Chapter 2: Alone

HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D Hope you guys are ready to blast into this year with no bumps like 2016! Wow how far we have come, am I right? Anyway….

I swear y'all's responses to the first chapter were hilarious. xD I hadn't intended it at first to make Tony's tumbling scene funny, but as I wrote it I just had to. But… Let me first throw in some shout outs:'

-SilverPedals1402: I know! It was much funnier than I intended it to be, but hey a small laugh in a dark place is much needed! xD Thank you! I hope it's good enough for your liking!

-Teen Tyrant: It's what I intended, and I'm glad the creep factor was there! And yeah it would be a creepy twist, but with I hope to happen, it definitely is not Pepper playing a little prank on him.

-lazetta croft: Thanks!

-redarrowissupercool: You got it! Here's the update!

-Cindylou30: So many questions right? That's what I was hoping! Muhahahahaaaa! Anywho… Yeah SilverPedals and I are here quite often! MissStarfire too! Sometimes we are all busy, but we try our very best to put something out as often as possible! Thanks for reviewing!

Alrighty, here we go with the next chapter… Let's see what we got in store for Tony. ;)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my story.


6:55 pm

The footsteps didn't seem to far behind from Tony. In fact, with all the adrenaline rushing through his veins it was almost as though the perpetrator was right next to him. He pushed his back against the wall, putting the door between him and the entrance.

He held his breath, counting the seconds in his head to keep himself from panicking. The tapping suddenly stopped in front of the door, and entered. Oh god. Oh god, oh GOD! Tony's brain was in overdrive.

The figure was dressed in all black, making him (or her) blend in seamlessly into the darkness of the room. He walked up to the monitors and scanned each screen, his head visibly turning and jerking in the direction of any movement caught by the cameras. Suddenly, he slammed his hands on the table, spilling a mug on its side, and a cup of pencils to the floor.

"Where are you, you… you brat!" A gruff voice screeched. "AGH!" He screamed, throwing his hands into the air. Tony breathed slowly through his nose, carefully watching that he doesn't make a single sound. It seemed all to familiar and strange for him. He had been in a situation like this way too many times to count on his own fingers. Some of them were absolutely terrifying, whereas some where a joke. With this kidnapping, honestly he wasn't sure how he felt. It felt like a joke at first when he woke up empty handed, but after seeing the dead body and having a few new wounds, he started to think he needed to be terrified.

The man turned, fists drawn tight to his side. His shoulders were stiffened and taunt making him look like an angry and hungry animal. But suddenly, his head turned towards Tony's direction. Tony's heart fluttered in his chest, and he felt like he was about to both vomit and faint. I knew I was gonna die, but this was not how I pictured it happening. He thought silently gulping.

But instead of approaching him, the man quickly slipped out of the room. Tony slowly let out his caught breath and stared at the monitors that flickered, showing the dark figure moving away from the room.

Not wasting any time, Tony darted out of the monitor room as well, dashing towards a second exit that existed towards the opposite end of the hallway. He needed to be sure to place as much space between him and the man as possible. Tony silently threw open the staircase door and started climbing, taking the stairs two at a time.

That man… who was he? Was he armed? Was he… was he delusional? Was he an escapee or villain? The many questions floating in Tony's head only gave him more anxiety than closure about the situation. By the time he got to the fourth floor, the adrenaline that had been coursing through his veins had nearly disappeared. He was clutching at the handrails and pulling himself up, cursing under his breath. "I… should've…. done… more… cardio." He huffed. Suddenly his rib cage pinched and ached, forcing him to stop and take a break.

After listening over his heart beat for his pursuer, he sat down on the staircase and put his head between his legs. There was a sheen of sweat coating his back and forehead. After a few gulps of air, he threw his head back and blinked back frustrated tears. He was terrified, no doubt about it. The other times he was abducted, he wasn't just by himself. There were guards, other victims, villains, just someone else, but here… here he was by himself. He had only his brain he could depend on, and even then something was wrong because he couldn't even remember what happened up until he woke up in that cubicle.

Tony shook his head and held it in his hands. He needed a plan, something that gives him an end goal. Because at this rate, he would lose his mind and go crazy with paranoia. "Okay…" He whispered out loud. "There has to be one working phone in this damn building. One. I gotta find something that works and get a signal out to my armor… or Rhodey. Or Pepper." Okay so that was a good start.

