Hey guys...wow sorry for the long break, finally graduated! So yay me...Happy New year..I am going to finish this story as quickly as I can from now on. I hope you like this. Thank you so much for all the sweet reviews. Never stop?

"Ivan?" Mother asked as she paced about, her eyebrows furrowed as she dwelled on what I had told her

I nodded "Do you know him?" I asked

"Yes, I met him once before the rebellion, then he was only a young Gorgon that seemed to disagree with his father a lot, I didn't like him...but I could never imagine him part of this" She said and I could see from her eyes that she was deep in thought

"What about King Balon? Do you think he may truly be involved?" I asked

She sighed heavily, closing her eyes as she sat at the edge of her bed. Her shoulders slumped as she fiddled with her hands. We sat there in heavy silence for a while before she finally spoke

"I wouldn't like to think it was possible, but a letter with his seal? That's difficult to ignore, Balon never lets anyone near his seal, he is too paranoid. Besides..." she paused

"Mother?" I asked when she didnt continue

She jerked like she was pulled out of her thoughts and I heard her exhale deeply before she continued

"I never told you girls why Balon hates Asteria so much" She said

"He has always been jealous of us and he is greedy" I said

"No, not always" she said her tone so low it was difficult to hear her, her eyes were downcast as a cloud of despair hung in the air around her and when she turned to me, I was shocked to see her eyes glisten with tears

"He hates us because of me..." she said brokenly

"And I deserve it" she breathed, tears spilling from her eyes as she continued

"You know, Balon lived in Asteria for a whole year when he was younger"

"What?" I asked surprised as he hated his trips to Asteria, he complained about everything and would be on the first carriage back as soon as he finished his business

"Yes, many years ago" Mother said with a sad smile, her eyes wistful like she was having a pleasant memory. It was so surreal, I couldn't remember mother ever having a thought concerning Balon that was pleasant.

"It was just after the third great war. He had been forced by his ailing father, the king of Erebus at that time to come and learn our customs and build relationships with Asteria. He was a young man then and didnt understand diplomacy so he complained about everything... with one exception" She suddenly smiled, glee curving her lips but never reaching her eyes as they remained deeply sorrowful

"Her name was Maelia. She was a distant cousin on my mother's side who had lost all her family in the great war and was taken in by my Grandfather. I had lost my parents in the war and she quickly became my family." she paused her grin growing wider

"I was the cautious one while she was free spirited, loving and fought hard for what she believed in." Mother's eyes were distant and unfocused as she recanted her story. She remained smiling but still had an air of sadness around her. I watched her with dread as she continued, her misery growing more profound with each passing minute

"I had been alone before her...my grandfather was not a very affectionate man..." I watched anger flash in her eyes and tension grip her shoulders..."And after my parents died...he never fully recovered...he was always distant and I felt a need to prove myself worthy of the throne." Then suddenly the tension evaporated and a slight smile curved my mother's lips

"That changed with Maelia. She had had a difficult life but she was always radiant and full of life...and when that life was taken from her...I couldn't do anything." She said her voice cracking through the last sentence as she broke down in sobs, tears falling from her helpless eyes as her hands clung to her shoulders and she rocked back and forth slowly. I felt an ache in my chest as I watched her and I slowly took one of her hands in mine. It seemed to draw her briefly from her grief as she stopped trembling and placed her other hand over mine, then she took in a long breath and continued

"It shouldn't have been a surprise that Balon fell deeply in love with her. She was kind and very mischievous and he was her favorite target. The highlight of her day was playing pranks on him and since he was always so easily riled, they were constantly at odds with each other. Yet, it was a surprise when they did and even more when it changed him. He complained less about Asteria and would even accompany Maelia to give out food and aid, which she did from time to time. It wasn't long before they were married and went back to Erebus"

"I also married your father after that and everything was great for a while and though I saw Maelia less and less as she had her children and I too became a mother, we sent letters and as official emissary, she visited often but tragedy will strike on her final visit." She said brokenly and I looked at her confused as she continued shakily

"There was a rebellion brewing between the advisors that didn't think my grandfather was fit to rule. They grew tired of his strict policies and desired to establish Asteria as it once was before the time of Queen Mara, where leaders were appointed by the divinities and ruled together without a king. They called themselves 'the Republic' and plotted to banish the royal family. They used my grandfather's death to launch an attack. Planning to kidnap me before the coronation, they captured my carriage but they found Mae instead as she had been visiting Asteria in it" Mother squeezed my hand tightly as tears trailed down her cheeks

