I don't own anything.

This is the last chapter

The next time he saw her he was finished hunting had a deer carcass stung across his shoulders and was making his way back to his abode. She was human and looked distracted and like she didn't seem to realize he was there. He was going to let her remain that way but then she turned to him and he knew any chance for that was over.

"My mom and I had a fight," she said like the fact there they had shared two short conversations meant that they were somehow friends. He hadn't even told her his name, nor had she asked. She had given him food but she had also scared his away. She turned this way and that looking very agitated. Loki still didn't see what any of this had to do with him so he made to turn away. "It's this darkness inside of me, it ruins everything." Despite himself ,he turned back at that. She hardly seemed to notice she just kept talking. "This is their fault they did this me, why would they do this to me," the last of the line was said with a crack voice that seemed very close to crying. That quickly made him all for running away again only she seemed to clamp down on the crying side and now just anger burned in her eyes. "Why it is okay for them to do this to me?" This question did seem to be directed at him and for some reason he couldn't seem to turn away.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he answered honestly. She seemed to collapse in on herself and she suddenly sat on the ground.

"She said she'd help, but she's so busy with the Evil Queen and the others from the land of untold stories. She has my light, what should have been my light. I ruin everything around me." He had to excuse himself but he still couldn't seem to move, couldn't seem to look away. She looked up at from her hunched position on the ground.

"You have darkness in you too don't you," he froze stiff at her question that wasn't really a question so much as a statement. He wanted to deny or change the subject or just leave but he seemed to be frozen on the spot. She looked up at him with such fervor in her eyes that it surprised him.

"I can tell, darkness sees darkness better than anyone." He supposed that was true, Thanos, Cursed and Malekith had all sensed it from him. However, he hadn't really sensed it from the woman in front of him...was he slipping?

"What makes you think you're dark?" he asked rather than run away like he wanted to. This conversation was quickly getting into dangerous territory and he had a feeling they would only delve deeper.

"Because everything I do goes wrong," she said bitterly looked down at her knees. He knew the feeling after learning of his heritage it seemed like nothing went right for him. He tried to show his father that he was still his son by eliminating the frost giants, he hadn't appreciated it, in fact, he told him so while he was dangling from a precipice. After falling for so long he had finally been saved and all his savior had wanted in return was the tesseract, he had been a bit naive in that whole situation and his mind slightly altered by the scepter he had wielded. Not like those he had wielded it on but in had affected in some way he couldn't really explain to himself much less to others. Then by the time he had gotten back to Asgard the rage had built up and then...he had killed Odin.

He'd had very simple goals. Kill all the Jotuns gain his father love. Made the Midgardian submit and then rule it. Kill Odin rule in his place. All the but the last had failed and the last had barely lasted. It seemed like lately, he couldn't do anything right.

"I understand the feeling," he replied softly but the woman seemed to hear him.

"I believe that of you. I know my mom gets it too but she is just so easily able to shrug after off, like it's nothing, and I can't." she shook her head "I mean sometimes I can but not all the time, it's like the darkness seeps in and then I can't stop thinking about it and then we fight about stuff that I already know that she's right about but knowing that doesn't seem to make it stop. I hate fighting with her. I lived my whole life wishing I knew her but I can't help fighting with her.

"I hardly ever fought with my mother," Loki spoke not knowing why he was telling her anything...except for the fact that she was right darkness knew darkness although their darkness was different than the darkness from before. It had changed somehow since he fallen from grace in Asgard. "However the last words I spoke to her before she died was to tell her that she wasn't my mother," he admitted as he sat down beside her on the ground.

"You were adopted?" Loki nodded, he supposed that was the accurate word.

"Me too, they kicked me out when I started acting up, things only got worse after that."

"When I found out I tried to show my father that I picked him, he didn't pick me," he said just as bitterly as Lily had spoken.

"I thought it was my fault, I just kept making bad decision after bad decision and it's like no matter what I choose it always ended up wrong." Loki nodded, he knew how that felt. It's what led him here to Storybrooke in a very long round about way. Only he really didn't like thinking about any of this, it led to the thoughts he really didn't like thinking about.

