*Throws fic into abandoned fandom dumpster* ACCEPT MY GARBAGE DAMMIT!

Hi. I'm back with a fic for a fandom I didn't even know existed, even though I've been a fan of this thing for like 8 years.

So enjoy,I guess?

"Well." Takeshi thought as he looked at the absolute mess today had become, "That could've gone better."

Today had started off like any other day in this god forsaken Jungle. Hikaru was on last watch, while the rest of them finally awoke and dragged their groggy asses through their simple morning routine. Which basically meant all of them tried to clean themselves as best they could, and scrounged something up for breakfast.

Or Takeshi did at least. Ha-ya-to did something that involved stretching and horrible off key singing and Ryou sat by his battle Mech, staring at nothing and trying to remember how to properly person again. No one disturbed him. They all remembered what happened last time someone tried to ask him difficult questions this soon after waking him up.

In other words, a normal morning, with the added bonus of the sense that something bad was coming. Takeshi sighed and stared into the pot of soupy slop over the fire and tried to will it to cook faster. Something is going to happen. And it is going to SUCK.

After the slop (No one dared called it soup since the rations they had sucked) FINALLY finished heating up, they all gathered near the fire. Takeshi looked at the little rag tag group of people he was paired up with. Hikaru was slurping down breakfast listening to Ha-ya-to chatter on about a bird they had seen in a tree ("It's some sort of Hawk! I wasn't even aware those lived in here-) and Ryou was finally starting to look alert enough to join the world of the living again. And obviously starting to wake up again enough to taste the slop. At least he ate most of it before hand.

"Right, guys. What's the battle plan for today?" Takeshi asked after everyone had eaten an acceptable amount of breakfast. This leadership thing was not fun. There was too much to deal with. Find Sensei Keiken. Destroy robots. Find whatever fucking outpost sensei found and protect/ steal all the tech out of it. Find out what to do next. Fuck with Meca One. All straight forward but the jungle was dangerous. The robots with their freaking stealth bots made it hard to gain ground without being noticed so sneak attacks were usually out of the question. Add killer monsters and some weird cyborg tech animal things made the jungle dangerous and huge freaking headache. This silenced everyone for a few seconds.

"Why don't we investigate whatever crashed into the Jungle a few nights ago? Maybe some weird Robot tech was getting tested and blew up? I think we're not far from it now." Hikaru suggested eventually.

"Oh yeah that." Takeshi had honestly forgot about that. They had all woke up in the middle of the night to a fire ball in the sky shoot through the sky above them and the sounds of a loud crash that sounded like it took the limbs off a couple trees. That scared them all a little even if none of them said it. Those tree limbs could easily hold up their battle Mechs without so much as swaying and to hear the sound of them snapping was disturbing. They chalked it up to meteorite since it looked like a flaming rock, but Ryou swore he heard the sound of an engine whining coming from the flaming mass.

"I'm cool with that!" Ha-ya-to piped up, "Maybe if it is Robot Tech we can use it to get an edge!"

"Well that's two in favor. Ryou?"

"Mhm? I guess it would be a good idea to look at. Even it isn't robots, it could be worth looking at."

"Well then it's settled. Today we go check out that UFO." Takeshi stretched and heard his back pop.

"UFO? What do you think its aliens?" Hikaru teased with a grin, trying to scrub his bowl clean as much as possible.

"Well we don't know what it is. For all we know it could be a fucking meteorite."

"Whatever, Let's go! Whoever gets their last has to go on 3rd watch!" Ha-ya-to yelled, running onto his mech after some of the quickest clean ups they had done.

"We haven't even figured out which direction to go yet!" Ryou yelled, kicking dust over the fire to put it out.

"It crashed just west of us. We should be within a couple clicks of it." Hikaru shouted climbing into his mech.

"Right, west we go! C'mon we're burning daylight!" Takeshi yelled once they were all in their mechs.

The trip there seemed to be going well, but Takeshi felt the weird feeling from this morning grow stronger. It almost felt like he was being watched or the feeling he got when the mining tunnels almost collapsed on his mining team.

The feeling only got worse the closer they got close to the crash site of whatever it was. Whatever it was, it had definitely hit with a lot of force from all the broken branches scattered on the ground and the torched ends of stumps and leaves. This comforted him a bit. If it was robot tech it was probably shredded to pieces from hitting the trees, pulverized from the final hit to the ground on top of being torched. Maybe whatever tech they were trying to experiment with backfired on them and they'd abandon the project.

Still the feeling of being watched stayed with him, so that bit of comfort did little to calm him.