"They demanded my abdication in exchange for her release. The advisors were adamant against it but I was desperate to save her. Two days before giving in to their demands, I received a letter from a member in the Republic. He had deserted them when he learned of their plans to kill Mae. He was an elder I had known since I was a child and he admitted his regret in being part of such a radical group intent on killing innocents and proved his determination to rectify his mistake by exposing their hideout and the identities of the members. He even assured me of a way to save the kingdom and Maelia." She released my hand, reaching for the chalise of wine, she took a long swill before she continued.

"So I chose to trust him, I pleaded with Balon who wanted to rescue his wife with bloodshed and war." Sadness descended on mother again, fatigue becoming more pronounced in the small lines around her hollow eyes as she said in broken whisper

"'Just a few days'...I begged him... 'do it for Mae'..." She said more to herself than me as she closed her eyes, tears falling down her cheeks as her features portrayed her immeasurable pain.

"The plan was for my coronation to go on as planned, the rebels would be forced to attack to prevent the ceremony and a small elite force would save Maelia. Balon insisted to be part of the group despite every warning and I commanded Lily to accompany him. Everything went according to plan, the rebels attacked and were apprehended...but I had been betrayed. One of the captives was revealed to be the defector and as I reeled in shock and confusion, he went into a frenzy, laughing maniacally, revealing their true intent." She suddenly inhaled sharply and became rigid as she exhaled slowly

"They wanted to utterly destroy us by invoking another war with Erebus. The would watch us fall and rebuild the republic from the ashes even if it meant sacrificing thousands of lives. Maelia was to be the spark to incite war. They said the poison that killed her took two weeks to consume her completely. That she struggled to stay alive in severe agony before Balon arrived, only for her to die in his arms." Her voice hitched in her throat, and broken sobs left her mouth but there were no more tears, only a deeply haunted look and her lips trembling as she relived the anguish.

"I can still hear his screams at night even after all these years, his eyes burning with hatred and pain as he accused me of killing her. If only I had not trusted him..if...if only I let Balon defeat the rebels sooner...Maelia would still be alive." She covered her face in her hands and I placed my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her as her shoulders shook silently, then she exhaled and continued

"The rebels plan failed, Balon left Asteria but he was too broken to start a war, instead he retreated to himself but he never forgave me". She said finally and as we sat in silence, I took in all she had said. I could never have imagined such a painful past, I stared at mother, wondering how she had carried such a burden alone for so long —the scars engraved in her soul almost visible in her worn out face and the guilt that consumed her for so long reflected in the hollowness of her eyes, nothing but an empty shell left to fight the ghosts that haunt her at night and her enemies in the day. It broke my heart and I reached out to offer her some comfort but she stood up suddenly, her red swollen eyes the only hint of her previously vulnerable state as she quickly masked her emotions. Then she turned to me, her eyes furrowing in contemplation as she said

"This Gorgon, you trust him?" She studied me as I simply nodded still shaken by our previous conversation. She stared at me for a few minutes as if struggling between two options. Then she turned quickly, going to her table, she picked up a pen and paper and spoke as she wrote

"Very well, the Gorgons will just have to prove they can be trusted. I will send a letter to Igneel to meet to discuss terms for a truce...and the release of his son" I felt a wave of relief wash over me but I schooled my features to hide my emotions, still, I must have given something away because she said

"Don't get too excited, we must confirm the ties Erebus has with the rebe—" she paused as her eyes widened in realization, then she swirled around and gripped my shoulders so quickly, I had barely enough time to blink.

"Does he know?" She asked, her wild eyes filled with such terror that I froze in fear of her reaction to the truth. The words left my mouth before I could think to stop them.

"No, he knows nothing" I lied and I felt a stab of guilt as she visibly relaxed and let out a relieved sigh

"We cannot trust anyone, if Balon is involved, there is a possibility Gajeel was sent here for an alternative reason. The marriage might be a ruse to garner our trust and gain information" she said as she straightened and continued writing.

I knew it couldn't be true. There was no way Gajeel would be involved. The memory of his kiss flashed through my mind. I may not know him very well but there was something there...something real...

