A/N: This is my first attempt at writing McDanno. I'd love to hear what you think.

For the doubters out there I did my research, and not just into the flora and fauna of Hawaii. Could Steve and Danny both fit into the front passenger seat of a 2016 Camaro? The answer is yes. Unfortunately they weren't available for my test and I don't own a Camaro. Thank goodness for the internet. It's amazing what men will post on forums. I'll leave the rest to your imaginations.

Thank you Phoebe for your great editing skills.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or any of the characters.

Car Trouble

Chapter One

"Fantastic. This is why you should've let me drive." Danny threw his hands up for dramatic effect.

"And how exactly would that have helped?" Steve turned the key, killing the engine.

"Well you see, genius, I would have parked over there." Danny jutted his chin out, motioning to where the last few HPD cruisers were pulling away.

"So why didn't you mention that when we got here?" Steve scowled through the windshield.

"Because you -" Danny pointed at Steve for emphasis. "- drive like an idiot. Speeding at warp ten doesn't leave room for directions."

"You sound like Max."

"Well I've always been the brains of this partnership."

"Yeah, buddy. 'Cause that's what I meant." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Please tell me you have service or a sat phone stashed in here." Danny glared at his cell.

"Nope. I have neither." Steve sighed loudly. "You know what? If you hadn't just wasted your breath lecturing me on my parking skills -"

"Lack of parking skills. Get it right." Danny waved his hand for his partner to continue.

"We wouldn't be out here alone up to our asses in mud. We could have stopped one of the guys before they left."

"Now this is my fault?"

"Like you said, we're a partnership. We win together, lose together."

"You know that makes no sense in this situation. It wasn't a competition. However, if it had been, you my friend, just lost."

"If you say so, Danno." Steve glanced up at the sky. "Looks like rain. We'd better get a move on."

The approaching clouds looked dark and menacing. Gradually devouring the clear blue sky.

Danny chewed on his bottom lip. "You, babe, will have to get us out of this. I'm sure you can MacGyver something up."

"MacGyver?" Steve frowned.

"You've never watched MacGyver? Richard Dean Anderson? Secret agent guy?" Danny scratched the top of his head, messing up his hair. "He's similar to you and the whole Mr Science Guy thing. He once made a defibrillator out of candlesticks, microphone cord and a rubber mat."

"Get to the point, Danno."

"So this calls for a certain skill set. Ninja moves aren't much help when trying to dig a vehicle out of the mud."

"You finished?"

Danny rubbed his hands together. "Yep. Pretty much."

"Let's get on with it then." Steve was already halfway out of the car.

Danny followed, carefully making his way over muddied ruts in the ground to the rear of the Camaro. Both back wheels had sunk deep down into the mud.

"We need to find some flat pieces of wood or stone." Steve surveyed the area.

"'Cause that's easy. We're in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees with fat branches."

"Monkeypod trees, Danno." Steve wedged some broken pieces of rock under one of the tires.

Danny stood back, arms folded over his chest, and observed his partner.

"Are you gonna help, or just stand there looking pretty?"

"You think I'm pretty?" Danny scoffed.

"Well." Steve cleared his throat. "Cute."

"Now, you're making me sound like one of your feline friends."

"Would it kill you to say cat... Attractive then, how's that?" Steve turned away when he felt the heat in his cheeks.

"Are you blushing? Oh my god. The Mighty McGarrett is embarrassed."

"Shut up, Danny." Steve shoved a lump of wood under the other tire. "That should do it."

Jumping back into the driver's seat, Steve fired up the engine. He threw the car into gear, and the wheels spun.

"Stop. It's not working." Danny hammered on the roof.

Steve lowered the passenger window. "You're gonna have to push."

"Why me?"

"I'm driving. Plus, I've done all the hard work."

"My car." Danny protested as drops of water peppered the windshield. Realizing his partner wasn't going to budge, he conceded.

Danny leaned forward, both hands on the trunk. He groaned when his feet squelched in the sludge. Steve floored the gas pedal, showering Danny in dirt and debris, the car barely moving. They were going nowhere. Steve got out of the Camaro to take a look, only to be confronted by his pissed off partner.

"Don't you dare laugh. You did this on purpose." Danny wiped a brown dollop from his forehead.

"That's not such a good look, partner." Steve stood still, one hand vainly trying to stifle a laugh.

"Not funny. It's stuck. You realize that?"

"You giving up already?"

"Yeah, but be my guest. You carry on while I wait in the car for the team. When we don't arrive at the Palace, Kono will ping the Camaro's GPS."

"Danno?" Steve struggled to keep a straight face.


"I told the guys to go home."

"You did what?" Danny looked skywards as the rain drops increased.

"They think we're going home too. Maybe Grace will call them when she doesn't hear from you."

The rain was now pelting them. Steve backed up until he was under the cover of a tree, leaving Danny up to his ankles in mud.

"Not gonna happen. I spoke to her this morning. She's out this evening at cheerleader practice and then having a sleepover at her friend's house." Danny shouted over the noise of the pouring rain while trudging through the thick mud.

