Warning: Unbeta'd, horrible word choice, horrible grammar, run-ons, fluff and etc!

Chapter: CAT in wonderland

*chirp chirp chirp*

Hmnn. What the heck, I thought I was napping in the office?

Opening his icy blue eyes, what greeted Akihito was not what he expected. A mass of greenery and light welcomed his sight; birds were chirping merrily, butterflies fluttering in pairs, flowers swinging from left to right as if they were dancing, all the clouds were heart shaped... and the sun had Kou's face... and he was humming 'You are my Sunshine'.


*ding ding*

From a very close distance, he could hear bells ringing. The more he tried to find the source of the ringing the louder it got until he looked down.

Oh. It was him. hahaha.

Shit, he's shifted. Not hahaha.

In his whole body of white fur, a silky light blue ribbon bow tied around his neck, at the base of it laid a golden bell...great.

I look ridiculous.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, a white rabbit dressed in steampunk was hopping in panic while chanting 'Oh dear I'm late. I'm late'. He would've of pity the rabbit if for it wasn't the fact that it looked exactly like Mitarai-that jerkface retard but in chibi form.

"Oh great, Alice! I've found you!" the Mitarai rabbit hopped towards him.

Weren't you chanting 'late' just a moment ago? With just a blink of an eye, how can you change so quickly and come to me?

"His Majesty has been looking for you. You must quickly go to him!" The rabbit said.

"My name is not Alice. It's Takaba Akihito!"

"Yes, Yes. Everyone knows that." Mitarai looked like he wanted to roll his eyes. "But that's your title; Alice Takaba Akihito."

NYANI?! Alice is a title? When was that a title?


Chibi rabbit Mitarai turned human. Everything about him looked human and that annoying face is as he remembered; except this time he has white rabbit ears and a fluffy tail attached to his but. Hahaha. It looks stupid.

"Come on Alice. We need to go." And with that Mitarai picked him up. He tried to resist the whole time, scratching and hissing; but Mitarai won't let him go.

"Be patient Alice, we're almost there."

In a matter of seconds, the rabbit bounced away as if he were a ninja. Every passing blur of green equivalents to a great deal of distance. Every time when they are high up in the air, he would stick his head out to look at the passing scenery.

"We've arrived Alice." Mitarai places him down. Before Mitarai could excuse himself, Akihito went to his leg and scratched as deeply as possible before leaving.

Hmn. Severs your right バカ -baka! アホ-aho!*

With his (slightly thinner) paws walking towards a great black gate, men in black suits and heart-shaped sunglasses each bowed to him as he passes them by. When he reached the summit of the castle the doors slowly open.

A Kirishima dressed in steampunk purple was holding a teacup with many teapots, spoons, sugar cubes, and stuff suspending around him.

"Alice, you're back. His Majesty's been finding you. I guess that useless rabbit for once is useful since he found you. But anyways you should go in, His majesty's been grumpy ever since you left," he gestured to a black metal door.

When he walked up to the door it automatically unlatched. From small crease ajar, a horrifying scream rang, "Your Majesty please give me one last chance! Please have mercy on this lowly being!"

A figure of a man was kneeling on the red carpet. He couldn't see the face of the man but Akihito could tell he was gravely injured.

"You don't get any chances once you betrayed me." A very familiar deep voice said. Knowing who the voice belongs to, Akihito couldn't help but laugh at the very sentence he just heard from his mate. He couldn't count how many times his mate has said that same sentence. If not over a thousand times, there should be at least a hundred times.

"Off with his head."

With that command, men in black suits took that injured man away. So he trotted slowly in the dim room. In the center of the throne sat his mate in a crown with a black fur robe and black attire looking as hot as always.

"Come." His mate waived his hand. Slowly Akihito did as he was told. He jumped up to his mate's lap and simply lay on it indolently without a care in the world.

He could feel those familiar warm hands stroke his back and head and occasionally tease his ears and chin. "Why are so small? It's like you're in a kitten form Akihito."


"Come let's go." His mate gently palmed him with one hand and he stayed there peacefully and obediently. His now even smaller paws fan and stretched as he made a few stamping motions on his mate's chest. Curling his awfully small body closer to his mate's chest, he moves himself to a comfortable position. When did I get this small? Feeling sleepy in his already wrapped up cacoon (his mate's suit jacket and chest) he let out a long yawn.

"Feeling sleepy?"


"Okay sleep, my love..."




*beep beep beep beep*

*beep beep beep beep*

*beep beep beep beep*

The ringing sound got louder and louder. Akihito gradually stretched a hand to stop the alarm but for some reason, he couldn't feel his phone no matter how much he searches.

"Meeooowwrr (Where's that damn phone)"

No matter how much he moved his body still embedded in his comfy warm blanket and noticed his both hands never reached out of it.

"Mmmeeoowwwwrr (WHAT THE #$%)"

*beep beep beep beep*

His phone was still ringing.

"Mnneeoweerrr! (Where is it!?)"

Irritated, he twists his body and arms to swim out of his blanket, from the peak of light the alarm got even louder.

"Meorww~ (Ah ha! I found it~)"

Instead of his hand stretching out it was his paw.

Shit! He shifted.

*beep beep beep beep*

*beep beep beep beep*

To be continued.

Thanks for reading! see you next chappie!

*NYANI - NYA + nani (what?)

*Baka, Aho- stupid, idiot.