"For all we know Balon may even attempt to save your Gorgon." Mother added pulling me from my thoughts

"I doubt that mother, Ivan planned to have Natsu killed" I replied

"Yes but it would be in their best interest to dispose of him themselves before he starts telling their secrets or discover who he may have told...Balon is paranoid enough to attempt it...And with his sons here...it may be safer to move the Gorgon till we know who can trust." She said

"He knows" I blurted out suddenly unsure what the implications of lying would be for Gajeel and I watched her shoulders tense as she slowly turned to me...her mouth slightly hung open in shock.

"What?!" She asked as I blubbered in fear

"He asked and I was sure I could trust him so I told him" I said almost in a whisper and mother rose in anger, the chair screeching loudly as it scraped harshly across the floor.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?" She shrieked

"Not only is the Gorgon's life in danger but your sister's"

"I trust him" I said quietly and she let out an exasperated sigh as she rubbed between her eyes

"Why? Because of the ruse of a marriage?...Don't tell me—" She paused, her eyes becoming frantic and her mouth pulled down in a frown.

"You have feelings for him" she said regarding me closely. I looked away surprised by my unwillingness to give her an answer. She let out a long sigh, walking up to me and grasping my shoulders

"Levy, your judgement is clouded" she said vigorously. I tried to protest but she whirled around and paced about the room mulling over her next move.

"We cannot be sure about anything now...the Gorgon's life might be in danger or he might have lied and is working with Erebus for all we know...either way...with the Erebian princes here...his escape is imminent" Mother said as her eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown

"Gajeel would not betray us mother, if he is involved, he may only attempt to protect an innocent man" I said but she shook her head and shot me a strange look.

"And what would motivate him to do that, he knows that is treason, why would he risk his own life?" She asked and I suddenly became tongue tied. There was no answer I could give that would work in my favour. She seemed to read my mind and scoffed.

"Because of his devotion to your marriage?" I said nothing in reply and she walked to me, one finger pulling my chin to gaze up at her. Her eyes were apologetic as she brushed my cheek with the knuckles of one hand

"I am sorry Levy...for getting you mixed up in all of this." She paused, her fingers pulling away—the tenderness dissapearing as her features hardened to an unreadable mask.

"But I will not make the same mistake. This time I will protect the people I love. Your sister may be in danger as we speak and the Erebians may already be planning the—."

The sound of the bell suddenly rang loudly throughout the room and I felt dread go up my spine. I turned in time to see realization dawn in mother's eyes before resolution set in. I swallowed loudly against the knot lodged in my throat as I realized it would be almost impossible now to prove Gajeel's loyalty. Mother whirled around going to her door and I followed behind trying to convince her not to rush to a conclusion. She ignored me, calling for a guard to confirm her suspicion and giving orders to secure Lucy's safety.

"Mother...Gajeel is inno—" I mumbled as I struggled to keep up with her long strides

"Innocent!?" She mocked and shot me an angry glance as she continued quickly towards Gajeel's quarters

"He may be involved in breaking out a prisoner on foreign soil. Even if by some miracle he is loyal to you as you have said. You know well enough that I cannot pardon crimes of this magnitude. He would have broken a treaty and averted justice on foreign soil...that is treason!" She spat angrily.

I felt fear claw at my insides and hoped he truly wasn't involved, I wondered if Cana may have someth—

"Your majesty...A letter arrived that must be looked at urgently." We turned to see Lily running towards us. Mother shot me a glance and took the letter from him. Her eyes widened and she looked up at me

"Wait here" she said and walked into a room with Lily.

I wondered the contents of the letter as the sound of guards shouting and running echoed in the background. I felt my pulse race and my heart beat loudly in my chest as my thoughts shifted to Gajeel. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was in the thick of it and could only fathom the horrible punishment that awaited him. The sound of the door swinging open freed me from my thoughts and I suddenly had to run to get into step with mother as she strode quickly with Lily beside her. I gathered up courage to plead Gajeel's case one more time but before I could say the words she spoke

"Enough Levy...It is out of my hands" she said with a tone of finality and I could only nod, my eyes falling to my feet—the slight echo it made dulling my surroundings and I wondered faintly what the cruel hand of fate had in store for us.