Steve glanced at his watch and grimaced.

"Now what?" Danny pushed his now lank hair from his face. Thankfully the passing shower was easing as quickly as it had started.

"It'll be dark in an hour."

"I hate this godforsaken place."

Danny had only managed a few steps when one of his shoes got left behind. His foot slipped out and sent him sideways.

"You gotta be kidding me." Danny struggled to get to his feet.

"You need help?" Steve reluctantly held his hand out.

"Now you offer." Danny flicked mud from his hands. "No. I just need to sit down."

"You're not getting in the car like that."

"It's my car."

"You'll have to strip."

"Not happening."

"Have it your way." Steve carefully navigated his way back to the car and climbed in, locking the doors once safely cocooned inside.

"I hate you too. You know that?" Danny shoved his hands in his pockets.

Steve peered at the reflection of his friend in the rear view mirror. Sexy. Fuck, that was the first word that came to mind. His dirty, disheveled partner was sexy as hell. He rubbed the back of his neck, never taking his eyes off him.

"Hey." A loud bang tore him from his trance. "Pop the trunk, you animal."

Fumbling for the switch under the dash with one hand, his other shot straight to his aching dick. Fuck this. Do something else McGarrett. Flashlight. Find a flashlight. Steve made himself busy rooting through the glove box for supplies. One bottle of water. Two energy bars. One flashlight. MacGyver eat your heart out. I've got this licked.

Steve sat up straight when he heard a tap on the passenger window. He gaped at his partner open mouthed.

"Really? You gonna sit there and stare or let me in?"

Steve released the door lock, and his partner's ass landed on the seat, his legs still outside.

"Here, take this." He passed his weapon back. Dropping it in his partner's lap.

"Hey, careful." Steve grabbed at it like hot coals.

"The safety's on you goof. What, you worried it might blow something important off?" Danny giggled like a school boy. "I might want it later."

Steve's eyes darted to his semi hard dick before he even realized what he'd done. His face now a darker shade of pink.

"You have a one track mind, babe. I meant the gun. I might need the gun later." Now Danny felt the hot flush running up his neck. "Stick it in the glove box. I'm kinda busy."

"Why? We're in the middle of nowhere." Steve gave his partner a bewildered look before unholstering his own weapon and putting them both away.

"You can never be too careful."

"That body was dumped here for a reason, Danno. Max estimated five months ago. And, is that my shirt?"

"Yes, it's your shirt."

Danny wore a dark blue tee, emblazoned with the Navy SEAL's emblem. He leaned out of the car, removing his remaining shoe and two soggy socks.

"You said strip, so I did."

Leaving his belongings outside he swung his bare legs into the car and slammed the door shut.

"Happy now?" Danny rubbed his hands down his thighs, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Are they Transformers?"

"Yeah, it's Charlie's blanket. I needed something to wear." Danny smoothed out the fabric which was wrapped tightly around his waist, barely covering the top of his legs.

"Tell me you have something on under there."

"I wasn't gonna sit here in wet boxers."

"I didn't realize you were soaked through." Steve tried to sound unfazed by his half naked partner.

"Yeah, but I see you are surprisingly dry." Danny looked Steve up and down. God I wished you'd got a drenching.

"It was a big tree. They're also called Rain trees." Steve swallowed hard. This is gonna be a long night.

Neither man spoke. Both sitting awkwardly, not really knowing where to look. Steve placed the odd assortment of items he'd found up on the dash, while Danny watched.

"What I wouldn't give for a cold one right now." Danny wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

"Doc said another month. We'll have to share this water." Steve passed the bottle to Danny.

"It's warmer than the inside of this car." Danny groused. "If you keep the engine ticking over we can turn the A/C on."

"It's called Climate control, Danny. And keeping it running won't do the motor any good."

"Me dying from dehydration is preferable, huh?"

"Fine. One hour." Steve started the engine.

"Control freak." Danny proceeded to adjust the temperature setting.

"We could always put the windows down."

"No. I'll take my chances with the heat. God knows what bugs are out there."

"I'd be more worried about the wildlife." Steve grinned.

"What wildlife?" Danny tugged the blanket tighter around his waist.

"Bats, wild boar, feral dogs, feral cats - "

"Enough. I get the picture." Danny gulped down some water. "Suddenly I'm partnered with the National Geographic Channel."

"It's called being educated."

"Where I come from it's called being a know-it-all."

Steve attempted to change the subject, holding up an energy bar. "You hungry?"

"Nah, I'll save it for later."

Silence descended again, and as Steve predicted, it was dark an hour later. Danny flicked on the interior light the minute the sun started setting. He fidgeted uneasily in his seat, checking his watch every couple of minutes. Steve noticed the way his partner clenched his jaw, the subtle tremble of his hands, which he unsuccessfully attempted to hide by gripping the edges of his seat.

"I'll leave it running." Steve gave his friend a sympathetic look. "Sorry, buddy. I wasn't thinking."

"I feel like such an idiot. I don't know why, but..." Danny took a deep breath and then blew it out.

