebrating some good news." Kevin said to Adam.

At that point, all the guys looked at Kim as she was taking a sip of her drink.

"What?" Adam asked feeling like he was missing something everyone was in on but him.

Kim finished her drink, looked at Adam, and said, "Voight asked me to fill Antonio's position in Intelligence and I said yes."

"Congratulations." Adam said. "That does sound like it needs a round of shots to celebrate." Adam was trying to control himself because part of him wanted to pick her up and spin her around. He knew how much she wanted this and worked for it. It deserved something big. But they had just started talking again he didn't want to do something weird.

They all took a shot glass in their hands and Antonio started the toast, "To the best replacement for me Voight could have found."

"To the return of the best partner I ever had." Kevin added. "Sorry man" He whispered in Adam's direction.

"To a kickass cop." Jay said.

"To the person who deserves this the most because she worked her ass off to get here." Adam finished in a very sincere voice, like it was just him and her standing there.

"Cheers" They all said in unison and took their shots.

"Thank you guys." Kim said to all of them, but she held eye contact with Adam. Kim then turned to Antonio and said. "I'm sorry the only way I get the job means you leaving. It will be hard to imagine Intelligence without you."

"Yeah. You will be fine. And hopefully this way I will get more time with the kids. It is all of the best." Antonio reassured her.

Slyvie approached the group putting her hand on Antonio's shoulder. "Mind if I steal the guest of honor?" She asked the group.

"He is all yours as long as we can borrow him every now and again." Adam joked with her.

"Of course. He was yours first." Slyvie said as she and Antonio made their way over to some of the group from house 51 including Antonio's sister.

"Did you tell Erin?" Jay asked Kim.

"Yeah she was here when I talked to Voight." Kim told him.

"Okay. I am gonna go see where she ran off to." Jay informed the group as he made the way toward the door of Molly's.

Atwater then looked at his phone. "Oh look its my brother. I gotta go call him back." He told Adam and Kim as he made he way away from them. He wanted his friends back together more than anyone and was not afraid to push some things together.

"I really am proud of you." Adam said to Kim, now that it was just that the two of them. These words made Kim smile so he continued, "I am happy all your hard work has paid off. You would be my first pick for the job too."

"Really, Adam? Its gonna be okay with us working together?" Kim asked.

"Everything is going to be just fine." Adam said. He grabbed his drink off the bar gave Kim a kiss on the cheek and walked away to talk to Capp and Cruz.

Kim just stood there. She wasn't sure what to make of that. In the last ten minutes she had gotten a promotion and a kiss on the cheek from Adam. She could definitely feel things were about to change.

A/N: Was going to make this a one shot but I am now thinking of extending it. I don't know what exactly is going to happen. Let me know what you think!