Everyone seemed to have noticed after a few hours of him speaking little and giving tense one word answers, that he was essentially a growing bundle of nerves. They seemed to have quieted down which he wasn't sure how to feel about. It certainly made it easier to hear the silence-

Wait, silence?

"Hey, Takeshi are you feeling alright?" Ryou eventually asked after a particularly snappy answer to Ha-ya-to's inane chatter about who even knows what.

"Just fucking peachy." Takeshi ground out. The feeling now had turned into flat out panic. He really didn't want to be here. Something was here. Something was here that freaked out all the birds and all the other screechy, chattery animals that populated this mechanically enhanced forest. They needed to run. Run and forget about the fucking UFO and maybe get out of the damn jungle while they were at it.

"Bullshit." Ha-ya-to butted in, "What's up man, you've been acting shifty for like an hour."

"Yeah you didn't even take the bait when Ha-ya-to opened himself up for a crack." Hikaru ignored Ha-ya-to indignant squawk and plowed on, "Takeshi something's obviously bugging you, we can't help if you don't tell us."

"It's Nothing. I just- I got a feeling. Like we're being watch- Did you see that?" Takeshi looked over at a tree branch near the top of the tree he was on. Those branches were too small to properly hold their mechs and he could swear he could see something green and glowing on it that flashed into the shadows.

"See what? Listen man, I think it's time you took a brea- OH HOLY MOTHER!" Ha-ya-to's attempt to calm him down was ended by a loud bang and the appearance of the robot stealth mechs.

Swearing and attempting to shoot at the stealth droids without hitting Ha-ya-to or potentially one of the more damaged tree limbs, Takeshi noted that there were 6 of the Arachnoid Stalkers and a Dark Panther Mech.

"Aim for the Spider bots! Then aim for that Dark Panther!" He yelled, balancing on a torched branch. What the green thing was, it wasn't priority now. Hopefully it wasn't hostile. Or powerful.

The Robots piloting the Arachnoid stalkers seemed to be low level shock troopers, so they all went down fairly easily once they could hit the weak spot and break the damn things at the limbs. Getting attacked by the Creepy crawling mechs, gave them an edge in that they knew where to hit and when and how fast they needed to be before that thing tampered with them. Unfortunately, the Dark Panther managed to hide itself by the time they finished breaking the Spiders.

"Ok, where'd that thing go!?" Ryou yelled out, watching a rather crushed looking Arachnoid fall to the jungle floor.

"Everyone keep your guard up, that thing could be anywhere!" Hikaru, ever calm stated, surveying the area of wrecked branches and twisted trees. He cursed silently, this area of the jungle was NOT good for a fight against an enemy with the ability to stealth itself.

Takeshi could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up. During the battle he had scaled the tree to get a better shot at some of the robots, and was now close to the branch with the green glowing thing. Whatever it was, he got the feeling that it didn't like the robots anymore then he did, judging from how quick it went to the shadows when they came. Now if only he knew where that damned dark Panther was so he could shoot it and get out of here. It was too quiet, and his ears were starting to ring from it.

Then he heard something above him. Almost like a shotgun clicking.

"What the- "The Dark Panther leaped out of nowhere behind Hikaru, about to strike-

-Only to fall to the ground as a bolt of Blue-white energy hit it in its center, with a loud clap.

"Um. What, what ju- What just happened?" Ha-ya-to eventually asked. The remains of the dark panther were starting to smoke and catch fire on the jungle floor below them. The hit didn't look big, but whatever it was, it sure packed a punch.

Takeshi looked up. Sure as shit the green thing was back. And he was close enough to see that the green thing was a pair of bright glowing green eyes. That happened to be staring right at him.

"Uh." Takeshi started then stopped. The eyes were freaking him out a little. The thing hadn't blinked and just made complete eye contact. They didn't seem angry or ready to strike but more curious about him. He was a little thankful for this, he doubted he could survive a hit from the weapon it held.

"Takeshi what are you staring at- WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?"

Oh look Ryou could see them too. The eyes moved from him to Ryou curiously.

Ryou also decided to take the initiative and shot at the branch holding the creature up. The loud screech and what sounded like the sound of a piece of laminated paper being shaken preceded what looked like an alien vehicle from a Halo game falling out of the tree. The vehicle landed a couple branches away from Takeshi and whatever was on it launched what looked vaguely like a can at his mech. Thinking it could be some sort of explosive he dodged…

…only to have it explode a few inches from the Mechs right leg and a large cloud of purple-y pink goo expand out and effectively get it stuck. Takeshi tried moving the mechs leg that was stuck in the goo, and felt the controls jam and heard a sound like someone chewing gum. Whatever the goo was, it was strong enough to jam the gears and everything in the leg of the bot and make him useless.