"Hey, it's okay. We're not trapped. You can get out anytime."

"No, no, no. You said we couldn't get out. Wild boars, feral dogs. Remember?" Danny giggled nervously.

"I was just messing with you." Steve ran his hand down his face. "Seriously, Danno, we're safe. It's okay."

"What the hell's the matter with me?" Danny sucked in a deep ragged breath. "I've sat in this car for hours on end during stakeouts. Not once did this happen."

"I dunno. I guess this is different. For a start, it's pitch black out there, and we're miles from civilization." Steve grimaced. "Sorry, not helping?"

"No, not really. Fuck, Steven. Ten hours. What the hell are we gonna do for that amount of time. What if the engine dies? Gas. How much gas do we have?" The words tumbled out at a frenetic pace. "We should have walked. We could have made it to the main road. Flagged someone down. Why didn't we do that, huh? We can go now. Pass me the flashlight."

"Look at me." Two hands gripped his shoulders. "Slow your breathing, you hear."

Steve had practically launched himself at his partner. In the cramped confines of the Camaro, he had somehow contorted his frame so he was practically in the foot-well in front of his partner.

Danny's body went rigid, and he stared wide-eyed up into his partner's face. His breathing continued its staccato rhythm, as he fought to control his spiraling fear.

"Breathe with me, buddy." Steve breathed in through his nose and exhaled through his mouth.

"Can't." Danny's only panicked response.

A wave of nausea traveled from his stomach up into his throat. A cold sweat enveloped him, and for a brief moment his world whited out.

"Ah shit." Steve gently ran one hand through his friend's hair, his other soothed his cheek. "Don't you pass out on me, Danno. That's it, slow even breaths. Open your eyes for me. "

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Danny involuntarily shivered. "I'm cold."

Steve couldn't help but laugh. "Make your mind up. A while ago you were dying of heat stroke."

"Glad you find this funny."

"At least you've calmed down. You had me worried there for a minute."

Steve shifted. His legs stretched wide. One over the center console, while his other was bent up under him taking his weight, his knee pressing painfully into the passenger door. He was shoe horned in with his butt hitting the glove box, and his arms outstretched to reach his partner.

"Danno, I'm kinda stuck." He hesitated before continuing. "I'm gonna have to put the seat flat and climb up on top of you."

"How the hell did you get over here anyway?" Danny rolled his eyes skywards. "You still have your fingers tangled in my hair, babe."

Steve immediately moved his hand, desperately trying to look anywhere but at his friend, he adjusted his position. Bracing himself against the back of the chair, his head and back hitting the roof, he dragged his leg over.

"Do you think you could adjust the seat-back? I can't reach from here."

"You look like a friggin Spider Crab, but with less legs."

"And I'm the nature geek?" Steve sighed deeply. "The seat, Danno."

Danny reached down the side of the chair and the back reclined, his partner moving with it.

"You're crushing me, Steven." He spoke into Steve's chest. His friend's body pinning him flat. "Can't breathe."

"Hold on a minute." Steve brought his knees up either side of Danny's thighs and straightened up into a sitting position. "Better?"

Danny rested his hands on Steve's hips, and instantly felt a hot flush running up his neck to his face.

"Ah shit." Danny squirmed under his friend's weight.

"You still feel sick?"


"You want me to get off?"

"I thought that was the idea."

"Yeah...hmm...it was. But you're...you know." Steve stared down at his friend's rucked up shirt exposing Danny's stomach.

Danny's gaze followed Steve's. "Say it how it is, babe. We both have boners for each other."

"Very eloquently put, buddy."

"This isn't how I imagined this going down." Danny yanked on his shirt.

"You've thought about this, us?"

"If you tell me you haven't. You're a bare faced liar, Steven."

Steve held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, guilty as charged."

"So, now what?"

"You wanted something to do for ten hours."

"You serious?"

"Never been more serious in my life, Danno."

"I feel at a disadvantage." Danny tugged the top of Steve's jeans. "One of us is overdressed."

Without hesitation, Steve whipped his polo shirt off, throwing it on the back seat. "Happy now?"

Danny sucked in a sharp breath. "It's a start."

Steve pulled Danny's shirt up. "Arms."

Danny obeyed, lifting his upper body slightly to allow the piece of clothing to be yanked over his head. It joined Steve's on the back seat. Danny immediately went to unbuckle his partner's belt.

"Whoa, slow down." Steve tightly encircled both of Danny's wrists, and with little resistance held them either side of his friend's head. "There's something you need to know. I like to be in control."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"I've wanted to do this for along time."

"Get me naked at a crime scene?"

"Shut up, Danno." Steve leaned in until his mouth was hovering above Danny's, loosening his grip on his partner's wrists. "Leave your hands where they are."

Danny cleared his throat. "Wait. You're not into any of that kinky shit?"

"What if I am?" Steve grinned mischievously.

Nervously, Danny licked his lips. "I dunno. This is new. You know..."

"It's new for me too. Now stop talking." Steve pressed his lips against Danny's.

~ to be continued ~