"So are you really from?" He blinked and looked at the woman in front of him. This wasn't curiosity, there was a need behind it. A need to know how similar they really were and he found himself feeling the same need inside of him.

"Asgard, at least that's where I grew up. I was born on Jotunheim." If she knew either place she didn't show it.

"I was born in the enchanted forest but grew up here. I always thought I was from here."

"I always thought I was of Asgard until a frost giant touch that should have given me frostbite just turned my skin temporary blue."

"A man on a bus told me, then he told me that he put another person's darkness inside of me."

"Frost giants are monsters." They both spoke rapidly one after the other until this point where they stopped and just looked at each other trying to process what the other said but they only really understood shallowly what the other was saying.

"They lied," Loki spoke, it had hurt so much when he had learned of it. They had never told him that he was a frost giant. "Then he wouldn't accept me even after I tried to show him. All I wanted to show him was that I was still his son."

"The people who adopted, the one who were supposed to be my family through thick and thin kicked me out, it wasn't all my fault but they didn't care."

"I guess we both got pretty messed up families." Loki let out a sharp bark of a laugh, even though he didn't really find it funny.

"My father was the Jotun king, he tried to kill me after I was born because I was a runt. " That had only served as the final nail in the coffin for his plan to destroy the frost giants.

"I've lied, and stole my whole life." It seems like they going onto the sins part of it. Very well. The mortal would likely stop and stare and go away but he was tired of holding this all in. If he had to he would change his face and pretend to be someone else if he couldn't trust her as much as felt he could.

"I tried to kill all the frost giants," she looked up at that but not with the disgust he was expecting.

"I did my first armed robbery before I was 18, I didn't mean to my boyfriend just pulled me into it, but I thought I could use it so me and Emma could go away together, but she abandoned me too, she was the only one I had left. Things got worse after that," he smiled a cheeky smile he didn't feel.

"Don't they always. If you grew up in this world then maybe you'll remember what happened next." he used his magic to change into his armor to what it had been during the invasion.

"Do you remember me?" she frowned and looked like she was thinking hard. He spread his arms and looked at her cockily though he wasn't quite sure why.

"You look familiar." He realized he had forgotten his helmet in a flash of green it was on his head as well. He saw recognition the moment it hit her eyes.

"The invader was always shown in grainy quality," she said quietly like she wasn't sure how to take this information. His grin faltered by her reaction, though he wasn't sure what else he had expected it was the reason he didn't allow himself to be himself in town. He wasn't sure how much they knew but he knew that they likely wouldn't accept it. Did Lily know where he lived? Would he have to move and live in disguise all the time? What in the world made him think that he could trust her with this just because they shared a common root of darkness? There was darkness in him. This was not just a few robberies or assault he wasn't even sure how many he had killed here...at the time he hadn't really cared.

Did he care now?

Part of him did. Somehow the anger had dulled in the past few months when he hadn't been planning revenge or executing it. With its absence, it had made room for...regret? Was it regret? He froze as Lily put her hand on his shoulder.

"I wanted to kill the Charmings for what they did. I did some really bad stuff in my past too. You know what's so good about this place? They give second chances even third or fourth ones. You wanted to kill two people...I've killed hundreds, maybe thousands I'm pretty sure it's not the same thing." She nodded.

"Not it's not, but Regina and Rumplestiltskin they've both killed a lot of people too, Regina is one of them because she chose to put aside her past and unite with them."

"I honestly don't know how to do that," he responded. Revenge had been his motive for so long even if he wasn't currently plotting anything he didn't know how or even if he could put his past behind him...or if anyone would really let him. "Or if I even want to," he continued. Doing something not fueled by revenge wasn't something he had done for a while now and he wasn't sure if that's what he wanted to do. "I don't know how I feel about anything lately,"

"We can try...the both of us, solidarity in numbers," she added with a hint of a smile.

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then we try again, or give into darkness," After a long moment of consideration he nodded. He could try something different, at least for a little while.

Thanks for reading :)