"Someone get that thing!" He yelled as another goo can exploded near his mech, this time immobilizing his left side weapons.

This apparently was harder said than done as the dark blue vehicle zipped around the branch and launched another goo can at Hikaru's mech, immobilizing the mechs entire right side, and launched one at the rear of Ryous, jamming the wheel. The vehicle launched itself toward a branch above Takeshi's head as Ryou fired off another shot, this time clipping the vehicle and causing whoever was riding it to fall off…landing directly on Takeshi's Mech.

The green eyes that seemed like vague spots up in the tree were now inches away from his and they seemed to be very surprised by this turn of events. This close, he could the slit like pupils widen in curiosity and that whatever they were fighting looked to be wearing some sort of armored flight suit.

"Uh…." Takeshi stammered. The creature's eyes twitched again. Takeshi heard vaguely was sounded like static come from his comms and then a loud crash as Ha-ya-to landed next to him. "What the heck?" Takeshi yelped, finally snapping out the rapt attention he had on the large furry creature hanging onto his cockpit. The creature seemed to notice and promptly dug its claws into the glass by his face.

As in actually managed to claw freaking holes in tempered, potentially missile proof glass. The feeling of utter terror came back. "Get it off!" He shrieked.

"Hold still dang it!" Ha-ya-to yelled then aimed a very gentle for their mechs, swipe that managed to clip their furry cling-on and get it to let go. A loud yelp came from the furry body as it flew off and hit the side of the tree trunk. The creature hit the tree with enough force to disorient it and it slid the rest of the way down to the jungle floor, leaving a trail of claw marks in the bark and landing in a pile of leaves and relatively softer debris at the base of it. Once it landed it didn't get back up.

"What the hell just happened? What IS that thing?" Hikaru asked eventually, listening to the sound of harsh breathing over the comms.

"Who cares? That thing just essentially made us sitting ducks with a bunch of goo bombs the size of a freaking soda can!" Ha-ya-to yelled. His mech was the only one not hit by the gunk and he swiftly landed on the branch by the vehicle to see what it was.

"See if there's anything on that like the goo bomb! Maybe we can see what the heck this stuff is to get our mechs free!" Ryou yelled at Ha-ya-to, "Better yet, try to bring the thing to the ground. This might take a bit."

"Everyone make camp for the night. I don't think this crud's coming off easy." Hikaru ordered, gingerly trying to get out of his mech. Sitting in the cockpit would do nothing. At least most of the branches they were on were close to the ground. "Takeshi, you alright, man?"

Takeshi groaned another "Fucking Peachy." Before getting out of his mech and heading towards the ground.

Once they all got to the ground, they looked at the very large mass that was whatever attacked them.

"So." Hikaru cleared his throat, "What now?"

So hi this came into my head and needed to be written. Since this fandom needs the crack fic with the weird scifi fantasy bullshit and lets face it the person that writes it will be me. no guarantees I'll update frequently, I got college. And a job.

Blame Voltron for this fic. I have a soft spot for this type of thing okay.

So head canons: Ryou's basically a zombie in the morning. His sleep cycle is also trash so he never gets enough sleep, because his mind just runs circles at night. He's also a picky eater.

Takeshi's a fairly decent cook. I get that he's probably not, but I get the vibe from him that he's got a ton of little siblings, you don't have that many siblings without having to take care of them at least ONCE, and for that to work sometimes you need to make dinner. He's not fantastic, but he can scrounge something together in a pinch, that tastes fairly decent. The rations just happen to be garbage so they all kind of have to eat it without trying to taste it.

Hikaru's an insanely early riser. So he always takes last watch.

Ha-ya-to tends to censor himself fairly well. He finds it funny to say things that throw people off when they expect to hear cursing.

About the Alien. Her name is Salis. She's part of race of humanoid, vaguely cat like people native to the Andromeda Galaxy. Civil war has hit her solar system (Her race is highly space fairing and has colonized and adapted to most of the solar system) and she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and got involved with a smuggling company that ships weapons and rations to some of the more affected/ poorer areas of the solar system. She's at Earth right now, because she happens to at the wrong place at the wrong time a lot and got sucked into a worm hole that launched her into the Milky way, close to Alpha Centauri. She headed here because previous explorations to this galaxy had indicated that the next star system had a planet with water and primitive fuel sources. Just avoid the natives.

Her kind have incredibly strong jaws and can lift up to 6x their body weight. They have insanely strong claws and senses, so are quite deadly in a fight. They dislike fighting other species though, and will avoid it if possible. They can live up to 250 in human years (their year is much longer then ours).

That's it for now. more will be revealed later if and when I update. Until then!