He got to his feet, taking in a deep breath and taking up the rest of the stairs to the fifth floor. He waited a second before opening the door and taking peek down both sides of the hallway. With a clear path, he silently rushed to the main conference room that was just directly in front of him. He burst through and quickly scanned the room, catching site of the phone on the table.

It was a dead line.

"Damn it!" He hissed, slamming the handset down. He flinched remembering that there was a stalker in this building and that what he did could've alerted him to his position. Tony left the area and started towards the main tech room. Each floor had two of those tech rooms one for each side of the hallway, allowing easy access to any technological issue the employees might have.

And there was no way that his stalker went to each floor, each room, and disconnected every source of connection to the outside world. Even if he did, Tony would be able to easily solve the issue and get access to whatever he needed.

As he reached the tech room, he heard a shrill screech vibrate throughout the building. Instantly, he felt paralyzed, and he fell to his knees clutching his ears to block out the sound. He knew exactly what it was. It was one of his father's rejected inventions meant to subdue the enemy, but after realizing that this device could also be used against the allies, he ditched it in the "Reject Invent" room in the basement. But how did the perpetrator get access to that room? It was strictly DNA access only, for this very reason, so that no one could accidentally get their hands on the tech.

Of course Tony questioned why his father never just destroyed the invention, along with the others, but it wasn't until he started creating his own that he realized it was very hard to destroy something that you created with your own hands.

Tony held in a scream and forced open his eyes. He had to get to that tech room. Not only was it full of the gadgets that ran the building day and night, but it was insanely insulated to keep anything from interfering with the tech.

He felt a groan escape his lips, but forced his way towards the room and checked the handle. It was locked. "God! NOT NOW!" He screamed. The stalker was immune to the sound because the gadget came with earphones that tuned to a different frequency. That guy could be coming up the stairs right now looking for him, and all he could do is cower in pain.

Tony punched in a code that was on the door handle and to his relief it clicked open. The door handle's keypad wasn't wired to the rest of the building, ironically, so there was no way that the man could've had access to these. He screamed as he pushed open the door and slammed it behind him, collapsing to the floor. He gasped for air, blinking to clear his tear clouded vision. There was something wet that was dripping on the side of his face, and when he went to touch it, he saw crimson smeared on his fingertips.

His ears were bleeding.

The silent room didn't completely filter the pitch, but it definitely didn't inhibit him like before. He wasn't completely shocked to see every bit of tech shut down, because if the building was shut down, so was the tech room. Tony rushed to the main box that lined the far wall and checked to make sure that the wires and boxes were all intact.

A sharp pain went through his head, but he shook it away and went back to tinkering with the wires. Just as he got the system back online, he heard the intercom click on. It actually got him to stop, and he peered up in the direction of the sound. "What now?" He muttered.

"Tony Stark." The voice started. "I know you can hear me, and that you would've found a way around the sonic brain wave that your father invented years ago.

"I also know that you are probably trying your hands in the tech room, but don't bother."

"Why not?" Tony questioned, even though he knew that the man couldn't hear him.

"Wonder why? Listen to this real quick, and you'll have your answer." There was a brief scuttle before another voice took over.

"Leave me alone you PSYCHO!"

Tony's blood froze at the voice. His hands stopped tinkering as his body felt horrified at the voice he recognized. "No. No way."

"Oh don't be shy." The man said faintly in the background. "Go ahead, tell him who you are."


"Do it. Or I will kill you. You are easily at a disposal for me."

"Please…!" There was a scream in the intercom, and Tony actually wished for the sonic brain wave.

"RHODEY! I'M RHODEY!" Rhodey screamed through the intercom. Tony felt his knees go weak and clutched at the shelves that held up the gadgets.

The man laughed. "Very good. Hear that Tony? You're friend Rhodey is with me. And he'll be dead unless you come find him. You have one hour Tony. And I know you know exactly where he is." The intercom clicked off, and Tony instantly ditched his attempt and rushed out the room.

He did know where his friend was. And to get there he had to take 90 flight of stairs to get all the way to the top floor. The 50th floor… his father's office, where his best friend would be dead in 58 minutes.

7:10 pm.


I know it is suppppppppper short in comparison to the stories I've been putting out, but I promise that I have another story that I will put out tomorrow! I hope haha. This story was just so compulsive so I didn't really think about the upcoming chapters with this. I am making it work, thankfully, so no worries here! :) As usual please leave a review! Let me know what you think! What do you think is going on?

Love — PercyJacksonLover14